A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 80

Ace, transformed as Kamen Rider Ryuki, guided Nick Fury and the Humagears through the shimmering landscape of the Mirror World. The group moved swiftly, their reflections distorting in the surfaces around them. Ryuki kept a vigilant eye out for any Mirror Monsters that might pose a threat.

As they approached the exit point near Fury's safe house, Ryuki turned to Fury. "We're almost there, Fury. Hang in there."

Fury nodded, his face a mask of stoic determination despite the visible strain from his injuries. With a gesture from Ryuki, the group stepped through a reflective surface, emerging into the real world just outside the safe house.

Natasha Romanoff and Melinda May were already waiting, having been alerted by Ace's earlier communication. Their faces showed a mix of relief and concern as they saw Fury's condition.

"Fury!" Natasha exclaimed, rushing forward to support him as he stumbled slightly.

May's eyes narrowed as she assessed the situation. "What happened out there?"

Ace's transformation dissolved, revealing his civilian form. "Hydra ambush. It was close, but we managed to shake them off in the Mirror World."

They quickly ushered Fury inside, the Humagears following closely behind. Once in the main room, Natasha and May helped Fury to a chair, their movements efficient but gentle.

"I'm fine," Fury insisted, waving off their concern. "It's just a few scratches."

Natasha raised an eyebrow, her skepticism evident. "A few scratches don't usually involve a high-speed chase and an escape to another dimension, Fury."

May nodded in agreement. "You need to be checked out properly."

Ace, who had been observing silently, stepped forward. "I agree. And I have just the thing." He turned to one of the Humagears accompanying them. "You there, with the medical module. Give Director Fury a full examination and treat his injuries."

The Humagear nodded, its eyes glowing briefly as it accessed its medical programming. "Understood, Ace-sama. I will begin the examination immediately."

As the Humagear approached with a medical kit, Fury sighed in resignation. "Alright, alright. But make it quick. We don't have time to waste."

The Humagear worked efficiently, cleaning and treating Fury's wounds while running a series of diagnostic scans. The others watched in tense silence, the weight of recent events hanging heavily in the air.

After a few minutes, the Humagear stepped back. "I have treated the Director's injuries to the best of my abilities. There are no life-threatening conditions, but I recommend rest and further observation."

Fury nodded curtly. "Thank you. Now, we need to discuss what happened out there."

The group gathered around, their faces serious as they prepared to hear Fury's account. Natasha leaned against a nearby wall, her arms crossed, while May took a seat across from Fury. Ace remained standing, his posture alert.

Fury took a deep breath and began to speak. "It was Pierce. He sent those Hydra agents on me."

The room fell silent as Fury's words sank in. May's brow furrowed, her tactical mind already racing through the implications.

"How did Pierce know?" she asked, her voice tight with concern.

Fury shook his head, his one good eye narrowing. "It doesn't matter right now. What we need to focus on is our next move."

Natasha straightened up, her posture shifting from casual to alert. "You're right. SHIELD will undoubtedly label you as a fugitive. They'll come after you with everything they've got."

Ace nodded, his expression grim. "And let's not forget about the Winter Soldier. He's still out there, and he's not going to stop until he completes his mission."

Fury leaned forward, his hands clasped together. "Exactly. We're dealing with a two-pronged threat here. SHIELD's resources and the Winter Soldier's lethal skills."

May crossed her arms, her mind already formulating strategies. "You need to go dark, Fury. We need to delay them as much as possible."

"Agreed," Natasha said. "But we need to gather intel and figure out what Pierce's endgame is."

"Coulson and Hill most likely have not been discovered yet. They will be our eyes and ears," replied Fury.

"What about the other Avengers?" May asked. "Should we bring them in on this?"

Fury shook his head. "Not yet. We don't know how deep this Hydra infiltration goes. For now, we keep this circle small."

Natasha pushed herself off the wall, her eyes blazing with determination. "So what's our move? We can't just sit here and wait for them to find us."

Fury leaned back in his chair, his mind racing through the possibilities. After a moment of contemplation, he spoke, his voice firm with resolve.

"I need to go underground," Fury declared. "It's the only way to buy us time and keep Hydra guessing."

The others nodded in agreement, understanding the gravity of the situation. Ace stepped forward, reaching into his pocket.

"Before you go, Fury, I have something for you," Ace said, pulling out a sleek, high-tech phone. He held it out to Fury. "This is a secure line, untraceable and unhackable. If you need help, just call. We'll be there."

Fury took the phone, examining it closely before slipping it into his jacket. "Thank you, Rider. This could be a lifesaver."

Natasha raised an eyebrow. "One of your Humagear creations?"

Ace shook his head. "No, this is something special. No matter where or when Fury is, we'll be able to reach him."

