A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 79

Nick Fury gripped the armrest as the SUV swerved sharply to avoid another collision. His eye darted between the rear-view mirror and the chaos unfolding on the streets around them. The Humagear driver's reflexes were impressive, but Fury knew they couldn't outrun Hydra forever.

A hail of bullets peppered the side of the vehicle. Fury instinctively ducked, though he knew the armor would hold - for now. The sharp pings of metal on metal filled the air, a deadly percussion accompanying their frantic escape.

"Status report," Fury barked at the Humagear.

"Vehicle integrity at 87% and declining, Director," the Humagear responded, its voice calm despite the situation. "Estimated time until armor breach: 15 minutes at current rate of damage."

Fury nodded grimly. He'd hoped for more time, but Hydra wasn't pulling any punches. He glanced at the other Humagears in the vehicle, their expressionless faces a stark contrast to the chaos outside.

"Initiate defensive protocols," Fury ordered. Without hesitation, two of the Humagears moved to the rear of the SUV. Panels slid open, revealing hidden weapon systems. The Humagears began to return fire, their aim precise and calculated.

The pursuing vehicles swerved and weaved, but the Humagears' shots found their marks. Two of the fake police cars spun out of control, crashing into parked vehicles with a screech of metal and shattering glass.

But more took their place. Fury cursed under his breath. Hydra had planned this well.

Another volley of bullets hit the SUV, this time accompanied by the distinct sound of cracking glass. Fury looked up to see a spiderweb of cracks spreading across the rear window.

"Vehicle integrity at 73%, Director," the driver reported. "Estimated time until armor breach: 10 minutes."

Fury knew he needed backup. He pulled out his secure phone, his fingers flying over the keypad as he dialed a familiar number.

"Come on, Romanoff" he muttered as the phone rang. "Pick up."

After what felt like an eternity, but was likely only seconds, Natasha's voice came through. "Fury? What's going on?"

"Romanoff, I need help," Fury said, his voice tense but controlled. "Hydra's made their move. I'm under attack in midtown. Multiple hostiles, disguised as NYPD."

He could hear Natasha shifting, likely already moving to gear up. "Where are you exactly?"

Fury glanced out the window, catching sight of a street sign as they sped past. "Heading north on 7th Avenue, just passed 42nd Street. SUV's armored, but it won't hold forever."

"I'm on my way," Natasha replied, her voice hard with determination. "Hold on, Nick. We're coming."

As Fury ended the call, another impact rocked the SUV. He looked back to see one of the pursuing vehicles had managed to pull alongside them, its driver attempting to force them off the road.

"Evasive maneuvers!" Fury shouted to the Humagear driver. The SUV swerved sharply, narrowly avoiding a collision with a parked car. The sudden movement threw Fury against the door, but he barely noticed the pain. His mind was already racing, formulating plans and contingencies.

The Humagears continued their defensive fire, but for every vehicle they disabled, two more seemed to take its place. Fury could see civilians on the sidewalks diving for cover, their faces masks of confusion and terror. He gritted his teeth, hating the collateral damage but knowing there was no choice.

Another bone-jarring impact, and Fury heard the distinct sound of metal tearing. A quick glance showed a jagged hole in the SUV's rear, smoke pouring from damaged systems.

"Vehicle integrity at 58%, Director," the driver reported, its voice still maddeningly calm. "Estimated time until armor breach: 5 minutes."

"Damnit!" Fury cursed.

Nick Fury's heart raced as the SUV continued its desperate escape through the city streets. His eye darted between the rearview mirror and the road ahead, watching for any sign of reinforcements or new threats. The Humagear driver's hands were steady on the wheel, but Fury could see the damage indicators on the dashboard flashing red.

"How much longer can we hold out?" Fury asked, his voice tense.

"Vehicle integrity at 45%, Director," the Humagear responded. "Estimated time until complete system failure: 3 minutes, 42 seconds."

Fury gritted his teeth. They just needed to hold on a little longer. Romanoff was on her way, and if they could just make it to—

His thoughts were cut short as he spotted a figure in the road ahead. A man in a black tactical suit stood in the middle of the street, seemingly unconcerned by the speeding SUV bearing down on him.

"Evasive maneuvers!" Fury barked, but even as the words left his mouth, he knew it was too late.

The man's arm moved in a blur. There was a muffled thump, and suddenly the SUV was airborne. Fury's stomach lurched as the world spun around him. He caught glimpses of sky, road, and buildings all jumbled together in a dizzying kaleidoscope.

With a deafening crash, the SUV came to rest on its roof. Fury hung upside down, held in place by his seatbelt. His head throbbed, and he tasted blood in his mouth. Through the cracked windshield, he could see the street tilted at an impossible angle.

"Status report," he croaked, but there was no response from the Humagear driver.

Hands grabbed at Fury's shoulders, and for a moment, he tensed, ready to fight. But he recognized the touch—the other Humagears, still functional despite the crash. With mechanical efficiency, they unbuckled his seatbelt and carefully extracted him from the wreckage.

As they helped him to his feet, Fury's vision swam. He blinked hard, forcing himself to focus. That's when he saw him.

The man in the black tactical suit stood mere yards away, his face obscured by long hair and a mask. But it was the gleam of metal where his left arm should have been that made Fury's blood run cold.

