A Survivor’s Life in the Dungeon (Danmachi fanfic)

Chapter 40


The following days were going pretty well for August, Denki, and Froke. It became a routine for the three of them as the more they work together the better they get. They've become a well oiled machine. Denki handling the front, Froke sniping monsters from the back, and August taking care of the loose ends, supporting the two of them whenever they need it. 

August was thrilled by their progress and decided to make Froke a permanent hire for his party. She was good at her job, and being a veteran in the dungeon, August and Denki was learning plenty from her as well, such as paths to take, lots outside of monster cores, and other tricks that veterans use to make their dungeon diving more efficient.

There are only a few more days before the tournament officially begins, and only a handful of adventurers decide to enter the dungeon, August and his party are among those adventurers. August decided that he should sharpen his senses for the upcoming event. And he had the perfect plan for that.

The three of them are currently standing in front of the 17th floor boss room entrance, from the information Sophie told August, Goliath would be reviving today, and since no high level familia had dived for the past couple of days in preparation for the tournament, the Guild issued a quest for August to take care of the monster rex so the adventurers stuck at the 18th floor could come up. 

August being August took this quest, he wanted to fight the monster rex again and this time he is so much more prepared to face it. He felt like his previous victory over it was nothing more than a fluke, it was dumb luck, Beowulf won that fight, not him. And this time he will win with his own strength along with his party, and he thought that this fight would be a trainable moment for Denki as well.

"So are you guys ready?" August asked the two of them. He can see the nervousness of the two.

"Let me remind you that you hired me as a supporter, why the fuck am I fighting a rex?" Froke was mortified when she found out earlier today that the three of them would be fighting Goliath. "I'm level 1 for crying out loud, why in the fuck am I here?"

Denki on the other hand was sweating bullets as he nodded silently towards August. His fingers were turning white as he gripped the hilt of his sword firmly.

"Just remember, stay calm, I'll take point and handle its agro, you two are there for support, Denki remember your training, I want you to deliver as much damage as you can, but be careful, go in and out of his range." August said as he looked at the sweating samurai, he then turned his attention to Froke. " Level 1 or not I trust you and your bow, stay at the back and aim at the fuckers eyes. Choose your shot wisely as your arrows cannot break its skin. Its eyes and mouth will be your best bet at dealing him damage." August smiled at the two of them and took a step forward. "Do your jobs right and I'll handle the rest. I promise no hair will be harmed from the two of you." 

August's aura surged in the room, the two stared at awe at his back as he walked without fear inside, his aura felt hot in their skin, it felt like it was giving them courage. "Let's go kill it, shall we." August looked back one more time and said those words. His face was calm, yet for some reason Denki saw hatred in it, but he decided to ignore it.







As August stepped inside he was greeted by the monster's deafening roar. And then the ground shook as the large titan took its steep. 

"Well hello there." August greeted him as well. "Remember me?" his mana rose as it filled the room with its violent surge. His feet dug deep into the ground as it cracked by his force, he gripped his spear and smiled viciously at his old foe. 

With a grunt he charges mana into his legs and dashes at extreme speeds towards the monster rex.

"Either way... Allow me to reintroduce myself." the mana of August burst forth as his spear glows a violent red. His muscle bulge, he gritted his teeth and raised his spear and jumped up in the air. "I'M YOUR FUCKING KILLER!!!"


Goliath roared as it clenched his hand into a fist, it moved faster than what anyone would expect from something that big. He punched at August as its air made way for its first creating shockwaves with its strength.

August saw this and smiled. Beowulf howled as August slammed it towards the incoming fist.


The impact sent shockwaves all throughout the boss room. Denki and Froke watch in awe at August's show of force. This was the first time for both of them seeing the level 5 adventurer not holding back. He was stronger than they thought he was.

"HOLY SHIT!!!" Exclaimed Denki as he covered his face from the incoming dust storm generated by the clash.

"FUCKING FUCK FUCK!!!" Froke hid behind Denki as she braced herself from the shockwave. "HE REALLY WANTS US TO FIGHT WITH HIM?! IS HE FUCKING CRAZY?!"

"Yup, that's the captain for you." Denki answered, the nervousness he had going in vanished as soon as he saw August's strength. His lips formed into a smile waiting for the signal to charge from his captain.

Froke saw the smile on Denki's face and frown. Her face turned ugly as she prepared her bow and arrow. "The two of you are fucking crazy." 

The dust settled and August landed on the ground with a thud. He was covered in blood from head to toe, yet his face still holds that vicious smile he had. 

Goliath staggered a couple of steps back, its hand destroyed, it was a bloody paste as everything from the elbow and down was shredded into mush, it grunted in pain and snarls towards August, its eyes turning red from anger. 

August was confused. 'Why does it feel like it got weaker?" he thought to himself as he started at the monster arm.

