A Survivor’s Life in the Dungeon (Danmachi fanfic)

Chapter 39


The guild officially announced the tournament which would take place inside the Orario coliseum. The announcement of such an event generates excitement all around the dungeon city making it lively.

The guild couldn't have timed the news any better as it took the public mind out of the murder that happened that day.

August along with Denki are making their way into the dungeon for their daily dive inside. August decided that he'll hire a supporter today since Heracles suggested it to him, he agrees that he needed to develop his leadership skills if he wanted to be a successful captain and commanding a three man cell with him, Denki, and a supporter would be a good practice for that.

"So you're finally hiring a supporter huh? Any idea what you want?" Denki asked curiously, he welcomed the idea of a supporter since he won't have to carry the loot and supplies anymore. It isn't really a problem for him but he does find it a hassle to fight with a bag since it hinders his mobility quite a bit.

"From what I can see most supporters that are for hire here are level 1, and those that are level 2 or above are part of a permanent diving party." August put his hand on his chin as he looked at the supporters who were holding signs in the entrance. All of them are level one and by the looks of it none of them are even knowledgeable in combat. "I'm okay with hiring anyone but I do prefer someone who has experience in the deeper floor since that is our target." 

"That guy seems strong." Denki points at a dwarf supporter. The dwarf was built muscular and stout, he has an axe on his side and a large backpack. "How about him?"

"yeah, in terms of raw strength a dwarf would be a good choice but I'm afraid he'll slow our pace down since they aren't really known for their mobility." August answered as he glanced at the dwarf.

"How about that pallum? They're quick on their feet." Denki suggested the male pallum in the corner.

"Can't you feel it? He still has milk on his lips. Judging from his mana he just received his blessing and I don't want to be a baby sitter."

"By the gods your level 5, you don't have to be so picky, whoever we pick won't be fighting anyway." Denki was becoming impatient, there are plenty of supporters here but August was being picky about it.

"Well I guess you're right." August said, he looked at Denki and gave him a smile which made the samurai shiver. He knew that smile and he knew that it can only mean trouble for him. "I should just choose anyone since they won't be fighting anyway right? After all you're the only one who'll be fighting inside so anyone will do." August moved along as he scans the surroundings for a good supporter.

Denki pales at what his captain said. 'Me and my big fucking mouth.' he thought as he follows behind his captain.

Minutes passed and the duo felt like all the good ones had already been hired so they decided to just enter the dungeon without a supporter but a voice stopped them on their tracks.

"I hear the two of you are looking for a supporter." a jolly voice called out to them making them turn and look. It was a female werewolf evident by her wolf ears, but at the same time she was small, the size of a pallum. She like all supporters has a huge backpack that she's carrying like it's nothing, a small quiver at her leg indicates that she's using a bow but August can't seem to spot where she's keeping it. 

'A halfbreed.' August thought as he stared at the girl who was grinning at them. "We are. What is it to you?" he asked.

"Well for your information I'm the best supporter around, and I only support those who are strong. And I, the great Froke Lapilla view you as someone worthy of hiring me." she spoke in a haughty manner with her hands on her hips as she held her head high. 

"What a weirdo." Denki muttered as she stared at the halfbreed, which she heard since she has wolf ears.

"Who are you calling a weirdo asshole?" She screamed at Denki.

"You, you fucking weirdo! Best supporter my ass." Denki bite back.

The two went back and forth as August stared at Froke. 'Hmmm... Level 1, just a tad bit short of entering level 2, she's built like she can fight a bit, lean yet solid, her muscles are well defined.' he smiles as he watches the two bicker. 'I can work with this.' he thought. "Froke was it?"

The halfbreed and the samurai stopped arguing when they heard August's voice. Froke answered his question with confidence. "Yes, that is my name."

"And how much do you charge?" August ask.

"The standard rate, 70-30 with me taking the latter." She answer.

"You cannot be seriously thinking of hiring her are you?" Denki protested. "Captain she-"

"Didn't you say that it doesn't matter who I pick since they won't be fighting anyway?" August cut him off as he smiled mockingly at Denki.

"Eh..." Denki was lost for words. 'Would you look at that, the consequences of my own actions.' he thought to himself as he can only sigh at his captain. He turned to look at Froke who had her tongue out at him. 'This bitch.' for Denki this was a first. He was a friendly and outgoing guy, but Froke seems to just push the right button on pissing him off.

