A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 61

It had been a few days since Ace's encounter with the Brotherhood. With Ark's help, the incident had virtually vanished from online platforms, almost as if it had never happened. Meanwhile, Peter and Gwen had taken on the responsibility of protecting New York with great enthusiasm. Their skills had significantly improved, and they were doing an excellent job of keeping the city safe in Ace's absence.

Ace had been diligently focused on advancing his company, and the positive results were becoming increasingly apparent. The exceptional quality and unique specifications of their products had set them apart in the market, resulting in a growing number of satisfied customers. The company's success was a testament to their hard work and dedication, generating significant anticipation and excitement among eager consumers for the exciting lineup of new products in the pipeline.

Fury had summoned everyone for a meeting, and Ace arrived accompanied by Horobi and Jin to introduce them to the group. Ace also brought along the specially designed Humagears that he would be lending to Fury. These Humagears, unlike ordinary ones, were programmed and constructed for espionage purposes, showcasing their potential and advanced capabilities. They were equipped with advanced knowledge to carry out their assigned tasks efficiently, sparking curiosity about what they could achieve.

The meeting location was a secure, unmarked building in a less conspicuous part of the city. The interior was a blend of high-tech and utilitarian design, with sleek metal surfaces, large screens displaying various data, and an air of urgency that permeated the atmosphere.

“Is this where we are meeting?” asked Jin with an amused smile on his face, his enthusiasm contrasting sharply with the sterile surroundings.

“Be on your best behavior, Jin. We will be working alongside them. It is best we get along,” Ace advised, his voice steady and authoritative.

“Hai~” Jin responded playfully, his youthful energy a stark contrast to the tense environment.

Horobi, on the other hand, did not look as enthusiastic. His eyes, sharp and calculating, surveyed the room with suspicion. He was still apprehensive about working with other humans besides Ace. His past experiences with humans, filled with betrayal and malice, had left him cautious. “Is this for the best, Ace? We have other ways to take down Hydra instead of relying on them,” he asked, his tone reflecting deep-seated mistrust.

“It is fine, Horobi. SHIELD is important in this world. If we let it be destroyed, it will be quite a hassle. Befriending Nick Fury is also important. Having him as our ally will bring many benefits.”

Horobi’s face remained stoic, but his eyes softened slightly as he responded, “If it is your decision, fine. We will still stand by your side.” His commitment to following Ace's commands was unwavering, ready to provide guidance when needed. If Ace was confident in his decision, Horobi trusted him fully.

Ace was pleased to see he had allies no matter what happened. “Thank you, Horobi, for your trust. Then, let’s go in and introduce yourselves. I’m sure they are already waiting.”

“Hahaha! I can’t wait to meet them~” Jin's eagerness was infectious, but Horobi's cautious silence spoke volumes. His eyes reflected a readiness to fight if necessary.

They entered the safe house and saw the same people from the last meeting. Coulson, ever the diplomat, approached Ace to greet him, his demeanor warm and welcoming.

“It is nice to see you have arrived, Rider.”

“Nice to see you again, Phil.”

“Are these the Humagears you mentioned?” Coulson asked, his eyes widening with interest as he looked at the newcomers.

“Yes, let me introduce you. This is Horobi and Jin. They are part of Metsuboujinrai.net and are also Kamen Riders.”

Jin stepped forward enthusiastically with a broad smile on his face. “Hello~ I’m Jin! It is nice to meet you~.”

Horobi, in stark contrast, remained cold and emotionless. “Horobi, regards,” he said curtly.

The SHIELD agents closely watched their new teammates while Fury, ever the strategist, examined them more carefully. He had received reports about Metsuboujinrai, suggesting that they worked as a pair. As he observed them, he couldn't shake off a sense of unease. Having seen the aftermath of their attacks on criminal hideouts, he knew that many criminals had died at their hands, some brutally murdered beyond recognition. Despite one of them smiling like a child, Fury sensed the eyes of a killer behind the façade. The other exuded a cold, warrior-like presence. These individuals were undeniably dangerous, but they could potentially become invaluable allies.

Natasha was the first to break the silence, her voice calm but curious. “They are Humagears, right?”

“Yes, Horobi and Jin are Humagears,” Ace confirmed.

Coulson, still amazed at how similar they were to humans, leaned in closer. “I knew they would look like regular people, but I did not think they would be so life-like.”

“Thank you for the compliment,” said Ace, proud of the Humagears.

“I have seen the reports on your activities. Quite ruthless, you two are,” Natasha remarked, her eyes narrowing slightly.

“We also know of your exploits, Fatale,” Jin replied, his tone light but with a hint of respect.

