A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 72

Peter and Gwen exchanged a silent nod, their plan set in motion. With the utmost care, they removed the ventilation grate and slipped into the bank's upper level. Their movements were fluid and silent, honed by months of practice and their enhanced abilities.

They crept along the rafters, keeping to the shadows. Below, Sandman and Rhino continued to stuff bags with cash, oblivious to the heroes above. The hostages sat huddled together, fear etched on their faces.

Peter pointed to a small group of hostages near the back, partially hidden behind a pillar. Gwen nodded, understanding. They were the easiest to reach without alerting the villains.

With practiced precision, Gwen lowered herself on a thin strand of webbing. She hung upside down, her face level with the first hostage, a middle-aged woman. Gwen pressed a finger to her lips, signaling for silence. The woman's eyes widened in recognition and hope.

Peter kept watch as Gwen carefully wrapped her arm around the woman's waist. With a gentle tug, she lifted the hostage off the ground. The woman clung to Gwen, her body trembling but not making a sound.

Inch by inch, Gwen raised them both towards the ceiling. Peter reached out, helping the woman onto the rafters. They repeated this process with two more hostages, a young man and an elderly gentleman.

As Gwen lifted the third hostage, a small piece of plaster fell from the ceiling. It hit the floor with a soft tap, barely audible to normal ears. But Sandman's heightened senses picked up the sound. He whirled around, his eyes scanning the room.

Peter tensed, ready to spring into action. But Sandman's gaze passed over their hiding spot without pausing. He shrugged and returned to his looting.

With the three hostages safely hidden in the rafters, Peter and Gwen faced a dilemma. The remaining hostages were too exposed to rescue without alerting Sandman and Rhino. They needed a distraction.

Gwen gestured towards the vault, then to herself. Peter nodded, understanding her plan. He would engage Sandman and Rhino, while she got the rescued hostages to safety.

Peter took a deep breath, steadying himself. Then, with lightning speed, he shot two web lines - one at Sandman's face, the other at Rhino's feet.

"Hey, sandy! Didn't your mother ever tell you it's not nice to play in other people's vaults?" Peter quipped as he swung down, narrowly dodging Rhino's wild swing.

Sandman sputtered, trying to clear the webbing from his face. "Spider-Man! I'll crush you like the bug you are!"

Rhino bellowed in rage, struggling to free his feet from the sticky webbing. "Stand still so I can squash you!"

As chaos erupted below, Gwen quickly guided the rescued hostages towards a fire exit. "Stay low and move quickly," she whispered. "Once you're outside, run to the police. Don't look back."

The hostages nodded, their faces a mix of fear and gratitude. Gwen watched as they slipped out the door, then turned her attention back to the battle below.

Peter was a blur of motion, leaping and swinging between Sandman and Rhino. He kept up a steady stream of quips and taunts, drawing their attention away from the remaining hostages and the vault.

"Come on, guys! I thought this was supposed to be a challenge!" Peter laughed as he dodged another of Rhino's charges. "I've had pillow fights tougher than this!"

Sandman roared in frustration, his body shifting and morphing as he tried to catch the elusive hero. "Stand still, you wall-crawling menace!"

Gwen watched from above, ready to jump in if Peter needed help. But for now, her partner was holding his own, keeping both villains occupied and away from the hostages.

As the battle raged on, Gwen began to slowly and carefully escort the remaining hostages out of the bank. She moved from group to group, using her webs to create distractions and cover their escape.

With the last hostage safely out of the bank, Gwen swung down to join Peter in the fray. She landed gracefully beside him, her stance ready for battle.

"Looks like you could use a hand, Spider-Man," Gwen quipped, her eyes never leaving their opponents.

Peter grinned beneath his mask. "Always happy to have you watching my back, Spider-Woman."

Sandman and Rhino regrouped, eyeing the two heroes with a mixture of anger and frustration.

"Two against two now," Sandman growled. "This should be interesting."

Rhino snorted, pawing at the ground like his namesake. "Doesn't matter how many bugs there are. We'll squash them all!"

The battle resumed with renewed intensity. Peter and Gwen moved in perfect sync, years of friendship and months of crime-fighting together evident in their flawless teamwork.

Gwen shot a web at Sandman's face, temporarily blinding him. Peter used the opening to deliver a powerful kick to Rhino's chest, sending the armored villain stumbling backward.

"You know, Rhino," Peter called out as he flipped over another charge, "have you ever considered yoga? Might help with that temper of yours!"

Rhino roared in frustration, his massive fists swinging wildly. "Stand still so I can crush you!"

