A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

57. Big moth

The golden light washing over Antarctica progressively receded as the wormhole slowly closed, letting place to the usual darkness of the ice continent. 

The icy desert was desolated, and the center of Antarctica was destroyed beyond what humanity could hope to do with its current technological advancement.

Videos of what was seen in Antarctica from the people in the far distance were already on the internet with many more videos of the current chaotic states of the world. 

The Ring of Fire, a long area of great geological activity leading to earthquakes and eruptions, was a death zone for nearly everything but the superorganism known as Titans whose slumber for a large amount of them was halted by great earthquakes that ravaged the lands.

Yet all of it was reduced by the influence of Caelicetus' gravity, greatly reducing the forces in the shift of the Earth. An activity that was taking great amounts of concentration and precision. 

Many islands had already sunk under the flow of the ocean, villages, and cities were ruined by natural catastrophes, and natural areas all over the world suffered just as much.

He wasn't omnipresent but if he didn't intervene, the planet's biosphere would greatly suffer or more accurately be mostly wiped out. The Flock gives real-time feedback through the hive mind with him sending regular clicks to Earth via wormholes. 

He was stopping most of the damage, the rest will be Godzilla and humanity's problems. He was already doing too much in his opinion.

'Why is this happening?', the space whale contemplated from the safety of Caelum(Mars), and the immediate response was that it was related to him.

How the blue planet currently was made him think of when he 'revived' the core of a planet, there was uncontrolled and powerful geological activity, which was normal as it was the objective. A dead planet with no geological activity.

The planet he had claimed reacted positively in his presence which was translated into various geological activities. But it was when he sang, he was a whale after all, but that was something he found himself doing less and less.

'Oh… So that's it.', he concluded as a hypothesis formed in his mind, it was the ORCA. The device was engineered to pacify/'control' titans, he didn't claim ownership of Earth but his Mother did, and he knew that the humans had records of his Alpha call.

'She fucked up so badly…', he thought in a mix of amusement with a hint of schadenfreude at the future reaction of Emma's when she will learn what she innentiantionaly did and irritated as it will make one of his children sad. 

Using the microchips he made Al-An implants on both of the two most important humans, the biological parents of Madison. Instantly locating the woman, she was flying above as the passenger of a military helicopter above a rich and luxuriant forest in the middle of Yunnan province.

Emma Russel was breathing calmly, the ORCA turned off and right next to her. Her expression was hard, opening her eyes she stared right into the eyes of a man she hated but could work with for a better future.

This was a criminal, an eco-terrorist, leader of a mercenaries squad and it was Alan Jo-

All of a sudden the world seemingly came to a stop, the sound of the wind, the engines, the moving forest down below, and the mercenaries all stopped moving. Emma was the sole aware of this change and didn't have the time to think more.

A wormhole formed right in front of her and led to one of the massive golden and vantablack eyeballs of Caelicetus. She felt as if the great whale could stare right at her very soul, which yes Caelicetus could and it was a simple human soul, one not in the best of shape but nothing out of the ordinary.

Emma's very being was filled with primal terror, despair, and anguish. Her instincts screamed at her to flee, and run but her muscles didn't respond paralyzed by fear. And she was a kilometer above the ground, either way.

The ORCA, the work of her life floated in front of her and was folded into a beautiful orca origami.

The next instant she was falling through the sky entering wormhole after wormhole, each showing the current state of the world. People dying, from a dead teenage girl the age of Madison impaled in the gut by a tree to a titan waking up and swatting a helicopter like a mosquito. 

Blinking she found herself levitating a meter above a metal floor people she knew, such as Serizawa, his assistant, and her ex-husband, were all looking at her with wide eyes. 

Then the hold of Caelicetus disappeared and she fell, slamming her head against the metal, knocking her unconscious and breaking her nose. Another wormhole frowned and the orca origami made of the ORCA was gently and carefully placed next to Emma.

'Eco terrorist… Hmmm… What do I do with all of you?', Caelicetus pondered upon this life-changing question, for the humans, for approximately a third of a nanosecond before deciding he will take their helicopter and parachutes. 

Unfreezing their body he let fundamental laws of gravity work as it was intended. His attention shifted as he heard a piercing and melodious cry resonate through the forest. 

'Mothra.', the space whale thought, recognizing it. Willing a wormhole at the origin of the cry he was met with an ethereal Lepidoptera, bioluminescent wings spreading wide in all of their magnificent glories.

The Queen of Monsters, Mothra, the oldest and wisest Earthborn titan of this planet, is capable of infinitely reincarnating by her power.

"Mom!?", he froze as the regal and insectoid feminine voice filled with hope and genuine happiness rang out.

"Mom?", he repeated back, utter coswindlefusion and bafflement in his voice. It was the last he thought of hearing from the Queen of Monsters, then it clicked as to why she called him that, and understanding now a part of him was sad.

On Caelum, Madison was with Al-An, riding his back like he was a horse. An action the Architect for the love of Caelicetus couldn't even begin to understand but he let it happen.

The girl was brilliant and had taken him as a sort of uncle, another concept he had trouble wrapping his head around. Why did humans have such alien concepts, to begin with? But it's what makes them fascinating, he presumed.

"Al, in your honest opinion. What type of flavor would Kevin like for his cookies?", Madison asked, her eyes sparkling with wonder, on the holographic screen where Kevin could be seen curled in a ball reminiscing her of a species of snakes she particularly liked, ball pythons. 

Sadly her Mom had ophidiophobia and so she never could get her hand on one, or maybe she was too young, or both who knows?

[Electricity or some other plasma, I suppose.], Al-An telepathically answered the hybrid girl, nodding happily as she levitated herself off his back and flew as fast as she could to the 3D food printer.

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