A Rider Kick in Marvel

Chapter 83

Ace, now transformed into Kamen Rider Drive, gripped the steering wheel tightly as he navigated the chaotic streets of New York. The Tridoron's engine roared, its advanced systems working in perfect harmony with Drive's heightened reflexes.

"We've got company," Natasha warned from the back seat, her eyes fixed on the rearview mirror.

Drive nodded, his focus unwavering. "Belt-san, status report."

"Multiple SHIELD vehicles in pursuit, Drive," Belt-san replied. "And there's a blockade ahead. We'll need to use one of our Shift Cars to break through."

As they rounded a corner, Drive saw the blockade looming before them. SHIELD agents stood behind reinforced barriers, weapons at the ready.

"Time for a little heat," Drive muttered. He reached for the Max Flare Shift Car, its fiery design glinting in the light. With practiced ease, he inserted it into the Shift Brace on his wrist.

[Tire Koukan: Max Flare!] Belt-san announced, his voice filled with excitement.

The Tridoron's body began to glow, responding to the new Shift Car. Drive felt the car's systems integrating with his suit, the power of Max Flare coursing through both.

[Max Flare! Tire Extension] Belt-san's voice boomed.

The Tridoron's body shifted, panels opening to reveal hidden compartments. From these openings, multiple tires emerged, each glowing with the intense heat of Max Flare. The tires orbited the car like fiery satellites, creating a protective barrier of flame.

As they approached the blockade at high speed, Drive called out, "Hold on tight, everyone!"

The flaming tires shot forward, melting through the barriers and forcing the SHIELD agents to dive for cover. The Tridoron blazed through the gap, leaving a trail of molten metal in its wake.

Drive expertly maneuvered the Tridoron through the city streets, the burning remnants of the SHIELD blockade fading in his rearview mirror. His heart raced with adrenaline, but his focus remained razor-sharp.

"We're not out of the woods yet," Natasha called from the back seat, her voice tense as she kept watch.

Drive nodded, his eyes darting between the road ahead and the mirrors. "I see them. Looks like they've brought out the heavy artillery."

Three armored SHIELD vehicles were gaining on them, their engines roaring as they closed the gap. Drive could see the determination in the drivers' eyes through their windshields.

"They're going to try to ram us," Steve observed, his body tense as he braced for impact.

Drive's mind raced, considering their options. "Belt-san, we need something with more bite. How about Funky Spike?"

"Excellent choice, Drive," Belt-san replied enthusiastically.

Drive swiftly removed the Max Flare Shift Car and replaced it with Funky Spike. The car's systems hummed as they reconfigured to the new power.

[Tire Koukan: Funky Spike!] Belt-san announced.

The Tridoron's body shimmered, its sleek surface suddenly bristling with sharp, metallic spikes. The transformation spread from the tires to the entire body of the car, turning it into a mobile fortress of pointed projections.

[Funky Spike! Tire Extension] Belt-san's voice echoed through the car.

The spikes on the Tridoron's body began to rotate and extend, creating a whirling barrier of sharp points. As the first SHIELD vehicle attempted to ram them from behind, it was met with a shower of sparks and the screech of tearing metal. The armored car veered off, its front end shredded by the Funky Spike defense.

The two remaining vehicles split up, attempting to flank the Tridoron from both sides. Drive smirked beneath his helmet, impressed by their persistence but confident in his ability to outmaneuver them.

"Hold on tight," he warned his passengers as he sharply turned the wheel, causing the Tridoron to spin. The extended spikes caught both pursuing vehicles, sending them careening away with significant damage.

Drive glanced up through the Tridoron's windshield. The whirring of helicopter blades cut through the air, growing louder by the second. He spotted three SHIELD choppers closing in, their sleek black forms silhouetted against the sky.

"We've got company from above," Ace announced, his voice steady despite the mounting tension.

Natasha leaned forward, her eyes narrowing as she assessed the new threat. "Those aren't just for show. They're armed."

