A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

59. Baldy on the Moon

Two months later.

[How is our new little friend Kevin doing?], telepathically asked Caelicetus to his favorite mad scientist android.

Al-An, surprised by the sudden intrusion of the space whale's booming voices in his mind reeled back in shock and stomped on one of the crystalline flowers of the main garden in the inverted city above the Abyss. 

[Your Majesty! Yes, Specimen Kevin is in perfect physical condition, the Specimen's incredible cellular regeneration has let it regenerate all of its spines… By my estimations if fed enough plasma it should have a fully functional body in 1 to 3 years.], Al-An said while sending data about the cellular structure, speed of mitosis, and more on the biology of the no so hydra anymore 

However, this was new until now the space whale wasn't able to engage in telepathic conversation with him. Al-An could tell it was rough, unrefined, infantile but he was sure that the loudness was on purpose and the amusement from his God at that thought was but a confirmation. 

[And mental?], Caelicetus had access had every memory in the Hive Mind, as such the ones from Madison as well but it was from the hybrid girl's point of view. It wasn't the most accurate or unbiased data.

[Various degrees of depression have been found in its mind but overall the Subject is happy, particularly when in direct contact with Madison. As Your Majesty predicted, a potential attempt at entering Specimen Kevin's mind will cause even further loss in memories and mental faculty.], Al-An spoke matter of factly.

'Ah… How low the 'mighty' have fallen.', Cailicetus thought, the image of Kevin acting like a dog seeing his owner after a day of work when Madison was teleported into his room by hundreds of Astrodelphii guards all fully armored flashed in his mind.

The telepathic conversion continued with Al-An giving updates on each of his ongoing projects, the conversation finally ended with Caelicetus informing Al-An about the fact that Earth was hollow and an expedition that might be needed to do.

The Hollow Earth, it shouldn't be possible by his understanding of the Universe and by anyone with at least a one-digit IQ. 

Earth lacked an outer core. Instead of molten minerals, there was an entire biosphere protected from the inner core and upper lower mantle by an alloy similar to the city Io was powering and the unique way the fundamental force and time worked down there.

There was only one explanation for this to be feasible, an Astrocetus, his Mother made or modified the planet to be this way. 

It was… Incredible. Not in a feat of power,

but in control and technique, all detail and minute information needed to be fully understood for it to work. It was stable at all points, letting the planet's inner function work seamlessly.

It acted more as a separated universe, and its only connection to the surface was via tunnels connected to wormholes, wormholes held by nothing but gravity held this way to be this way, forever unchanging until he was to change it. It was an eye-opener.  

And the planet core, the moment he let his presence know all catastrophe above suddenly stopped. Like a kid calming down from a tantrum after having been given candy. 

And this was how he became Earth's Alpha by accident, the core having instantly bonded to him. This means he dethroned Godzilla by accident, not that the old lizard could have ever hoped to do anything if Caeliecetus decided Earth was his.

Anyway, many things needed to be taken care of. Mainly the Great Void, the Universe Eater, progenitor of every space hydra, and sealed in another universe. 

A dimension or universe in this same universe he was in, lost and hidden on purpose. One he didn't know the location of, cut from the hyperspace itself, and from what they could get from Kevin; it was crumbling apart, and something on Earth increased that erosion, someway. 

It won't happen immediately but in the next 5 to 20 or so years, and that was a terrifying prospect. He wasn't ready, he nearly died to one infinitely weaker. He wasn't ready.

The idea of destroying Earth to cut the problem short was there, but it was as a last measure, one he absolutely didn't want to do. And a temporary one at that, he was biologically immortal.

He needed to find whoever was responsible for that, which is why he ordered multiple squads of Astrodelphii to learn programming and hacking, each gaining experience from one another and also himself with regular input.

He was going to comb every individual, enterprise, government, data center social media platform, and more. Starting from the one who publicly hated him, so all his attention was on the country that declared war on a literal planet.

It should not take more than two months for all of humanity down to every individual to be studied. While this was happening Caelicetus was looking over methods to grow in power, and control over said power. 

Since he ate King Ghidorah or most of them. The process that started to convert part of his internal organs into something more energy-like accelerated. It was a strange sensation, not painful, just odd and very alien at first. He was changing, slowly but surely, growing stronger with each passing second.

Entering hyperspace Caelicetus gazed upon the infinite web that connected infinite universes upon infinite universes, themselves also upon infinite universes. It was a beautiful sight beyond human comprehension.

He swam quite far, distance, length, and width didn't work the same way here. So he might have moved 1 meter or the equivalent of a billion universes. He was careful, avoiding places where time moves slower than his universe, preferring areas where time was faster. 

Astrocetus had an instinctual understanding of this place, it was in their genes, he could tell which way to go, which to avoid, and could always find his way out. 

Unknown to him it was where the Astrocetus originated from until they were hunted by the Great Void, and forced to flee and hide from universe to universe until they decided to seal themselves in a newly born universe, at the same time creating their own prison. 

The same one he was reborn in but the great war had destroyed this seal a long time ago. 

This place was also relaxing to him, in particular, the shape of it all even if a human would lose his mind at what he was looking at. 

'Hmm, this seems to be a good universe to train… Time moves faster by a factor of Holly fuck… Nearly a thousand and it seems safe enough.', the space whale thought. He needed a place to train, why not use the time dilation of a universe

In front of him was a parallel universe, the most common type of universe here. And it was normal that the universe tends to affect one another and make similar thought processes he couldn't even begin to fathom.

Caelicetus made several other tests to be certain of the safety of the place, to be sure he won't die by some higher dimensional being after he entered it.

Because you can't barge into a random universe without expecting some kind of danger, that he learned from experience with the Force Priestess. Why won't they let him, a poor orphaned and defenseless space whale calf, play around a bit?

Arriving in the in-between of galaxies, he acclimated himself to the slight difference in the way this universe's gravity operated and willed a wormhole to the Moon of this alternate Earth.

Calmly swimming out he saw the beauty of Earth before his gaze fell upon that of a bald man in a slightly damaged yellow and red superhero costume playing with a stone while standing on the Moon. 

Confusion was clearly written on the human face as he started upon the golden whale that just appeared out of thin space.

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