A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 82

Steve and Natasha moved swiftly through the dimly lit hallway, supporting the injured Nick Fury between them. The Winter Soldier's shots had ceased momentarily, but they knew the reprieve wouldn't last long. Steve's enhanced hearing picked up the faint sound of footsteps on the roof above them, signaling that their pursuer was repositioning.

"We need to move faster," Steve whispered urgently to Natasha. She nodded, her face set in grim determination.

As they reached the back door, Natasha carefully peered out, scanning the area for any signs of danger. "Clear for now," she murmured. "My car's just two blocks south."

They emerged into the cool night air, keeping low and using the shadows for cover. Fury's labored breathing was the only sound that broke the eerie silence. Steve's muscles tensed with each step, ready to react at the slightest hint of danger.

They had made it halfway down the block when a bullet whizzed past Steve's ear, embedding itself in a nearby wall. "Down!" he shouted, pulling both Natasha and Fury behind a parked car.

The Winter Soldier had found them again. His shots were precise, each one coming dangerously close to their position. Steve's mind raced, trying to formulate a plan to get them to safety.

"We're sitting ducks here," Natasha hissed, her eyes darting around for an escape route. "We need to keep moving."

Steve nodded, his jaw set. "I'll draw his fire. You get Fury to the car."

Before Natasha could protest, Steve vaulted over the car, using his superhuman agility to dodge the incoming bullets. The Winter Soldier's attention shifted to the moving target, giving Natasha the opening she needed.

She half-dragged, half-carried Fury down the street, her heart pounding in her ears. They were so close to the car now, just a few more yards...

Suddenly, a deafening explosion rocked the night. Natasha instinctively threw herself and Fury to the ground as debris rained down around them. Through the smoke and flames, she could see the twisted wreckage of what had been her getaway vehicle.

The Winter Soldier had anticipated their plan and eliminated their escape route. As Natasha looked up, her eyes met Steve's across the street. They were trapped, with an injured Fury and a relentless assassin closing in.

The explosion illuminated the night sky, casting an orange glow over the chaotic scene. Steve Rogers, known to the world as Captain America, stood amid the debris, his shield raised defensively. The Winter Soldier's silhouette loomed atop a nearby building, his metal arm gleaming in the firelight.

Steve's mind raced, assessing the situation. Natasha and Fury were pinned down, vulnerable. The car, their only means of escape, was now a smoldering wreck. He knew there was only one option left.

"Natasha!" Steve called out, his voice cutting through the crackling flames. "Get Fury to safety. I'll handle this."

Natasha nodded grimly, understanding the gravity of the situation. She began to drag Fury away from the scene, her eyes darting back to Steve with a mix of concern and determination.

Steve turned his full attention to the Winter Soldier, who had begun to descend from his perch with inhuman grace. The assassin's movements were fluid, calculated, each step bringing him closer to his target.

"I don't want to fight you," Steve called out, his voice steady despite the tension coursing through his body. "But I will if I have to."

The Winter Soldier showed no sign of acknowledgment. His face, partially obscured by a mask and long, unkempt hair, remained impassive. He raised his gun, aiming directly at Steve's chest.

Steve's reflexes kicked in. He hurled his shield with precision, knocking the gun from the Winter Soldier's grasp. The assassin barely flinched, immediately switching to hand-to-hand combat.

Their fight was a blur of motion. Steve's enhanced strength met its match in the Winter Soldier's cybernetic arm. Punches were thrown and blocked with lightning speed, each combatant searching for an opening.

As they grappled, Steve couldn't shake the feeling that there was something familiar about his opponent's fighting style. The way he moved, the intensity of his attacks – it all struck a chord deep within Steve's memories.

The Winter Soldier managed to land a solid blow, sending Steve stumbling backward. As he regained his footing, Steve's eyes locked onto the assassin's face. In that moment, a flicker of recognition passed between them, so brief it might have been imagined.

The clash between Steve Rogers and the Winter Soldier intensified, their movements a blur of superhuman speed and strength. Steve's shield, a symbol of hope and justice, became a lethal weapon in his hands. He hurled it with precision, aiming for the Winter Soldier's metal arm.


The vibranium disc ricocheted off the assassin's cybernetic limb, barely leaving a scratch. The Winter Soldier's reflexes were astonishing, matching Steve's every move with equal skill and ferocity.

