A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

41. Spiritual stuff

[Caelicetus POV]

I flew above the Moon, and one of my many eyes zoomed on a 'small' rover with the symbol of NASA, ISRO, and ESA painted on it. It must be fresh out of the factory.

'Well, well, well aren't you a sneaky one?', I thought, warping right above, the newly developed animals of the Moon fleeing as I did so.

Usually, I sent those types of things back to the human via wormhole, play-destroy-eat them before they arrive at their intended destination. Destination is one of the celestial bodies I rule over.

The more expensive of those toys must at least each cost the whole GDP of half of the countries of Africa. They know they get intercepted and destroyed by me but they continue to send more. Do they expect a different outcome by repeating the exact same thing over and over again?

Still, some will pass through and attain their destination like this rover because I and the entire hive mind aren't omnipresent and the Solar System is big, some will obligatorily slip by. But will shortly be destroyed too.

I levitated the rover, red light barred off. It tried to put itself back on its wheel with mechanical arms. I twisted them, plucked them off the wheel, and gave it to Olaf through a wormhole.

The latter was until now peacefully sleeping in his cave. I continued to fly around the Moon, gazing at life and making sure nothing would collapse. The gravitational pull that kept the atmosphere here is not maintained by me. If it goes poof most of life will also go poof.

The humans of this world are lucky that titans exist and can with minimal effort stop the snowball of death they indirectly started and chose to not stop. Life will have continued anyway without homo sapiens though, as a matter of fact, humans are in no way capable of destroying Earth and all life forms within. Even if they wanted and nothing was here to stop them.

Incredibly arrogant that some can even think that humans are capable of this feat with their current technological advancements. They can't even make canned food properly, destroying all life on Earth? A pipe dream or nightmare, however killing most of the known life is possible. 

Of course, it will never happen, Titans will decide that their free trial of living has expired before nothing drastic happens.

Me for example, I can kill everything on the planet. As far as I know. A wormhole leading to the core of the Sun. It's something extremely hard to do for me but I can if I strain myself, and the job is done. Maybe a few bacteria and some of the titans will survive, like King Ghidorah and Godzilla. The first is debatable and Godzilla will die of asphyxiation soon after.

Of course, I will never do this but the ability to make portals is broken when you use it properly that is. I warped to Caelum.

Astrodelphii were surrounding Poyo, he was eating a cake, a house-sized cake in the shape of a moon crescent shaped filled with I've worm flesh and a piece of a particular narehate, narehate or hollow are the humans that were transformed in the Abyss and became lost the humanity. One of this meat is coming from an obese Japanese hikikomori with a liking for little girls who were going to commit suicide.

Someone nobody will miss and look for.

Now as a sapient inhuman pile of a constantly regenerative lump of flesh that barely needs any food and water to survive. It now serves a greater purpose.

The rest was made with the Caelum equivalent of the ingredients found on Earth. It looked good from my point of view, the smell I can't tell much because mine sucked. I have likely less brain mass used for my sense of smell than a human for comparison. 

Not like it's a problem. I can get this information through the Flock, and from their perspective, it smelled delicious.

The Astrodelphii liked to eat delicious food, and with the ocean of information at their disposal that was in the hive mind, they adapted human cuisine to something adapted to them. 

All of this was a food contest, and Poyo was on the jury. Lucky him, they are too scared to give me anything they made. They think it's not good enough like it will ever be with this way of thinking. They fear my disappointment more than death.

Anyway, cooking is just a hobby and is seen as a waste of time by most of the Astrodelphii.

[You can continue what you were doing.], I telepathically transmitted my voices to the small pod frozen in shock and full of anxiety as if I'm going to scold them. All of this is thanks to my random apparition kilometers above them.

They all almost robotically nodded and I clicked in amusement at that.

I'm humongous and pretty flashy, staring at me in shock when I do that is the most natural. They took everything when I'm here extremely seriously and it became a bit ridiculous. Every word said was studied and peeled off from every possible meaning and relation to other words and expressions. 

I'm a God in their eyes, after all, this behavior is to be expected. And quite rightfully so.

Two days later I felt a connection again with Maddy, one of my eyes instinctively closed as my perspective on this eye changed from a space whale to that of a human child. I made a smaller portal that let sound pass for me to hear her.

"Are you here, oh Grand Divine Space Whale, Weaver of the Primordial Chaos and Creation…?", she hesitantly asked, scared and excited at the same time. Of course, she will be. And a funny title by the way.

In front of her was an ouija board that had seen better days. Ah… well, let's play. Her hands were on the planchette. I mentality yanked it and pointed the arrow on the no. 

Maddy screamed in surprise but immediately muffled her voice by putting both of her hands against her mouth. She started to breathe faster and faster. I waited until she was calm enough for her to ask something else.

"But you are here? You answered!", she said, visibly indignant, gone was the fear and all that jazz. Kid and not realizing what their action entail… if one of the Astrodelphii heard her she would suffer a fate worse than death.

She stands up on her bed pointing at the levitating planchette, trying to grab it. She failed as I put just high enough for it to be impossible for her to grab.

I closed the curtains since it was only sunset, and the door was already closed. Immediately after the room became dark, her gold eye was the only source of light.

Toys, clothes, bedding, plushies, and electronics started to float and orbit around the bed, and that also started to take off the ground. She was gobsmacked and down on her ass staring at everything with more wonder than terror.

The room trembled as I made a bubble-shaped wormhole that trapped the bed and the objects orbiting around it within. And then it collapsed on itself then with a soft crack and careful control of my power she was on the Moon, a shield around her that kept the Moon's air, gravity, and other potential hazards from affecting her. In any way shape or form.

She turned around and incoherently mumbled, "That's the Moo-moon and that's ho-home…?"

Her gold eye flickered back from gold to its normal color for a brief instant before turning to human again. Instant where she fell unconscious. She was fine just in shock. I teleported everything back to her room, put everything back into place, covered her body with her blue bed cover, and unlocked the door. 

I wrote with the calligraphy possible on a piece of paper in braille, -This wasn't a dream or a figment of your imagination. The Moon and Earth everything, you, Maddison lived through this.-

I neatly folded the paper and slipped it into the drawer where she put her diary. Tucking it in.

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