Meanwhile, Gwen danced around Sandman's attacks, her agility keeping her just out of reach. "Come on, Sandman, I thought you were supposed to be tough! My grandmother moves faster than you!"

Sandman's body shifted and morphed, his arms elongating into sharp, sandy blades. "I'll show you tough, little girl!"

For a while, the tide of battle seemed to be in the heroes' favor. Peter and Gwen's superior agility and teamwork kept them one step ahead of their bulkier opponents.

But as the fight dragged on, Rhino and Sandman began to find their rhythm. They started working together, covering each other's weaknesses and amplifying their strengths.

Rhino charged at Peter, who easily leaped over him. But this time, instead of crashing into a wall, Rhino skidded to a stop. Sandman was there in an instant, using his sand form to cushion Rhino's momentum and redirect him back into the fight.

"Uh oh," Peter muttered as Rhino came barreling back towards him, barely giving him time to dodge.

Gwen tried to intervene, shooting webs to tangle Rhino's legs. But Sandman was there, his sandy form slicing through the webbing before it could take hold.

"Thanks, partner," Rhino grunted, not breaking stride as he continued his assault on Peter.

Sandman grinned, his face a mask of swirling sand. "Anytime, big guy. Now let's finish these pests!"

The villains' coordination was becoming more fluid, more dangerous with each passing moment. Peter and Gwen found themselves being pushed back, forced to play defense more often than offense.

Gwen narrowly avoided a massive fist of sand, only to be caught by a glancing blow from Rhino's charge. She tumbled across the floor, quickly regaining her feet but wincing at the pain in her side.

"Spider-Woman!" Peter called out, concern evident in his voice. His momentary distraction cost him as Sandman's fist connected solidly with his jaw, sending him flying into a nearby pillar.

Peter shook his head, trying to clear the stars from his vision. "Okay, that one actually hurt," he mumbled.

Gwen was at his side in an instant, helping him to his feet. "We need a new strategy," she said urgently. "They're getting better at working together."

Peter nodded, his mind racing for a solution. But before he could formulate a plan, Rhino was upon them again. The heroes leaped in opposite directions, barely avoiding the charging behemoth.

Sandman seized the opportunity, his body stretching and dividing to attack both heroes simultaneously. Peter found himself entangled in ropes of sand, struggling to break free. Gwen was forced to retreat, unable to get close enough to help without being caught herself.

"Not so tough now, are ya?" Rhino taunted, advancing on the trapped Peter.

Gwen tried to intervene, but Sandman kept her at bay, his sandy tendrils whipping through the air with deadly precision.

"Give it up, kids," Sandman called out. "You're outmatched and outnumbered."

Peter and Gwen exchanged a worried glance. For the first time since the battle began, doubt crept into their minds. Their opponents' teamwork was proving to be a formidable challenge, one they weren't sure how to overcome.

As Rhino and Sandman closed in, Peter and Gwen found themselves backed into a corner, both literally and figuratively. Their usual tactics weren't working, and fatigue was starting to set in.

"Any bright ideas?" Gwen asked, her voice tight with tension.

Peter shook his head, his mind racing for a solution that seemed just out of reach. "Working on it. But I'm open to suggestions if you've got any."

As Peter and Gwen found themselves cornered, their minds raced back to a conversation they had with Ace just days ago. The memory of his words echoed in their minds, a reminder of the responsibility they had taken on.

"I need to be away for a while," Ace had told them, his eyes serious. "I'm counting on you two to protect the city in my absence. You have the power to do it. Remember, you're not just Spider-Man and Spider-Woman anymore. You're Kamen Riders too."

The weight of that promise settled on their shoulders, giving them renewed determination. They exchanged a quick glance, a silent agreement passing between them.

"You know what?" Peter called out to Sandman and Rhino, his voice steady despite their dire situation. "I think it's time we level the playing field."

Gwen nodded, a smile playing at the corners of her mouth beneath her mask. "Couldn't agree more, Spider-Man. Let's show these guys what we're really capable of."

In perfect sync, Peter and Gwen reached for their belts, pulling out devices that looked nothing like their usual web-shooters. Sandman and Rhino paused, confusion evident in their stances.

"What's this?" Sandman growled, his sandy form shifting uneasily. "Some new trick?"

Rhino snorted, pawing at the ground. "Doesn't matter what gadgets they've got. We'll still crush 'em!"

Peter held up his device, a determined glint in his eye. "Sorry, guys, but playtime's over. It's time you met the real us."

"Hope you're ready for a surprise," Gwen added, her own device at the ready.

With practiced movements, they attached the devices to their waists. The mechanisms whirred to life, emitting a soft glow that caught the villains off guard.




