A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

36. Biggest moon of Neptune

[Caelicetus POV]

I was looking at a universe through a wormhole in hyperspace, this was one of the universes with many 'neighbors' and it was a strange one. 

Neighbors in a sense that it has an intricate connection to others, one with mecha, one was a nearly exact copy of my old one, and a dozen more.

First, it was made of only one planet, which was flat by the way. It was enclosed in a multilayered sphere that was protecting it, it also somehow connected every time period of this world together, it was a bit similar to a river with millions of branches.

Because it was literally one. And most of the strangeness is explained by the fact that it's a Xianxia world, precisely the Reverend Insanity universe or its one really similar to it. 

It was so unusual that the only possible way it could even exist and not immediately crumble on itself is that it was created by something making it possible which proved that I could make my own universe. 

It had hundreds of little connections to other universes that took the souls of dead people, only human souls thought. The travel was harsh; more than 99% died, the rest suffering more or less damage due to the soul's nature to easily dissipate without some sort of protection.

I couldn't really enter it since I was blocked by the universe itself, the only way would be to use the connection or/and brute force my way through but it will cause great damage to the universe, and potentially the same for the ones it's connected to.

Maybe this connection is what makes it stable enough to not collapse on itself. I want to see other universes like this just to see the difference.

Nonetheless, I could make small wormholes directly inside to peep in but that was the extension of my influence without using brute force, it was a dying universe anyway. It didn't expand like the other, it did the opposite.

Funny thing is that Reverend Insanity exists as a novel in my universe too. My wormhole led to one of the voids of this world, this void had millions of floating landmass ranging from island to continental in size. It was the outermost of this universe.

'Oh a creepy old man.', I thought as I saw a frail and decrepit human moving in space, his soul was strange and very blurry, a mix between a young lad with blond hair and his current appearance.

I opened a wormhole just in front of him. He froze, his mouth opening and closing repeatedly, his eyes bulging, he looked like a madman, his body started to tremble in… excitement?

He reached his hand to the wormhole, hesitating to touch it for half a second before plunging his hand only to remark he just hit an invincible wall. Everything made of matter will not go through and most energy too.

His face rapidly passed through a myriad of emotions most being related to despair, anger, fear, and madness.

Funny man. He must be one of the Venerable, the thief maybe. Yes, it's the thief. I confirmed it as a sort of giant mecha two times my size started to form around his body.

I made another wormhole that showed his home universe and the mecha ready to attack froze and rapidly started to destroy itself. He floated close to it, tears trickling down his cheek as he stared at his old world.

'Hmm again.', I closed every wormhole and warped to Caelum, it just happened again. The connection to the hive mind.

It was a dream… of a little girl about space… ah. Ah. Now I understand what happened, she was touched by life energy and it was with the Astrodelphis blueprint infused into it. 

Can't do much. Unless I kill her but I want to see how it will affect her… I still couldn't exactly pinpoint her but she was in the United States.

She doesn't have access to the hive mind 'database', but she has access to the most shared information in it which is images of space, stars, and such. If she had access to more her brain will likely melt due to the information overload.

'Good could have been way worse.', I internally thought. I looked down to see Poyo roll in the mud, ignoring him I warped to Triton, the biggest moon of Neptune.

It's the second time I have come here, there is this same all-encompassing presence of peace. It's weird, I feel calmer here and it's not affecting or even touching my mind. I just feel calm here.

I was here to find this 'Lady Io' the nameless Astrodelphis talked about. There is something here but exactly where in Triton I don't know.

That's why I'm excavating this moon, taking a big chunk of ice. Some Astrodelphii were also here, doing the same but at a smaller scale, and compared to me they could go into the numerous caves found here.

I'm simply way too big for this. I took another chunk of ice, throw it away, and could finally see liquid water below, an ocean covering the entirety of this moon.

I entered the ocean head first making hundreds of tons of water fly everywhere. It was dark, the only source of light being me. I was a golden disco whale in the middle of the ocean.

I emitted clicks at regular intervals to map out the surrounding with my echolocation, the deeper I goes the stronger the aura of calmness amplified. I didn't like it and so I resisted it, making everything seem clearer.

[Come here Corky II and with your squad...], I called one of the Astrodelphis through the hive mind. She was a captured orca and was in a sea park before I revived her. She chose to not change her name as a reminder of her past.

I know every single one of them better than themselves, from their every like and dislike to their hobby, secrets, and beyond. 

That is why I can safely say that I know too much, but I can't even physically forget and I'm the source of the hive mind, I have access to everything inside. The little girl is the current exception as she wasn't really part of it, for the moment.

[I'm on my way, Holy Emperor!], she replied with enthusiasm, Corky II is one of the older I revived, she is if we keep her age before she was revived 49 years old.

And she called me like this, which I didn't have a problem with. Each Astrodelphis has its own way of calling me but every one of them was respectful and showed their extreme devotion to me.

She was more familiar with me than most, she had this shameless grandma vibe and mostly acted as such only showing restraint when I'm physically present. 

She was relaxed and calm in my presence as she knew I was young and took pity on me… since I'm orphaned, everyone knew about this but most simply deeply believed that pitying me was like they insulted me in the worst way possible and the Astrocetus with me or that I simply couldn't have any fault. 

So it's a breath of air. I can understand why they can be extremely stressed in my presence, I'm way bigger than even the biggest of them by twenty times, the instinctual worship they have for me, and simply that I'm an Alpha.

They also all knew my age even if my age is strange, my body is technically around 65 million Earth years old but I have been truly alive since my reincarnation, so roughly 8 years. 

My mental age is something that also regressed with my reincarnation and it's a funny concept in the first place.

However, they didn't know I was reincarnated, maybe in the far future but not now. 

It was a secret that in reality wouldn't change anything if I shared it with them but I simply didn't tell them because I didn't want to.

She swam to my left flank with her squad exclusively composed of young adult males. Yes… they do what they want and they stay true to their Earth's origin. Horny ex-sea oreo.

She was already pregnant, like many others, and for who is the father that only genetics will tell. 

My earlier clicks finally came back to me and this is surprising… but not unpleasant. There was a city, a giant underwater city. 

Tower going three dozen kilometers high, houses with unique but beautiful architecture, statues of Astrocetus, Astrodelphii, and a dragon…

It only had one head. I instantly warped to the abandoned city with the squad of Astrodelphii, most ended up disoriented by the suddenness of my action.

[Heh.], I made an amused click as one of the beefier Astrodelphis planted head first in the sediment, his mood passed from horror to extremely proud of himself, when he heard my click.

'Is this that Io person?', I thought in skepticism, it was vaguely like a Ghidorah but with only one head. 

So it was the statue of a classical western dragon, it had a slender body, two large unfolded wings replacing the front limbs, two muscular legs, and a long tail curled in an S shape.

A long neck that ended in a reptilian head with multiple sets of long pointy horns growing from its cheeks, the horns later curved upward. It was softly smiling, a unique expression for a lizard. Probably terrifying for a human.

And finally embedded on the top of its forehead was a moon crescent made of gold but the upper part was broken…

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