August rushed again, not allowing the monster any rest. "DENKI AIM FOR ITS TENDONS!!!" August commanded, he charged at the enraged monster with the intention of keeping its attention all to himself. 

The rex saw August coming at him at extreme speeds, it punched the ground cracking it with its strength and it used its fingers as a scoop as it dug up numerous and massive rocks from the ground. With a grunt the monster threw it all towards August.

"Fuck!" he cursed as he dodged the incoming barrage but it was far too many. He raised his spear to crush a boulder heading straight at him. As he did he was temporarily blinded by the dust, some even got into his eyes. 

He saw a glimpse of a fist coming his way. 'Cleaver bitch!' he thought as he moved mana into his spear and used it to block the incoming blow. He made sure to jump to negate some of the impact from the fist.


August was sent flying back, he wooshed passed Denki who rushed in as he kept his sword sheathed, he moved his mana into his legs allowing him to move even faster. 

Goliath saw the samurai coming at it, it raised its hand in the air planning on crushing him into the ground like a bug.

"FROKE!!!" Denki screamed having no intention to dodge the attack. In the past few days he came to trust the newest member of their party, and he knew that she never misses her targets.


An arrow passed by Denki's side and was cutting through air, the rex never even saw it coming as the arrow hit it straight into its left pupil.

"Bullseye." Froke muttered, she smiled as she watched the monster writhe in pain. 

Denki smiled at that, there was never any doubt that she would hit. Now he has to do his job. With a burst of speed he entered the monster's blind spot. 'Charged your mana into your weapon.' he remembered his training from his master back in the far east as he gripped his weapon standing in an iaijutsu. "and add... INTENT!!!" his sword glowed a cyan glow as it sliced through the left tendon of Goliath rex. He used what he learned from August, an attack should have intent. And right now his intention is to kill the rex.

"ARGHHHH!!!" Goliath roared in fury as it fell on one knee, it looked back and saw the samurai grinning at him.

Denki jumped back as the monster swung at him, he was barely able to move out of the way as he was sent flying by the shockwave. 

"Fuck!" he cursed as he braced himself from hitting the ground. He rolled a couple of meters when he hit the ground, he quickly stood up using his hand to push himself standing. "If that fucking hit me." he didn't even want to finish that line of thought. 

"Heads up it's not over yet." August landed beside him, he was full of wounds yet he was standing there like it was nothing. "Stick to the plan, I'll gain his attention and you attack on the opening." he ordered as he rushed back into the melee.

"What a freak." Denki muttered as he watched his captain trade blows with Goliath. 

"You're one to talk." Froke spoke up. She was looking at the fight unable to do anything. She was the type of person who doesn't like to miss so if she doesn't have a shot she won't shoot. "The two of you are freeks from where I'm standing." 

"How dare you compare me to the captain." Denki complained, he then pointed at the fight between the monster rex and August. "Who the fuck is smiling after taking a hit from that?" 

"Good point." Froke smiled. "I guess he takes the cake then." 

Denki sigh and turned serious, he gripped his sword in his side and rushed to join the melee. 

"See... Freaks." Froke shook her head and turned serious as well, she was looking for an opening. Her arrows won't penetrate its skin, and her only target was the eyes. She already got one, but since then the monster got wary of her and was not letting its guard down making it harder for her to take the shot. "August really has to pay me big time after this." she sighs in defeat and takes her bag off. She then rummaged inside searching for something. 




August was bobbing and weaving at the Goliath's every blow, his mind was not completely in the fight. 'Should I use that?' he thought as he dodged a fist. 'It's risky and it's still unfinished but I really wanna try it.' he jumped up and stabbed his spear into the monster's shoulder.

He was making sure not to kill the monster just yet, he wanted Denki to gain experience in fighting something stronger than him, and he wanted Froke to get some confidence in this fight. 


Without any warning the side of Goliath's face suddenly was engulfed by an explosion. August and Denki were both taken aback by it, they looked around to see who that attack came from and saw Froke smiling at them.

"Oy August!.. You're gonna owe me big time for this." Froke loaded another arrow into her bow, and the two of them can see that it was no ordinary arrow. It had runes engraved into it and it was glowing orange. 

"YOU HAVE FUCKING EXPLOADING ARROW THIS WHOLE FUCKING TIME!!!" Denki shouted at her. He couldn't believe she waited so long to dish out those bad boys.

"THEY'RE FUCKING EXPENSIVE YOU IDIOT!" Froke bit back as he let loose of another arrow hitting the monster and staggering it back.

August smiled at this development, he looked at the two and decided. "Change of plans." he said as he jumped back gaining some distance away from Goliath. "Denki take point and buy me some time, and Froke you will become his eyes, call everything out for him and don't hesitate to shoot, I'll pay for everything so let loose." 

His order made Denki pause. "What the fuck?!" he asked. "Are you fucking insane?!"