“Fatale?” she was confused, not familiar with the name.

Ace stepped in to clarify. “It is your Rider name.”

Natasha's eyes lit up with understanding, and she nodded. “I see... I quite like it.”

“Can Humagears become Kamen Riders?” asked Hill, her curiosity piqued.

“Yes, but I don’t just give them all a Driver. Only a few of the Humagears are Kamen Riders.”

“Can you really think for yourselves?” Hill pressed on, her tone skeptical.

“Yes, but we follow Ace’s commands—not because we are programmed to, but because of our free will,” Horobi replied, his voice tinged with a hint of defiance.

Hill sensed the underlying tension in Horobi’s voice. “You don’t like us, do you?”

“I just don’t trust humans. They are filled with malice, and I have seen the destruction your kind has caused.”

The SHIELD agents became on guard from Horobi’s words. He could see this and scoffed at them. “But don’t worry, even if humans have so much malice. I have seen some good things. I won’t fight you all as long as you don’t betray Ace.”

The agents relaxed. “Noted,” replied Hill, her voice steady but cautious.

Now that everyone was acquainted with each other, Fury looked at the other Humagears. “Are these the other Humagears that will solve the manpower issue?”

“Yes, these eight will be helping you in your operations,” Ace explained, his tone confident.

The Humagears bowed, ready to serve. “They seem quite robotic,” said Clint, his eyes narrowing as he assessed them.

“Well, they were just recently made, so they are not sentient yet.”

“Are not all Humagears sentient?” asked Melinda May, her expression thoughtful.

“No, not all Humagears can achieve sentience like Jin and Horobi. We call it achieving Singularity. It is when a Humagear begins to question its own existence and will start operating beyond human design.”

“How do they achieve it?”

“I don’t know. Most likely through learning or observation. There is no sure answer.”

“If a Humagear achieves Singularity, a new brother or sister is born~” said Jin, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

“I see... and you don’t think it is dangerous?”

“Why? I actually support it. As long as it doesn’t hurt humanity, I encourage a Humagear to reach its Singularity.”

Fury kept the information about Singularity in mind. “It is good to know they won’t turn into a terminator. What can they do?”

“Well, they are programmed to do secretarial work, espionage, and fight when they need to. You can test them if you want.”

“Then, Agent Romanoff, can you spar with one of these Humagears?”

“Sure,” Natasha agreed, her eyes glinting with interest.

Ace was quite surprised to find a training area in the safe house. He then gave the command for one of the female-type Humagears to spar with Black Widow.

“I hope you're ready. What’s your name?” Natasha asked, her stance relaxed but poised for action.

“My name is Mio. Please advise me,” replied the Humagear, her voice calm and respectful.

Natasha burst into action, launching a ferocious attack aimed at Mio's chest. Mio swiftly defended herself, blocking the strike with her arms before seizing Natasha's waist with her legs. With a quick and powerful move, she threw Natasha to the ground, swiftly mounting her. Natasha retaliated by kicking Mio off, and both combatants sprang to their feet, warily eyeing each other.

On the side, May was watching the spar and was impressed. “That Humagear is good. She moves like a seasoned agent.”

Fury was impressed with the Humagears. If all of their capabilities met these standards, he should request the Rider for some more.

Natasha and Mio faced off once more, unleashing their full power. Although evenly matched, Natasha's years of experience in the field gave her an edge. She had battled foes stronger than her and survived situations that would have taken down top-level agents. Even the most advanced Humagear couldn't replicate her battle-hardened skills. In an intense clash, Natasha emerged victorious, ultimately subduing Mio and claiming the win in the spar.

“Thank you for your lesson. I have learned a lot,” Mio bowed and thanked Natasha for the spar.

“No problem. I’m going to be on my toes if you are only going to get better,” Natasha replied, her voice filled with respect.

“Well, Fury. How did you find the Humagears? Are you satisfied?” Ace asked, his eyes keenly observing Fury’s reaction.

“I’m more than satisfied. With them, the operation should go smoother.”

“I’m glad you’re happy with them.”

“Now, come. We need to discuss our next move,” Fury said, his tone shifting to one of urgency.

Fury presented files to everyone. They contained details of the new mission. “This is the location of the missing components for the Helicarrier. Thanks to the information we got from those Hydra agents, we managed to uncover its location. We need to extract it and destroy any other copies to delay Hydra.”

Jin raised his hand to ask a question, his curiosity evident. “Are we going to break in?”

“No, you will be infiltrating the compound. Once you have secured the target, I need you to do one more thing,” Fury replied, his eyes narrowing as he outlined the plan.

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