A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

19. Greetings human!

2 hours and 17 minutes later.

Location- Earth, The United States of America, Las Vegas

[Third POV]

Crystal Methven, it was her real name, she was an 'accident' but they loved her anyway, her parents wanted her to be 'special' and she was too young to change it or understand what it means.

Anyway, she just woke up, they were heavy sleepers, and she was staring at where her school should be. From her room on the fourth floor, in its place was a long trail of debris and dirt with fire and smoke mixed in, she felt the floor under her feet vibrate and vibrate again and again, as if a giant was tramping through the city. Trinkets, pictures, and others were falling to the ground.

The people were evacuating and/or running away from Las Vegas and the giant monster. 

The sound of cars honking, firefighter sirens, humans crying and running like headless chickens, helicopters flying and strange animalistic-robotic noise coming from a strange insect-like shape of a giant creature that was far away, it was utter chaos. It stressed her quite a lot, she was only ten. 

"Mommy? Where is the school? Did the Space Nazi take it away?", she nervously mumbled, tears threatening to fall, having no response she looked behind and saw her mother in a sort of trance. 

Clutching her mother was glutching a new necklace from this new religion her parents recently joined while she religiously recited something about a Whale saving the Universe and God, all of it in sign language.

"Mommy? Mommy! Are you here? Hello?", she said while trying to get her mother back, she huffed in annoyance and rapidly abandoned the idea, it only made her anxiousness grow. She looked up to the helicopter-filled sky, and her whole body froze. 

A big circular portal was present, it was humming a strange melodic sound, aimed at the ground, just above the noisy helicopters. It looked out of this world. 

In the middle was a venta black orb, a pupil and iris surrounded by an intense golden and shining color, the sclera. It was an eye, a giant eye the size of a medium-sized house, no bigger. 

It was a giant golden eye staring down at them like a god. The little girl's mind nearly broke down at what she saw, her parents weren't insane. They were something godly outside of Earth.

It was Caelicetus who was bored. He did get bored pretty fast and now that he was calm he wanted to do something else than stare in the vacuum of space, it was beautiful but he has four eyes he could spare some. 

That is why he made wormholes to look around and play while eating. He was still moving at 30% of the speed of light, meaning the wormhole was moving with him. Well, they always moved in either case. He could also create wormholes nearly everywhere in the Solar System and where it was before in the Milky Way also probably in the Galaxy too.

He just had to calculate where it is, for example, Las Vegas should be with the rotation of Earth on itself, its inclination, its orbit around the Sun, the movement of the Solar System in the Milky Way, and the movement of the Milky Way in the Universe. If he saw one pale, even on a picture he supposed, he could simply teleport to it, which he didn't in this case.

He was also careful that the wormholes didn't let air pass, emptying Earth of its atmosphere in space was possible for him. It will take time but he could do it.

The whale was interested in the flying toys he recalled as helicopters. Everything seemed so small, fragile, and insignificant compared to a titan like him.

He also noted the partially destroyed city and the titan he recognized as a Female M.U.T.O from his memory and the space whale let her go, the poor thing was terrified of him. He wasn't going to kill the thing, it was pointless and he wasn't hungry. Killing is okay if you eat after or there is a reason behind the act.

And for the human.

What? The titan is going to kill some innocent and poor hairless apes? It very much wasn't his problem. If the M.U.T.Os were going to wipe out his source of amusement, he would have intervened. 

But let's be realistic and brutally honest, they weren't a threat to humanity as a whole, not even close to that. Humans were not defenseless, most titans would rapidly die if they faced allied humanity. The whale believed it.


In one of the helicopters. The small crew in it was panicking, especially the pilot, the instruments were going haywire, and they weren't trained for this. Not for the Female M.U.T.O shredding everything in her path and apparently unkillable or unfazed by regular weaponry. So, again, certainly not for what the fuck the thing in their sky was.

"It's staring at us! Shoot the freaking things! Fast!", the pilot was breaking down, he was losing control of the vehicle. And the eye? Yes, it was an eye something that was intelligent, one monster after the others. It was nerve-wracking.

And fire they did, causing others to mindlessly fire as well, missiles, slugs, and bullets aimed at the giant golden eye. None even came close to the portal, much less the eye as every projectile was stopped midair, defying gravity. 

A very shocking and supernatural scene for everyone that saw it and will see it in the future, someone was already making a Youtube Live out of it, rapidly joined by others. The floating projectiles were then crushed into the perfect symbol he drew on the Moon.

And it wasn't the only golden eyes in the sky, one was above Rio De Janeiro and the third above Pisa. All were Caelicetus' eyes and he was also doing things there, such as redesigning and the like. 

In Rio, he also borrowed the old iPhone 3's owner, a buff Brazilian guy, and used the guy's hand to use the phone and know what date it was. 

Caelicetus then brought the man close to his eye, making the latter nearly die crushed by Caelicetus's natural gravitational fields, even through the portal. He rapidly and delicately put the unconscious man back on the ground. Humans are truly fragile creatures.

It was the 25th of November of 2013, before Godzilla and the M.U.T.Os, it didn't follow the movie to Caelicetus's nonexistent surprise, not like he cared about the plot in the first place.

Back in Las Vegas.

"What.", the sweating pilot who started everything let out a what of incomprehension. He also noticed that the engine wasn't working anymore, they should be falling but they weren't. He fainted on the spot.

Every passenger, pilot, and soldier in those helicopters that were present, even the one that fired from the ground, also felt themselves be free from Earth's gravity hold, then gently yeeted them out of their malfunctioning metal boxes, the doors were already forcefully opened by the whale. 

They cried in terror, yelled, vomited, fainted, and peed and shat their pants. Some on the contrary were happy, they were being held by their God. Even if their body wasn't happy about the total lack of gravity and their bodies didn't hide their dislike of it.

The hundreds of humans were now floating hundreds of meters above the ground and then they all simultaneously started to spin except the one that was wished a whale cross, which Caelicetus recognized, the humans were then placed on the top of a building.

He then let the rest float and spin, the humans would help them get down. Because if they don't in less than two hours they will become bloody pancakes on the ground.

'I mean it's not surprising that I have a cult… humans worshiped things for far less..', Caelicetus guessed as he sensed the cross on some of the humans. 

He has religions in his name even if they don't know his name and he barely interacted with them, it was a very novel experience. Being worshipped by lesser beings, useless, like th-no bad though, as far as he knows but interesting nonetheless.

Now that he paid attention to the three other human cities he was looking at. A good party of the humans present was taking pictures, and videos, panicking some who thought it was the Apocalypse and the others stared at him with such fanaticism that freaked him out a bit. They were insane.

Then in all three places, diamonds started to form from thin air, they were also the purest of diamonds. They levitated, they were writing, they were in English Braille, the whale didn't know all of the languages on Earth.

It was written in braille, (Greetings human. My name is Caelicetus. The cake is none but all lies.) and all the three floating texts stayed for less than three seconds before all of the broke down into thousands of ethereal crystalline pieces that then flew in myriads of small tornados-like shapes to the humming portals above, where the golden eye of Caelicetus was before all the portals closed simultaneously.

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