A Survivor’s Life in the Dungeon (Danmachi fanfic)

Chapter 5

*Shakti PoV*

August, the boy who lived, the only survivor of his family, this boy who is currently hugging a piece of clothing of his father with longing, and sadness, under the roof of a home, that's been hit by a devastating tragedy.

As he mourns his lost family, the weapon, Beowulf, a spear of a fallen adventurer, a fallen friend, a fallen father, mourns with the young boy. it's aura, enveloping him, giving him warmth, and comfort in the cold night.

And the thing that I feared, finally happened. 

August, felt the call of the spear, he looked at it, as the warmth of its aura calls for him. 

His hands moving inches towards it, and as he touches the cloth that was wrapping the weapon, the magic inside it bursts in the air. 

Suffocating with bloodlust, a strong desire for revenge, yet at the same time warm and comforting. The weapon finally found its new master, as the blood magic that enchants the Beowulf clings towards August.

The cloth unraveled, as a beautiful obsidian colored spear shines a metallic gleam, the beauty of the spear ehanced by the purple outlines. A simple yet elegant design, a spear that's made for its practical uses and combat.

(see spear in the comment.)

And slowly the weapon shrank, accommodating the size of its new master. It floats in the air as it slowly moves towards the boy. 

He reaches for it, his hand touching the cold Orichalcum steel, and the spear vibrates, as if acknowledging it new master. A new blood pact has been sealed. and Beowulf in now bonded towards August. 

The spear that now fit perfectly for his size, snuggled in his hands.

August looks at the spear, his eyes unmoving, as his hands move to feel the weapon that has chosen, and called for him.

"August!" I call him, as I rush to his side. 

but before I reached him, I heard footsteps, running towards our location. I kept my eyes towards the door and pulled a dagger out, my primary weapon was not with me but this dagger will do.

As the footsteps grew nearer I brought down my guard, it was only a member of Freya's familia, Allen Fromel. a level 5 adventurer, considered the fastest adventurer in Orario.

"Shakti, did you feel it as well?" he said as he roams his eyes around the room and saw August.

"what's the kid doing here? he shouldn't be roami--" he stops, his eyes glued to the spear.

"Allen I can explain." 

"explain my ass!!! that spear reeks of sinister magic." He prepared his weapon as he walks towards August. 

"Oy!!! Kid, let go of that thing." he said forcefully as August flinched at the sound of his voice. "I'm gonna destroy that thing." 


"Huh?! can you repeat that. I must have heard you wrong." he said as his spear glowed.

"Allen stop it, he's just a child." I got in between the two, at least I tried to but as he flared his falna up, I wash pushed aside by the gap between the two of us. 

"Stand down Shakti..." he said, his voice low, as he looked at me dead at the eye. "that's an order."

He then continued to walk towards August. His falna, erupting with full force trying to intimidate the boy.

"Boy! Let that thing go." his voice booming.

"NO!!!" August answered back as he screams towards Allen, his voice strong, his eyes staring back at him. "This is my papa's, not yours."


Falna exploding as Allen release the full force of his might towards the boy, cracks starting to appear on the wooden floor. 

He then moves his hand attempting to pry the weapon off the kids little arms. as August tried desperately, hugging the weapon close to his body.

As Allen fingers touched the weapon, his hand was pushed off, his feet sliding back, the weapon repealed him. any other adventurer would have flied off with the force. but not a level 5. but non the less, he was still pushed off by the weapon.

Allen shocked by what happened, look at August with anger.

"I'm gonna destroy that thing, even if it is in your fucking hands." he charge his weapon as his aura fills the room.

"Allen!!!" I stood infront of him, releasing my falna to the limit as well. 

Our blessing bombarded the room, cracks began to form at the house. he is stronger than me but I'm not backing off one bit.

Dagger in my hand, spear in his, we charge our weapons as we prepare to strike. Fuck I really wish I have my spear right now.

As we were about to attack a booming voice stopped us on our tracks.

"ENOUGH!!!" Mia Grand, as well as Finn, Riveria, Ottar, and all the C.O as well as Rajesh Kumar, the captain of my familia, was standing in front of the room. looking at us as we held our power down.

"THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO?!" she continues as she released his falna, it's huge amount filling the air. "in front of a child? are you idiot out if your goddamn minds?

"Captain, the sinister magic we felt, it--"

"it's from the spear." Mia cut him off.

"We know Allen." Finn continues as he looked at August with comforting eyes.

"If y'all knew, then why aren't we destroying that damn thing?!" he ask his voice becoming forceful as he looks for answers. "it reeks of forbidden magic, blood magic. Why aren't we doing anything about it?"

Finn walks towards August, he knelt infront of him and gave him a warm smile, he looked at the spear in his hands, then back at the boy as he took his jacket off and placed it in the boy's shoulder.

"Because this weapon was made in the time that blood magic wasn't forbidden." Finn answered him. 

"Beowulf is an ancient weapon that was given to Siegfried by Ganesha in the past. When he broke the record for the fastest level up he was rewarded that spear." Mia continued. "It's a weapon that grows with its user, if the user is level 1 then the weapon is level 1, and it will continue to do so as long as the user is alive." 

"What we felt was the remnants of Siegfried's strength, of his falna." Riveria explained further. "As the weapon bonds with its master, it will stay loyal to the user untill death, and if the user die it will find a new master that has its old one's blood running in his or her veins."

She looks at August and smiles. "case in point, the boy. August Kaiser, the last kin and son of Siegfried. the last carrier of his blood."

"But the sinister aura we felt-"

"Is the weapon hunger for revenge." Mia cut him off as she walked towards Allen, she placed her large hand at his shoulder and looked at him straight at the eye. "Stand down Allen, that's an order."

