A Rattling Monster

Chapter 109: An Audience with the King?

Actually, after confirming with my various spirits, I and Oslo discussed the deadline for our assault. And his arguments were good enough to only make me try one last time by the end of this week. That way, I will have a bigger army than just a day of wait, and I can still check if some reinforcements are arriving. The good surprise was the lack of anyone coming near the capital. I am sure that the roaming zombies are taking care of any random peon looking for something inside Atria. And now, it is time for my new assault.

The door that was destroyed is still laying on the ground, a proof of my victory. I can see tired faces on everyone, the incessant noise provoked by my undead is bearing its fruits. I can already see some magicians and priests arguing, the minds are on the edge of explosion. Facing an imminent death, everyone still wants to survive. The only strange thing is that no one tried to negotiate his way out. Probably my ratman appearance and my army of undead are crushing any hopes about a formal negotiation.

I have now nearly twice the amount of ghouls that in the previous attack. But my Chosen are clearly not in the same shape than before. It will probably be their last battle. After that, I will create new Chosen from the body of the holy knights and royal guards. But first, I have to kill them. Same strategy as the last assault, charging with everything I have.

But now, the humans are tired, some injured and even a part of them was killed. They are not defending with the same vigor as before, crumbling under the might of the ghouls. I still suffer terrible loses, especially in the North. But while the South is nearly already captured, the West and East are still fighting well, and potentially will fall under my grip.

Nearly ten magicians are needed to slay one ghoul, and it is only if they manage to touch them. They have learned from their predecessors, and are dodging the spells more and more. The previous mindless charge is now a calculated one, where sometimes, they side-step a dangerous fireball or jump above some earth spikes. Provoking more and more despair in the rank of the remaining humans.

The last group of knights is fighting my Chosen, far away, and unfortunately, I can see that number two already lost his left arm. By now, only two Chosen are still alive, and by the time I arrive, only one is standing. I was still not quick enough to prevent the helmet of number two to be pierced, crushing his skull in multiples pieces. As for the knights that were shouting victory, it quickly ends when they see me. Their movements are slowed, and I just absorb the blood directly from their veins. Blood is leaking from their eyes, ears, mouths, noses. After killing all the survivors, I can create a new lich.

That's what I do the most, creating more and more advanced undead, that in return, create the backbone of my army, the ghouls. Seeing this side winning, I spread them to the rest of the ramparts, making sure that no one from the defenders will survive. As for me, well, [Blood Touch] still have to be used.

By midday, the last knight was slain in front of me, near one of the northern gates. Now, only civilians and some experts hiding in the crowd are present. And of course, the royal palace, the headquarters of the Church, of the magicians. The castle where the knights were coming from, all the important buildings, sheltering the students. Right now, they should all be terrified, but I guess some are brave enough to try to rally them into a last final fight. But it will take some hours to manage to assemble all the students. I won't let that happen. Half of my army is marching on the castle, while the remaining half is going toward the Church.

I alone will enter the royal palace. By now, I have experimented with the resistance of both my body and my shield. They are incapable of killing me, otherwise, they would have already done it. As I float toward the palace, I absorb the lives of everyone one on my way. Man, woman, children, elderly, birds, dogs, cats, horses. Providing more resources to my army. Those reinforcements will make their assault on the headquarters of the magicians since it is the last threat that I haven't attack.

As for why I didn't divide my army into three parts? Too risky, they are still strong and I have lost hundreds of ghouls in the fight. Right now, my lich outnumber my warriors, and it is a bad sign. That's why I take my time before going to my audience with the king. Oh before I forget, number one come with me. I still need a translator; my voice is horrible.

When I am facing the proud and big palace, I can't help but feel that the one from the djinn was a little bit bigger. No, but really, from the race that is supposed to govern this world, it is lacking. I really want to know where the gold was distributed because it was not in the pocket of those kings. As for the royal guards, they are wearing some golden armors, halberds, and shields. They are in formation, blocking the front door.

I can still see them being perplexed by why I am alone, facing them. I mean, yes I have number one right under me since I am floating a little, but I am basically alone compared to the size of my army. I let number one convey my words.

-My master, seek an audience with your king. Will this wish be granted, before you all die?

I didn't say it that way, but I still like the last sentence. The reaction of the captain is quick, they reorganize themselves, showing me a road with two sides of guards around it. I guess that means, come in, but we can still attack you from all sides.

I accept the invitation, and me, number one, and fifty royal guards advance toward the audience room. There I can see the king, an empty seat near him, two men and one woman behind him. The king is old, but the three other humans are all adults, probably his children. Inside the room, countless men and women, with costly clothes, the nobles. Some are wearing strange outfits, with numerous papers carried by their assistants.

Last but not the least, a group of 6 humans, 4 men and two women. One man has lost his arm and is wearing a military armor. A woman is wearing a golden veil, while a man is standing right behind her, guarding the frail young lady. I can see behind the veil with my vision. The three remaining humans are all wearing the robes that I commonly saw on the deceased mages. So, I guess I have the three powers of this kingdom or at least the capital. The guards and knights, the priests and holy knights and finally the magicians.

What a lovely sight, all that crowd, reunited just for me. After we arrived twenty meters away from the throne, the guard surrounding us stopped and pointed their weapons at us. Three circles of guards, surrounding me and number one, preventing anyone from leaving. After that, I see a man reading a paper, probably the list of title of that king.

-You are in the presence of the 89th king of the Holy Kingdom of Aria, Protector of the Church, Defender against the Ratmen …

Blablabla, noisy, number one, make him shut up. Shortly after, I can see the man turn white and drop dead. That's better, of course, that provokes a reaction in the entire room, shouting to kill us. But the guards are still calm and professional, they know that I can do even worst. Now it is time for me to talk.

-My master, give his greetings to your goddess the stupid, foolish, young beautiful lady with white wings, ARIA! Kekeke!

At those words, everyone is stupefied, clearly not expecting me to say that. Of course, the only reaction that interests me is the one from the young lady. I can see her eyes rolling in a strange way, and even some saliva leaking from her mouth. The veil is blocking the sight of the others but not mine. She is shaking more and more, now, even her bodyguard is seeing it. Watching me and my undead turn into a location inside this room, everyone turns their sight to the group near the throne. Even the king is looking oddly at the people from the Church, wanting an explanation. While I patiently wait, Oslo told me that it is possible, but still something that will kill the person used in that ritual. But, I guess that Aria doesn't really care at this point that one more believer dies. No, she will want answers, and I will gladly give them to everyone in this kingdom.

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