A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

42. Frozen Alien

"Madison?", Emma knocked on the door three times, having no response she opened it and entered the room.

She heard sounds coming from the room and that worried her, her daughter acted bizarrely these last few months. Wearing hoodies any time she was with her, sometimes even eyepatch, staying most of the time in her room, avoiding her, and having a random fit of panic where she ran and locked herself in the bathroom.

There were several reasons she could think of, the most probable was the divorce and such lack of a paternal figure. Nothing could really be done here since broader was all alone in his corner and she didn't want her daughter to be around that man. 

Maybe she watched too much anime… and has gotten the things called the Height Grade Syndrom. 

Or maybe in the current state of the world, Madison was always a perceptive and smart individual. She could understand that the tension between countries is in no way good news.

After all, more than half of the nuclear-powered weapons vanished. It mortified every country with such weapons to have them be divided in half. 

Those weapons were their only defense against the potential threat to humanity that was the Titans, at the moment new armament was already in development but in need of improvements such as the Oxygen Destroyer and/or the use of tungsten, beams shot from satellites in outer space.

They couldn't keep that secret for long and measures needed to be taken. Yes, Caelicetus was liked by most, most of those to a point beyond fanatical. Godzilla was also liked but that didn't stop the governments to see both as a potential threat, the whale in particular. A godly alien being who could make the dinosaur extinction happen all over again but with humans this time.

Caelicetus could erase human existence by roaring on the planet too, no need for space rock. It's really, really, really easy for him to do such things. And the Astrocetus of the past did just this to an innumerable number of planets. Just like how a gardener will weed any of the plants they didn't want in his garden. Good and bad are subjective concepts.

All countries pointed their finger at the whale, being solely responsible for this. He was but saying it's him did fuck all in the scheme of things because that didn't bring their precious weapons of mass destruction back and calmed no one except the fanatic that worshiped the whale as God.

Worship that didn't stop spreading, exponentially increased every day. Nothing could stop the Collective belief from spreading. Beliefs that we're not always peaceful.

For example, the people on the Faroe Islands were slaughtered, and nobody was spared from the elderly to newborns. As to why they did this?

Simple they had a tradition of slaughtering hundreds of pilots whales and dolphins known as the grind. Before the Collective existence, it was already hated by literally everyone that had a lick of empathy and concern for wildlife. So yes, when a group of fanatics with money and powerful backing this type of thing would happen. A modern crusade.

This wasn't the only case everywhere in the world where cetaceans were hunted for X or Y reasons were 99% percent of the time massacred. They were labeled as monsters and eco-terrorist. Not that it stopped the Collective either.

They did other things.

They actually helped people that weren't deemed heretics. Heretics. The ones deemed as such were the ones that harmed, maimed, and killed cetaceans, so it is very specific.

People could see the rising of the ocean and growing plants on the Moon even from the naked eye. If even after all that happened this wasn't a sign.

Nobody knows how it was possible, simply because it shouldn't be with their current way of understanding the world. Science was available but that is what makes it possible to improve compared to stuck people that believe in a book as the absolute and undeniable truth. There is no perfection. Perfection is death.

Data from Earth's only natural palette other than visual were extremely hard to obtain. But you can still get plenty of usable data from this and make hypotheses and theories about how this is possible beyond simply saying that's the whale's divine will that permeated this.

The humans weren't the only ones puzzled by this, the King of Monsters and Kong were too. To a minor degree, both are smart as they couldn't comprehend how impossible this should be.

The world for humans was becoming more and more chaotic.

Her daughter undergoing a species change was entirely out of the question. The big maybe that it's also was her becoming a woman even if it was very early.

"Good night Maddy, have pleasant dreams.", she murmured, putting the converter on Madison's body and kissing the girl's forehead Smiling she walked out. It soon disappeared as her work phone rang.

"Good night Doctor Russell, it's Ishirō. I'm deeply sorry to bother you by calling you at this hour but an expedition team finally pinpointed and discovered the source of the numerous unknown magnetic anomalies in Antarctica..."

Closing the door of her daughter's room in a hurry she spoke with barely hidden excitement. Already anticipating what it could be. Any new Titans discovered was big news.

"You don't need to apologize. What is the source?"

"A new Titan… the biggest we discovered even bigger than Titanus Cetus and Titanus Gojira. You must already have the current data on it. They should be sent to every abled personal about right now.", he said, shifting in his chair on the other side of the globe. Looking through a camera he could already see dozen of choppers taking off to specified coordinates.

"A three-headed dragon… how can it move? How does the body coordinate itself with its head? Is this a case similar to bicephalous animals?", she shot question after question, eyes fixed on her tablet, picture, and diagram that showed the general body shape of the Titan in question and what current information they had.

They knew it was enormous, roughly its anatomy, that it was in a death-like state with its heart stopped, likely frozen, and that it was emitting electricity that caused electromagnetic anomalies in the surrounding hundreds of kilometers.

"I thought of the same things! Reptiles have a lot of cases of axial bifurcation but to see this on a Titan not with two heads but three… Something thought of impossible to naturally occur! Humanity is really ignorant we have so much left to learn. Oh! I almost forgot! I deduced that this specimen might be an ancient Alpha a potential rival of the Titanus Gojira species… as to why it's frozen in ice only diving deeper will tell us.", finishing his coffee he strolled through his office.

"In ice… frozen… does this mean that if it were to melt with the current increasing temperature… the Titan will supposedly wake up, right? Being frozen should not kill one of those being.", she thought aloud. A few seconds of pending silence later she heard Doctor Serizawa swear in his mother tongue, Japanese.

He would pay any price to see the Titans fight but humanity being in the middle and ending up extinct not so much.

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