A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 71

In a dimly lit abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of New York, Flint Marko and Aleksei Sytsevich huddled around a makeshift table. The air was thick with dust and anticipation as the two supervillains pored over crude blueprints of their next target.

"Alright, big guy," Sandman said, his gravelly voice barely above a whisper. "Here's the plan. We hit the First National Bank on 5th Avenue. It's got the biggest vault in the city."

Rhino grunted, his massive frame creaking as he leaned in closer. "How we gonna get past security? Place is like a fortress."

Sandman grinned, grains of sand shifting across his face. "That's where our powers come in handy. I'll slip in through the air vents, disable the alarms. You'll come in through the front door."

"Front door?" Rhino scoffed. "You crazy, Marko?"

"Trust me," Sandman insisted. "They won't be expecting it. You crash through, create a distraction. While everyone's running scared, I'll make my way to the vault."

Rhino nodded slowly, a grin spreading across his face. "I like it. Smash things up, that's what I do best."

"Exactly," Sandman agreed. "While you're keeping the cops busy, I'll crack the vault. With my sand form, I can get through any lock or mechanism they throw at us."

"What about the spiders?" Rhino asked, his expression darkening. "They always show up to ruin things."

Sandman's eyes narrowed. "We'll be ready for them this time. You focus on keeping them busy if they show. I'll get the cash, and we'll be out before they know what hit 'em."

The two villains spent the next hour going over every detail of their plan. They discussed entry points, escape routes, and contingencies for various scenarios. As the night wore on, their excitement grew.

"Just think about it, Aleksei," Sandman said, his voice filled with wonder. "We pull this off, we'll be set for life. No more petty crimes, no more scraping by. We'll be living like kings."

Rhino's eyes gleamed with greed. "Yeah, I could buy my own island. No one to bother me, just peace and quiet."

"And all the vodka you can drink," Sandman added with a chuckle.

As the two criminals continued to plot, across the city, two figures swung gracefully between skyscrapers. Spider-Man and Spider-Woman moved in perfect sync, their eyes scanning the streets below for any sign of trouble.

"Any luck?" Spider-Man called out, his voice barely audible over the rush of wind.

Spider-Woman shook her head. "Nothing yet. It's like they've vanished into thin air."

They landed on a rooftop, catching their breath and surveying the cityscape.

"We can't give up," Spider-Man said, determination evident in his voice. "Those two are dangerous. We need to find them before they hurt anyone else."

Spider-Woman nodded in agreement. "I know. It's just... the city's so big. They could be anywhere."

"We'll keep looking," Spider-Man assured her. "We'll check every warehouse, every abandoned building if we have to."

As they prepared to swing off again, Spider-Woman paused. "Peter... what if we can't stop them? What if they're too strong this time?"

Spider-Man turned to her, his mask hiding the concern on his face. "We will stop them, Gwen. We have to. It's what we do."

With renewed determination, the two heroes leapt off the building, their web-lines stretching out into the night. As they swung through the concrete canyons of New York, both Spider-Man and Spider-Woman couldn't shake the feeling that something big was about to happen. They just hoped they'd be ready when it did.

Sandman and Rhino rob the bank. They threaten all the employees and customers inside. Rhino threatens that if they call the cops, they will be in a world of pain. They take down all the guards and easily go through their security measures. Sandman uses his ability to open the vault, and they all start putting into bags.

The sun had barely risen over New York City when Sandman and Rhino made their move. They approached the First National Bank on 5th Avenue, their hearts pounding with anticipation. Rhino's massive form cast a shadow over the street as they neared the entrance.

"Ready?" Sandman asked, his voice low and gravelly.

Rhino nodded, a wicked grin spreading across his face. "Let's do this."

With a thunderous crash, Rhino burst through the front doors of the bank. Glass shattered and metal twisted as he barreled inside. Screams erupted from startled customers and employees.

"Nobody move!" Rhino bellowed, his voice echoing off the marble walls.

Sandman slipped in behind him, his body shifting and reforming as he moved. He raised his arms, sand swirling around him menacingly.

"Everyone on the ground, now!" Sandman ordered.

Terrified bank patrons dropped to the floor, their hands covering their heads. A security guard reached for his weapon, but Rhino was on him in an instant.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Rhino growled, crushing the guard's gun in his massive hand.

Sandman moved swiftly through the bank, disarming the remaining guards with ease. His sand form allowed him to overwhelm them before they could even draw their weapons.

"Listen up!" Rhino shouted, addressing the cowering crowd. "If anyone tries to call the cops, you'll be in a world of pain. Got it?"

