A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 81

Steve Rogers strode through the halls of SHIELD headquarters, his mind racing with conflicting thoughts. The mission Pierce had just given him weighed heavily on his shoulders. Capture Nick Fury? The man who'd been a mentor, a leader, and someone Steve had come to trust implicitly? It didn't sit right with him.

He needed more information before he could even consider carrying out such an order. Steve's feet carried him to Maria Hill's office, hoping she could shed some light on this perplexing situation.

He knocked on Hill's door, entering when he heard her crisp "Come in."

"Captain Rogers," Hill greeted him, her face betraying no emotion. "What can I do for you?"

Steve closed the door behind him, his brow furrowed. "I need to understand something, Agent Hill. Why would Fury go rogue? It doesn't make any sense."

Hill's expression remained neutral, but Steve caught a flicker of something in her eyes. Hesitation? Concern? She took a deep breath before speaking.

"I understand your confusion, Captain. The situation is... complicated." She reached into her desk drawer, pulling out a file. "These are the reports that led to the suspicion of Fury's involvement with a group called Metsuboujinrai.net."

Steve's eyebrows rose. "Metsuboujinrai.net? I've never heard of them."

"They're a relatively new player on the scene," Hill explained, sliding the file across her desk. "But they've already made quite an impact. In the past month alone, they've attacked several SHIELD bases."

Steve opened the file. He looked at the reports. There were photos of wrecked buildings. Lists of stolen gear. Reports of the dead and hurt. He frowned as he read. He saw footage of men in armor fighting SHIELD agents.

"And you believe Fury is working with these people?" Steve asked, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Hill's face remained impassive. "The evidence suggests a connection, Captain. There are also discrepancies in his recent mission reports and unexplained absences."

Steve shook his head, struggling to reconcile this information with the Nick Fury he knew. "It just doesn't add up, Hill. Fury's dedicated his life to SHIELD, to protecting people. Why would he suddenly turn against everything he's fought for?"

"I wish I had a clear answer for you, Captain," Hill replied, her voice softening slightly. "But the facts are what they are. Metsuboujinrai.net poses a significant threat, and if Fury is indeed working with them, we need to act quickly."

Steve closed the file, his mind whirling with questions. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this story, something he wasn't being told. But Hill's face gave nothing away.

"I appreciate you sharing this information with me, Agent Hill," Steve said, standing up. "I'll need some time to process all of this before I make any decisions."

Hill nodded. "Of course, Captain. But please remember, time is of the essence. If Fury is compromised, every moment we delay puts more lives at risk."

As Steve left Hill's office, his steps were heavy with the weight of his new knowledge. He couldn't deny the evidence in front of him, but his instincts were screaming that something wasn't right. He needed to find Fury, to hear his side of the story before he could even consider carrying out Pierce's orders.


Steve Rogers stood outside SHIELD headquarters, his mind racing with conflicting thoughts. He knew he had to find Nick Fury, but he had no idea where to start. The weight of his mission pressed down on him, and he felt torn between his duty and his instincts.

As he contemplated his next move, his phone buzzed in his pocket. Steve pulled it out, half-expecting another message from Pierce or Hill. Instead, he found an unfamiliar number and a cryptic text:

40.7128° N, 74.0060° W

Let's talk

Steve's brow furrowed as he recognized the coordinates for New York City. Without hesitation, he strode towards his motorcycle, determination setting his jaw. Whatever was going on, he knew he needed answers, and this might be his only chance to get them.

The ride to the city was tense, with Steve constantly checking his mirrors for any signs of pursuit. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched, but he pressed on, weaving through traffic with practiced ease.

As he neared the coordinates, Steve found himself in a nondescript neighborhood. He parked his bike and approached a weathered brownstone, his senses on high alert. The building looked ordinary enough, but Steve knew better than to trust appearances.

He climbed the steps and raised his hand to knock, but the door swung open before he could make contact. Nick Fury stood in the doorway, his one good eye fixed on Steve with an intensity that made the super-soldier pause.

"Took you long enough, Cap," Fury said, his voice low and gravelly. He stepped aside, gesturing for Steve to enter. "We've got a lot to discuss."

Steve stepped inside, his eyes scanning the interior. The safehouse was sparsely furnished, with tactical gear and surveillance equipment scattered about. It was clear Fury had been here for a while, and he was prepared for trouble.

"I'm guessing you've got some questions," Fury said as he closed the door behind them. "But before we get into that, I need to know where you stand."

Steve turned to face Fury, his expression a mix of confusion and determination. "I stand where I always have, Nick. On the side of what's right. But right now, I'm not sure what that is."

Fury nodded, a hint of approval in his eye. "Good answer. Because right now, Cap, the line between right and wrong is blurrier than ever."