"Now where were we? Ah right... 70-30 was it? If you can act as a range backline I'll gladly pay you 40." August said shocking Denki and Froke. For August money wasn't an issue, he was quite rich so 40% of their loot wasn't a loss for him. But he is curious about this Froke, from what he can see she is talented, her body told him that much, especially her fingers, it was full of calluses. She was training all her life, that much was clear for August to see.

"Pardon me but I'm a supporter, fighting isn't in my resume." Froke said as she looked August seriously in the eyes. "The moment things go rough I'll be running, my job is to handle, collect, and carry your loot, as well as guiding you through the dungeon and providing basic necessities such as first aid, not fighting." 

"By the looks of it, you've been in plenty of fights." August answered her relax and calm. "And I can assure you, no harm will come to you in the back."

She contemplates the offer. 40% of the loot is quite large, she knew that the duo are new at hiring supporters so she threw 30% at them since the original rate of a supporter is only 15% she essentially is ripping them off. But now she's being offered 40% of the loot. "And to what floor are you planning on reaching?" she asked curiously, she expected them to answer 10 since in her eyes the two of them are rookies. "Oh and I didn't catch your name."

"Oh sorry about that. This one here is Denki Makoto, and I'm August Kaiser." August introduced himself which made Froke pause. 

"Eh?" she said with confusion as her eyes went wide starting at August.

August was a popular adventurer, and if the rumors are to be belived, one of the strongest in the city. The only problem is that since he arrived in Orario not too long ago many from the general public including most of the adventurers only knew him by his name and alias. There are some passing descriptions of him but they all vary depending on who's describing his looks. Some say he's handsome beyond compare, others say his a monster among men, others even describe him as a mature veteran warrior. 

"Oh and we'll be diving up to the 24th floor." August finished his words as he smiled at Froke. 

"WAIT A GODDAMN MINUTE!!!" Froke shrieks towards August. "You're telling me that your the fucking Gáe bulg?! The one described as death incarnate?! The spear of mortal death? The fuck you need a supporter for?" her voice caught the attention of everyone in the vicinity.

"It's the Gáe Bulg!"

"Holy shit it's him?"

"He's younger than I thought."

"Did I hear that right? His looking for a supporter?

The masses started to stare in their direction. For many it was the first time they saw what August looked like. They were shocked to see that he was so young. They didn't expect that the one regarded as death was a 16 year old kid.

August looked around and took a deep breath. "let's talk somewhere more private shall we." he said as he urged the two to move inside the dungeon.

Denki was laughing his ass off as he watched Froke becoming timid as she follows closely behind August. The moment she knew of his identity all of her swagger disappeared. The face she was making right now was making Denki jubilant. "Serves you right." 

Froke on the other hand was becoming more nervous by the second. She can't believe that she's been talking to a genuine level 5 adventurer. Not to mention she was even thinking about ripping him off. Now all of that thought went out the window. She'll be dead if August finds out that she's charging them double the market price. She needs to come clean. "Fuck my luck." she mutters as she follows behind the duo.






-at the 4th floor of the dungeon.

"Hey guys... Isn't this a little unfair?" Denki complained as he fights a horde of goblins. 

Denki slash his sword at the incoming goblin killing it, he then twirled around quickly to dodge an arrow coming his way and rush at a range unit of the monsters. He was met by two goblins brandishing their rusty swords at him but he was just too fast for them. 

'No wasted movements.' He recalled what August taught him, he dodged the attack by a slim margin and without missing a beat he delivered a stab straight to the neck of one of the goblins rushing at him. 'Every move must be connected.' again he recalled what he learned. He twisted his katana that was still inside the goblin's neck and with one quick motion he slashed it towards the other monster. His sword cut through them like a hot knife through butter, he then continued his dash towards the goblin archer.

August and Froke watched as Denki killed every goblin in his sight. August was impressed, he was putting his teaching to great use, there are still some improvements to be made but Denki was progressing smoothly.

Froke was again gobsmacked at what she was seeing. 'They aren't rookies at all. Why the fuck would they even hire me in the first place?' her mind raced at this thought. Most familia especially those who had adventurers the caliber of August has its own supporter in it. So those that are for hire are usually hired by beginners and low level adventurers. Few high level parties hire supporters in their mix, but she has no experience in joining such parties. The deepest she ever dived through was at the 27th floor and she was not doing much at that point. 

