A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 118

The sleek Tridoron glided through the bustling streets of New York, its crimson frame gleaming under the warm glow of the streetlights. Behind the wheel sat Ace Ukiyo, dressed in a sharp black suit, the crisp white of his inner polo contrasting beautifully with the vibrant red of his bowtie.

Ace's fingers drummed lightly against the steering wheel as he navigated the familiar roads, his mind focused on the task at hand. Tonight was the school dance, and he was on his way to pick up Gwen Stacy, his friend and fellow superhero.

As the Tridoron approached Gwen's house, Ace felt a flutter of anticipation in his chest. He had agreed to accompany Gwen to the dance, and the thought of spending the evening with her filled him with a sense of excitement and nervousness.

Pulling up to the curb, Ace took a deep breath and stepped out of the vehicle, his polished dress shoes clicking against the pavement. He strode up the pathway to the front door, his heart beating a steady rhythm.

Raising his hand, Ace pressed the doorbell, the chime echoing through the quiet suburban street.

A few moments later, the door opens, and Ace is greeted by George.

Ace offers a polite smile as he meets the steely gaze of Captain George Stacy. "Good evening, sir. I'm here to pick up Gwen for the dance."

George's expression remains neutral, though Ace can sense an underlying tension. "So I've heard," the captain responds, his voice gruff.

Gwen had spoken fondly of Ace, and Helen had expressed her approval of the young man. But George couldn't help the protective instinct that flared within him. This was his little girl, and the thought of her going off with a boy, even one as seemingly respectable as Ace, made his fatherly hackles rise.

"I hope you understand, Ace, that Gwen means the world to me," George says, his tone measured but firm. "I want to make sure she's in good hands."

Ace nods, sensing the unspoken warning in the captain's words. "I assure you, sir, Gwen's safety and happiness are of the utmost importance to me. I'll take good care of her, I promise."

George's gaze lingers on Ace, searching for any sign of deception. After a moment, he seems to relax, if only slightly. "See that you do." He steps aside, allowing Ace to enter.

Ace stepped inside the Stacy residence, his gaze immediately drawn to the staircase as Gwen began to descend. The sight of her took his breath away.

Gwen was a vision in pink, her dress hugging her figure in all the right places. The leather belt and jacket she wore added a touch of edginess to the ensemble, complementing her natural beauty perfectly. Her makeup was light and subtle, accentuating her delicate features.

As Gwen reached the bottom of the stairs, Ace couldn't help but stare, mesmerized by her appearance. "Gwen, you look... stunning," he managed to say, his voice tinged with awe.

Gwen felt a flush of warmth creep up her cheeks at Ace's words. "Thank you, Ace," she replied, her eyes shining with a hint of shyness. "You look quite dashing yourself."

Ace gave Gwen a delicate pink corsage, the soft petals a perfect complement to her dress. Gwen's face lit up with delight as she accepted the gesture, her fingers gently brushing against his.

"It's beautiful, Ace," she said, her voice soft and sincere. "Thank you."

Unbeknownst to the pair, Helen Stacy stood behind Gwen, a warm smile gracing her features. She had been watching the interaction with a mother's keen eye, her heart swelling with pride at the sight of her daughter.

"You know, Ace," Helen spoke up, drawing the young man's attention. "Gwen spent quite some time getting ready for tonight. She was so excited to see you."

Gwen's cheeks flushed a deep shade of pink at her mother's words, her gaze momentarily darting to the floor. "Mom, please," she murmured, a hint of embarrassment in her voice.

Ace turned to Helen, a genuine smile spreading across his face. "She looks absolutely stunning," he replied, his eyes shining with admiration. "I'm honored to be her date tonight."

Helen's smile widened, and she placed a gentle hand on Ace's arm. "I'm so glad Gwen has a guy like you, Ace. Take care of her, won't you?"

Gwen groaned inwardly, wishing the ground would swallow her up. Her mother's tendency to tease and embarrass her in front of others was always a source of mixed emotions. On one hand, she knew Helen meant well and was simply expressing her maternal pride. But on the other, Gwen couldn't help but feel self-conscious, especially in front of Ace.

Ace smiled warmly at Helen, reassuring her. "Don't worry, Mrs. Stacy. Gwen is in good hands." He turned to Gwen, offering his arm. "Shall we?"

Gwen nodded, a hint of excitement in her eyes as she took Ace's arm. The pair made their way outside, where the sleek, crimson Tridoron awaited them.

Ace opened the passenger door for Gwen, ever the gentleman. "After you, milady," he said with a playful grin.

Gwen giggled, a melodic sound, as she slid into the luxurious vehicle. Ace closed the door behind her and made his way to the driver's side, pausing briefly to speak with George.

"Captain Stacy," Ace began, his tone respectful. "I promise to have Gwen back before midnight."

George regarded Ace with a contemplative gaze. "See that you do," he said, the unspoken warning evident in his voice.

Ace nodded, understanding the gravity of the captain's words. "You have my word."

With that, Ace climbed into the Tridoron, the engine roaring to life. He turned to Gwen, a smile playing on his lips. "Ready to have some fun?"

Gwen returned the smile, her nerves giving way to excitement. "Definitely."

As the Tridoron pulled away, Helen waved goodbye, calling out, "Have a wonderful time, you two!"

George stood by his wife's side, his expression a mix of pride and concern. "I hope you're right about this, Ace," he murmured, watching the car disappear down the street.


Ace guided the sleek Tridoron into the school's parking lot, the engine's rumble drawing the attention of the arriving students. He stepped out first, then moved to the passenger side to open the door for Gwen.

