A Rattling Monster

Chapter 110: Audience with the Goddess

The young lady keeps shaking more and more, now she is even moaning in pain. I don't want to know what is happening inside her, but it has to be extremely painful. The previously close bodyguard is slowing backing off, feeling something weird. Everyone in this strange looking group is putting some distance between the woman from the Church and themselves. After a few minutes, finally, we can all hear a sigh coming from her mouth. At the same time, a strange feeling can be felt inside the room, like we are in presence with a being greater than us. The same feeling that I had back when I was in the white room with the goddess.

Number one is informing me that he has to create numerous shield just to survive the power that is emanating from the former human. That means she is truly her with us. I can see a light surrounding the frail human body, something not from this world. It takes still a good amount of time before she speaks, while we are all waiting for her. Finally, an eerie voice comes from the mouth of the young lady.

-So, you are the Hero of Salazar, what should I call you, his Prophet, his Apostle? If you think that just by destroying this city, you will win, you are truly mistaken. Right now, I can see my army marching toward your city, and with the help of the dwarves, we will end you, once and for all. So, enjoy your pitiful victory while you can.

The tone is as arrogant as it can be, without any trace of fear. I still don't know if it is just a façade, but apparently, they will attack the ratmen in a short time. Well, that's if they manage to kill them with the support of the Apostle of Salazar, I guess it is an Apostle. And I am fearing that the ratmen are more powerful than they think, because this time if they see the capital of the holy kingdom fall, they will bring their complete arsenal. No hiding in the shadows, stocking the weapons and ammunition, preparing to join the darkness once more. After what I will do, even the blessing on the army of the humans will fade, so, I am not betting on her victory.

And she isn't even caring about her people apparently, letting me rampage this city without a problem. But she is still mistaken on one point, a pretty important one, I am not part of the army of Salazar. Even if I am an ethereal ratman, it is not good to jump on conclusions this quickly. Now how should I play it? I directly tell her who I am? I have all the time in this world. But first, and the most important thing in this situation, the evil laugh. I order number one to laugh as loud as possible and make his teeth be the noisiest sound in the room.


That's pretty good, I can see everyone back away, even the guards take a step back after this. This is probably the last time I will have some fun, so I will maximize my profit. After the evil laugh, what should I do, tell my evil plan to everyone, making them shake in horror? Well, I don't really have a plan. Except kill everyone. That's still good enough, I mean, I am the bad guy here, I have an army of skulls, there is no way I can be the good guy with that.

-YOU STUPID AND FEEBLE HUMANS! My master, will enjoy slaughtering everyone that you care about, your children, your family, your friends. No one will survive this, because my master, was brought on this world thanks to a single person. He was sent to die, in an obscure cave, and now, every god on this planet will pay for this affront.

-Brought here?

-Obscure cave?

-Who did that?


Everyone in this room is looking at each other, searching if they know more. Because I clearly designed a responsible for this situation. But as everyone is desperately thinking about every report they have read, the goddess is now even whiter than she was before. I don't know what made her understand, the cave or every god, not sparing Salazar in the process.

(Ehhh, I am not in that thing right? Just to be clear, I am not physically in this world, so I am not included in this declaration?)

No, I mean, you were on this world, but I said every god on this planet. Therefore, since you are not really on Astria, that's fine, I am not lying. I mean, you still have helped me enough, I won't be a traitor and kill for what? A reward? Is it better than all the information still stocked inside your brain?

(You nearly scared me, because like I said, the moment you have [Death Ray], you can pretty much kill any god. Maybe not in one time, but you will be able to do it indefinitely, so, the chances of surviving more than three spells are close to none. Can we swear on the Nine Heavens for that?)

You seriously don't trust me? I am really pained to learn that, but at the same time, I understand, you are old, and a little bit cowardly. You want to save your life, so let's say this, I, Marc Cassidy, will not hurt or kill Oslo intentionally. In return, Oslo, will not hurt or kill Marc Cassidy intentionally. That's good?

(Yes, that can be good, meaning that for example, if you don't know that a spell can hurt me, you will be able to use it against me. Now, I just need to tell you everything that can hurt me, blocking you. At the same time, if I see an ambush, I can throw you into the trap. Fine. Marc Cassidy, will not hurt or kill Oslo intentionally. In return, Oslo, will not hurt or kill Marc Cassidy intentionally. Give me a second. Aaaaaaaaaand done!)

At this word, I feel some strange lights surrounding me. Then, an electrical sensation is numbing my entire ethereal body. I guess that's the proof that the oath has been made and will have to be respected. The humans in the room don't understand what happened, but the goddess clearly saw the entire process. And she has her eyes wide open.

-HOLD ON! With who did you just make a deal? It can only be with a god, so you are still working with someone. But that doesn't make any sense, you are supposed to be dead a long time ago. I even cursed you for that. You were inside a lich lair, I made sure to do this. I …

Got you! Previously, the room was searching for a culprit, and guess who just fell into a little trap. Bingo, it is stupid Aria, I should make a song about that. The previous pious, respectful and even fanatic stares are now turned into incomprehension and anger. Yes, dear humans, it is your very goddess that brought me here. And she clearly knows that she messed up since she is just silent.

(It is not even the worst; I can feel the blessings hurting all of your undead be greatly reduced. Everyone in this room is supposed the be her most powerful believers, without their support, the battles against the remaining forces will be over shortly.)

So, it is only good, that's very good. Time to hammer the truth one more time, without an interpreter now.

-Ssso, Aria, wh-why do I have the feeling that yo-you lied to me? You killed me firssst, then ma-make me reborn as a rat, sleek sleek. After that, I le-learn that I am in a lich ca-cave, sleek sleek. Only after a lo-long time, did I realizzzed, you send me to DI-DIE! Without Ossslo, I wouldn't have sssurvive this long, sleek sleek, and up-uphold my VENGEANCCCE!

That is really removing a heavy load on my heart. Knowing that I can finally see her face, her arrogant and full of herself face, crumbling before me. Even her believers, after hearing me and seeing their goddess not denying anything understand a little of what happened. At first, if she hadn't said that she threw me into that lich lair, they wouldn't have believed me. She just talked a little bit more than she should have.

-I-I-I am sorry.

Ah finally, the apologies. I am a merciful ratman, I will just kill you after that. It is the extent of my mercy, destroying your life, but sparing you.

(Not because you still can't really kill her?)

Absolutely not, I am not waiting to use my [Death Ray] on her. Not a single chance.

-I am sorry, my people of the holy kingdom. I have failed you, I should have made sure that I destroyed personally that petty and insulting human. I should have broken the rules and send him right in front of that lich. I have failed you.


-But I can still make it right, and finishing what I started a long time ago! [HOLY JUDGEMENT]!


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