A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 60

Before Wanda arrived, Scott, Jean, and Kitty were locked in a desperate struggle to prevent Wanda from capturing Jubilee. Despite their best efforts, a sudden and mysterious force rendered Scott and Jean unconscious, leaving Kitty defenseless. Wanda's eerie powers swiftly ensnared Kitty, binding her with an unbreakable energy that nullified even her phasing abilities.

“Pietro… We will do this next time, X-Men. Let me get some leverage.” Wanda's voice dripped with contempt as she tightened her hold on Kitty, who writhed in silent agony.

“Let her go!” Scott's voice cracked with anger and fear as he regained consciousness.

“Watch it, Scott. You don’t want to accidentally hit her,” Wanda taunted, her eyes glinting with malice.

Scott clenched his fists, the red glow of his visor flickering ominously. “Grr.”

“I need to leave, but my brother and his friends need me.” With a wave of her hand, Wanda began dragging Kitty toward the location where her comrades lay defeated. Scott and Jean, now fully awake, followed closely, their resolve unwavering despite the peril.

Upon reaching the scene, Wanda's fury intensified as she saw her brother and the rest of the Brotherhood lying bruised and unconscious. Their injuries, though not severe, were enough to ignite her wrath. Standing amidst the fallen villains was a man with purple skin, a stranger whose presence suggested he was responsible for the Brotherhood's defeat. The air crackled with tension as Wanda locked eyes with him.

“I see you beat my brother and his friends. Let’s make a trade. I’ll release her, and you can let us go. How does that sound?” Wanda's voice was cold and calculating.

“Who are you?” the purple-skinned man demanded, his stance wary.

“I’m the Scarlet Witch. Who are you?” Wanda's tone was laced with disdain.

“Kamen Rider.”

“Kamen Rider? How surprising. I did not expect you to be all the way here.”

“I’m full of surprises.”

“I see. No matter—hand over my teammates, or else this little girl gets it.” Wanda tightened her grip on Kitty, causing her to cry out in pain.

“Agh~” Kitty's agonized voice cut through the tension, sending waves of fear and anger through her friends.

“Kitty! Let her go!” Bobby shouted, his voice breaking with desperation. He surged forward, only to be restrained by Storm.

“Bobby, you mustn’t. You will risk harming her,” Storm said, her voice firm yet soothing.

“Let me go!” Bobby's voice was a mix of fury and helplessness, his eyes locked on the struggling Kitty.

As the standoff continued, the X-Men and Kamen Rider stood ready, their resolve unbroken. The air was thick with anticipation, each side waiting for the other's next move, the fate of Kitty hanging in the balance.


Ace weighed the situation before ultimately agreeing. He couldn’t risk her being harmed; her safety was more important than capturing the Brotherhood.

“Fine, you can have them back. Hand her over first.”

“No, you have to hand over them first.”

“Are you kidding me? There are four of them, and that guy weighs who knows how much.”

Wanda frowned but reluctantly agreed. She sent Kitty over, and Ace rushed to check her condition.

“Kitty, you okay?” he asked, his voice soft with concern as he examined her for any injuries. The setting sun cast a warm glow on their faces, highlighting the worry etched into his features.

“Ace? Thanks. Sorry you had to give those guys up,” Kitty replied, her voice tinged with guilt as she looked up at him, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

“Hey, don’t say that. You’re more important to me than them. I’d do the same anytime,” Ace reassured her, gently brushing a stray lock of hair from her face.

Kitty blushed, seeing how Ace would do anything to save her. “My hero,” she whispered, a shy smile spreading across her face.

“Okay, knock it off,” Rogue interjected, breaking up the atmosphere before it could get worse. The tension in her voice was palpable, and her eyes narrowed slightly.

“Don’t be so jealous, Rogue,” Ace teased, trying to lighten the mood.

“I’m not jealous!” Rogue shot back, crossing her arms and huffing.

Wanda reached out to her teammates, using her powers to levitate them alongside her. Her gaze fell upon Kamen Rider, who stood near the X-Men. She found him intriguing, having heard about his deeds and unusual power. The late afternoon light bathed the scene in a golden hue, adding a surreal quality to the tense standoff.

“Tell me, Rider. Are you interested in joining the Brotherhood?” Wanda asked, her voice calm yet commanding as she studied him with curious eyes.

Ace was surprised by Wanda's offer. “Unfortunately, I have to decline. Saving mutants is an admirable goal, but hating and injuring normal people is something I cannot agree with. However, I might lend a hand if you need help saving mutants.”

“You're very strange, Rider. It is a shame you won’t join us. If I need your help, I will consider it. I hope we meet again,” Wanda replied, a hint of admiration in her tone.

After a blinding red flash of light, Ace and the X-Men found themselves momentarily disoriented. When they regained their senses, Wanda and the Brotherhood had vanished. With a sigh of relief, they realized that the battle was finally over, bringing a sense of closure and satisfaction. The fading daylight cast long shadows, adding a sense of calm after the storm.

