A Reincarnated Demon’s Life of Wonder

[Arc 2] Chapter N1: The Girl’s Day Out

N chapters are in Noire's point of view.

It has been three days since we first arrived at Plain Island. 

Already the first day, Garami recruited this Light Sprite named Mira, who's job is to watch over the little lady of the Ariens farm. As she joined our organization, and our squadron to be precise, the responsibility for the job got shared with the rest of us.

As for Gust, he is being taken back to Velantas as we speak, as our shift with him is done for now. Those adventurers lead by that magician swordsman with the cowboy hat are the ones that have to take care of him for the next days.

The farm-guarding work is only until Armveil can get some troops to watch over the farm, so until then, we have to do the job ourselves. It is not that bad...

"Fally! This way, this way!" - Firis

"I have told you time on time, do not call me 'Fally'!" - Noire

It would be not bad if it was not for that the little lady, Firis Ariens, did not create that humiliating nickname. Where did she learn from that I was banished from my home country?

W-well, it is not that bad, but my aesthetic sense is not accepting it. But what is really ticking me off is not that.

"You heard the little lady, Fally. That way, that way~." - Mira

It is this walking incarnation of greed and lust! The very same Light Sprite that is the reason we have to watch over the half-Flugel.

From what Garami told me, Mira got into debt with some casino that is friends with the owner of the ranch, which ended up with Mira guarding the little lady as payment for the debt.

I get why Garami arranged an allowance system for the Sprite's wallet after hearing that. It does not stop that bitch from trying to suck up to more allowance! And what is worst is that outfit of hers! What is that? A honey trap?

Mira is wearing a sleeveless white coat with golden linings on the edges while also showing too much cleavage and stomach! It is better to call it a swimsuit with a collar! The lower part of the coat is divided into several bands, probably for better movement, but on her, it is rather to show off her legs...

She is wearing a dark-blue skirt, which while not a mini-skirt is still on the limit of being called indecent, is decorated with the same golden linings as the coat. Other than that, she also got boots and white, fingerless gloves.

Some parts of the outfit has metal armor attached to it, like the small gauntlets or the shoulder guard. Along with the sword at her hip, it produced quite the heroic appearance in white and gold. It is not the greatsword she usually walks around with, but one of the smaller, one-handed ones.

...But why must she have so top-heavy?! And it is not only the top! All three of her three sizes result in an hourglass figure that even I find desirable! Give me some of those curves! 

"Fally~. You're falling behind." - Mira

And why the overly-friendly attitude? Does nobody have respect for seniors of evil organizations lately?

"...Out of all the people in the world, you are the one I want the least to be called 'Fally' by, so either shut up or drop dead on the spot." - Noire

"Isn't that too cruel?!" - Mira

Whatever. Please let me finish this job without any more problems. Why do a simple job like escorting a little half-Flugel girl back from school? 

The island's only school is located close to the harbor. The reason is so that it will be easier to teach them about sailing and the many goods that are imported and exported from the island. 

I understand that you cannot expect a little girl to travel that far on her own, not to mention that she may be potentially targeted again, but why must I...?

"Firis? Where are you?" - Noire

I could not see Firis anywhere. Don't tell me...!

"Seems like she's giving us the slip again." - Mira

I KNEW IIIIIT!! Why?! I only took my eyes off her for just a second! Is there someone teaching her some weird stuff at that school? Like some former master assassin... Wait, don't tell me...! Or rather, that is not important right now!

"W-w-what shall we do?" - Noire

"...over there..." - Mira

While I was agitated by the sudden event, Mira started to walk towards a group of barrels.

"Found you." - Mira

"...*pout*." - Firis

Mira effortlessly picked up Firis from one of the barrels. Eh?

"Wait, how did you know that she was hiding there?" - Noire

Mira did not hesitate the slightest when she chose the correct barrel. Just how...

"I'm an expert in handling little angels that are easily distracted by anything interesting. Even if they got stealth skills or not." - Mira

I-if you say so...

Crap. If she was not with me, I could have failed the job. T-too close for comfort.

"Also, Firis. If you don't behave, you won't be getting any sweets." - Mira

"Sweet?! I want! I want!" - Firis

She is bribing her with sweets?!

"Hey, don't go and make that kind of face. This is Garami's idea. Something about us girls deepening our friendship with a trip to town while keeping Firis safe." - Mira

"Ah... is that so." - Noire

Deepening our friendship? And it is Garami's idea? For some reason, those two lines do not agree in my head...

Firis behaved nicely while we walked to the cafe that Mira recommended. Maybe this was not such a bad idea after all. But for it to be something that Garami thought of... 

