A Reincarnated Demon’s Life of Wonder

[Arc 2] Special Chapter 2: Gust’s Letter Back Home

To: Ordion Alberloft

From: Gust

Hey old man? Still alive?

I am, despite the events I've endured. Who would think they would get caught by a King of Ghosts?! Not to mention that of king Avalar himself?! I'm not sure if that's fortune or misfortune. I don't want to think about what would happen if it was your regular old King of Ghosts.

Thinking about it, Garami's kind of the same. Ah, I'm referring to the one who saved me, but you should have read that in the report given by the Union. When we first met, she was this demon-spider race, but she acted like a civilized person... to a certain degree. She even evolved into a humanoid demon! I thought she was some undead when I first saw her after that...

Old man, please promise me not to tell her what I just wrote. Her killing me won't be the end of it!! 

I'm not kidding! Garami is a demon perfectly capable of inhuman feats such as burning a whole castle to take down the king inside, destroying a tower to smash the inhabitants, blasting the ground to trap people underneath, by using a suicide-bomber to do so. Did I forget to mention she's rumored to have trapped bandits in alleys with thread barriers, then crushing their bodies into mincemeat?

However, as if countering the horrible methods she's using on her enemies, she is damn nice to those who are friendly towards her. It's usually because she wants something in return though. She even offered to pay for using the Adventurers' Union's letter-teleporter. 

Not to mention that she saved my life, she also helped two communities, one with Stella Moles and the other with Sahuagins, from escaping the Dungeon. Again, I think the main reason was to have them help her...?

Wait. Is she trying to force reasons onto the good deeds she does?

That's not the important point. After some events (not sure how it happened, but it did), Garami has joined an organization connected to the Belial Private Army. I think their goal is some sort of world domination? The grunts that I met once seemed to have that idea.

All hail [Telepathy]! He-he, I've grown talented enough with it to catch on unconscious thoughts now. Praise me!

But even if they call themselves an "evil organization", their methods are helpful rather than harmful for people in the long run. Guess they're a smart kind of evil?

At least they're "evil" for those that are definitely evil. One of the leaders of that group's been going around and crushing a mafia group here in town these last few days. From the rumors, I can conclude that she is "evil" toward those guys. 

Anyhow, can you please see a little through the finger with these guys, old man? Despite their methods, they're a good bunch. Rather, it is thanks to their vice-leader, Blot, that they have managed to stay alive all this time. And I think Blot needs some support.

So, if it comes to the Library and the Private Army ever facing each other once, try to find a way for us and them to reconcile. If Blot dies due to overworking, then that Army will turn into a real evil! 

Another thing I want to ask you if there is some effective way of curing Waning? Garami got slapped with it since she took too many skills at a too high pace. It's been six days since she got afflicted by it at the time I wrote this, and she is still yet to recover.

Why did she not patiently wait for her skills to grow instead of taking new ones all the time, right? Even if you take tons of skills does not mean you are capable of using them all.

Oh, and she is the Champion of Alvatria by the way. Another reason to be on her side, right?

That is all from me. Hope the UNEVOLVED guys back home are doing alright. 

Yup, that is right. I have evolved!! Say to them that they should make my room presentable when I arrive!

Gust, over and out!

Kigal-Note/Extra Skills: [Kindness]

Skill: Kindness
Skill Type: Extra Skill
Attribute: none
  • Extends the effect of any support-type moves to anyone the user recognizes as an ally.
  • Drastically increase the effect and duration of support-type moves. 
  • Proficiency increase for support-type skills.


One of the Seven Virtue skills, [Kindness]. A skill that can only be one of in the whole world, and a derivative imitation of [Ramiel - Lord of Kindness], which is the keepsake of the Guardian Angel of the Humanitas continent, Ramiel. 

[Kindness] can only be obtainable by those who have obtained the [Guardian Deity] title, which is rewarded for those who have protected countless numbers of people. Another requirement may be to have various support skills. Like with other Seven Virtue skills, one needs to be compatible with the virtue of the skill, in this case, kindness.

The [Kindness] skill can be thought of as the ultimate support skill for support moves.

Not only does it drastically increase the effects of support moves like enhancements or even healing, but it also extends the range of said moves to anyone the user classifies as an ally, be it 1 or 1,000, and for no extra costs. 

While it may not be as notably impressive as the first two abilities, [Kindness]'s effect to increase the proficiency gain for support-type skills is so impressive that even Master-ties classes struggle to produce the same increase. 

Till now, no army lead by an owner of the [Kindness] skill has yet to be defeated in battle. The current owner of the skill, Ordion Alberloft, Sage of the Grand Library Tower, is known for being undefeatable in warfare, even against other Seven Virtue owners. His current warfare track record is 258 battles, 258 victories, and 0 defeats.

Gust's comment: The old man's damn crazy! A support spell that normally enhances your STR by 1% when used by any other turns into a spell that boosts STR by 110%!!

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