May looked impressed. "That's some serious tech. It could give us a significant advantage."

Fury stood up, wincing slightly from his injuries. "Alright, people. We need to move fast. Natasha, May, I need you to continue to be in SHIELD. Make sure to not blow your cover."

The two women nodded, their expressions grim but determined.

"What about me?" Ace asked.

Fury turned to him. "You keep doing what you've been doing. We need Kamen Rider out there, keeping the peace and gathering intel. But be careful. Hydra might come after you next."

Ace nodded, his face set with determination. "Understood. I'll keep my eyes open."

As the group prepared to put their plan into action, Fury paused at the door. He looked back at his team, his one good eye conveying a mix of pride and concern.

"Watch your backs out there," he said. "And remember, trust no one."

With those final words, Fury slipped out into the night, disappearing into the shadows. The others exchanged glances, the weight of their mission heavy on their shoulders. They knew that the real battle was just beginning.

Alexander Pierce stood in his office, gazing out the window at the bustling city below. His reflection in the glass betrayed a hint of a smile, a stark contrast to the gravity of the situation he was about to manufacture. He turned as his assistant's voice crackled through the intercom.

"Sir, Captain Rogers is here to see you."

Pierce straightened his tie and smoothed down his suit jacket. "Send him in."

The door opened, and Steve Rogers strode in, his posture straight and his eyes alert. Pierce extended his hand, a warm smile spreading across his face.

"Captain Rogers, it's an honor to finally meet you in person," Pierce said, his voice carrying a mix of respect and authority.

Steve shook Pierce's hand firmly. "The honor is mine, Mr. Secretary. I've heard a lot about your work."

Pierce gestured to a chair. "Please, have a seat. We have much to discuss."

As Steve settled into the chair, Pierce walked around his desk, his demeanor shifting subtly from welcoming to serious.

"Captain, I'm afraid I've called you here under unfortunate circumstances," Pierce began, his tone grave. "We have a situation that requires your unique set of skills."

Steve leaned forward, his brow furrowing. "What kind of situation, sir?"

Pierce sighed heavily, as if the weight of his next words were a physical burden. "It's about Nick Fury. He's gone rogue."

Steve's eyes widened in disbelief. "Fury? That's impossible. He's dedicated his life to SHIELD."

"I understand your skepticism, Captain," Pierce said, his voice soft but firm. "But we have irrefutable evidence that Fury has been compromising SHIELD operations and selling secrets to our enemies."

Steve shook his head, struggling to reconcile this information with the man he knew. "There must be some mistake. Fury would never betray SHIELD."

Pierce walked over to a nearby screen and pulled up a series of documents and surveillance footage. "I wish it were a mistake, Captain. But the evidence is clear. Fury has been acting erratically, making unauthorized decisions, and we've traced several security breaches back to him."

Steve studied the information on the screen, his jaw clenching as he processed what he was seeing. Despite the evidence before him, doubt still lingered in his mind.

"What do you need me to do?" Steve asked, his voice tight with conflicting emotions.

Pierce turned to face Steve, his expression a mix of determination and regret. "We need you to bring him in, Captain. Fury is dangerous and unpredictable. You're one of the few people who can match him."

Steve stood up, pacing the room as he grappled with the request. "This doesn't feel right. Fury's been a mentor to me since I woke up in this century. He's always stood for what's right."

"I understand your hesitation, Captain," Pierce said, his voice filled with empathy. "Fury was my friend too. But our personal feelings can't interfere with our duty to protect the world."

Steve stopped pacing and faced Pierce, his eyes searching for any sign of deception. "And you're absolutely certain about this?"

Pierce nodded solemnly. "I wish I weren't. But the safety of millions depends on us stopping Fury before he can do any more damage."

Steve took a deep breath, his shoulders squaring as he made his decision. "Alright, Mr. Secretary. I'll bring him in. But I want to talk to him first, understand his side of the story."

Pierce's expression softened with what appeared to be relief. "Of course, Captain. We want this resolved as peacefully as possible. But be careful. Fury is cunning and won't hesitate to use your friendship against you."

Steve nodded, his face a mask of determination. "I understand. I'll do what needs to be done."

As Steve turned to leave, Pierce called out to him one last time. "Captain, remember, this isn't just an assignment. It's an order. The fate of SHIELD and the safety of countless lives depend on your success."

Steve paused at the door, his hand on the handle. He looked back at Pierce, his blue eyes filled with a mix of resolve and lingering doubt. "Yes, sir. I won't let you down."

With that, Steve left the office, his mind racing with conflicting thoughts and emotions. As the door closed behind him, Pierce allowed himself a small, satisfied smile. The pieces were falling into place, and even Captain America was now unwittingly playing his part in Hydra's grand design.

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