Kitty linked arms with Ace, much to Rogue's annoyance. “It’s a good thing you’re here, Ace! Wait, how did you get here? This isn’t New York.”

“I heard you all were heading to California, and I also got information that the Brotherhood was here. So, I thought I’d come in case anything happened. And it’s a good thing I did,” Ace explained, his tone light but his eyes serious.

“Aw~ thanks for coming,” Kitty said, her cheeks still flushed with gratitude.

Kitty abruptly experienced a loss of strength, as if all her energy had drained from her body. She saw Rogue forcibly pulling her away from Ace.

“Rogue! Quit that!” Kitty protested, trying to shake Rogue off.

“Then get away from him!” Rogue retorted, her grip firm as she glared at Kitty.

The two of them playfully wrestled, and Ace found it entertaining to watch. It was good to see them well enough to have some fun together. Jubilee approached Ace to thank him, her movements tentative.

“Um, thanks for saving my bacon, by the way,” she said shyly, her voice barely above a whisper.

“No problem, just doing what’s right. I couldn’t let them do as they please,” Ace replied, his tone gentle as he smiled at her.

“Do you know these X-Men guys?” Jubilee asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

“Yeah, we’re friends, actually,” Ace responded, glancing over at the group with a fond smile.

“I can see that, especially with those two fighting over you,” Jubilee noted, a teasing tone in her voice.

Kitty and Rogue were still wrestling, pulling each other's faces and hair. It was clear they were just goofing off, adding a light-hearted element to the scene.

“I wonder what makes you so special to make them like that?” Jubilee teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Ace only shrugged, watching Kitty and Rogue playfully fight. Storm, on the side, looked on with embarrassment, her cheeks flushed a deep red.

Shortly after, Scott and Jean showed up, both pleasantly surprised to see Ace.

“Rider? You’re here,” Scott exclaimed, his eyes widening in surprise.

“Hey, Scott! Thought your group needed some help, so I came,” Ace replied, giving him a friendly wave.

“Is everything over?” Jean asked, her voice tinged with concern as she looked around.

“Yeah, the Brotherhood got away, though. Couldn’t help it,” Ace admitted, a hint of frustration in his tone.

“It’s fine, as long Jubilee is safe and everyone is unharmed. So, Jubilee, are you going to join the school? We need to talk to your parents and convince them,” Scott said, turning his attention to Jubilee.

“They’re not going to like it,” Jubilee muttered, her shoulders slumping.

“Then help us persuade them. I’m sure they’ll understand once you talk to them,” Jean encouraged, placing a reassuring hand on Jubilee’s shoulder.

Jubilee didn’t want to talk to her parents, but after thinking about it, she agreed. “...Fine.”

Ace and the X-Men visited Jubilee's home to discuss her wish to attend Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Unfortunately, her parents were hesitant and expressed concerns about the potential dangers. The cozy living room was filled with tension, the dim lighting casting long shadows on the worried faces of Jubilee’s parents.

“Honey, you can’t go. Please, just stay. It doesn’t matter if you’re a mutant. It’s better for you to be here,” her mother pleaded, her voice breaking.

“Listen to your mother, Jubilee. You don’t have to leave,” her father added, his tone firm yet laced with worry.

“I want to go with them. You say it’s better for me to be here, but I heard you were planning to send me to a correction facility this morning!” Jubilee accused, her voice rising with emotion.

“Honey… we… we did not want to send you away,” her mother said, tears welling up in her eyes.

“Besides, other people are going to come after me. It’s better to go with them where it’s safe for mutants,” Jubilee argued, her resolve unwavering.

Jubilee's parents finally gave in to her strong desire, allowing her to join the X-Men. As she packed her bags, her parents embraced her, tears streaming down their cheeks before she headed off on her journey. The goodbye was bittersweet, the room filled with a mix of sorrow and hope. Jean put her hand on Jubilee’s shoulder to comfort her.

“It’s okay, Jubilee. You can visit them when you’ve controlled your powers and during school breaks,” Jean reassured her, her voice soft and soothing.

“So, Rider. You coming with us? The professor said he wouldn’t mind letting you stay,” Scott offered, his tone hopeful.

“It’s fine, Scott. I can find my way back. I still have other things to do,” Ace replied, his tone firm but grateful.

Rogue held Ace’s hands, her eyes pleading. “Are you sure? You can stay with us for a few days.”

“I can’t, Rogue, but I promise I’ll visit when I have time,” Ace said, giving her hands a reassuring squeeze.

“Okay… visit soon, alright,” Rogue said, her voice soft with disappointment.

“I promise,” Ace assured her, his eyes meeting hers with sincerity.

The X-Men boarded the Blackbird with Jubilee, and Ace waved enthusiastically as they flew off into the distance. The hum of the jet engines filled the air, the setting sun casting a warm glow on the scene.

“Ark, are the recordings in the area destroyed?” Ace asked, his voice taking on a professional tone.

