A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 117

Gwen, donning her Spider-Woman suit, leaped from rooftop to rooftop, her eyes fixed on the elusive figure of Batroc the Leaper. The agile mercenary bounded across the skyline, his movements fluid and graceful.

Gritting her teeth, Gwen fired a web, aiming to ensnare Batroc's legs, but the Frenchman easily evaded the sticky trap, twisting his body in midair. "Vous pensez pouvoir m'attraper si facilement, Spider-Woman?"(You think you can catch me so easily, Spider-Woman?) he taunted, his accent thick and mocking.

Gwen pushed herself harder, her muscles straining as she swung from building to building, closing the distance between them. "I'm just getting started, Batroc!" she retorted, her voice laced with determination.

Batroc landed on the edge of a rooftop, crouching low as he prepared for his next leap. Gwen fired another web, this time aiming to restrain his arms, but Batroc anticipated the move, somersaulting over the web and launching himself into the air.

"Impressive, ma chérie, but you'll have to do better than that!" Batroc shouted, his laughter echoing across the rooftops.

Gwen followed, her agility and reflexes pushing her to the limit as she chased the elusive mercenary. The pair danced across the skyline, Batroc's leaps growing more daring and Gwen's webs narrowly missing their target.

Gwen, determined to capture the elusive Batroc, pushed herself to her limits, swinging faster and more precisely. She managed to get ahead of the mercenary, landing on a rooftop directly in his path.

"Looks like you've reached the end of the line, Batroc!" Gwen quipped, her web-shooters at the ready.

Batroc skidded to a halt, the bag of stolen cash clutched in his hand. "Ah, but the chase is only just beginning, ma chérie!" he retorted, a confident grin spreading across his face.

Gwen attacked, firing a volley of webs, but Batroc's agility allowed him to evade each one. He twirled and somersaulted, the stolen money swinging like a pendulum in his grasp.

"Your reflexes are impressive, Spider-Woman, but let's see how you handle this!" Batroc shouted, whipping the bag of cash at Gwen's head.

Gwen reacted quickly, raising her arm to shield her face, but the impact still staggered her. Batroc capitalized on the opening, lunging forward and delivering a series of swift kicks and punches.

Gwen struggled to keep up with Batroc's relentless assault, his savate fighting style proving a formidable challenge. Each time she tried to ensnare him with her webs, Batroc would twist and contort his body, slipping through the sticky traps.

"You're good, Spider-Woman, but not good enough!" Batroc taunted, his movements a blur as he continued his barrage of attacks.

Gwen dodged Batroc's lightning-fast kicks and punches, her Spider-Sense guiding her movements. She managed to land a few solid blows, but the mercenary's agility and savate fighting style made him a formidable opponent.

Batroc, sensing an opening, suddenly launched a devastating double-kick, his powerful legs slamming into Gwen's midsection. The force of the impact sent her hurtling backward, and she crashed against the rooftop, the wind knocked out of her.

Gwen gasped for air, her vision blurring momentarily. Batroc stood over her, a triumphant grin on his face.

"Ah, Spider-Woman, you put up a good fight, but it seems your webs are no match for the might of Batroc the Leaper!" he declared, his thick French accent adding to his flamboyant persona.

Gwen gritted her teeth, her fingers twitching as she prepared to fire another web. But before she could react, Batroc swiftly snatched the bag of stolen cash and leaped off the rooftop, his laughter fading into the distance.

Gwen was about to give chase to Batroc, but she suddenly saw him crashing nearby. Gwen hears the sound of engines and looks up. Relief washed over her as she saw Ace's familiar form descend from the sky on the HardBoilder's aerial mode. "Rider!" she called out, her voice tinged with gratitude.

Ace brought the HardTurbuler to a smooth landing, the powerful engines whirring as he dismounted. "Looks like you could use some help catching that slippery mercenary," he said, his tone light but his gaze focused.

Batroc gritted his teeth, his fingers tightening around the stolen bag of cash. "Sacrebleu! The Kamen Rider has arrived to ruin my escape," he growled, his thick French accent dripping with frustration.

Gwen nodded, a determined glint in her eye. "I was just getting warmed up, but I won't say no to some backup," she replied, already positioning herself to resume the chase.