"Oh you better. By the way this comes with interest." Froke on the other hand was good with this plan. She was a vet and knew that August was not gonna stand by and watch them get hurt. 

August looked at Denki and gave him a confident smile. "I have complete confidence in your abilities Denki. Don't you worry, I'll still be here if everything goes wrong." 

"Fuck it!" Denki gritted his teeth and stared at the monster rex. He let his mana run wild inside his body as he rushed into Goliath. "YOU BETTER NOT MISS!!!" He shouted.

"When did I ever miss?" Froke loaded 3 arrows into her bow. All of them were exploding arrows and with a smile she let the arrows fly.


All the arrows hit Goliath at the face, temporarily blinding it. It roared at the pain as it started to flail its hands all around. 

Denki smiled at this. He never really had a doubt in his mind, that girl can hit a fly with her arrows. He rushed behind the giant and slashed at the right tendon. Now with both of its tendons damage it feels completely on its knees as it catches itself with its left hand.

August watched the two work together, he was pleased at what they were doing. "Well I should get started." He closed his eyes and collected all the mana in his body. He made sure none of it oozed out. He then started moving it towards the spear, and Beowulf greedily devoured all of it. 'It's not enough.' he thought to himself. "Endless battle." he muttered silently, the mana inside his body suddenly expanded. At first the flow of it was like a calm and serene river, now it felt like a raging rapids, all rushing directly into Beowulf.

Denki then delivered multiple slashes towards it. "Why! Won't! You! DIE!?" over and over again he delivered blow after blow towards the monster rex. 

"DENKI FALL BACK!!!" Froke shriek at Denki, her voice sounded mortified. 

Denki looked up and was stunned, Goliath Rex red eye stared directly at him, it snarled as it raised its hand up in the air.






"FUCK!!!" Denki braces himself for impact, he closed his eyes waiting for the worst but no hand arrived. He slowly opened his eyes and saw that the arm was inches away from him. "What the hel-" he stopped. He felt it...

Froke had a lump in her throat as she watched the massive hand of the monster fall right on top of Denki, she tried to scream but no voice came out. But all of the sudden the hand stopped mid air, inches away from the young samurai. "W-why?" she asked herself, then her body felt it...

Goliath was about to slam his hand at Denki but all of the sudden it stopped. It felt shivers all over its massive body. For the first time in its existence inside the dungeon, with countless revival and death, this was the first time he ever felt this sensation. It was confused by what it was feeling, its mind, body, and soul are screaming at it to run. It slowly looked behind it, and there he stood, a lone figure. Darkness seemed to radiate from him. And then August who held all of his mana inside him finally let it free. It then felt it, it felt what Denki was feeling, what Froke was feeling.... It felt like Death was standing in front of it.

Denki never knew that August had this power, he swallowed his saliva and watched his captain exudes such a malignant aura, Denki felt his mana, it was so large that it felt like the sea, but the most terrifying part was that all of his captain's mana was compressed inside his beloved spear. He knew whoever got hit with that spear won't even have a body left for others to bury. He both felt fear and awe at his captain. This is Gáe Bulg, this is the spear of mortal death.

Froke body collapsed to the ground, she vomited what she ate earlier, her stomach felt like sinking as she stared at August, she couldn't stop shaking. She knew what bloodlust is, she felt her fair share of it, some where even directed at her. But this? This was something different, this was no bloodlust, this is death.

A dome of mana suddenly expanded from August. It reached everything inside the boss room, the attack that August is about to unleash right now was inspired by Denki and his technique. August decided to adapt it into his own arsenal, inside the dome August can see everything, feel everything, he can feel the mana inside of Denki and Froke, he can even feel where Goliath's core is. He also thought he needed an attack to finish the fight, he learned that the hard way when he fought Bete. He needs something to combat that, he needs a new magic. One specifically for attacking, and right now he was making his own. 'It's still imperfect, but it will do.' he thought to himself.

August changed his stance, he raised his spear up to the side of his head holding it with his right hand, he put his left leg at the front and raised his left hand into a straight line directly towards Goliath.

Goliath seeing this tried its best to stop it, but it was too late.

August leaped into the air, his eyes looking straight at Goliath. The spear glowed a mixture of red and black, sparks from the over charging of many flew wildly in the air. "Consume everything in your path..." he chanted as the room shook violently from the potent mana that was oozing out of the spear. "And bring death to thy enemies... GÁE BULG BEOWULF!!!" 













Chapter 40 is done now, how do you guys like the story so far?

Finally a super move, how do you guys like it? Quite frankly I imagine him doing something similar to what lancer did on faith. I don't know, I just can't get that image out of my head when I wrote this.


Please leave a comment, a review and feedback so I can improve on writing this fanfic. every little thing helps as it allows me to see your preference on things and would help me write a better fanfic for you all to enjoy.

thanks for picking up this fanfic. hope you guys like it.

good day, love y'all.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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