“Yes, all the footage about your battle with the X-Men has been erased. Even from private devices. It should only amount to a rumor that mutants are fighting,” Ark replied, its digital voice calm and efficient.

“Good. Have you tracked where the Brotherhood had gone?” Ace inquired, his brow furrowing in thought.

“Unfortunately not. The Scarlet Witch's powers seem to be mysterious, and I don’t have enough data,” Ark admitted, a hint of frustration in its tone.

“That’s a shame, but they’ll reveal their heads someday. We just have to capture them then. Now, time to go home,” Ace said, his resolve firm as he looked towards the horizon.

An incredible orbital space station hovered above Earth, serving as the stronghold of the powerful Brotherhood led by Magneto. The sleek, metallic structure gleamed under the sun’s rays, casting an imposing shadow over the planet below. After their recent loss, Wanda brought back her allies to the base. Meanwhile, Pietro seethed with anger at their recent losses to both the X-Men and the formidable vigilante, Kamen Rider.

“Damn it! If that guy hadn’t gotten in the way, we would’ve gotten the girl!” Pietro fumed, his fists clenching and unclenching in frustration.

Blob was still not feeling too good. His insides felt like slushies. “Yeah, I feel like I’m going to empty my stomach any moment. Barf” he groaned, his face a sickly shade of green.

Toad quickly moved away. “Yuck! Get away from me, big guy!” he exclaimed, his nose wrinkling in disgust.

“Quiet, Pietro. What’s done is done. There’s nothing else we could do,” Wanda said, her voice calm but firm as she eyed her brother.

“Easy for you to say, Wanda. Father is going to chew us out,” Pietro retorted, his tone bitter.

The door swung open, revealing a commanding figure—a man with grey hair clad in a striking red suit and a regal purple cape. Every member of the Brotherhood instinctively looked up to him, for he was none other than Magneto, the father of Wanda and Pietro and the leader of the Brotherhood. His presence filled the room, his eyes sharp and piercing as he surveyed his children.

“How did you do? Did you succeed in bringing the girl?” Magneto inquired, his voice carrying a weight of authority and expectation.

Wanda stepped forward to answer. “I’m sorry, Father, we failed,” she admitted, her head bowed slightly in shame.

“Did you lose to Charles’s pupils? I made sure with your members you would succeed, and you couldn’t even do that,” he said with a disappointed tone, his eyes narrowing.

“There was someone who helped the X-Men, Father, and he was the one who defeated Pietro and the rest,” Wanda explained, her voice steady despite the tension in the room.

“Hey!” Pietro felt her pointing at them was unnecessary, his face flushing with embarrassment.

“Quiet! Continue, Wanda,” Magneto commanded, his tone leaving no room for argument.

“The recent vigilante known as the Kamen Rider stopped us,” Wanda continued, her eyes meeting her father’s with a mix of determination and apology.

“Kamen Rider? What was he doing with the X-Men?” Magneto asked, his interest piqued.

“I don’t know, but they seem to have a close relationship with him,” Wanda replied, her voice thoughtful.

“Is this true, Pietro?” Magneto turned to his son, his gaze intense.

“Y-Yes, Father, embarrassingly. He defeated us easily. We were about to grab the girl, but he suddenly showed up and ruined everything,” Pietro admitted, his tone begrudging.

“Hmm… Is he a mutant?” Magneto pondered, his brow furrowing.

“I don’t know. He mainly uses a suit of armor to fight, but his strength was abnormal and couldn’t be explained with just a suit of armor,” Wanda speculated, her eyes thoughtful.

“Very well, it is a shame we couldn’t have gotten another sister to join the cause, and this Kamen Rider will need investigation. Rest up for now,” Magneto ordered, his tone final.

Magneto left, allowing Wanda, Pietro, and the other mutants to relax. They were tired and needed rest. Wanda went to her room and saw a familiar girl with green hair. The room was dimly lit, with soft, ambient lighting creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.

“Lorna, were you waiting for me?” Wanda asked, a soft smile spreading across her face.

“Yeah, Wanda. Did you succeed?” Lorna inquired, her eyes wide with curiosity.

“Unfortunately, no,” Wanda replied, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

“That’s too bad,” Lorna said, her shoulders slumping slightly.

“But I did meet someone interesting,” Wanda added, her eyes lighting up.

“Really? Who?” Lorna asked, her interest piqued.

“I met the Kamen Rider,” Wanda revealed, a smile tugging at her lips.

“Kamen Rider! I’m a big fan of his! How was he!?” Lorna exclaimed, her excitement palpable.

“He was kind,” Wanda said, her voice soft as she remembered their encounter.

“Really?” Lorna asked, her eyes wide with admiration.

“Come, let’s go inside to talk about it,” Wanda suggested, leading Lorna into the room.

Wanda and her half-sister Lorna had a great time chatting in the room until late at night. The room was filled with laughter and warmth, a stark contrast to the earlier tension.

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