A Survivor’s Life in the Dungeon (Danmachi fanfic)

Chapter 6

*August PoV*

It's been four days since the attack happened, right now I'm walking side by side with the survivors, alongside the adventurers going back home from their expedition outside Orario. They've really never told me why they're outside the city, and I don't care as much but I'm nonetheless thankful because of it, since they were able to help us, or at least whatever remained of us in that village against the monsters.

There were a total of eight survivors including me who were saved because of the adventurers, and we are currently walking with them to our new home. Orario. I had heard stories from my father about the city.

He said that it was brimming with life, that there are people everywhere, and that adventuring in the dungeon is what most people strive for in the city.

All I'm bringing in the journey is the leather bag I picked up back home, filled with clothes, and the spear that used to belong to my father, now mine. Beowulf.

I look around me, seeing the faces of the other survivors, seeing how down and stress out they all look. everyone who survived lost someone that day and are now looking for a new start, a start that we might find in Orario.

Mister Finn and Miss Mia had been kind to us, feeding us and helping us with our needs for the journey, and I'm thankful for the help that they give. They said that Orario is a land of opportunities, that we can live a better life there. So the villagers packed up and left along with them, towards Orario.

I myself joined them going to the city, but I have different plans, I want to go there not to get a new start on my life, but to get stronger, to get strong enough to kill every single monster there is.

I feel my spear vibrate at my back as I thought of slaying and killing, it rested snugly behind me inside a cloth that I wrapped it in. Fully supporting my endeavors and will for revenge.

"August." A voice called out to me, I looked at the side seeing Miss Shakti looking at me.

I look at her acknowledging her call as I wait for her to continue. "You've been through a lot and I--." 

"Miss Shakti, please stop... all of us have been through a lot." I stopped her, smiled, and looked ahead. "I'll be Ok, I made a promise that I must keep, so I'll do my best to move forward and focus on being stronger for them." 

"Ok... but know that the Ganesha familia's door is always open for you."

I thought about what she said, The Ganesha familia, the familia my father belonged to in his adventuring days. From what I heard from him the familia specialized in capturing monsters for their coliseum. They aren't really diving deep in the dungeon except for the higher level ones, and supporting other familia who explore deep into the dungeon.

Knowing that, it'll be a long time before I have the strength to join the deep dungeon divers of the familia, and strength is what I need right now.

Still a familia that my father joined would be a good place to start. 

"Th-" as I was about to answer, someone in front screamed and warned us that monsters are attacking up front.

"Shakti take care of the civilians." mister Rajesh who suddenly appeared out of nowhere ordered, as he took his weapon off his back, it was a pair of katara, he told me a few days earlier about them as he caught me looking curiously at it. 

He rushed in front along with the others and few adventurers stayed back to protect us from the monsters.

My spear vibrates violently as it wants blood, my hand moving, inches closer to Beowulf as my eyes are glued to the monsters, goblins who are blocking the way.

A hand grabs me in the arm, stopping me from taking out my weapon.

"August stay back with the civilians." It was Shakti as she prepares her spear and pulled me towards her back. 

I watch as the adventurers battle the incoming horde of monsters, primarily goblins with ease, killing them mercilessly with their weapons.

My heat beats fast as anger rose inside me, seeing them triggered something deep within me, an urge to kill them, to slaughter them, to pull them limb from limb.

"Kid." I snapped out of my trance... looking besides me I saw mister Allen, looking at me, eyes dead serious. "Relax." 

I blinked a few times and realized my hand was holding the spear, unwrapped. When did I pull it out?

I calmly collected myself as I picked the cloth on the ground, and wrapped the spear tightly again. Question popping in my mind. for a second I wasn't aware of what I was doing. I looked at the spear all wrapped up now and placed it snugly back at the back.

I looked towards Allen and he gave me a nod as he rushed to the front joining the melee that's happening right now. 

I took a deep breath to compose myself and looked infront. I saw that it wasn't even a battle at all, it was a massacre. The Monster stood no chance against adventurers being level four or higher as most of them are.

I looked around me, seeing the other adventurers relaxing themself as they guard the survivors who are shaking in fear and trauma.

huh? why aren't I afraid? the others are clearly scared of the monster, but I feel relaxed, eerily so.

As the battle continues if you can even call it that a roar suddenly puts a stop to it.

The monster and adventurers alike paused as they looked at the woods on the right side of the road. 

*thud... thud... thud...* 

A footstep can be heard as the trees give way, falling and breaking as a shadow loomed and looked over everyone.