"You're doing good Denki. Keep it up, I'll be talking to our supporter for now." August cheered Denki up as he fought multiple monsters. He then turned his attention towards Froke who swallowed her saliva at August's gaze. "I'll bite." he said confusing Froke.

"Huh?" Froke asked. 'Bite what?' she thought.

"I'll let you rip me off." August said, smiling at Froke. "30% was it, and 40 if you act as a back line archer." August was looking directly at her, a knowing smile on his face.

'He knew? He fucking knew?' her mind raced. She then remembered the earlier conversation. How August cut Denki off when he was protesting about hiring her. "Uhmm..." she doesn't know what to say. 

"It's a good deal if I say so myself." August said as he looks back towards Denki and his fight with the goblins. "You're slipping!"

"Fuck you!!!" Denki replied as he dodged 4 goblins at the same time. 

August chuckled and looked back at Froke. "So what do you say?" he asked. "Do we have ourselves a deal?" he raised his hand up for a shake.

Froke bit her lips as she stares at August's outstretched hand. August was so far off from the rumors that she heard. He was a kid, granted a really scary kid but a kid nonetheless. She looked at August and felt a pang of jealousy in her heart. She was 22 years old. She became an adventurer when she was 15. Yet as of today she hasn't received a level up. She was a failure, a failure who became a supporter and watched young adventurers overtake her in both strength and status as she rotted in level 1 mediocrity. Even her god lost hope for her. 

She raised her hand up to shake August's, she stopped mid way and hesitated. "Why me?" she asked. "Why someone like me? There are so many talented supporters up there. Why are you offering this to me?"

August was taken aback by her question. 'Why her?' he thought. :Well many reasons to be completely honest. But if I would have to choose one it would be.' "Because I find you interesting." he answered and smiled at her.

His answer made Froke pause. She then laughed which made August confused by her reaction. "Hahaha, fuck it, it's a deal. I'll be your supporter, I'll even be your fucking archer if that's what you want." she shook August's hand with a smile on her face.

"That's good to hear." August smiled back at her. "Welcome to the team Froke Lapilla."

"Good to be on it August Kaiser... Or should I call you captain as well?" Froke smiled.


"Um... I hate to be a bother but. CAN ANY ONE OF YOU FUCKING HELP ME!!!" Denki's voice cut August's off as he roared at the two of them for help.

"Well then. Why don't you show me what you're made of Froke." August raised his hands towards the goblins.

"Sure." Froke answered confidently as she grabbed something on her hips. It was a wood that was folded into a square. With a quick move of her hand the square opened up and formed into a bow. 

'So that's where it is.' August finally found out where she was keeping her bow.

"Fucking finally!" Denki said as he slashed another goblin rushing at him.

Froke stared at the monsters rushing towards Denki, there were 4 goblins in total that were close to him, 3 aiming their bow at him, and 5 goblins that were rushing in his direction. With a deep breath she took an arrow and loaded her bow. She tugs at the string making a pulling sound. She aims at her target and waits for the right moment.

As the goblin runs towards Denki, a woshing sound was heard. Before the goblin even reached the samurai, a hole appeared at the goblin's head. But that's not all. The arrow passed through the skull and hit another one in the eye. Froke shot one arrow and killed two. But she wasn't done, she loaded her bow again and fired quickly, her movement was like a well oiled machine. Nothing wasted, her aim true to its target. Straight in the middle of the eyes. 

August saw this and was impressed. Froke moved with precision, and her shot was accurate to say the least. Load and shoot, load and shoot, load and shoot. She made those movements feel like art. 

In a matter of minutes all the goblins are dead as their bodies vanish leaving only their core. Denki and Froke proceeded to clear the floor as they went deeper into the dungeon. 

August was feeling proud of himself for sticking with his guts. And now he was just relaxing as he watched the two kill every monster in their path.













Chapter 39 is done now, how do you guys like the story so far?

Please leave a comment, a review and feedback so I can improve on writing this fanfic. every little thing helps as it allows me to see your preference on things and would help me write a better fanfic for you all to enjoy.

thanks for picking up this fanfic. hope you guys like it.

good day, love y'all.

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