A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

18. Yummy SpaceGodzilla

Location- The Kuiper Belt

[Caelicetus POV]

'So this was the great and evil SpaceGodzilla… Kinda disappointing, to be honest.', I thought, looking at what remained of something probably extremely powerful but that was no more than a toy for me. 

All in all, it was really a pleasant sensation to affirm time and time again how superior I and my new species were compared to what I was before. I'm quite literally a god compared to the human Nathan. I have changed.

Most of the titans, capable of wisdom and complex thought, not the mindless ones that only lived through their most primal instincts, are essentially god-like beings in comparison to humans and most other life forms to be fair.

That doesn't change the fact that humans and other potential alien species capable of science to as or even more powerful than titans, like how Godzilla was nearly killed with one Oxygen Bomb. 

But they are so fun to mess with, it's decided next year's Earth, I don't know how strong the beings on Earth are but the more powerful I'm, the better it will be and this universe is clearly more than the movie King of the Monsters aka one of the only Godzilla I have watched.

Or I'm too cautious, still, better cautious than dead.

It was more than half of my size if the tail was ignored, very much still alive and glaring in my direction with its glowing orange and hate-filled eyes. It could glare as much as it wants, not like it's gonna change anything.

The crystals were part way a life form part way crystals and filled with a lot of energy, in total it was four times more than a Desghidorah after thirty-five million martian years of being imprisoned and even with this, it was still weaker, way weaker. At least that's how I felt it. 

Strength generally doesn't only depend on how much energy you possess. There are a lot of factors and all of them are capable of turning the table in one favor or the other. 

SpaceGodzilla, what a really stupid name, its breath attack was certainly strong but considerably weaker than that of the main head of Desghidorah and by quite a lot. Ironically enough if the fight were to be on a planet, I think it would have been less easy for me.

I was very careful with the crystals. I didn't want to lose the tasty energy in them and they probably could explode.

All of its crystals were now all mine and were slowly orbiting around me, then I brought one of the smaller ones inside my open mouth, tasted it, and swallowed it, as a human would for a small candy.

It tasted like sugarcane sugar and locust honey, both of extremely good quality, probably too sugary for most.

My fins quivered as I felt a rush of power that quickly faded away to be replaced with a pleasant tingling sensation all over my body, I glowed golden for the briefest of moments. And my tail was not sore anymore thanks to that.

"What? Do you want some? No. Bah, your loss.", I proposed to the poor space lizard that opened its maw, throat faintly glowing, ready to shoot at poor me again, I clicked in amusement at its attempt.

I immediately clamped its jaws shut. Making its throat nearly explode. The downed lizard still had some fight in itself. 

Sadly for it no matter how much will or power of friendship it had, it was just weaker than me in so many aspects, mainly how we attacked. 

Telekinesis is simply worse than gravitokinesis in practically every aspect. I was so to say the better cheater.

And in SpaceGodzilla's case, it's even worse. It seemed, as far as I could observe, it absolutely needed those crystals to have those telekinetic abilities and its main source and reserve of energy.

Well in and of itself it isn't that much of a problem, after all, I also need different organs such as my heart and my three brains to control gravity. The problem is that those crystals are literally targeting only wanting and waiting to be destroyed.

I twisted its stocky muscular and scaly neck, multiple times, its body twitched, and spasmed, and his limbs and tail trashed around in the empty space before I finally took its head off but yet it still managed to make a nearly mindless psychic shriek of rage before ultimately dying.

'Not ominous…', I remarked, brushing it off immediately, I ate another crystal. The same pleasant sensation went through my whole body. I wasn't going into hyper for the same reason that I want the crystals as intact as possible and the two shoulder ones are a bit too big for me at the moment.

And so with my snacks, SpaceGodzilla body, and the smaller crystals serving as a spice, I started to swim, my fins and flippers leaving a golden trail of light.

I rapidly increased my speed more and more to finally stay at approximately 30% of the speed of light from the Outer Kuiper Belt to Mars which should roughly take twenty-two hours. (Probably totally failed the calculation XD and it's in the best cases when Mars is at the closest)


At the same time, 2013

Location- Earth, Monarch- Outpost 54 - Castle Bravo, Bermuda

[Third POV]

In the control room.

Rick Stanton stared at the big screen in front of him, his left eyes visibly twitched, a glass of whisky tightly clenched in his right hand. He hasn't had much sleep since the Moon redesign. He blamed everything on Titanus Cetus and the stupid cult.

He saw in the message the details of the event and multiple pictures of the sky from Earth ground that random people took with their smartphones.

He declared out loud, "Tonight. A quarter of the Kuiper Belt left us in what looked like a supernova, damn. By the way, can someone kill me already?", he uttered the last part to himself. He was going to take a long vacation after this shit.

"What caused this… this is incredibly worrying.", an anxious random Monarch agent spoke up. A quarter composed of million asteroids ranging from the spec of dust to 100 kilometers (60mi)  in diameter is simply gone.

"Probably everyone's favorite friendly neighborhood alien space whale. This freaking thing is probably the one that played with the Moon, potentially killing all life on Earth and I'm sure this is one also responsible for this. He is an orca and we are the powerless baby seal flung in the air, your worries aren't unfounded.", Rick not so calmly answered, pointing at another large screen that showed a different picture of the Moon and its drawing.

"He was communicating with us Rick for what I don't know, Titanus Cetus isn't human, he doesn't think like us mere mortals. And here I don't know...", said Ishirō Serizawa, frowned a little while he fidgeted in his leftover with the whale-headed cross one cultist gave him earlier this week.

Those 'cultists' weren't rare and were under different 'religions' such as The Divine Flying Space Whale Church, Culte de La Baleine Céleste, The Collective of The Divine Whale, Peace and Whalefare, Povo da Baleia Sagrada,

Pactum Divinum de Cetacean and many others. They were found all around the globe except in North Korea. He couldn't help but quietly chuckle at the ridiculous actions of this country.

The biggest group was in Florida, more than half of the population was already converted, in less than one week. He couldn't believe it himself.

But he could at least understand why Titanus Cetus was indirectly declared as a god, he globally agreed with this but the definition of god varies from person to person. For him, a god was a force of nature, if not nature itself which the Martian Titan goes beyond any other titans in that aspect.

The Lead Biologist of Monarch's favorite titan may be Godzilla but the whale was clearly superior. Tanking a nuke is impressive but compared to moving the Moon, you can't really compare. If Titanus Cetus decided that Earth was unneeded, he didn't want to imagine it.

And power is only the less terrifying or fascinating aspect of the titanic whale. The titan knew braille, English Braille and so many other things deeply tied to human history.

The whale had such an impact that they will be forced to reveal many they would have preferred to stay hidden.


'Vivienne… no…', thought Ishirō, incredibly anxious about his assistant. She was the one responsible for the outpost when he wasn't here.

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