A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

60. Smol whale

The staring contest between the bald man and the space whale's many golden eyes continued for several long and drawn-out seconds before the whale broke it by waving one of its massive flippers in something interpretable by humans as a friendly greeting gesture.

Cealicetus evidently knew who Saitama was, maybe not in every detail as the manga didn't exist on the Earth of his universe and he didn't read the manga, only watched the first season.

The thing was, sure the man, even if his soul seemed perfectly normal, Saitama could vaporize him out of existence if the bald man, it was his entire gimmick as far as he understood.

But if he saw the man as a threat he would have already warped far away in another universe, and at worst he could warp the power of the punches away to the most populated city on this Earth. 

Or directly Saitama away at the edge of the universe, the last part was more uncertain. In the same manner, if he wanted to end humanity Saitama would have been entirely powerless to stop him from doing so, though the bald man didn't need to know that.

"...", Saitama waved back and replied 'Hi.' but forgot he couldn't speak in space, not like it bothered him. Though he couldn't breathe too, not like it bothered him either. Lucky for him Caelicetus could lip-read all living languages of modern humanity in most universes.

One of the eyes of the whale trailed in the far distance, a perfect cube floating aimlessly in the void. 

The bald man squinted and saw the same cube enter a portal before it disappeared, the whale's eyes widened a bit in what looked like… Surprise? Reading an alien whale's facial expressions was hard okay. 

'Huh… Interesting.', Caelicetus thought, just having finished his short mind chit-chat with "God".

A being that thought of humanity as a worthless plague and that it tarnished the immense beauty of Earth but couldn't do anything because it was extremely limited in how it could interact with the physical world.

And as such "God" only but in name, one he gave himself pretty arrogant in the whale's opinion. One creature Caelicetus knew of the presence before entering this universe. 

But the problem with this type of supposedly immensely powerful being was that without the help of a lower being playing as their puppet-avatar-slave-minion could barely kill a random butterfly. 

It was pretty sad, but they were still extremely dangerous entities, however, and threading with extreme care and the utmost level of paranoia was advised.

This "God" was surprised a being could enter 'its' universe, but it saw an opportunity in that. 

It could manipulate Caelicetus in helping it enter the physical world, but it failed monumentally in doing so as it tried to coerce him by promises of power for the destruction of planets full of life, then it exploded in anger and directly tried to mind control the whale. 

Sadly for it, the mind of someone was where they are the weakest but also the strongest, and trying to mind control a being like Caelicetus was not the best of ideas. 

Even more when you use only a small part of your being to do so, a small part that was roughly twenty times stronger than Al-An, but twenty ants piled on top of each other were still nothing.

Caelicetus let "God" or more precisely this fragment enter his main and more powerful mind, at this point he didn't do anything but listen, until he was attacked and in self-defense trapped the fragment in his main mind. A trick Al-An taught him but it was used by his people for silent discussion and not as a weapon.

After this Caelicetus annihilated the fragment until it was but a figment of pure esoteric energy without any will or soul, untainted of anything. 

He absorbed it, he felt the speed with his body's internal change to energy increase slightly, a hitch for a future new pair of eyes, and a slight gain in overall control of his favorite fundamental law. 

And also gained something, an ability. Nothing powerful in and of itself, it doesn't increase anything, nothing of the like. 

He used it with trepidation, just like a muscle but mentally and in a blinding show of golden light that could be seen from the broad daylight for Earth, the alien cyclops, Lord Boros blinked in confusion but a lust for combat bloomed once, more powerful than ever. He could feel it, something else as joined the fight.

The bald head of Saitama only amplified the light with its high albedo (how much something can reflect light) that could cause a mirror to blush in shame. 

The man in question was also covering his eyes in intense light, his bored gaze gaining interest, this being was powerful, stronger than anything he ever saw, but it seemed friendly. 

Within this light, Caelicetus' body changed, properly shifting the laws of physiques for it to happen as it did so. 

When the light vanished no more was the whale as long as most skyscrapers were tall, instead,d he was a creature the size of a small dog. A chibi version of what it was.

All of Caelicetus' now slightly bigger eyes, body ratio-wise, looked around with some confusion. The difference in size was extreme, staggering, from a titan to a creature smaller than a human while still possessing the same mass, resilience, and strength as before. He could return to his normal form at any moment.

Dozens of small wormholes appeared, each expelling gasses to form an Earth-like atmosphere, all held together by the will of the whale over the surrounding gravitational field of the Moon. 

Then the small whale warped within this sphere, five away from Saitama who only blinked and started to breathe again.

"Hello human, I'm Caelicetus, an interdimensional traveler and I have come in peace.", three voices in perfect sync resonated through the air, higher pitched than usual, they were the result of molecules being molded by gravity to form sound, in this case speaking a human language, Japanese.

"Sorry but I'm not interested in what you sell. And why are you so small all of a sudden?", the man replied plainly, the whale clicked-chuckled at that. 

"Well… No, I just absorbed a part of a likely higher dimensional but surely mindr@pist entity that was posing as God, I'm not here for that, but effectively I could theoretically create a product capable to regrow the hair of a 25-year-old hum-

Caelicetus didn't have time to finish as the man moved at the speed of light and grabbed him like a plushie, with enough force to bend the strongest material known to man, and Caelicetus emitted a squeak of bewilderment as if he was a speaking toy.

Staring unblinkingly at one of the small cetacean pair of slightly bulging golden eyeballs Saitama said with a bone-chilling voice that was also followed by immense despair and distress of a man clutching at his last chance, literally in this case, "Deal. But first..."

The next instant a pouting whale in the hands of Saitama, who has jumped from the Moon, nearly all damage being suppressed by Caelicetus, and he fixed what he didn't suppress. Stopping the formation of a giant crater that would have otherwise caused various problems.

Zapping through space Caelicetus tried to wriggle out of the man's grasp, only when they broke the atmosphere and arrived on the city-sized half-destroyed spaceship, did he escape the vice-like grip of the bald superhero. 

"Freedom at long last!", he yelled with a pillow and a click, a click that destroyed in a cone shape nearly everything to such the extent of its power. 

Even half of Lord Boros's body was shredded apart by the shockwave, his sole eye was bulging out of shock then maniacal glee at the new small levitating creature and its immense power.

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