A Rattling Monster

Chapter 151: Zero's Knowledge

I try to follow the flying vehicle, now that I am closer, I can really see its form. Looking like a car from Earth but flying, so, one from the Fifth Element. Ok, maybe not that bad looking and dirty, but just the wheels are already gone. Instead, there are multiple circles of metal vibrating. The air around it is pulsating; I guess it is how they are moving, as for the process, no ideas. Anyway, the flying car finally reaches its destination, an open plain. Nothing in sight, so I don't know why we are here. Leaving the car, a small green alien.

A true green alien, a little green creature. Like the one that everyone is using to parody an extra-terrestrial life. Barely a meter in height, looking vaguely like a human, 2 arms and 2 legs. He is wearing a suit like a lawyer, clearly well dressed and coming back from home. By now, I am right behind him, and I can see him touch his arm and a screen on it. Probably a future technology. He is still immersed in what he is doing, and only notice me when he closes the door of his car. And immediately shout after that.


Like a human I guess, but I can see him looking at me weirdly after that, and then laugh. Here, I am a little baffled, am I funny? I should be terrifying not provoking the laugh from a little alien. I can see him tap his arm and begin to talk.

-Ego, is that you that made that horrible thing? Seriously, man, you should stop, I almost died of fright. How did you think about using a rat, how do you know that I am terrified by those pesky rodents? … What do you mean it is not you? Only you are stupid enough to pull something like that! … You sure? Ok, let me find the ID of the holograph. Wait a sec!

I can see him approach me, and if I understood correctly, he thinks that I am a holograph. Sounds logical, he can't expect a thing from another planet to come and barge near him. But you won't find anything, better end this quick.

-Hello, I am Sleek, who are you?

-Yes robot Sleek, just tell me who made you I need to send him a gift for that joke.

He didn't understand the situation at all. Actions are better than words in that case. I cast a [Purple Moon] far away, and we can both appreciate the scene of destruction provoked by it. Now, the green alien is petrified, his mouth still open. He keeps looking at me then the purple sphere in the air, and then me again.

-I am Sleek, don't try to think too much. I just need to know where I am.

-Eeeeeh, I am Zero. Are you a ghost?

-Yes, I am a ghost. Now, do you have a god that you are praising?

I won't explain to him all the details and the Devourer of Gods is a bad name. It is easier to trust a normal ghost than something called like that. I think, as for my question, I can see him ponder for dozens of seconds. It's weird, he should know such a thing, or I am not on a planet controlled by the Nine Heavens.

-Weird question, that thing with the gods. We are a scientific society, but for a ghost, it should be… Actually, I have no idea; you shouldn't exist in the first place. As for gods, let me search a bit.

He touches his screen, and I can see numerous articles written in his language appear in front of us. He keeps searching until I shout him to stop. He looks at me with his eyes wide open, and I tell him to go back. I saw something. When he comes back, I can see a name. Freya. I don't know, but it does ring a bell, maybe someone Oslo mentioned. But I am not sure, I have a doubt.

-Can you search god and the name Hades?

-Fine, but I am a little busy so can you end your business as a ghost quickly?

I look at him with my most menacing look and he finally shut up. I see on the images the name Hades and god having a lot of results. Now, I think I understand what is happening. I ask him three other names and realize why the Nine Heavens is that powerful. After that, I allow Zero to leave, and while he walks away, I can see him turn multiple times, to be sure that I was real. But his welfare is the least of my worries.

I asked him exactly 3 names, to see if my theory was right. Freya was present, Hades was present. After that, I found Buddha, Osiris, and Jupiter. Something that I shouldn't find in a planet totally different from the Earth that I know. I don't remember, but I think that Oslo told me I was from a planet sheltered by the Nine Heavens. And I know now what he was talking about. Even I could have been a believer. Instead of forcing a single cult on a planet, they have spread their believers across the universe.

And everyone has something to lose in case I attack them. It is a necessary alliance now, everyone is in the same boat. If I attack Hades, I will attack everyone else, and I don't know how many gods are really existing. For now, I have five names, but if every god on Earth is alive, I will have some huge problems. That's not a single Salazar, or even that stupid Aria, I am talking about the God of Hammer, God of Storm, God of Writing and many others.


Well, talking about gods, here come my best friends. The robot firing laser beams everywhere. But like the other, a single [Purple Moon] is enough to deal with him. The only problem is the fact that he managed to catch me here. I try to come close, but the connection to his god is already terminated, the only thing still standing is its melted corpse. Quite useless, I mean, I tried to grab the rockets but they are destroyed in my hands. Well, nothing to be found. Just a tiny robot with a logo on its back. I wonder what is written on it, let me see, T.H.O.T.H. Great, a full-fledged company creating robots is named after a god related to science.

Now I understand why the System considered it as a Hero, it should have been built by the Hero. So I can expect more thing like that, what other gods could do stuff like that? And what should I do now? Destroy this planet is a good plan. But it is only the beginning, if I do that, I will truly have a war in my hands. For now, I don't think that the scale of the war is that big, only a few gods are involved. For example, Krieg was not related to it at first. Even in the Nine Heavens, factions and enemies should have been created, especially after all those years. Just the basic relations between each god, they won't be as nice toward each other as they are pretending to be.

And in the end, if they try to hide, what I will do is destroying all their planets. Including the Earth. And I don't want that. Killing humans on another world, a place that has no relation to me and even tried to kill me is fine. But destroying Earth? Life wasn't all that nice, but I love that place. Maybe steal a lot of money and have a peaceful life on an abandoned island, but destroy and rampage the world? No, I mean, we are already destroying the planet quickly enough, I can probably wait for that. So that's fine.

As for the rest, I have no way of reaching all those planets. Without a connection with a Hero related to a god, I can't use my teleportation. And I don't think that I ever attacked a Hero coming from the Nine Heavens. Besides the robot which isn't really something useful, nothing at all. Because the pigeon, the woman riding the panther or the skeleton that doesn't want to die, they are all too weak. Not something capable of surviving against me or an attack coming from someone of my race.

So here I am, next to that flying car, and with a destroyed robot near me. The help from someone called Oslo would be great here. Or anyone that doesn't have already an opinion on me, or a good one. Hades hate me, Krieg is probably dead too. Salazar is probably hiding in the deepest hole that he can find. As for the others, they are all dead or presumed dead. Oslo, hehe, I don't think that he has survived. Even if he was the God of Survival or God of Hiding.

While thinking, a human was coming near my location. A dark aura was emanating from him, and I can feel the power emanating from him. Who is it, Hades? Someone else?

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