A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 73

Nick Fury stood at the head of the conference table, his one eye scanning the assembled group. Ace, Natasha, Coulson, Melinda May, Maria Hill, Clint Barton, Jin, and Horobi sat around the table, their expressions a mix of anticipation and wariness.

"Thank you all for coming on such short notice," Fury began, his voice carrying its usual gravitas. "We've got a situation that needs immediate attention."

He tapped a few buttons on a remote, and a holographic image of a bald man with glasses appeared above the table.

"This is Jasper Sitwell," Fury continued. "Thanks to the data Ace provided, we've confirmed he's a Hydra spy embedded within SHIELD."

Coulson leaned forward, his brow furrowed. "Sitwell? But he's been with us for years. I've worked with him on numerous occasions."

"Which is precisely why this is so concerning," Hill interjected. "If Sitwell's been compromised, there's no telling how deep Hydra's infiltration goes."

Fury nodded grimly. "Exactly. That's why we need to bring him in. He could have valuable intel on Hydra's operations."

Natasha's eyes narrowed as she studied the holographic image. "Where is he now?"

"Currently stationed at one of our facilities upstate," Fury replied. "Which brings me to the mission at hand." He turned his gaze to Ace and Natasha. "I want you two to bring him in. Quietly."

Ace raised an eyebrow. "Just the two of us? Wouldn't a larger team be more effective?"

Fury shook his head. "We can't risk tipping off any other potential Hydra agents. This needs to be a surgical strike. In and out before anyone realizes what's happening."

Clint leaned back in his chair, a slight smirk on his face. "Sounds like fun. Sure you don't need an extra pair of eyes?"

"Not this time, Barton," Fury said. "I need you and the others on standby in case things go sideways."

Melinda May spoke up, her voice calm but tinged with concern. "What about security at the facility? Won't they be suspicious of Kamen Rider showing up?"

Fury turned to Ace. "That's where your abilities come in handy. You'll need to infiltrate the facility in disguise."

Horobi and Jin exchanged glances, their expressions unreadable. Jin spoke up, his voice curious. "And what role do we play in this mission, Director Fury?"

Fury regarded the two HumaGears. "For now, I need you two to assist with analyzing the data we have on Hydra. Your unique perspectives might uncover something we've missed."

Ace nodded, his mind already racing with potential strategies. "When do we move?"

"Tonight," Fury replied. "Sitwell's scheduled for a late shift. It's our best opportunity to catch him off guard."

Natasha stood, her posture shifting subtly into mission mode. "I'll prep the gear. Ace, meet me in the hangar in an hour."

As the meeting adjourned, the group dispersed to their various tasks. Coulson approached Fury, his voice low. "Are you sure about this, Director? If we're wrong about Sitwell..."

Fury's expression hardened. "We're not wrong. And even if we were, we can't afford to take chances. Not with Hydra."

Meanwhile, Ace made his way to the hangar, his mind focused on the mission ahead. He found Natasha already there, checking over their equipment.

"Ready for this?" she asked, not looking up from her task.

Ace nodded, his expression serious. "As ready as I'll ever be. It's not every day you have to capture someone you thought was an ally."

Natasha paused, meeting Ace's gaze. "Welcome to the world of espionage, kid. Sometimes the lines between friend and foe get blurry."

As they loaded their gear onto a Quinjet, Ace couldn't help but feel a twinge of uncertainty. This mission was different from the usual superhero fare he was used to. It required stealth, deception, and a willingness to confront the harsh realities of a world where trust was a luxury.

The Quinjet's engines hummed to life, and as they took off into the night sky.

As the Quinjet soared through the night sky, Ace and Natasha settled into a comfortable silence. After a few minutes, Natasha glanced over at her young companion, curiosity evident in her eyes.

"So, kid," she began, her voice casual but probing, "how did you end up with all these powers anyway? It's not every day someone becomes like you comes around."

Ace smiled, a mixture of pride and nostalgia crossing his face. "It's a long story, but the short version is that I inherited these powers from previous Kamen Riders. Each system, each form I can take on, it's all tied to a legacy of heroes who came before me."

Natasha raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "A legacy, huh? Sounds like a lot of responsibility."

"It is," Ace nodded, his expression growing more serious. "These powers, they're not just abilities or cool gadgets. They represent the hopes, dreams, and sacrifices of all the Riders who came before. I feel a duty to honor that legacy, to use these powers to protect people and fight for what's right."