"tsk." Allen clicked his tongue as he stormed out the building, I tried chasing after him but I was stopped by the captain on the door.

"Let him go, he needs time to call off." Rajesh Kumar, a level 6 adventurer, like Mia Grand, and Ottar, one of the strongest people in the city.

Mia then looked at Ottar the vice captain of the Freya familia and nods at him, understanding that Ottar moved outside to follow the disgruntled Allen.

The captain then proceeded to walk towards the boy, joining Finn besides him, he knelt down to eye level and smiled.

"You must be August, I'm a friend of your father, we went to many adventures together."

"Hello mister..."

"Rajesh... Rajesh Kumar. I'm sure your father told you many stories about our adventures."

"Yes." he nodded as he search for his mind, remember the name and stories his father told him. "You're always drunk Rajesh."

A light chuckle from everyone emenates the room as the mood became lighter. 

"yes that's me... the always drunk Rajesh Kumar of Ganesha familia." he then looks at the spear at the boys hand an spoke. "that's a good weapon you got there child... Take good care of it, and it will take care of you." 

"uhm." August nods at him and he stood up and smiles as he ruffles the boys hair with his hands.

"Good boy." as the light mood continued inside the room, the captain looked at me, his smile vanishing from his face. "we'll talk later." he said softly that only the ears of us level 4 and above could hear.

I'm fucked aren't I?

as the conversation continues, each of us trying our best to keep the event that happened out of the boy's mind, sharing our adventures with and without his father, as we slowly exit outside the house. 

"so August, shall we go back to the medicine wards. it's getting late and a young boy like you needs to sleep." Mia spoke, as she smiles at the boy, it might have been the first time I've ever seen her smile.

"I wanna see them..." the mood plummeted down at his words, everyone looked at one another, feeling down. "can I not?" his voice broke as he asked.

Mia picked the young boy up. "oh sweetie." Mia hugged him tight, I'm sure she like us doesn't know what to do in a situation like this.

"let him see them." A voice echoed, following it I saw Allen along with Ottar standing at the distance. "He deserves it."

"What are you talking about? he doesn't nee-" i tried speaking out but someone cut me off, and that someone was Ottar.

"I agree with Allen. the boy will regret not seeing them after we leave." as he says that both him and Allen made their way back towards the main tent.

I bit my lips thinking of the sight that he may see if we took him towards the pile, as we are short on time we decided to bury the bodies together in a hole and burn them. 

"Mia, Allen and Ottar are right." Finn agrees with the two. 

I looked at the captain and he gave me a nod that says he agrees as well. 

"Fine." Mia reluctantly agrees as he carries the boy towards the spot where we burned the bodies. The flame still going strong, as the stench of burning flesh started to enter our nostrils.

I looked at August, he's face determined, looking straight ahead at the fire that signifies the last resting place for his family.

We arrived at the place, he asked Mia to put him down as he, walked closer towards the flame, I rushed to stop him but the captain held my hand. I looked at him and he shook his head telling me to let him go.

I looked at the boy, spear in his hand, leather bag at his back, stood in front of the flames, I saw his face, no tears fell, he was standing strong as everyone of us looked on.

He took the bag that was hanging on his back and opened it, taking the contents out one by one.





*August PoV*

As I stand in front of the hot flames, I feel the heat seeping in my skin, a terrible smell enter my nose. but something weird happened. everything just started to seem so cold, and I can no longer smell that terrible smell.

My mind remembered everything, as it did my body started shaking, my breath getting shorter, my heart beating in my chest, I could feel it in my throat.

my hand that was holding my parents and siblings stuff, turning numb and cold, everything seems dull, I can't hear anything.

Unease and fear, it's suffocating, prickly in the skin. I don't know what I'm feeling. my mind is clear with the memories of what happened but at the same time everything is spinning. 

I fell on my knees, as I did my hand touched the spear. Slowly my body started calming down, the spear vibrating, humming a soft sound. 

everything started going back to normal, starting with my hearing, I can hear the raging flames again, I can feel its heat again, then the spinning stopped, my vision slowly returning to me. 

My heart started to beat slower, as my body settled down. I looked at the spear and held it firmly, using it to help me stand up again. 

picking up the stuff that I dropped I looked at them as I felt their weight in my hand.  

"Goodbye big brother Ludwig." I say as I throw the toy horse in the flames.

"Goodbye Maya, our little princess." I threw the little pair of socks that I found on my parents bed.

"Goodbye Mama." I threw my mothers favorite dress.

"Goodbye Papa." and lastly I threw my fathers favorite shirt.

as I watched the flames eat the belongings of my family, I hear a pair of footsteps coming closer towards me. 

It was mister Finn, and miss Mia. the two of them stood besides me, watching the fire burn.

"Did you get to say your goodbye?" mister Finn ask, not looking at me, keeping his eyes at the flame.

"yes." I answered back. "Did you think they heard me?" I ask

"Yes." Miss Mia anwer as she placed her hand on my shoulder, her eyes in body looking at the flame as well.

"so they'll hear what I'm going to say now?"

"I'm sure they will." 

"then I'll make a promise to them." I held the spear tightly in my hands, as it vibrates I can feel a strange energy coming from it, it runs inside my body, warming me up, giving me strength. I looked at the spear in my hands. and said my promise, more to myself and to Beowulf "I promise that I'll be strong, like my father in the stories that you told me, I promise to be the strongest, and I promise..." I paused as I looked at the flames, burning hot, like the anger that I'm feeling right now. 

"I Promise to kill them all."









and that's chapter 5, basically the end of August Kaiser origin story. how do you guys like the story so far? 

leave a comment and feedback so I may know what you guys think and improve on it if ever there's something lacking. 

thank you for picking up this fanfic, i hope y'all enjoy the story

good day, love y'all.

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