Ace turned to face Batroc, his body language radiating confidence. "It's over, Batroc. Why don't you make this easy on yourself and hand over the loot?"

Batroc let out a boisterous laugh, his arrogance shining through. "Ha! You think I'm going to surrender to the likes of you?" He crouched, his muscles coiling like springs. "I am Batroc the Leaper, and I never go down without a fight!"

Ace's words were laced with a hint of amusement as he turned to face Batroc. "Don't complain, saying I did not warn you."

Gwen watched curiously as Ace took out a flip phone, its familiar design catching her eye. "Why are you taking out a phone?" she asked, her brow furrowed in confusion.

Ace did not answer her question, instead showing Gwen the device in his hand. "This is the Faiz Phone," he explained, his fingers deftly pressing the number 5 three times before hitting the enter key.

The phone let out a distinct chime, the words [STANDING BY] echoing from the device. Ace closed the Faiz Phone and inserted it into a belt-like device around his waist, the Faiz Driver.

"Henshin!" Ace declared, his voice filled with purpose.

Red lines began to appear across Ace's body, tracing intricate patterns along his limbs and torso. A bright flash of crimson light enveloped him, and when it faded, Ace had transformed into Kamen Rider Faiz.

Faiz's sleek black bodysuit was adorned with silver armor plating, the Photon Streams along his limbs glowing with a faint red hue. His helmet was distinct, the red visor shaped like the Greek letter "Φ", representing the "Faiz" pronunciation. The honeycomb pattern on the visor gave the helmet a futuristic, high-tech appearance.

Gwen eyed Faiz's transformation with a mixture of awe and exasperation. "Does it always have to be so flashy?" she asked, though a hint of admiration crept into her voice.

Faiz turned to her, his visor reflecting the city lights. "Yes, because it is cool," he replied matter-of-factly. The confidence in his tone was palpable. "Now, are you ready to take him down?" he asked, his gaze shifting towards the elusive Batroc.

Gwen couldn't help but roll her eyes, though a small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "As long as you don't slow me down," she quipped, already crouching in a fighting stance.

Batroc, sensing the shift in momentum, tightened his grip on the stolen cash. "Ah, so the little spider and the Kamen Rider think they can best Batroc the Leaper?" he taunted, his thick French accent dripping with arrogance. "This will be a battle to remember!"

Faiz and Gwen sprung into action, their movements a blur as they converged on Batroc. The skilled mercenary deftly evaded their attacks, his acrobatic prowess on full display.

Gwen fired a barrage of web-lines, aiming to ensnare Batroc, but the Frenchman easily leaped over them, his powerful legs propelling him through the air. "You'll have to do better than that, ma chérie!" he taunted.

Faiz followed up with a series of rapid punches, his enhanced strength and speed pushing Batroc back. However, the mercenary managed to block and parry each strike, his savate training allowing him to counter the Kamen Rider's offensive.

"Impressive, my friend," Batroc grunted, his brow furrowed in concentration. "But Batroc is not so easily defeated!"

Gwen and Faiz coordinated their efforts, Gwen providing cover fire with her webbing while Faiz pressed the attack. Yet, despite their combined onslaught, Batroc continued to evade and deflect their blows, his agility and experience proving to be a formidable challenge.

In a fluid motion, Faiz retrieved the Faiz Phone from his belt, his fingers deftly manipulating the device. With a series of rapid presses, he entered the code "103" on the keypad, his movements precise and deliberate.

[SINGLE MODE] the Faiz Phone announced in a robotic voice, signaling the activation of a specific attack protocol.

Faiz gripped the Phone Blaster firmly, the device transforming from a simple flip phone into a formidable energy weapon. Leveling the Blaster at the nimble Batroc, Faiz took careful aim, his enhanced senses and reflexes guiding his targeting.

"Let's see how you handle this, Batroc," Faiz declared, his voice resonating with a sense of purpose.

A barrage of energy bullets erupted from the Faiz Blaster, the concentrated bursts of power streaking towards the French mercenary. Batroc's eyes widened as he recognized the incoming threat, his body twisting and contorting to avoid the onslaught of projectiles.