Natasha listened intently, a newfound respect for Ace evident in her eyes. "That's quite a burden for someone your age to carry."

Ace shrugged, a small smile playing at his lips. "Maybe, but it's also an incredible honor. And speaking of honor," he turned to face Natasha more directly, "I hope you'll feel the same way about your Kamen Rider powers, Natasha. You're part of this legacy now too."

Natasha's expression softened slightly, a rare vulnerability showing through her usually stoic demeanor. "I've never been much for legacies or traditions. In my line of work, the past is often better left behind."

"I get that," Ace replied, his voice understanding. "But being a Kamen Rider isn't about dwelling on the past. It's about using the strength of those who came before to build a better future. Your experiences, your skills – they're all part of what makes you unique as a Rider."

Natasha pondered this for a moment, a thoughtful look crossing her face. "I'll keep that in mind, kid. It's... a different way of looking at things."

As they continued their flight, the conversation drifted to lighter topics. Ace shared some of his more amusing adventures as a Rider, while Natasha regaled him with tales of her missions with the Avengers, carefully omitting any classified details.

The easy banter between them helped ease the tension of the upcoming mission, and Ace found himself appreciating Natasha's dry wit and subtle humor. For her part, Natasha was impressed by Ace's maturity and the depth of his commitment to his role as a hero.

As they neared their destination, Natasha's demeanor shifted back into mission mode. "We're approaching the drop zone. Time to get ready."

Ace nodded, his expression becoming focused and determined. They landed the Quinjet in a small clearing, hidden from view by dense foliage. As they powered down the engines, Natasha performed one last check of their equipment.

"Remember," she said, her voice low and serious, "our primary objective is to bring in Sitwell quietly. We don't want to alert any other potential Hydra agents in the facility."

Ace nodded, double-checking his transformation devices. "Got it. In and out, quick and quiet."

With a final nod to each other, they disembarked from the Quinjet, disappearing into the shadows of the surrounding forest. The SHIELD facility loomed in the distance, its lights cutting through the darkness of the night.

Natasha and Ace approached the SHIELD facility under the cover of darkness. The building loomed before them, its windows glowing with a soft, fluorescent light. Natasha's face was a mask of calm professionalism, while Ace, invisible to the naked eye, felt his heart racing with a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

"Ready?" Natasha whispered, her lips barely moving.

"Ready," Ace replied, his voice a mere breath.

Natasha strode confidently towards the main entrance, her SHIELD badge at the ready. As she neared the door, a guard stepped forward, his hand resting casually on his sidearm.

"Agent Romanoff," he nodded, a hint of surprise in his voice. "Wasn't expecting you tonight."

Natasha offered a small, professional smile. "Last-minute assignment. You know how it is."

The guard nodded, swiping her badge through the reader. The door buzzed open, and Natasha stepped inside, Ace slipping in silently behind her.

The facility's interior was a maze of sterile corridors and locked doors. Natasha moved with purpose, her footsteps echoing softly on the polished floors. Ace followed closely, careful not to bump into anything or anyone that might reveal his presence.

They made their way to the security room, Natasha's keen eyes scanning for any sign of suspicion from the few agents they passed. As they approached their target, she paused, pretending to check her phone.

"Two guards inside," she murmured, her lips barely moving. "I'll distract them. You handle the rest."

Ace gave a slight nod, forgetting for a moment that she couldn't see him. "Understood," he whispered back.

Natasha knocked on the security room door, which opened to reveal a burly guard with a questioning look on his face.

"Agent Romanoff? What brings you here?"

Natasha flashed a disarming smile. "Just following up on some discrepancies in the latest security logs. Mind if I take a look?"

As Natasha engaged the guards in conversation, deftly maneuvering them away from the main console, Ace slipped inside. He moved swiftly to the central computer, pulling out a small flashdrive from his pocket. With practiced ease, he inserted the drive into an available port.

Immediately, lines of code began scrolling across the screen as Ark initiated the hack. Ace watched nervously as the AI worked its magic, acutely aware of Natasha's voice keeping the guards occupied just a few feet away.

After what felt like an eternity but was likely only a minute or two, a message flashed across the screen: "System access granted. Camera feeds looped."

Ace allowed himself a small smile of triumph. He carefully removed the flash drive, leaving no trace of their digital intrusion.

"Well, everything seems to be in order," Natasha's voice carried over, her tone light and professional. "Thanks for your help, gentlemen."