As if on cue, Ace saw the glint of metal as SHIELD agents in the helicopters readied their RPGs. The weapons' barrels pointed ominously at the Tridoron.

"Belt-san, we need to evade and counter," Ace said, his mind already racing through potential strategies.

"Understood, Drive. I suggest we use Midnight Shadow for this situation," Belt-san replied, his mechanical voice tinged with excitement.

Ace nodded, reaching for the Midnight Shadow Shift Car. "Good call. Let's show them some ninja moves."

He swiftly inserted the Shift Car into the Shift Brace. The Tridoron's systems hummed as they reconfigured to the new power.

[Tire Koukan: Midnight Shadow!] Belt-san announced with enthusiasm.

The car's body shimmered, its appearance shifting to incorporate sleek, dark elements reminiscent of a ninja's attire. The tires took on a purple hue, ready to unleash their shadow-based abilities.

Just as the transformation completed, Ace saw the first RPG streaking towards them. With lightning-fast reflexes, he swerved the Tridoron, narrowly avoiding the explosive projectile. The RPG hit the road behind them, sending up a shower of asphalt and debris.

"That was too close," Steve muttered from the back seat, his body tense.

Two more RPGs followed in quick succession. Ace's enhanced senses, coupled with the Tridoron's advanced systems, allowed him to anticipate and dodge each shot. The car weaved through the city streets, leaving explosions in its wake.

"Time to take the offensive," Ace declared. "Belt-san, initiate Tire Extension!"

[Midnight Shadow! Tire Extension] Belt-san's voice boomed through the car.

The Tridoron's tires began to glow with an eerie purple light. Suddenly, they started spinning at an incredible speed, generating what looked like energy shurikens. These spectral projectiles detached from the tires, hovering around the car like a swarm of deadly fireflies.

Ace grinned beneath his helmet. "Let's see how they like a taste of their own medicine."

With a thought, he directed the energy shurikens towards the pursuing helicopters. The purple projectiles shot upwards, their paths eerily silent as they cut through the air.

The SHIELD agents in the choppers barely had time to react. The first energy shuriken sliced through the tail rotor of one helicopter, sending it into a wild spin. The pilot struggled to maintain control as the chopper veered away, forced to make an emergency landing.

Two more shurikens found their mark on the second helicopter, severing its fuel line. Black smoke billowed from the aircraft as it rapidly lost altitude, the pilot skillfully guiding it towards an open area for a crash landing.

The third and final helicopter attempted evasive maneuvers, but the energy shurikens were too quick and numerous. They peppered the aircraft's body, damaging its systems and forcing it to retreat.

Ace watched through the rearview mirror as the last helicopter disappeared from view, trailing smoke.

Drive scanned the chaotic streets ahead. The Tridoron's engine hummed beneath him, ready for his next command. Despite their successful evasion of the helicopters, he knew they weren't in the clear yet.

"We need a distraction," Ace muttered, his mind racing through options. "Something to throw them off our trail completely."

Belt-san's voice chimed in, "I suggest we use Colorful Commercial, Drive. Its ability to create distractions could be just what we need."

Ace nodded, reaching for the Colorful Commercial Shift Car. Its vibrant, multicolored design stood out among the others. "Good thinking, Belt-san. Let's give them a show they won't forget."

He smoothly inserted the Shift Car into the Shift Brace. The Tridoron's systems reconfigured once again, adapting to the new power source.

[Tire Koukan: Colorful Commercial!] Belt-san announced with enthusiasm.

The car's exterior shimmered, transforming into a kaleidoscope of bright colors and patterns. The tires took on a rainbow hue, pulsing with energy.

"Hold on tight," Ace warned his passengers. "Things are about to get a little... flashy."

[Colorful Commercial! Tire Extension] Belt-san's voice echoed through the car.

Suddenly, the Tridoron's tires began to emit bursts of vibrant light. As they sped through the streets, these light bursts coalesced into larger-than-life holographic projections. Massive, colorful advertisements sprang to life around them, filling the air with a cacophony of sights and sounds.