"Table for three." - Mira

"As you wish." - Waiter

After selecting the cakes, and making sure that Firis only got one, Mira started to chat about her interests and asking about my own, like the type of clothing we like, our favorite foods, etc, etc. Firis did not find our conversation interesting and focused on her slice of cake instead. 

"-yes, I love those as well! They've been my favorite since I was in Solomar's warrior school." - Mira

Solo-!? So that is why. I understand your line of thoughts now, Garami. You want me to disclose this girl's loyalty. 

Hm-hm. No problem. Leave it to this Noire to make this wretched sprite spit out her most inner secrets.


Fifteen minutes later

"-a-a-and then, Lady Filyn hired me as one of her staff!" - Noire

"I see, I see. No wonder you're so loyal to her." - Mira

"Yes! I owe Lady Filyn my life! If it is for her sake, I would face the whole world! Disasters or gods be damned!" - Noire

"What is 'damned'?" - Firis

"Nothing you need to worry about~. It's just the rambling of a drunkard." - Mira


Another fifteen minutes later

"...my head..." - Noire

"You okay? Able to walk on your own?" - Mira

"I-I'm fine..." - Noire

Th-the world is spinning a little, but I can still walk...

"But who in the world gets that drunk just by a slice of rum cake?" - Mira

"Fally." - Firis

"I know. It's a rhetorical question." - Mira

Firis and Mira started talking about something, but I feel too bad to take notice of it... 

"Mira! Lottery, lottery!" - Firis

And there went Firis~. Urgh, now that I am so out of it... Cannot Mira take care of... where is Mira?

"Come on, baby! Mommy needs a new pair of shoes!" - Mira

"Customer! We do not have shoes as a price!" - Lottery worker

...She is first in line for the lottery stand.

I walked (as good as possible) over to the stall, which had this strange signboard shaped after the octagonal lottery machine that Mira is currently spinning around like she was possessed.

Let's see, one spin is 20 sol, but by paying for ten spins in one go, you get one extra spin as a bonus. As for the prizes remaining...

  • First place: Secret prize X1
  • Second place: Fishing Chime X2
  • Third place: Sunakiri Tsurugi X1
  • Fourth place: Lakesea Fishing Rod X3
  • Fifth place: Five new spins X19
  • Sixth place: Pansheep figurine X29
  • Seventh place: Degraded MP Potion (low quality) X85
  • Eighth place: Degraded HP Potion (low quality) X62
  • Ninth place: Cheap candy X137

This... has the feel of a closing sale. The potions are so low quality that they are useless in the field. The figurines of the average sheep-type monster that the people on the island are keeping are something you can buy as a souvenir at the other stalls. And the third prize, a katana that deals extra damage against the Sand attribute, must be something that they produced during the drought-period. 

The only real jackpots are the fishing-related ones. Considering the lottery being sponsored by this island's Merchant Union branch, it is no surprise there. Wonder what the secret prize is?

Then, a yellow sphere rolled out of the lottery machine.

"F-fourth prize! We have a winner of the fourth price... customer?! What's wrong?!" - Lottery worker

After getting the fourth prize, a fishing rod with quality B+, Mira slumped to the floor, visually depressed. She had taken the machine on a roll quite a lot by the time I arrived, even getting a few extra spins through the fifth-place prize, but the floor is littered with potion bottles and candies. The fishing rod is the only "jackpot" she has won as of yet.

"Grrrrr... one more time!!" - Mira

After paying another 200 sols, Mira started to spin the machine again. The result...

"Why can't I wiiiiiin?!" - Mira

Another batch of candy, plus one of the figurines. Mira has three spins left, but still, at this rate...

"...Want me to try?" - Firis

"F-Firiiiiis... please!" - Mira

J-just how bad is your luck for you to be relying on a child? Firis grabbed the handle of the machine after getting a stool to stand on from the lottery workers, and...

"...! Second prize! We have a winner of the second prize!" - Lottery worker

The worker rang with their bells when the silver orb representing the second prize came out of the machine. Wait, she won?! I hear Garami comment about this girl's luck, but for it to be of this degree!?

"Tch! Too much! Okay Firis, one more, but with less oomph." - Mira

"Yeees~." - Firis

And Firis started to spin the machine again, this time with less speed than before. I-I do not think that is what Mira meant with less "oomph"...

"...Third place! We have a third-place winner!" - Lottery worker

"JAAAACKPOT!! Thank you Firis. Thank you!!" - Mira

Mira turned overhappy when she saw the purple orb trill out of the machine and hugged Firis in pure happiness.