Whimpers and nods of agreement came from the frightened hostages.

Sandman approached the bank manager, who was trembling behind the counter. "Open the vault," he demanded.

"I-I can't," the manager stammered. "It's on a time lock. We don't have the codes to-"

Sandman cut him off with a laugh. "Who said anything about codes?"

He turned to face the massive vault door, his body already beginning to shift. Grains of sand flowed from his form, seeping into every crack and crevice of the lock mechanism.

"This might take a minute," Sandman called out to Rhino. "Keep an eye on our guests."

Rhino grunted in acknowledgment, pacing back and forth in front of the hostages. His heavy footsteps shook the floor with each stride.

Inside the lock, Sandman's consciousness spread through the intricate workings. He could feel every tumbler, every gear. With careful manipulation, he began to align the components.

Minutes ticked by, the tension in the bank lobby growing with each passing second. Suddenly, there was a loud click, followed by the groan of metal as the vault door swung open.

Sandman reformed, a triumphant grin on his face. "We're in."

Rhino let out a whoop of joy. "Let's get rich!"

The two villains rushed into the vault, their eyes widening at the sight of stacks upon stacks of cash and valuables.

"Start filling the bags," Sandman instructed, tossing a duffel to Rhino.

They worked quickly, shoving bundles of cash and precious items into their bags. Rhino's strength allowed him to carry far more than a normal person, while Sandman's ability to manipulate his form let him reach into tight spaces and hidden compartments.

As they looted the vault, the hostages in the lobby remained frozen in fear. Some sobbed quietly, while others prayed for rescue. The once bustling bank had become a scene of terror and chaos.

 Peter and Gwen heard from a police radio frequency of Sandman and Rhino's bank robbery and had hostages. They immediately went to the location but did not immediately enter. They went through a duct to enter the bank to survey the situation.

As the chaos unfolded inside the First National Bank, Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy were swinging through the city on their routine patrol. Suddenly, the police radio frequency they monitored crackled to life with urgent reports of a bank robbery in progress.

"All units, we have a 10-90 at First National Bank on 5th Avenue. Suspects identified as Sandman and Rhino. Multiple hostages reported. Proceed with caution."

Peter and Gwen exchanged a quick glance, their eyes widening behind their masks. Without a word, they changed direction, web-slinging towards the bank at top speed.

Within minutes, they arrived at the scene. Police cars had already formed a perimeter around the building, their lights flashing in the early morning sun. Officers crouched behind their vehicles, weapons drawn but hesitant to make a move.

Spider-Man and Spider-Woman landed silently on the roof of a nearby building, surveying the situation.

"We can't just burst in there," Gwen whispered. "They might hurt the hostages."

Peter nodded in agreement. "We need to get eyes inside first. See what we're dealing with."

They scanned the building's exterior, looking for a way in that wouldn't alert the villains to their presence. Peter's eyes landed on a small ventilation duct near the roof.

"There," he pointed. "We can slip in through that duct. It should lead us into the bank."

Gwen nodded, and they silently made their way to the duct. Peter carefully removed the grate, setting it aside without a sound. He gestured for Gwen to go first, then followed her into the narrow passageway.

The two heroes crawled through the dusty duct, their enhanced senses alert for any sound or movement below. As they neared the main lobby, they could hear muffled voices and the occasional sob of a terrified hostage.

Peter put a finger to his lips, signaling for absolute silence. They inched forward until they reached a grate overlooking the bank's main floor.

Through the slats, they could see the hostages huddled on the ground, fear etched on their faces. Rhino paced back and forth, his massive form casting shadows over the cowering crowd. Sandman was nowhere in sight, but the open vault door told them where he likely was.

Gwen tapped Peter's shoulder and pointed towards the vault. He nodded, understanding her silent communication. They needed to find a way to separate the two villains and protect the hostages at the same time.

As they watched, Sandman emerged from the vault, his arms laden with bags of cash. He said something to Rhino, too low for even their enhanced hearing to pick up at this distance.

Peter and Gwen exchanged another look. They had the element of surprise, but they needed to time their attack perfectly. One wrong move could put the hostages in grave danger.

They continued to observe, gathering as much information as they could about the layout of the bank, the positions of the hostages, and the movements of Sandman and Rhino. Every detail could be crucial in formulating their plan of attack.

As the minutes ticked by, the tension in the air grew thicker. Peter and Gwen remained perfectly still in the duct, their minds racing with possible strategies and potential outcomes. They knew that soon, they would have to make their move. The lives of the hostages and the safety of the city depended on it.

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