A towering hologram of a smiling mascot hawking energy drinks materialized at an intersection, causing pursuing vehicles to swerve in surprise. Another projection, this time of a sleek sports car, appeared so real that several drivers instinctively hit their brakes to avoid a collision.

Ace maneuvered the Tridoron expertly through the chaos, using the distractions to their advantage. He glanced in the rearview mirror, seeing the confusion spreading among their pursuers.

"It's working," Natasha observed, a hint of amazement in her voice. "They're losing track of us in all this... spectacle."

Steve leaned forward, his eyes wide as he took in the surreal scene. "I've never seen anything like this. It's like we're driving through Times Square on steroids."

Ace couldn't help but grin beneath his helmet. "Colorful Commercial's specialty is creating eye-catching distractions. Right now, we're the stars of the biggest ad campaign this city's ever seen."

As they turned a corner, the Tridoron left a trail of shimmering, holographic confetti in its wake. The colorful particles expanded, forming a dense cloud that obscured the view of any vehicles still managing to follow them.

Ace spotted an opportunity ahead - a narrow alley between two buildings. It was a tight fit, but he knew the Tridoron could make it. More importantly, it would be nearly impossible for their larger pursuers to follow.

"Everyone, brace yourselves," he called out, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

With precision timing, Ace steered the Tridoron into the alley. As they entered the narrow passage, he activated another burst of Colorful Commercial's power. This time, a massive holographic billboard materialized behind them, completely blocking the alley's entrance from view.

The billboard displayed a larger-than-life advertisement for a fictional movie, complete with explosions and dramatic music. To anyone passing by, it would appear as if the alley didn't exist at all, replaced by this eye-catching spectacle.

As they emerged on the other side of the alley, Ace could hear the sounds of confusion and chaos fading behind them. The streets ahead were clear, with no sign of pursuit.

"I think we've lost them," Ace said, allowing himself a moment of relief. "Colorful Commercial's distraction worked perfectly."

Natasha nodded approvingly. "Impressive work. Those SHIELD agents won't know what hit them."

Steve, still looking somewhat dazed by the experience, added, "That was... something else. I don't think I'll ever look at billboards the same way again."

Ace chuckled, feeling the tension start to ease from his shoulders. "Well, that's the power of good advertising for you. Now, let's find a safe place to regroup and plan our next move."

With that, Ace steered the Tridoron away from the chaos they'd left behind, the car's vibrant colors gradually fading back to its normal appearance as they made their escape into the quieter parts of the city.


As the adrenaline from their daring escape began to subside, Kamen Rider Drive slowed the car to a more reasonable speed. The streets of New York had become quieter, the pursuit seemingly left far behind. Drive glanced at his passengers in the rearview mirror.

"Where to now?" he asked, his voice slightly distorted through the helmet.

Natasha and Steve exchanged uncertain looks. The safehouse they had just fled was compromised, and with SHIELD apparently under HYDRA's control, their list of safe locations had dwindled significantly.

"I'm not sure," Natasha admitted, her brow furrowed in concentration. "Most of my safehouses are probably compromised if HYDRA has infiltrated as deeply as we suspect."

Steve shook his head, equally at a loss. "SHIELD facilities are out of the question. We need somewhere off the grid, somewhere they wouldn't think to look for us."

The car fell silent as they pondered their options. Suddenly, Steve's eyes lit up with recognition.

"Wait, I think I know someone we can trust," he said, sitting up straighter. "Someone who's not connected to SHIELD or any of this mess."

Drive nodded, ready to follow Steve's lead. "Just give me an address, and I'll get us there."

Steve leaned forward, speaking in a low voice as if worried about being overheard. "Head to this address," he said, providing the location. "It's the home of a friend of mine."

"Alright, let's hope your friend is as trustworthy as you think. Hang on, everyone. We're about to take a little detour." Drive mused, inputting the coordinates into his navigation system.

With that, Drive smoothly merged into traffic, heading towards what they hoped would be a safe haven in the midst of this growing storm.

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