"The Winter Soldier," Fury whispered, a mixture of awe and dread in his voice.

The assassin stood motionless, his eyes fixed on Fury with predatory intensity. Fury had heard the stories, dismissed most of them as exaggeration or myth. But standing here now, facing the legend in the flesh, he realized that if anything, the stories had understated the Winter Soldier's menace.

Fury's mind raced. The Humagears beside him were formidable, but against the Winter Soldier? He wasn't sure they stood a chance. His hand inched towards his concealed weapon, knowing it might be futile but unwilling to go down without a fight.

The Winter Soldier took a step forward, his movement fluid and purposeful. Fury tensed, preparing for the inevitable attack.

Nick Fury watched in grim fascination as the Humagears moved to engage the Winter Soldier. Their movements were precise, calculated, but the assassin was something else entirely. He flowed like water, each motion blending seamlessly into the next.

The first Humagear lunged forward, its fist aimed at the Winter Soldier's face. In a blur of motion, the assassin ducked under the punch, his metal arm whipping up to catch the Humagear's extended limb. There was a sickening crunch of metal and circuitry as the Winter Soldier wrenched the arm clean off.

Fury winced. These Humagears were some of the most advanced combat units he'd ever seen, and the Winter Soldier was tearing through them like they were made of paper.

The second Humagear attacked from behind, attempting to grapple the assassin. For a moment, it seemed to have succeeded, its arms locked around the Winter Soldier's torso. But then the assassin's metal arm swung back, fingers digging into the Humagear's head. With a shower of sparks and a high-pitched whine, the Humagear went limp.

Fury's hand closed around his concealed weapon. He knew it was likely futile, but he'd be damned if he went down without a fight.

The Winter Soldier turned to face him, stepping over the broken bodies of the Humagears. His eyes, visible through his mask, were cold and empty. Fury had stared down many enemies in his time, but never had he felt such a chill run down his spine.

The assassin raised his arm, a pistol appearing in his hand as if by magic. Fury tensed, preparing to dodge, to return fire, to do something. But he knew, deep down, that against the Winter Soldier, his chances were slim to none.

Time seemed to slow as Fury watched the Winter Soldier's finger tighten on the trigger. He heard the sharp crack of the gunshot, saw the muzzle flash. But the impact he expected never came.

Instead, a figure materialized between Fury and the Winter Soldier, seemingly out of thin air. The bullet ricocheted off with a metallic ping, and Fury found himself staring at the back of a red-armored warrior.

"Rider," Fury breathed, recognizing the Kamen Rider from briefings and reports.

Before Fury could process what was happening, a massive, serpentine form burst into existence. Dragredder, Ryuki's contract monster, roared as it slammed into the Winter Soldier, sending the assassin flying backward.

Ryuki turned to Fury, his insectoid eyes gleaming. "We need to move, now," the Rider said, his voice urgent.

Fury nodded, still trying to catch up with the sudden turn of events. "The Humagears," he started, gesturing to the damaged androids.

"We'll bring them," Ryuki assured him. "But we have to go. The Mirror World isn't stable for long."

As Ryuki spoke, the air around them seemed to shimmer and distort. Fury felt a strange sensation, as if reality itself was bending. He watched in amazement as Ryuki effortlessly lifted the damaged Humagears.

"Hold onto me," Ryuki instructed.

Fury complied, gripping the Rider's shoulder. They stepped into a mirror, and the world around them wavered like heat rising from hot asphalt. For a moment, Fury's stomach lurched as if he were in freefall.

Then, with a sensation like stepping through a membrane, they were... elsewhere. The street was the same, but different. Colors were muted, sounds distorted. Fury looked back to where they had come from and saw only his own reflection staring back at him from a mirrored surface.

"Welcome to the Mirror World," Ryuki said, setting down the Humagears. "We should be safe here, for now."

Nick Fury watched in awe as the world around him shimmered and distorted. Through the mirror-like surface, he could see the street they had just left. The Winter Soldier stood there, his cold eyes scanning the area where they had vanished.

Fury's heart raced as the assassin's gaze seemed to lock onto them for a moment. He tensed, ready for another attack, but the Winter Soldier's eyes slid past, unseeing. It was as if they were invisible to him.

"He can't see us," Ryuki explained, noticing Fury's reaction. "The Mirror World exists parallel to the real world, but separate from it."

Fury nodded, his mind racing to process this new information. He'd seen a lot in his time with SHIELD, but this... this was something else entirely.

The Winter Soldier took a step closer to the mirror, his metal arm glinting in the sunlight. Fury held his breath, half-expecting the assassin to somehow break through into their sanctuary. But after a moment, the Winter Soldier turned away, his movements fluid and predatory as he scanned the area for any sign of his escaped targets.

Ryuki placed a hand on Fury's shoulder. "We should go," he said, his voice muffled slightly by his helmet. "The Mirror World isn't stable for long periods, and we need to get you and the Humagears to safety."

Fury took one last look at the Winter Soldier, committing every detail to memory. Then he turned to Ryuki and nodded. "Lead the way," he said.

With a gesture from Ryuki, the world around them began to shift again. Fury felt that strange sensation of reality bending, and then they were moving, sliding through the Mirror World as if carried by an unseen current.

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