He moved to a table covered in files and holographic displays. With a swipe of his hand, Fury brought up images of familiar faces – Alexander Pierce, Jasper Sitwell, and other high-ranking SHIELD officials.

"SHIELD has been compromised," Fury said, his voice heavy with the weight of his words. "Hydra has infiltrated every level of the organization. They've been growing inside us like a cancer for decades."

Steve's eyes widened in disbelief. "That's impossible. Hydra was defeated in World War II. I was there."

Fury shook his head. "Cut off one head, two more shall take its place. Remember? They've been patient, playing the long game. And now they're ready to make their move."

Steve's mind raced, trying to process this information. "Pierce... is he...?"

"As far as we can tell, he's at the center of it all," Fury confirmed. "That's why I had to go underground. They tried to take me out when I got too close to the truth."

Steve's fists clenched at his sides. "Why didn't you come to me sooner? I could have helped."

Fury's expression softened slightly. "I couldn't be sure who to trust. Hell, I'm still not sure. But I know one thing – if we're going to stop Hydra, we need Captain America."

Steve nodded, his resolve hardening. "What about this group they're saying you're connected to? Metsuboujinrai.net?"

Fury's eye narrowed. "That's a whole other can of worms, Cap. They're not the enemy here, but they're not exactly allies either. Right now, we need to focus on the immediate threat."

He pulled up another display, showing blueprints of massive helicarriers. "This is Project Insight. Three next-generation helicarriers synced to a network of targeting satellites. They were supposed to be for planetary defense, but in Hydra's hands..."

"They could kill anyone who stands in their way," Steve finished, the gravity of the situation sinking in.

Fury nodded grimly. "Millions of people, at the push of a button. We've got to stop the launch, but we can't do it alone."

Steve straightened, his eyes blazing with determination. "Then we won't be alone. We'll gather whoever we can trust and take the fight to Hydra."

A ghost of a smile crossed Fury's face. "That's what I was hoping you'd say, Cap. But remember, from now on, trust no one. Hydra could be anywhere, wearing the face of a friend."

As Steve and Fury stood in the safehouse, their conversation about Hydra's infiltration of SHIELD was suddenly interrupted by the sharp crack of gunfire. The window behind Fury exploded in a shower of glass, and the director stumbled forward, clutching his chest.

"Fury!" Steve shouted, instinctively diving to catch the falling man.

Blood seeped through Fury's fingers as he gasped for breath. "Winter... Soldier," he managed to choke out.

Another shot rang out, shattering a lamp near Steve's head. He ducked, shielding Fury with his body. The super-soldier's enhanced senses picked up the faint sound of footsteps on the roof across the street. The shooter was repositioning.

"We need to move," Steve said, his voice low and urgent. He scanned the room, looking for an escape route. The front door was out of the question - too exposed. The back might work, but they'd have to move fast.

Fury pressed something into Steve's hand - a small, metallic disk. "Take this," he wheezed. "Don't... trust anyone."

Steve nodded, pocketing the device. He hooked one arm under Fury's shoulders, preparing to lift him. "Hold on, Nick. We're getting out of here."

Just as Steve began to move, another shot pierced the air. This one struck the floor near their feet, sending splinters of wood flying. The Winter Soldier was getting closer, his aim more precise with each shot.

Steve half-dragged, half-carried Fury towards the back of the safehouse. They needed cover, and they needed it fast. The super-soldier's eyes darted around, looking for anything he could use as a shield.

A heavy wooden table caught his attention. In one fluid motion, Steve flipped it onto its side, creating a makeshift barricade. He propped Fury against it, checking the director's wound. It was bad, but not immediately fatal. If they could get to safety, Fury might have a chance.

"Stay with me, Nick," Steve urged, tearing a strip from his shirt to press against the wound.

Fury's eye fluttered, struggling to stay open. "Rogers... the mission... stop Insight..."

"We will," Steve assured him, though his mind was focused on their immediate survival. The Winter Soldier was still out there, and Steve knew they couldn't stay put for long.

As if on cue, the back door of the safehouse splintered under the force of a powerful kick. Steve tensed, ready for a fight. But instead of the Winter Soldier, he saw a familiar face - Natasha Romanoff.

"Steve!" she called out, her eyes widening as she took in the scene. "What happened?"

"Sniper," Steve replied tersely. "Someone shot him. We need to get Fury out of here."

Natasha nodded, her training kicking in. She moved to Fury's other side, helping Steve lift the injured director. "I've got a car two blocks south. If we can make it there, we might have a chance."

Steve nodded, his mind already plotting their escape route. "We'll need to move fast and stay low. The shooter's still out there."

As they prepared to move, Steve couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning. Hydra's reach was longer than he'd imagined, and the Winter Soldier was a formidable new threat. But right now, his focus had to be on getting Fury to safety. The larger battle could wait - for now, survival was their mission.

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