"Henshin!" Peter and Gwen shouted in unison, their voices ringing through the bank.





A brilliant light engulfed them, forcing Sandman and Rhino to shield their eyes. The air crackled with energy, the very atmosphere seeming to shift around the two heroes.

As the light faded, Peter and Gwen stood transformed. No longer were they simply in their familiar spider-suits. Now, they were clad in sleek, armored forms that radiated power.

Peter's suit had transformed into the imposing figure of Kamen Rider Demons. The black armor with vibrant blue and gold accents gleamed in the dim light of the bank. His helmet, with its insect-like features and glowing red compound eyes, gave him an otherworldly appearance.

Beside him, Gwen had become Kamen Rider Neith. Her white and pink armor, adorned with golden lines and a prominent spider symbol on the chest, was a stark contrast to Peter's darker form. The blue, round eyes of her helmet seemed to glow with an inner light, and the golden crown atop her hooded helmet added a regal air to her appearance.

Sandman and Rhino stood frozen, their earlier bravado replaced by uncertainty. The power emanating from the transformed heroes was palpable, filling the air with an electric tension.

"What... what are you?" Sandman managed to stammer, his sandy form rippling with agitation.

Rhino took a step back, his armor clanking. "This ain't what we signed up for, Marko."

Peter, now Kamen Rider Demons, stepped forward. His voice, when he spoke, had a metallic edge to it, amplified by his helmet. "We won't let run amock any longer! You two better surrender now."

Gwen, as Kamen Rider Neith, moved to stand beside him. "Last chance to surrender peacefully," she offered, her stance ready for action. "Otherwise, we'll have to show you just what these new forms can do."

Peter and Gwen, now transformed into Kamen Rider Demons and Kamen Rider Neith respectively, faced off against Rhino and Sandman. The villains, initially taken aback by the heroes' transformation, quickly regained their composure and prepared to attack.

Demons stepped forward, his red compound eyes fixed on Rhino. "Let's see how you handle this," he said, his voice carrying a metallic edge. He reached for his belt, pulling out the scorpion Vistamp.




As he inserted the device into his belt, a surge of energy coursed through his armor. Demons' form shifted slightly, his armor taking on characteristics of a scorpion. A large, mechanical tail emerged from his back, its tip gleaming with a dangerous-looking stinger.

Neith, meanwhile, produced a small bottle from her belt. The label on it read "Kujira" - whale in Japanese. She shook it vigorously, the liquid inside bubbling with power.


She inserted the bottle into her belt, and her armor began to glow with a soft blue light. The air around her seemed to shimmer, as if she was surrounded by water.

Rhino, seeing Demons' new scorpion-like appearance, charged forward with a roar. "I don't care what you look like, I'll still crush you!"

Demons stood his ground, waiting until the last moment before leaping high into the air. His scorpion tail lashed out, wrapping around Rhino's massive horn and using the villain's own momentum to flip him onto his back.

Rhino crashed to the ground with a thunderous impact, leaving cracks in the bank's marble floor. Before he could recover, Demons landed on his chest, the scorpion tail's stinger poised threateningly.

"Not so tough when you're on your back, are you?" Demons taunted, his tail twitching in anticipation.

Meanwhile, Sandman launched a barrage of sandy projectiles at Neith. "Let's see how your fancy new suit handles this!"

Neith didn't move. Instead, as the sand approached her, it seemed to slow down, as if moving through water. With a wave of her hand, she redirected the sand, sending it swirling harmlessly around her.

"What the-" Sandman began, but Neith was already on the move.

She charged forward, her movements fluid and graceful. As she ran, water seemed to form around her, creating a protective bubble. Sandman tried to engulf her, but his sandy form couldn't penetrate the watery barrier.

Neith reached out, touching Sandman's chest. Immediately, water began to spread from her hand, soaking into his sandy form. Sandman howled in frustration as parts of his body began to harden, becoming muddy and less responsive.

"No fair!" he cried, trying to retreat. But Neith pursued relentlessly, her Kujira power allowing her to manipulate the water with ease.

Back with Demons and Rhino, the battle had intensified. Rhino had managed to regain his feet, but now found himself constantly on the defensive. Demons' scorpion tail moved with lightning speed, striking at weak points in Rhino's armor.

"Stand still, you bug!" Rhino bellowed, swinging his massive fists wildly.

Demons ducked under a punch, his tail lashing out to trip Rhino. "Sorry, big guy, but standing still isn't really my style."