Steve caught his shield mid-air, using the momentum to spin and deliver a powerful kick. The Winter Soldier blocked it effortlessly, countering with a series of rapid punches that forced Steve on the defensive.

Their combat prowess was evenly matched, each anticipating the other's moves as if engaged in a deadly dance. Steve's enhanced strength met its equal in the Winter Soldier's relentless assault.

As they fought, debris from the earlier explosion scattered around them. The Winter Soldier used the environment to his advantage, leaping off overturned cars and using fallen streetlights as improvised weapons.

Steve's shield sang through the air, a constant blur of red, white, and blue. Yet for every attack he launched, the Winter Soldier had a counter. The assassin's metal arm deflected blows that would have incapacitated any normal opponent.

Their battle raged on, neither combatant able to gain a decisive upper hand. Steve's tactical mind worked overtime, searching for any weakness in his opponent's seemingly impenetrable defense.

The Winter Soldier's fighting style was a brutal mix of efficiency and raw power. Each movement was calculated, devoid of wasted energy. Steve found himself pushed to his limits, his enhanced abilities tested like never before.

As they continued to exchange blows, the streets of Washington D.C. bore witness to a clash of titans. Two super-soldiers, products of different eras, locked in a battle that would shape the future of SHIELD and the world.

The battle between Steve Rogers and the Winter Soldier raged on, their superhuman abilities evenly matched. Steve's shield clashed against the assassin's metal arm, each impact reverberating through the air. The Winter Soldier's relentless assault pushed Steve to his limits, forcing him to draw upon every ounce of his enhanced strength and agility.

As they grappled, Steve managed to land a solid blow, his fist connecting with the Winter Soldier's face. The impact sent the assassin reeling, his mask flying off and clattering to the ground. Steve froze, his eyes widening in shock as he recognized the face beneath.

"Bucky?" Steve gasped, his voice a mixture of disbelief and hope.

The Winter Soldier paused, his expression blank and unrecognizing. For a moment, the chaos around them seemed to fade away as Steve stared into the eyes of his long-lost friend.

"Bucky, it's me. It's Steve," he pleaded, taking a cautious step forward.

But there was no flicker of recognition in Bucky's eyes. Instead, they remained cold and empty, devoid of any emotion. In one fluid motion, the Winter Soldier raised his gun, aiming directly at Steve's chest.

Steve stood paralyzed, unable to comprehend the situation. His mind raced with memories of their shared past, of the friend he thought he'd lost decades ago. He opened his mouth to speak again, but before he could utter a word, the roar of an engine shattered the tension.

A sleek, futuristic vehicle - the Tridoron - came barreling down the street. It slammed into the Winter Soldier with tremendous force, sending him flying through the air and away from Steve. The assassin's body hit the ground hard, rolling several times before coming to a stop.

The Tridoron's door swung open with a hiss, revealing Kamen Rider in the driver's seat. His masked face turned towards Steve, the compound eyes gleaming in the dim light.

"Get in," Kamen Rider commanded, his voice urgent and authoritative.

Steve hesitated, his eyes darting back to where Bucky had been thrown. The spot was empty now, no sign of the Winter Soldier remaining. A mixture of emotions crossed Steve's face - confusion, disappointment, and a lingering hope that what he'd seen wasn't real.

"He's gone," Kamen Rider stated, noting Steve's hesitation. "We need to move. Now."

Steve's jaw clenched, torn between the desire to search for his long-lost friend and the pressing need to escape. The sound of approaching sirens in the distance made the decision for him. With a reluctant nod, he climbed into the passenger seat of the Tridoron.

As soon as the door closed, Kamen Rider gunned the engine. The vehicle's tires screeched against the pavement as it accelerated, leaving behind the scene of destruction. Steve gripped the armrest, his enhanced reflexes barely keeping up with the Tridoron's incredible speed.

They wove through the streets of Washington D.C., Kamen Rider's driving skills matching the advanced capabilities of the vehicle. Steve remained silent, his mind reeling from the encounter with Bucky. He stared out the window, watching the city blur past, trying to process what had just happened.

Kamen Rider glanced at Steve, reading the turmoil in his body language. "We'll find him," he assured, his voice softer now. "But first, we need to regroup and plan our next move."

Steve nodded absently, his thoughts still with the man he once called his best friend. As the Tridoron sped away from the scene, carrying them towards an uncertain future, Steve couldn't shake the image of Bucky's blank, unrecognizing stare.