I felt chills, a cold feeling willed inside me. I felt this way before, as I was looking at the Orc who raised his axe high up in the sky, as I waited for death to take me. 

It was the same feeling...

A feeling of imminent death...

The monsters ran for their life, some even falling down as they desperately ran in order to save themselves.

The adventures had a look of shock and awe, some of them a look of dread, drooping their weapons and falling at their knees.

As the shadow stepped into the light, I saw it, everyone saw it in all its glory.

A massive body, a fur golden in color, a mane shining in the sun's light, eyes colored in a flaming amber like the fire that burns everything, and a majestic aura emanating from it.

"My gods..."



I can hear the adventurers speaking, many of them losing their hope at the creature staring straight at us.

"A Nemean Lion." I heard mister Rajesh as he spoke the name of the creature, I looked at the level six adventurer and seeing him shaking made me realize how dire the situation is.


A loud roar echoed, as the lion prepared to lunge at us, then a blur suddenly rushed towards it.


a huge explosion of dust and stone erupts as I cover my eyes from the debris that was flying back towards us.

As the dust settles, mister Ottar with his gigantic black sword can be seen slashing it down towards the lion's head.

It didn't do anything to it thou as it raised its massive claw and slammed it towards him.

Mister Ottar hastily blocked it with his sword as he was sended flying off with just one swipe from the lion. 

Miss Mia then rushed in, in her hand is a shovel as she slammed it with full force, but the lion was too fast for her, as it dodges the attack and swiped at her hitting her in the shoulder opening up a huge wound and sending her tumbling back hitting a few trees in the process.

Magic suddenly bombarded the beast as miss Riveria rained down fire and lighting towards it. Mister Finn alongside mister Gareth attacked at the same time under the support of miss Riveria's magic.

I looked on as other adventurers joined in in attacking the beast, magic and sword doing everything it can to overpower it. 

Mister Rajesh suddenly appeared behind it as he slashed it multiple time with his weapon, the lion rages at he lashed a bite towards mister Rajesh, before it reaches thou mister Gareth jumped infront of him, using his massive axe as a shield. 

The lion bit it nonetheless as the a sound of metal breaking can be heard.

"You gotta be shitting me!" he said as decided to let go of his axe that was turned to scrap metal by the lions jaw. it then swiped at him and he covered himself with his arms.

The giant claw landed as he was sent flying off, I saw his arms bending at all the wrong places.

"GARETH!!!" mister Finn screamed as he charged towards the beast, his spear glowing a radiant light. He stab it multiple times, failing to penetrate its skin.


The lion roared in front of him, it was so loud that I covered my ear as pain assaulted it, making it bleed. But mister Finn took the brunt of the roar head on as he was pushed back, the beast chasing after him.

The lion jump as its claw and teeth poised and ready to finish off mister Finn, he was unsteady as the full force of the roar must've shaken his insides off.

"MISTER FINN!" I screamed preparing myself for the horror.


The lion suddenly flew back as mister Ottar came at the very last second, bleeding from his head he swing his sword at the lion who was off the ground sending it flying in the process of doing so.

"Can you still fight?" Ottar asked Finn as he face the beast who got up without a even a scratch.

"Yeah... but we're fighting a losing battle here."

Miss Mia walked over besides them, using his shovel for support she stood besides the two. "Don't tell me you're getting tired now Finn." 

"Tired? Me?" He then laughed as he took his battle stance, his spear glowing. "You should tell that to yourself." 

"That's the spirit!" Miss Mia fixes herself up, her body growing bigger as her mussle doubling in size, 

"Hmmm." Ottar's aura shakes the air, as his body slowly transforms, turning beastly, raised his weapon up preparing for the long fight ahead.

"So anyone of you guys got a plan on taking down this overgrown cat?" mister Rajesh landed at the three of them, his weapon showing cracks all over it. Yet his eyes are still focused on the beast, as he raised his broken katara up.

Everything that happened was so fast. All of it happened in a couple of minutes or so until it got at this point. the other adventurers are still attacking non stop at the beast, everything bouncing off its seemingly impenetrable skin.

Yet my eyes are glued to the four of them, the four strongest adventurers of Orario, yearning for their strength, yearning for their power. My spear vibrating at my back as my hand unconsciously moves toward it. I can feel it, Beowulf is hungry for power as well.

"Let's go kill ourselves a cat." (Finn)









Chapter 6 is out, how do you guys like the story so far.

by the way this is The Man my first time writing a fight scene so tell me what you think. please take it easy on me though hahaha.

Please leave a comment and feedback as it may help improve the quality of the book

thanks for picking this fanfic up guys.

good day, love y'all.

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