As Rhino stumbled, Demons saw his opportunity. His tail curled back, the stinger glowing with energy. With a swift motion, he drove the stinger into a gap in Rhino's armor, delivering a powerful electric shock.

Rhino convulsed, his armor sparking and smoking. He fell to one knee, breathing heavily. "What... what did you do to me?"

Demons stood over him, his tail poised for another strike. "Just gave you a little taste of what a real scorpion sting feels like. Want to try for round two, or are you ready to give up?"

Meanwhile, Neith had Sandman on the ropes. Her control over water had turned his sandy form into a muddy mess, severely limiting his ability to shape-shift and attack.

"This isn't over!" Sandman growled, trying to reform his arm into a weapon. But the mud just slopped uselessly to the ground.

Neith shook her head. "I think it is, Sandman. You're not looking so hot right now. Maybe it's time for you to throw in the towel?"

Sandman made one last desperate lunge at Neith, but she easily sidestepped him. With a graceful spin, she created a vortex of water around Sandman, completely engulfing him. When the water cleared, Sandman was left as nothing more than a muddy puddle on the floor, barely able to maintain his human shape.

The two Kamen Riders regrouped, standing over their defeated foes. Demons' scorpion tail twitched menacingly, while water still swirled around Neith's form.

"Well," Demons said, his voice carrying a note of satisfaction, "I'd say that worked out pretty well, wouldn't you?"

Neith nodded, her blue eyes gleaming behind her helmet. "I'd say so. Looks like Ace was right about these new powers."

The battle concluded, Rhino and Sandman lay defeated on the bank's marble floor. Kamen Rider Demons and Kamen Rider Neith stood victorious, their transformed states still radiating power.

Demons approached Rhino, who groaned in pain, his armor sparking from the scorpion sting. "I think it's time you took a little nap," Demons said, his voice tinged with satisfaction. He pressed a button on his belt, activating a sleep-inducing frequency that quickly rendered Rhino unconscious.

Neith, meanwhile, kept her focus on the muddy puddle that was Sandman. "Don't even think about trying to slip away," she warned, manipulating the water around him to keep him contained.

As the sounds of sirens grew louder outside, the two Kamen Riders exchanged a glance. With a nod, they deactivated their transformations, returning to their familiar Spider-Man and Spider-Woman costumes.

Police officers burst through the bank's entrance, weapons drawn. Captain George Stacy led the charge, his eyes quickly taking in the scene before him.

"Spider-Man, Spider-Woman," he called out, lowering his gun. "Looks like you two have been busy."

Peter gestured to the unconscious Rhino and the muddy form of Sandman. "Just doing our job, Captain. These two decided to cause some trouble, but we managed to convince them it wasn't a great idea."

The officers moved in, securing Rhino with specialized restraints and scooping Sandman into a containment unit designed to hold his sandy form.

As the villains were being dealt with, the hostages who had been cowering in the corner during the battle began to emerge. A middle-aged woman approached Peter and Gwen, tears in her eyes.

"Thank you," she said, her voice trembling with emotion. "We thought... we didn't know if we'd make it out of here."

Gwen placed a comforting hand on the woman's shoulder. "It's okay now. You're safe."

More of the hostages gathered around, offering their thanks and praise. A young boy looked up at Peter with wide, awestruck eyes. "That was so cool! How did you do that thing with the scorpion tail?"

Peter chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. "Oh, you know, just a little upgrade we've been working on. All in a day's work for your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man and Spider-Woman."

Captain Stacy approached the heroes, a rare smile on his usually stern face. "I don't know how you two keep pulling off these miracles, but the city owes you a debt of gratitude. Again."

"Just doing what we can to help, Captain," Gwen replied, her voice warm despite the voice modulator in her mask.

As the last of the hostages were escorted out and statements were taken, Peter and Gwen found themselves surrounded by a group of thankful officers.

"You really saved our bacon this time," one officer said, shaking Peter's hand vigorously. "Those two have been causing havoc all over the city. It's good to see them taken down a peg."

Another officer nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and whatever that new trick was you pulled? Impressive stuff. You two just keep getting better."

Peter and Gwen accepted the praise graciously, but both were eager to make their exit. The adrenaline of the fight was wearing off, and the reality of their close call was starting to sink in.

As the cleanup continued and the press began to arrive on the scene, Peter turned to Gwen. "I think that's our cue to make a stylish exit. What do you say we swing out of here?"

Gwen nodded, relief evident in her posture. "Sounds good to me. I could use a breather after all that."

With a wave to the gathered officers and civilians, Peter and Gwen shot out their web-lines and swung away from the bank, leaving behind a crowd of grateful onlookers and a pair of subdued supervillains.

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