The alley echoed with the staccato rhythm of the Faiz Blaster's fire, Batroc's agile movements barely keeping him ahead of the relentless assault. He somersaulted and leaped, his savate training allowing him to evade the majority of the energy blasts.

Batroc was too preoccupied dodging the relentless barrage of energy bullets from Faiz's Blaster to notice Gwen swinging towards him. The nimble mercenary twisted and contorted his body, his savate training allowing him to evade the majority of the projectiles.

Gwen, seizing the opportunity, swung down from above, her legs extended in a powerful kick. Batroc, his focus solely on Faiz's assault, was caught off guard as Gwen's boots slammed into his torso. The force of the impact sent the Frenchman tumbling to the ground, the stolen bag of cash slipping from his grasp.

Batroc landed in a heap, momentarily dazed by Gwen's strike. As he struggled to regain his bearings, he suddenly saw Faiz rushing towards him, the Faiz Shot device gripped firmly in his hand.

Faiz wasted no time, deftly removing the Faiz Memory from his Faiz Phone and inserting it into the slot on the Faiz Edge. The device let out a resounding [READY] as the energy conduits along the blade began to glow with a crimson hue.

Tightening his grip on the Faiz Edge, Faiz pressed the enter key on the Faiz Phone, triggering the [EXCEED CHARGE] command. A line of energy surged from his belt, coursing through his arm and into the Faiz Edge, imbuing the weapon with a potent burst of power.

Faiz charged towards the disoriented Batroc, his movements swift and precise. With a powerful swing, he brought the Faiz Edge down upon the mercenary, the energy-infused blade slicing through Batroc's defenses.

The Frenchman let out a pained cry as the Faiz Edge connected, the force of the blow sending him crashing against the alley wall. Batroc slumped to the ground, the stolen bag of cash lying forgotten at his feet.

Gwen watched the exchange with a mix of awe and satisfaction, her web-shooters at the ready in case Batroc attempted to make another escape. The Kamen Rider's impressive display of skill and power had turned the tide of the battle, leaving the once-elusive mercenary defeated and subdued.

As Faiz approached the downed Batroc, the Frenchman's eyes narrowed, a glimmer of respect and grudging admiration flickering within them. "Bien joué, mes amis,"(Well done, my friends) he muttered, his thick accent laced with a hint of begrudging acknowledgment.

Faiz stood over Batroc, the Faiz Edge still gripped firmly in his hand. "It's over, Batroc," he stated, his voice resonating with a sense of finality. "You're coming with us."

Faiz and Gwen swiftly escorted the subdued Batroc to the nearest police precinct, the stolen money safely recovered. The officers on duty eyed the duo with a mix of bewilderment and gratitude, grateful to have the notorious mercenary in custody.

As the police took charge of the situation, Faiz turned to Gwen, his helmet's expressive eyes conveying a sense of satisfaction. "Well, that was a team effort," he said, his voice carrying a hint of pride.

Gwen nodded in agreement, a triumphant grin spreading across her face. "Yeah, we really showed him who's boss." She extended her hand, and Faiz readily met it with a high-five, their celebration of a job well done echoing in the quiet police station.

Faiz then gestured towards the HardBoilder, the sleek motorcycle waiting just outside. "Say, how about a ride on the HardTurbuler? I think you've earned it."

Gwen's eyes widened with excitement, and she eagerly nodded. "Yes, please!" She quickly followed Faiz as he led the way to the HardBoilder, the anticipation palpable.

Faiz swung his leg over the motorcycle and revved the engine, the familiar hum resonating through the air. Gwen settled herself behind him, her arms instinctively wrapping around his waist. With a subtle nod, Faiz activated the transformation sequence, and the HardBoilder seamlessly transitioned into the HardTurbuler, the sleek vehicle now capable of taking to the skies.

As the HardTurbuler lifted off the ground, Gwen couldn't help but let out a delighted gasp, the rush of adrenaline and the sense of freedom overwhelming her. She tightened her grip on Faiz, feeling the wind whipping through her hair as they soared above the city.

Faiz guided the HardTurbuler with a steady hand, his focus unwavering as he navigated the aerial currents. Gwen, meanwhile, couldn't resist the urge to let out a joyful laugh, her heart swelling with happiness at the opportunity to spend this time with Ace.


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