A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

56. Kevin

The wind could be heard blowing amidst the devastation caused by the space whale titan. King Ghodorah was but two disembodied heads with each a long neck, their regeneration, and alien biology being the only reason the two heads were fully conscious and aware, their link cut they couldn't communicate telepathically.

'That was easy.', Caelicetus thoughts, amusement filled his being as he saw how the two heads twisted and squirmed uselessly on the broken ice like the worms they were. 

He didn't delude himself, they were just weak and he would have more problems with a stronger specimen of space hydra as all seemed to be emgenireed to have an edge against Astrocetus in some ways.

Mentally grasping the middle one he willed gravity to compress it and with a last hiss, it was crushed into a cube that could fit in the palm of a human child.

San, the left and last remaining head of what was once King Ghidorah, stared in abject horror, a primal terror filled his being as the last of and strongest of his brother was killed, the one he believed superior. Crushed like a bug.

"Oh… Scarred, aren't you? I know the feeling, will I die? Can the pain stop? Can someone help me? Don't worry, killing and then eating you will bear insignificant benefit to my growth…", the voices of Caelicetus resonated across Antarctica, in perfect unison, sending shivers down what little remained of San's spine.

"What interests me is what you have in your little mind. And if you can earn my trust I promise to be merciful.", the space whale promised, his action and enjoyment of what he did stemmed from his hate for King Ghidorah's species and not any grudge he had against them, or more like him now.

"YES! I fully submit it to you! Please don't kill me…", San instantly answered fear passed his draconic and hissing yet youngish voice, he didn't even want to fight the Astrocetus above him, to begin with, simply he was overpowered and had no say in the matter.

He was the least intelligent of the tree heads, the type with two brain cells fighting to get third place. And mainly the reason why he was the weaker of the three. 

San froze as he felt himself be unaffected by the planet's gravity and then he was brought to the golden-bathed wormhole. 

Arriving on the Moon the head was met with the real Caelicetus for three long seconds of pure unaltered terror before another wormhole appeared and he was transported to the deepest part of the Abyss to his temporary 'room'. A message was sent from Caelicetus via a wormhole.

"I hope it doesn't bother you but your name now is Kevin."

Godzilla next to the scene was staring wide-eyed, he understood how outclassed he was, but now it was forever imprinted in his very being. 

His instincts screamed at him to submit right here right there but his pride didn't let that happen, but both of the titans knew that it was already the case. Godzilla snorted and walked away.

"Godzilla, leaving already? That's your name right, at least that is what the humans call you. The planet is awakening, I suppose it doesn't bother you if I observe the planet for some time.", and then the wormhole closed, leaving behind the Flock as they explored the world in the stead of their Master.

"We might have underestimated it... A bit.", Dr. Rick Stanton said, the hair all over his body standing on end, even if he was on the other side of the planet. 

It's not every day you see a black hole and a titan capable of threatening humanity's existence be considered a mere toy by a being that could control gravity.

"Amazing.", Serizawa mumbled in a trance-like state, a childlike glee in his eyes. Next to him, his assistant Viviene was still trying to comprehend what just happened.

'So this is the real power creature who held Maddy…', Mark Russel thought sadly, he was Monarch's Senior Antrozoologist and all his knowledge about the behavior between humans and animals was useless here. This was a god, the 'animals' or lower intelligence life forms were them in the equation.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but I got a call from His Excellency of the United Nation, he isn't happy. As usual… Oh my God.", Dian Foster the pilot of the USS Argo, arrived in the room her stern voice trailed off as a video of the black hole and King Ghidorah getting swallowed by it passed on repeat.

"Hm-hum…", Dian came back to reality and continued one, "His Excellency asked Monarch to know what those unidentified flying object-creatures were and what should each nation do-"

"Tell all those paras-politician to don't fucking shoot them, that will be a good start. Those creatures are from Titanus Cetus… And you have an idea of what he is capable of with this footage. 

For what purpose we don't know but by all gods or whatever divinities any nations suicidal enough to do this will be razed off the face of Earth and history that I can promise you. Let's not see how well Earth will fare

against a black hole.", Eric answered horrified by the possibility of one trigger-happy dumbass killing one of the members of the Flock and condemning an entire country.

'As if I will do that.', Caeliceteus thought, having fun at the little humans' antics, he found them cute worrying about this, like how an owner will see his pets, the Flock was immortal in mind as long he lived, the perfect scooting tools. 

A human killing one will only earn the humans or if he/she was obligated to do it the one having ordered the command to be brutally killed. Humans were smart creatures and would see a pattern of death relying on the killing of Flock's members.

'I'm truly a monster or it's just natural… Who knows, probably the first option… I don't have an excuse and won't try to find one.', the space whale remarked matter of fact. He committed genocide on a planetary level, no star system level as the yautja were space-faring and likely colonized their entire stellar system.

All because of his recklessness and even without the Xenomorph Ghidorah he would have killed millions if not billions of yautjas for the mistake of one. It was logical from a certain point of view but clearly extreme and emotionally driven when there were other less violent possibilities.

Caelicetus was growing for the better of himself and the worst of others. 

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