A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

40. Keizer

Ben Jie Sun, also known as the Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable, a seven millennia-old half-otherworldly demon, was giggling as the great space whale made a wormhole that led to a planet called dirt in front of a certain evil protagonist. It was more of a screen than a wormhole due to certain limitations.

He found the name of the planet silly but what did he know, is the worst after all. It still baffled him that this creature could tear and travel through the fabric of space and time with no real technique but his natural capacity to do so like a bird.

A being he was not sure of beating even when he was still alive, something at least equal if not above a Venerable, how enviable. Caelicetus was also the key for him to go back to his world but he could wait.

-See this is where the effeminate guy is from.-, Caelicetus wrote. The wormhole was in front of the said guy, a young human male, with jade-like skin, black hair, and deep black eyes, he was himself starting the portal. Face blank, void of any emotions. Fang Yuan was confused, something he rarely if ever was.

-Ah, by the way, everything from this universe is merely a story in another, whatever you struggled, worked, lived, dreamed, thought, or love can always be considered made up and such can also be considered meaningless. Also if you want immortality so badly why the fuck you don't do your magic mumbo jumbo with genetics? Easier said than done but you are smart and extremely talented, don't tell me this is too much. And this is just an option for many. Don't be the puppet of the Heaven and Earth blah blah blah. No need to thank me. Bye~-, the whale merely wrote with the Flock, to Fang Yuan before the wormhole disappeared into nothingness.

Fang Yuan stared at the closing wormhole, he didn't know if he should feel insulted, offended, praised, terrified, or the four together.

"This being made a portal while I'm in my aperture… it knows me and if what it's telling is true so does it do my past, future, and present. How infuriating to be left with so little control.", he said coldly, but it was an eye-opener experience.

There were more than poems from his past life. He was no scientist but he could have done so much more, not that he regretted anything that he ever did but this reminder changed things and gave him new ideas… and he apparently was a puppet. 

-Is he another plan for you to get out of the Gu World? Or otherworldly demons in general? You know me doing this is already dangerous for me and this universe if the Will of the Heaven is crazy enough.-, Caelicetus wrote.

-You didn't know this?-, the old man asked, frowning slightly.

-Of course not, the author stopped writing because it displeased some high-placed people, mortal as you'll call them and insignificant waste of space as I would and even if it wasn't the case, the information in the book might not even accurately translate to this reality.-, the whale explained his simple reasoning. Common sense.

-And you won't stop me?-

-Not at all, do what you want but different universes have different rules, as you probably deduced I do not control space directly but gravity, one of the four Fundamental Laws. It works in nearly all universes but not so much for you… You see, your powers will go against the way other universes usually work and unless you can resist this you will simply become dark energy. Now stop asking stupid questions, you senile old man.-, the whale wrote back.

Clearly, Caelicetus didn't take many things seriously as most didn't even deserve to be taken like this for him. It was like everything he talked to was a mentally retarded child with Alzheimer's at stage 7 and advanced brain cancer. 

They weren't dumb, for most, it is just an unfair to compare them to him.

One month later.

Madison Russell, just having woken up, was in the bathroom staring at her left eye in the mirror face in disbelief. She knew she was changing but it never really hit that hard.

From her blood turning neon blue and colder than the freezing temperature of the water but still somehow kept her skin as warm as normal humans would and the vein kept looking human. It didn't change how she looked but this…

The girl's left eye was not how a human eye should look like, the white part, the sclera was venta black sucking in the surrounding light while the pupil was glowing golden. She blinked and it was back to its usual color, brown eyes and white sclera.

"Do I tell Mom? No… that's a bad idea…", she mumbled, heart, thumping in her chest from fear and apprehension mixed with excitement.

'It's a slow process huh…', though Caelicetus, for the brief time her eye changed he could see through it like it was his own. Very disturbing to see the world from such a small, insignificant point of view.

Humans were so small.

Far away in a corner of the universe the cry of SpaceGodzilla eventually arrived where it was intended. Deep inside the core of a long-dead planet was a black and golden three-headed dragon.

Their body shapes are similar to Desghidorah, sporting two long tails covered in ragged black spike, a pair of golden bat-like wings, four scaly and muscular limbs, the two at the front strangely looking like humanoid arms, three heads each with a distinct crown of horns, the middle one with the most sophisticated.

Each started to emit a bestial growl from their respective head, making the earth surrounding them rumble and break apart in response. The middle one's pure red eyes slowly opened, revealing a blood red slitted pupil, awakening from his billions of years old slumber.

Black forked tongue flicking out tasting the dusty air, the middle head suddenly moved aggressively, biting the throat of the right one. Immediately fully awake he hissed in anger before taking a more submissive position when he was roared at the back by the middle one. The left head uncaring at what his brother was doing grumbled, groggily waking up he yawned.

"Our pet died…", the middle head said, his voice slow, ancient, and earth-shaking.

""Like the trash it was… what a disappointment."", continued the left and right in perfect unison, their voice being nearly identical.

"We will see what happened and punishment to the one who dared to do this will be done.", the middle one affirmed, barely holding his urge to lash out at everything out of anger.

Their body was slimmer than usual, band borderline skinny indicating that they needed nutrition. And the sun of this stelar system will do wonders for their endless hunger.

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