A Rattling Monster

Chapter 111: The Expected True Threat

I immediately float to the ground and goes underground to avoid that spell. I try to reach for number one, but I have no answer, I guess that he was blasted by that judgment. My [Veil of Darkness] is acting very weirdly, not really being broken, but something else. Like, it is activating periodically. For example, right now, my left arm has a big hole and my right leg is not covered at all, next second it's something else. I can't see any darkness around my chest, but all my limbs are covered in dark. Just what was that Oslo?

(The judgment, something that you shouldn't be facing whatsoever. Ok, it's a weird thing, but basically, she sacrificed everyone in that room and try to kill you with that. The power of their faith and the judgment they have toward you is supposed to kill you. But, the lack of conviction in their believers didn't really manage to accomplish this feat. You can regain the surface, it's over, you won.)

I listen to Oslo and like he said, the previously noisy and filled room is completely empty. Only a lot of clothes and armors are laying on the ground, the remains of the former humans. They believed in their goddess for all their lives, praised her, enjoy the benefits of such life. Only to end up as a sacrifice, such a great reward. The more I look at this, the more I think that the universe needs a change, something else. But, that would mean chaos, is it really better?

Cough Cough

Hum? Someone is still alive. I go toward the location of the sound, behind one of the pillars. There, I find the previously powerful goddess, reduced to nothing. I see her trying to stand up, but the body she used is not working anymore. I don't know why she is still here, shouldn't be gone, returned into the sky?

(This time, I don't know. You are right, there is absolutely no reason that she is maintaining her connection to this world. First, it is using a lot of power, then, what's the point? And don't think about it, it is just a projection, you can't kill her, even if you destroy this body.)

Damn, are you reading my thoughts? I mean, yes, you do that, but reading even before I think about it. Because I was really thinking about doing something if it can hurt one way or another. The stupid and petty thing, she didn't even apologize to me! Seriously, she deserves everything that is happening to her.

(I never told you why I use the [Death Ray], that way you will understand Aria a little better. We were fighting, normally, like that, then she began to break a little the rules. She was playing borderline with the law of the Nine Heavens, I could have reported her, but the presence of a gem with a [Death Ray] on my Hero made the thing a little complicated. Then she asked who was the more beautiful goddess I ever saw.)

Yes, so just full of herself, she was expecting you to say her, right?

(Exactly, but if I did that, someone would have killed me, more specifically, Freya. She is part of the Nine Heavens, and is on all honesty a bit more gorgeous than Aria. Hey, that's the truth, don't think I am saying that because I have no idea if anyone is listening to our conversation. Like, you know who. The other stalker. Anyway, after I said that, she began to be angry, really angry. She literally broke several rules inside the arena, the same that you fought in against the Prophet of Krieg. In the end, because of that, she killed my Hero.)

Well, right now, I can't really see her beauty at all. The former beautiful young lady, hidden behind a veil, is already an old granny. I guess she used the life-force of the human to supply her existence. After a moment, she definitely stops trying to stand up and look around. And she finally sees me, intact, unharmed and waving at her. Yes, I am waving and smiling, just because the sight in front of me is a pleasant surprise.

-You VERMIN! You should have died, thousands of time already! You tried to scam me, so I had to return the favor. But now, you destroyed my capital, do you have any idea how much it will cost me! You, and that moronic and weak Oslo, you are truly a pair of garbage! Even now, he isn't showing up, scared of me, like a rat, like you!

(Oh, Aria, so many years have passed before we meet once again. How is life going? I heard you have a rat infestation in your house.)

Ok, that was a good one. I take note about that, I will definitely say that when I will face Salazar. I know that Oslo was not a good guy, but saying that in the first place is a little harsh. I approve this at 100%. I can see the anger building on Aria after those wonderful sentences spoken by Oslo. But apparently, he is not done yet.

(You know, you have something on your face, I think it is called a wrinkle. You should fix that quickly, otherwise, someone could mistake you as a monster. This will definitely not be the best move to appears more gorgeous than Freya you know. Except if you want the opinion of some orcs, maybe you would still have a chance.)

Now, she is really fuming. If stare could kill, the invisible god would have been pierced by thousands of swords. I am certain that he is as happy as me at seeing the powerless goddess in front of us. But that doesn't stop me from wondering why is she still here? There is absolutely no reason for her to stay here and listen to the insults of Oslo. I mean, she just has to leave this weak and ugly body and we won't do anything. We can't prevent that, right Oslo?

(Oh no, she can leave whenever she wants. But until the moment she decides to do that, I will keep insulting her, I will never let this occasion pass without doing my best. So keep thinking, I have something to do. So Aria, are you considering registering for a beauty contest?)

I try to not think about the incessant noise that Oslo is doing, and think rationally. Let's see everything else. I call all of my armies, to see what is happening outside of the palace. The fortress of the apprentice knights has been conquered quite easily. Only some old professors and some old students were really a threat. And with the reduced power of Aria, they all lost the support preventing their defeat.

The Church has the same fate, without Aria, they are even less dangerous than some squires. At first, it was a nightmare to my ghouls, they were massacring my undead. But after the spell used by Aria, the tables have turned and a one-sided slaughter can now be seen. The lich in those two locations inform me that besides some humans still hiding, they have destroyed all the resistance inside the two building.

The thorn in my foot is the headquarters of the magicians. Even after all this time, they haven't broken the original magic shield surrounding the academy. And all the ghouls were destroyed in the different assaults. The lich, not risking their lives, are suggesting to wait for the entire army. That was the only problem, the magicians are the only one that was regularly seen quarreling and arguing with the Church. So, they are absolutely not relying on the power of Aria but their own. I accept the proposition of my lich, just stand outside of the magic shield, far away, and wait for me.

But with all those information, there is not a single ray of hope for Aria and she knows it. Thanks to Oslo, I learned that she can see through the eyes of her believers, so she knows that the situation outside is a disaster for her. What can possibly be more important than me destroying her capi…

-Your ar-army was dessstroyed by Salazar, sleek sleek?

After saying this, I can see the fear in the eyes of Aria, that means I am right. Oslo stopped talking too, analyzing what I said and with his knowledge, he can probably tell me what is the true situation of Aria. Silence remained for 5 seconds, before Oslo break it, talking to both me and Aria.

(You have lost your capital, your puppet king, your army or most of your group of fanatics. Meaning, that with our zombies destroying the countryside, you only have the remains of a kingdom. You know that the other forces in this world will attack you when you are weak like that, not just Salazar. The barbarians, the Notongrod Empire, maybe even the vampires. You are remaining here, because he is still your Hero, and you hope that he can save your kingdom. Hehehe, HEHEHE, HEHEHEHEHEHE!)

With each new round of laughter from Oslo, I can see Aria become smaller and smaller like she is trying to hide somewhere. So this was the truth, SHE EXPECTS MY HELP? I will give her my help. I walk toward her, and she raises her head, looking at me with watery eyes.


I activate [Blood Touch], ending in less than a second the life of a barely living human. It was finally time to end this masquerade. But now, my fear was realized. Even the powerful army of both the humans and the dwarves failed to destroy the ratmen. And didn't hurt them a lot, seeing the distressed goddess. I look at my level, 13, and I think that destroying Lucia and Ronta before reaching the ratmen is a good idea.

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