As Gwen emerged from the vehicle, her pink dress shimmering under the night lights, Ace couldn't help but admire her beauty. He offered her his arm, and together they made their way towards the school's entrance, where a crowd of their fellow students had gathered.

The gymnasium was alive with music and laughter, as students in suits and dresses danced and mingled with their dates. Ace and Gwen took in the festive atmosphere, both feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation.

Ace and Gwen saw Peter, Ned, and MJ as they entered the gymnasium. Peter, wearing a simple suit that Ace guessed might have belonged to his uncle Ben, stood next to MJ, who was dressed in a stunning red dress. Ned, also in a suit and sporting a hat, was accompanied by a girl Ace recognized as Betty, the broadcaster from the school's news.

Peter greeted Ace and Gwen warmly, his eyes shining with excitement. "Hey, you two! Glad you could make it." He gestured towards MJ, a shy smile playing on his lips.

MJ offered Ace and Gwen a friendly nod, her vibrant dress accentuating her confident demeanor.

"Peter, MJ, you both look great," Gwen said, her voice filled with genuine admiration. She then turned to Ned, who was beaming as he introduced his date, Betty.

"Ace, Gwen, this is Betty. We've been, uh, getting to know each other lately," Ned said, his cheeks flushing slightly.

Betty greeted them with a warm smile, her eyes sparkling behind her glasses. "It's so nice to meet you both. Ned's told me a lot about you."

Ace responded with a friendly nod, silently observing the interactions between his friends. He could sense the underlying emotions – Peter's bashfulness around MJ, Ned's pride in introducing Betty, and Gwen's genuine happiness for their friends.

Ace spotted Doreen and Nico across the crowded gymnasium, his eyes drawn to their unique styles. Doreen had embraced a country-girl aesthetic, wearing a flowing dress and a cowboy hat that perched atop her head. Tippy, her loyal squirrel companion, sat comfortably on her shoulder, its bushy tail swaying gently.

Nico, on the other hand, exuded a goth-punk vibe. Her dress was dark and edgy, complemented by her heavy black eyeliner and bold, black lipstick. The contrast between the two girls was striking, yet Ace couldn't help but feel drawn to their individuality.

"Doreen, Nico!" Ace called out, weaving through the throng of dancing students to reach them. "I'm so glad you both made it."

Doreen greeted him with a warm smile, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Ace, it is good to see you made it." She gave a little twirl, the skirt of her dress billowing out around her.

Nico, on the other hand, offered a more reserved nod, her gaze sweeping over the bustling crowd. "It's...different," she said, her voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

Ace placed a reassuring hand on Nico's shoulder. "I'm glad you're here. I know it can be overwhelming, but I'm sure you'll have a great time." He then turned to Doreen, his expression brightening. "And you, my country-girl friend, look absolutely stunning."

Doreen beamed, her cheeks flushing with a bashful smile. "Why, thank you, sugah," she replied, her Southern drawl adding to her charming persona.

Nico observed the exchange, her expression softening ever so slightly. Ace's warmth and acceptance seemed to put her at ease, and she found herself drawn into the festive atmosphere, despite her initial reservations.

Gwen, seeing Doreen and Nico, made her way over to them, her pink dress swishing with each step. "Doreen! Nico! I'm so glad you both made it," she said, her voice brimming with excitement.

Doreen greeted Gwen with a warm hug. "Gwen, darlin'! Ain't you just the prettiest thing," she exclaimed, her Southern charm on full display.

Nico offered a small smile, her initial hesitation giving way to a more relaxed demeanor. "Hey, Gwen. It's good to see you."

Doreen's gaze shifted to Ace, who stood by Gwen's side, a fond smile on his face. "Well, well, look at you, Gwen Stacy. Ain't you the lucky one, havin' Ace as your date tonight?"

Gwen felt her cheeks flush at Doreen's teasing words. "I, uh, I guess so," she replied, glancing shyly at Ace.

Ace chuckled, placing a gentle hand on the small of Gwen's back. "Doreen, you're making Gwen blush," he said, his tone playful.

Doreen grinned mischievously. "What can I say? I'm just callin' it like I see it."

Nico observed the exchange, a hint of amusement flickering in her dark eyes. She may have been new to the group, but she could sense the budding affection between Ace and Gwen.

Ace, sensing an opportunity to introduce his friends, gestured towards Peter, MJ, and Ned. "Hey, guys, come over here. I want you to meet Doreen and Nico."

Peter, MJ, and Ned made their way over, their curiosity piqued.

"Doreen, Nico, this is Peter, MJ, and Ned," Ace said, motioning to each of them in turn. "They're my closest friends here at Midtown."

Doreen greeted them with her signature charm. "Well, ain't y'all just the sweetest bunch? It's a pleasure to meet you all."

Nico, though more reserved, offered a polite nod. "Hi, it's nice to meet you."

Peter, always eager to make new friends, smiled warmly. "It's great to meet you too. Ace has told us a lot about you."

MJ, her gaze sweeping over the group, quirked an eyebrow. "So, you're the ones he's been spending time with, huh?"

Ned, his eyes sparkling with excitement, chimed in. "I can't wait to hear all about your band! Ace mentioned you're going to perform at the dance."

As the conversation continued, the group found themselves drawn into each other's company, the boundaries of their initial acquaintance slowly dissolving. Laughter and friendly banter filled the air, creating a sense of camaraderie that seemed to envelop them all.


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