"C-can't breathe..." - Firis

Tch, just explode already, you Succubus!

Mira only released Firis when the workers came with the dust-yellow Wakoku-originated sword. I am starting to understand this girl's preferences.

"Ehm, customer? What about the last spin?" - Lottery worker

"There was one left? Hey, Fally? Want to take a shot?" - Mira

Don't call me Fally! I have been a little intrigued by the lottery, so why not? I will only win a piece of candy.

Out of the machine tumbled a golden orb out...


"One of all the prices? Even the first?" - Garami

"Yes... I am just as surprised..." - Noire

The first time I have ever participated in a lottery, and I got the first price? Is this what is called "beginner's luck"? Mira joined her hands in front of her face and prayed for good luck from me when she saw the first price. Still...

"That's fine, but... what is this?" - Garami

Garami retrieved the strange object from the box, a black scepter decorated with strange edges and having a circle-like bottom.

"That is the first price..." - Noire

"Got that. Then, what is it?" - Garami

"W-who knows..." - Noire

The silence is painful...

"It's supposed to be something excavated from the accessible ruins of the Cursed Island, but even master appraisers cannot figure out what it does, apparently," says Mira while polishing her new sword.

The fishing gear went to Alf, while the farmworkers got the potions, candies, and figurines. The potions are only worth for curing small wounds anyway. Giving them away also helped us please Benjamin Ariens after returning to long after we went to fetch Firis.

"So, I got only the scraps?" - Garami


"Be glad you got anything at all! The desire sensor always hits me in the worst possible way you can think of, giving me the worst outcome ever! One time, when I was hunting with others back in Solomar, I encountered a Cerberus of all things! It's a miracle that I'm alive to tell the tale." - Mira

"Cerberus?" asked Firis, which made Garami search that notebook of hers that contains information about monsters.

"He-he-he-he. What should I try this child on fi-urgh?!" - Mira

Mira was cuddling her new sword when Garami suddenly dragged her by the neck out of the room. 

...Wait, what about the assignment? About confirming Mira's loyalty? ...Who am I trying to fool? It is obvious her loyalty lies in her swords.

"Hey, Fally. What is a Cerberus?" - Firis

And now I have to clean up the mess Garami left behind? Well... she is cute... where should I begin?

Kigal-Note/Monsters/Beasts: Cerberus

Name: Cerberus
Rank: S+ (C+)
Type: Dog
Lifespan: 3,000~3,300 Years
Attribute: Fire, Darkness, Death
Traits: Beast, Hell Creature, Multi-headed (3)


The Cerberus. Also known as the guardian of the netherworld. It is a ferocious beast that prevents people from entering or leaving the realm of the dead unless direct orders are given by the lord of the netherworld itself.

In addition to the Cerberus that stands guard at the gates to the netherworld, there exist wild variants that originate from dog-type monsters clearing the many challenging evolution requirements, such as owning the [True Chaos]- and [Black-Flame Technique User] titles.

These wild specimens head to the netherworld by instinct after evolving. However, in the hope of impressing the lord of the netherworld, they attack any living creature they come across during their travel to the gates. Precaution is required when a Cerberus is closing in, even if the distance spans several kilometers.


A Cerberus is a 5-meter tall dog with jet-black fur and blood-red eyes. Most notably is the dog's three heads, each with a mind of its own.


Average HP: C Average MP: C- Average SP: C+
Average STR: B- Average VIT: C Average MAG: C-
Average RES: C- Average SPD: C Average DEX: C-
Average INT: D+ Rarity: S- Danger Rank: B+

The Cerberus has an incredible status, worthy of being called one of the strongest C-rank monsters that walk the earth, and beneath. 

A Cerberus' means of attack is through its razor-sharp claws and fangs, but it will also make use of various special skills of its three attributes to assault enemies.

The worst is its Fire attribute-based breath, which may lose in power when compared to a dragon's, but in the degree of nastiness, the Cerberus wins by a mile.

The reason for this lies in the [Black-Fire Technique User] title that all Cerberuses has in one way or another, due to it being a requirement for their evolution. The title allows the owner to add corrosive attributes like those of the Darkness- or the Death attributes to their fire attacks.

Also, due to them naturally having this title, it is expected that the Cerberus is experts in the Fire attribute, the Darkness attribute, and one more attribute of either Death, or a combination attribute that includes either Darkness, Death, or Chaos.

While the wild Cerberuses are dangerous, the chosen one who guards the gates to the netherworld is one stage higher, with all of its statuses being one rank higher than the wild variants, and their INT being a rank of at least B-.

Garami's comment: Now, spit out all you got regarding those doggies!!

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