A Rattling Monster

Chapter 152: An Offer that cannot be Refused

He stops at more than 50 meters away from me. After that, I can see him look around, and precisely toward the point where the little alien, or should I say, Zero, left. I turn toward that location, and I can see him still here. Damn, he probably saw me destroy the robot sent to kill me. I wave at him, to appear nice and friendly, I mean, I didn't kill him. But as always, this gesture is always taken badly. This time, Zero flees with all the speed that his two little legs can gather. Anyway, that way, we can finally discuss without anyone spying.

-Good day to you, Mister Marc Cassidy.

I didn't hear that name for a very long time. Far too long. But that means at least two things. First, he truly saw my history and from where I came. Then, he doesn't appear very threatening so my guess of him being the Hero of Hades is probably wrong. But I can feel a touch of something related to the undead, so, maybe a god related to it, just not the Greek one.

-If you wonder how much energy you can absorb from this form, I have to say, none. It is merely a projection from far away, look.

After saying this, I can see three identical men appearing around me, all covered in dark energies. So it is the advanced doppelgangers, capable of speech. After seeing this, I nod at him, to make him understand that I got it.

-Since this part is already done, I have an offer for you. Seeing you previous pensive stance, I think that you understood where you are. And, even after learning this, you didn't instantly begin to rampage the planet and destroy everything. Meaning that you are not a mindless slaughterer. And that's why I am in front of you. Like I said I have an offer, that you will probably accept, for your own sake.

-I don't really understand one thing. Hades tried to kill me, by sending Heroes of minor gods after me. With that, I am certain that the god Thoth had something to do with it. That's already 2 of your little group trying to hunt me down. Because I am a Devourer of Gods. So why the rest of you are not directly attacking me?

I can hear him lightly laugh, what, am I that funny? I suspect more than just two gods, especially since they destroyed the previous planets. That requires a lot of power, something that is at the same level as me, or even stronger.

-Because, when one sees a threat, someone else can see an opportunity. Hades is young, he was newly born during the fight against your race and so many others. He reached his position after it, but he is arrogant. Since his Hero is near immortal, he thinks that he is eternal. But in truth, you are totally capable of killing him if you find his Hero. That's why he overreacted because he was scared. As for me, I know very well how strong all of you are. Don't think that the Nine Heavens are all allies. Well, you probably figured that out. As for the offer, well, you will probably die if you accept.

-Very nice of you to say that. But I guess that if I refuse, you and the entire Nine Heavens will truly attack me?

-Exactly, the last appearance of a Devourer of Gods was 300000 years ago. But it was through an unexpected fissure, not where the normal portal was, and he was not alone. That group of creatures quickly devoured 137 planets, before we managed to trap them and destroy them, one by one. As for the reason why we are facing those things, let me teach you a few things.

After that, I see him create four different bubbles. Yes, bubbles, of something that I don't know. I can see them float and move separately and sometimes enter in contact. When that happens, they are stuck with each other. After a few seconds, the four bubbles are all attached to at least another one. One is quite unlucky, the three others are touching it. Few more seconds and that poor bubble explodes, freeing the three others.

-You see, our Universe is just one bubble. But other universes exist, they are the other bubbles. At first, it is good, everyone is minding its own business. But then, when two bubbles encounter each other, a passage is opened. From that passage, a lot of creatures entered our Universe. We called that other side, the Void. From there, countless monsters attacked us, and we had to defend ourselves. Devourer of Gods, Doombringer, Ancient One, Shatterer of Reality, Carnaphos, and many more. Each more strange than the others. Each a lot more powerful than the strongest of our Hero. That's why, right now, we are still trying to close that passage.

-If they are that terrible, explain to me why did you win? I mean, just a Devourer of Gods is capable of destroying so many worlds? And the others, are they as deadly as me?

-Yes, and no. We don't know who is the strongest, they are just too different from each other. But all are capable of either absorbing or eating energy, and we, the gods, are made of that. So, to us, they are the natural predators. As for why we won, remember the bubbles, their universe is surrounded by 17 bubbles. And they are winning in half of them. That's how powerful they are. And that's my offer. If we truly hunt you, you will make us lower our defenses for just a short time near the passage. And we can't allow that, because we don't know when the next attack will arrive. Hades shouldn't have provoked you in the first place. But if we really need to kill you, we will do it. We can't allow you to move as you want. Or you can help us defend this universe, and your Earth with it. What do you say?

So, either I am a hunted creature or an expendable one? Great choice, thank you very much. Seriously, can I just have a break one time? I should have stayed in Atria after I destroyed it. That way, no problems, I could have listened to all the songs of that noisy Oslo and have a nice life. But do I really have a choice? Apparently, no. Rise and Shine Mister Cassidy, Rise and Shine. I just need to secure something before I accept. Even if it is more likely to be pointless.

-Can we swear that with an oath?

-As you wish, what do you want?

-I, Marc Cassidy or Sleek, will … What do I need to do exactly?

-Enter the Void, provoke as much chaos as you want, and reduce the fissure between our universes to be so small that only you can pass. For example, the smallest creatures are you, and the DoomBringer. If we can prevent anything else, especially the Ancient One to pass, we will be fine. Each time one manages to go through, he destroys too much and opens the passage a little more. Oh, and if you think that we are desperate, don't be mistaken. During the initial contact, we were caught by surprise but now, we just want to reduce the potential damage that will be made by them.

-I, Marc Cassidy or Sleek, will enter the Void, provoke enough Chaos to prevent any invasion for 100 000 years, and reduce the size of the breach between our two universes to just his size. The Nine Heavens will not attack him after his return and accomplish one of his wishes, wish, that will not hurt them at all. Is that fine?

-Let me see, yes, just what kind of wish? Doesn't really matter, if it doesn't hurt us. I, Anubis swear on that. Marc Cassidy or Sleek, will enter the Void, provoke enough Chaos to prevent any invasion for 100 000 years, and reduce the size of the breach between our two universes to just his size. The Nine Heavens will not attack him after his return and accomplish one of his wishes, wish, that will not hurt them at all. Done.

Like I trust you to respect it. I feel the same thing that I felt when I swore an oath with Oslo. But this time, I am doing this directly with the Nine Heavens, that absolutely won't breach the oath, right? Bunch of backstabbing liars, I know very well that after I return, I will be their only problem for a very long time. But with a little bit of luck, my System will be repaired. Because that's my only saving grace. Like right now.



Rsde: Void

Cliss: Devourer of Gods

Lelel ??/??"

As I keep learning things, the System is beginning to be back alive. Even the faults are reduced before I couldn't even read the world name or class, but now, I can suppose it. However, a quick look at my skills and abilities, and in that part, it is still too broken. I don't know how to repair that, however. Maybe kill something from the Void will help, well, I only have that. I try to use the creation of skill, even in front of the other Hero. Nothing is working, as before. Still get the same broken message.

"Tjdf jdfijd okofkgds hs…"

Let's just hope that I arrive at the Void alive.

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