Ace, still in his Kamen Rider persona, glanced in the rearview mirror at Natasha and Fury in the back seat. The former director's face was pale, his breathing labored. Blood seeped through the makeshift bandage Natasha had applied to his wound.

"Is he okay?" Ace asked, his voice tinged with concern.

Natasha's eyes met his in the mirror. "He needs medical attention ASAP. We need to get him to a secure location fast."

Ace nodded, focusing on the road ahead. His mind raced, trying to formulate a plan. They needed a safe house, medical supplies, and—

The sound of screeching tires interrupted his thoughts. Ace's eyes widened as he saw several armored vehicles converging on their position. The SHIELD logo was emblazoned on their sides, but Ace knew better. These weren't allies.

"We've got company," he announced, his grip tightening on the steering wheel.

No sooner had the words left his mouth than a hail of gunfire erupted around them. Bullets pinged off the reinforced body of the car, leaving dents but not penetrating.

"Hold on!" Ace shouted, swerving to avoid a direct hit from one of the vehicles attempting to ram them.

Natasha braced herself, shielding Fury's body with her own. "We can't outrun them forever. We need a plan."

Ace's mind raced. He needed to lose their pursuers and get Fury to safety. But how? His eyes darted around, taking in their surroundings. They were in a busy part of the city, civilians all around. He couldn't risk a prolonged chase that might endanger innocent lives.

A crazy idea formed in his mind. It was risky, but it might just work.

"Natasha, hold on tight. This might get a little bumpy," Ace warned.

He veered sharply to the right, tires screeching as he aimed for a narrow alley between two buildings. The armored vehicles, too large to follow, were forced to brake hard. Ace heard the satisfying crunch of metal as two of them collided behind him.

But their reprieve was short-lived. As they emerged from the alley, more SHIELD vehicles appeared, cutting off their escape routes.

Ace gritted his teeth. They were running out of options. He needed to think of something fast, or they'd be cornered with nowhere to go.

Ace's eyes darted between the road and the rearview mirror, his mind racing for a solution. Suddenly, a familiar voice cut through the tension in the car.

"Ace, it's time," Belt-san called out from the front dashboard, his digital face lighting up with urgency.

Steve and Natasha startled, their eyes widening at the sight of the talking device.

"Is that... a talking belt?" Steve asked, his voice a mix of confusion and awe.

Natasha's hand instinctively moved towards her weapon, but Ace's calm demeanor made her pause.

"Belt-san," Ace acknowledged, a hint of relief in his voice. "You're right. It's time to use the power of Drive."

Without taking his eyes off the road, Ace reached for Belt-san. In one fluid motion, he unclipped the device from the dashboard and secured it around his waist. The familiar weight of the Driver brought a surge of confidence.

[Start your engine] Belt-san announced, his voice echoing through the car.

Ace's right hand gripped the shift car, his left on the steering wheel. With practiced precision, he inserted the shift car into the brace on his wrist.

"Henshin!" Ace called out, his voice firm and resolute.

He pulled the lever on the Shift Brace, initiating the transformation sequence. Energy surged around him, enveloping his body in a cocoon of light and data.

[Drive: Type Speed] Belt-san's voice boomed as the transformation began.

Holographic tire projections materialized around Ace, spinning rapidly. They converged on his body, forming the base suit of Kamen Rider Drive. The suit was primarily black, with red accents that seemed to pulse with energy.

Armor plates materialized next, attaching themselves to Ace's chest, arms, and legs. Each piece locked into place with a satisfying click, the red and silver components gleaming under the car's interior lights. A red tire materialized and attached itself to Ace's chest, completing the iconic look of Kamen Rider Drive.

Finally, the helmet formed around Ace's head. The sleek, aerodynamic design featured large, bug-like eyes that lit up with a bright blue glow. As the transformation completed, a wave of energy pulsed outward, momentarily illuminating the entire car.

Steve and Natasha watched in stunned silence as Ace transformed before their eyes. The car interior, which had felt cramped and tense moments ago, now seemed to hum with newfound energy and possibility.

"Let's take you for a ride," Drive declared.

Ace flexed his hands, feeling the power of Drive coursing through him. He turned to his passengers, his voice now carrying a metallic edge through the helmet's filter.

"Hold on tight," he said, his grip tightening on the steering wheel. "We're about to leave our pursuers in the dust."


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