As Natasha bid farewell to the guards and exited the room, Ace slipped out behind her. They walked a short distance down the corridor before Natasha spoke again, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Did we get it?"

"We're in," Ace confirmed softly. "Ark has control of the camera feeds. We're invisible to their surveillance now."

Natasha nodded, a look of satisfaction crossing her face. "Good work. Now for the hard part. Let's find Sitwell."

With the facility's security systems now under their control, Natasha and Ace moved deeper into the building.

Natasha and Ace moved silently through the facility's corridors, their steps careful and measured. The fluorescent lights hummed overhead, casting long shadows as they passed. Ace, still invisible, kept close to Natasha, his senses on high alert for any sign of danger or discovery.

As they rounded a corner, Natasha held up a hand, signaling Ace to stop. She peered around the edge of the wall, her keen eyes scanning the area ahead. A small smile played at the corner of her lips as she spotted their target.

"There he is," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "Sitwell's alone in his office. Perfect."

Ace nodded, forgetting for a moment that Natasha couldn't see him. "What's the plan?" he asked softly.

Natasha's eyes gleamed with a mixture of determination and cunning. "I'll go in and distract him. You slip in behind me and wait for an opening. When I give the signal, take him down. Fast and quiet."

With a deep breath, Natasha straightened her posture and strode confidently towards Sitwell's office. She knocked on the door, her demeanor shifting seamlessly into that of a busy SHIELD agent.

"Come in," Sitwell's voice called from inside.

Natasha opened the door, a professional smile on her face. "Agent Sitwell, sorry to bother you so late."

Sitwell looked up from his computer, surprise evident on his face. "Agent Romanoff? What brings you here at this hour?"

As Natasha engaged Sitwell in conversation, spinning a tale about a urgent mission briefing, Ace slipped silently into the room. He positioned himself behind Sitwell, waiting for Natasha's signal.

"...and that's why we need your immediate input on this operation," Natasha was saying, her voice smooth and convincing.

Sitwell leaned back in his chair, his brow furrowed in thought. "I see. Well, I suppose I could take a look at the—"

Natasha's eyes flickered almost imperceptibly to where she knew Ace was standing. In that instant, Ace sprang into action. With lightning speed, he wrapped an arm around Sitwell's neck, applying pressure to the carotid arteries. Sitwell's eyes widened in shock, his mouth opening in a silent gasp. Before he could make a sound, consciousness slipped away from him, and he slumped in his chair.

"Nice work," Natasha said, her voice low as she quickly moved to check Sitwell's pulse. "He's out cold. Let's move."

Together, they lifted Sitwell's unconscious form from the chair. Natasha produced a large, collapsible crate from her bag, and they carefully maneuvered Sitwell into it. Once he was secure, Ace became visible again, his form shimmering into view.

"Ready?" he asked, his hand on the crate's lid.

Natasha nodded, her expression grim. "Let's get out of here before someone notices he's missing."

With practiced efficiency, they sealed the crate and lifted it between them. Natasha led the way out of the office, her posture casual as if they were simply moving equipment. Ace followed her lead, trying to match her nonchalant demeanor despite the weight of their unconscious cargo.

They made their way through the facility, Natasha nodding to the occasional agent they passed. No one gave them a second glance, the looped camera feeds ensuring their actions went unnoticed by security.

As they approached the exit, Ace felt his heart rate increase. They were so close to completing their mission, but this was often when things went wrong. He glanced at Natasha, but her face betrayed no sign of worry or tension.

The guard at the exit barely looked up as they approached, waving them through after a cursory glance at Natasha's badge. As the cool night air hit their faces, Ace felt a wave of relief wash over him.

They moved swiftly through the darkness, the weight of the crate seeming to lighten with each step towards freedom. The Quinjet loomed ahead, its sleek form a welcome sight in the moonlit clearing.

Once inside the aircraft, they secured the crate and quickly prepared for takeoff. As the engines hummed to life, Natasha allowed herself a small smile of satisfaction.

"Mission accomplished," she said, her voice tinged with relief and pride.

Ace nodded, a grin spreading across his face as the adrenaline of the mission began to wear off. "We did it," he replied, still somewhat in disbelief at how smoothly everything had gone.

As the Quinjet lifted off, leaving the SHIELD facility behind. With Sitwell in their custody, they were one step closer to unraveling Hydra's infiltration of SHIELD. But for now, they could savor the success of a mission well executed.

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