A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

35. They didn’t change that much, huh?

[Caelicetus POV]

The pod of Astrodelphii divided itself into smaller but not because of internal strife or anything like this. It was because they decided with my accord to be the overseer of the planets I was Alpha of.

The Moon was never a jail to keep them in, to begin with, just a place for them to acclimate themselves to their new lives. Teach them, make them meet with my children, and overall it was a success. 

Except for Poyo, he didn't learn to not eat the Astrodelphii, sadly for him they know this and stay far away from him. 

I accepted the proposition, it was indirectly asked in the most ridiculously polite and submissive tone I have heard. But I know what they wished from the start. 

That is why now Atrodelphii are found on the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, and on a few other planets of the Milky Way.

I can't be everywhere at once and at the same time, so that helps The Flock can do the same but they die off without me.

And they also discover a lot of things I didn't know, such as which animals, plants, and mushrooms are poisonous and venomous.

The reason for this research was quite obvious. They are pretty resistant to toxins, venom, poison, and everything foreign and harmful to their health and they know it. Yet that didn't mean they were exactly immune either.

With 'knowledge' of the ones that weren't born in captivity and also mine about biology and things like this in general, thanks to this they learned the joy of drugs and that not the only 'joy' they discovered or rediscovered for some.

They are free to do whatever they want within the few sets of rules declared by me, so they mostly do what they want.

It's not like they can hide anything from me or the others for that matter. 

And I safely say that I know too much about their private life, the price of my paranoia… I think they are equal in their degenerate potential with humanity. 

At least their population will increase… not that they necessarily do 'this' with that in mind. They are very open-minded and they don't have the same social norm as humans, they are very direct with one another.

Anyway, they disliked humans which is not surprising. They can share emotions, memories, and feelings with the hive mind, but they know that not everything is not black or white. 

Speaking of the hive-mind I recently felt a strange but brief connection that happened one month ago.

It felt to me like a blurred radio signal in the hive-mind and it only stayed for not even half a second before disappearing. It was slightly worrying but I still could trace its origin and it was from Earth.

For a brief moment, it stayed. I could sense that it was a strange 'Astrodelphis', a very strange one, barely an Astrodelphis. I instantly realized with this that I was responsible for whatever was going on.

Which greatly decreased my worry, but I still searched for the origin anyways.

I didn't find it, I didn't even know what to look for, to begin with, this is why I was using one of my brains to its nearly full capacity to detect any perturbation and catch the thing that did this if it was on purpose or not.

I know where most of Monarch's bases are now, thanks to the Furby abomination. I simply followed with a wormhole where their vehicles went.

That is why some Monarch's employees mayhaps as felt that objects have changed places or spontaneously disappeared before reappearing. 

I didn't really care about the organization, certainly, one of their goals was for humans to try and live in harmony with titans but let's be real.

Probably the only reason they aren't extinct is that most titans simply do not care about them or simply found them interesting because it was sapient species and humans have numerous advantages that make them surpass the other.

The fact that humanity causes global environmental and ecological problems is, I think, pretty meaningless to them. 

They are for most extremely old beings, another mass extinction won't change much. Life will flourish again after.

What is the destruction of the Amazon forest to a random titan older than it by multiple times? Nothing, that's it. It will continue to live as if nothing happened or regrow another forest.  

At least that's how I feel, the lives of others I don't know. It has become even cheaper to me since I can make life happen in even the most inhospitable environment, only the planet in itself as value and in the future, I could probably make one too.

Life is believed to be extremely valuable because it's believed to be unbelievably rare. So changing its believed rarity caused its value to change, to go down immensely. Emotional attachment and culture also play a role in its value so it counts but it's variable.

The problem with the titans in general is that they don't consider humans as a potential threat to their life. Even me… and I know every sapient species like humans if under the right condition have incredible potential and can be considered a potential threat if left totally unattended.

But not all titans can survive multiple nukes like Godzilla or me who can simply stop them and send them back to the sender. 

My body is allegedly not the most physically resistant thing in existence. I know I tested and the surface of the Sun is damn hot, of course, it was because my shields were deactivated at the time.

I could make an impermeable bubble of wormholes that suck the heat and everything else to transport it elsewhere and move to the core like this.

This is in theory since there is a ridiculously high chance that the Sun's gravitational pull fuck up my shield in some way. Not counting that this shield is still a work in progress.

And that the plasma being millions of degrees Celsius will pour into my protective bubble and I think this level of heat is a tad too much for my poor and innocent body at the moment.

Going back on the topic of nuclear warheads, I ate all of my stock, the ones that I permanently borrowed from the motherland. 

Next, I will try the one from the land of freedom and oil, then the one from the land of baguette and omelette au fromage, the one from the land where everything remotely phallic-shaped is considered an aphrodisiac, without forgetting the last of the top five, the island where the being probably older than time itself reside.

There are other countries with nuclear power but later, it's not like anyone will tell that their nukes were stolen in the first place, at least highly unlikely.

I thought of something and immediately warped away from Mars to the beautifully and originally named planet 'Kepler-22b', it was some 638 light years away. 


I looked at the red sea of the planet that was bigger than what humans estimated, being 2.7 times as wide as Earth, instead of 2.4, 0.3 more. 

And of course, I visited other planets but most are simply dead and useless pieces of rock, those ones sometimes had the remainder of civilization. 

It was the second planet where life is present without my direct intervention, the first being Earth. My presence still greatly affected the life on it, species went extinct and new species appeared at an accelerated pace.

I swam near the sea level making the water full of red microalgae go against the planet's gravitational pull. 

This is due to my personal gravitational pull, the one that keeps me levitating and as I have seen, potentially mortal to a human. I guess the human body is not made to be pulled into two different directions or doesn't like sudden changes in gravity.

The planet was 100% covered in water but only a third of it was deeper than four meters. The most common life form other than the red microalgae were headless three-legged 'animals' with two tear-shaped ears, a spine, and a strange back that let them filter and feed on the algae. Also, they followed the color theme of this planet, red.

Hundreds of Astrodelphii were moving, building houses, statues of me, temples of me, pretty much everything as me in it. I'm still not used to this level of worship. They worked in small groups, everyone being in perfect synchronization thanks to the hive mind.

They were creating a city. The start was rocky as they didn't know anything about it, I didn't give them the knowledge about this. If I continue to give them everything on a platter they will become lazy.

Even from this distance they still could communicate with the ones in the Sol System.

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