A Transmigrator’s Story in the Hyuga’s Main Branch

41. Revealing The Dark Nature of The World

"Think about it more carefully. I want to be honest with you. If you agree to work with me in the future, some of the steps or experiments we might need to take for some of my planned research certainly might go against the medical ethics of you or your parents, for example, and against the general societal norms.",

"However, I want to remind you again that I didn't save you out of my kindness today, or that I didn't have anything better to do. I saved you because of your potential and value for my plans. If you disagree, then you are irrelevant to me, and who will save you in the future if such a situation happens again?",

"Could that girl, or some other Main Branch member, randomly target you again for a slight mistake? What would happen to your brain at that time if the Cursed Seal Comman stayed activated for much longer? I'm not saying all this to be mean but to make you understand that power is everything in this world.",

As Hikari spoke these words, his demeanor was calm yet intense, his gaze fixed on Hinome with unwavering seriousness.

Hikari's expression softened slightly when mentioning the potential dangers Hinome could face without his protection, not out of pity, but as a stark reminder of the harsh realities of their world.

"And if you promise to follow me from now on, I promise that I will help you get more power and not find yourself in such a situation ever again, and rise to the top of the ninja world alongside me.",

"Think everything through. You have to rely only on yourself in this world at the end of the day. And on our joint research journey, we will share the information toward power needed for that goal together.", 

However, when he talked about the potential violations of medical ethics and societal norms, his eyes betrayed a flicker of resolve, indicating his willingness to push boundaries for the sake of greater achievements.

This was not a decision he took lightly, but a calculated risk he believed was necessary for progress and power. His words were spoken with a conviction that resonated in the quiet of their secluded meeting spot.

It was a moment of honesty, with Hikari laying bare the challenges and rewards that lay ahead, should she choose to join him.

As Hinome listened to Hikari, she thought deeply about what he was saying. Hikari's straight talk made her see that maybe seeking power and strength, even if it meant bending some rules, wasn't such a bad idea.

What had happened to her parents, who were sent to the front lines and died, without any say in the matter, not controlling their own destinies similar to what also happened to her today and recently, which she was also powerless to resist, made her question the beliefs she grew up with—about always doing good and helping others without expecting anything in return using her medical knowledge.

Since the loss of her parents, Hinome had learned to fend for herself. Hikari's insistence on self-reliance also resonated with her life lessons deeply.

So, when Hikari finished speaking, Hinome paused to gather her thoughts before responding. Her voice was firmer now, a sign of her newfound resolve. 

 "I've thought about it...", She said, "I see what you're saying, and the risks involved. But after everything I went through when and after losing my parents, I see that sticking to the old ways isn't enough. If being with you means I won't be helpless again, then I'm in. I'm ready to follow you and learn from you as well...",

While declaring this, she felt that it wasn't just agreeing to work with Hikari, but that she was also choosing a new path that promised her strength, independence, and the chance to make a difference in a new way. She felt like it was worth it.

Meanwhile, Hinome's curiosity about Hikari also grew as she listened to him. How could a boy of just six years speak with such maturity about life, power, and breaking societal norms?

His plans were far-reaching, his understanding of the world seemingly beyond his years.

As she watched him speak, his white eyes cold and indifferent to the world around them, she couldn't help but wonder about the journey that had brought him to this point.

Hikari's parents were known for their compassion and dedication to selflessly helping others, quite the opposite of the path Hikari was now choosing.

Then, she recalled the rumors that had circulated within the clan about three years ago, shortly after the tragic loss of his parents. Hikari had been labeled the son of traitors, subjected to the clan's disdain and isolation.

'So, maybe that's what changed him...', She thought. The realization that Hikari had been forced to confront such harsh realities at a young age provided some context for the drastic shift in his worldview.

This reflection led Hinome to a personal epiphany. If Hikari could step away from his parents' ideals and carve his own path from such a young age, then why couldn't she? She cherished her parents and their teachings, but the desire to forge her own future, on her terms, grew stronger within her.

'Yes... I'm endlessly grateful and I love my parents, but I want to go on my own path in the future...', Hinome resolved, her gaze fixed on the young boy before her. Despite being two years her junior, Hikari exuded an aura of maturity and inherent nobility that belied his age.

Meanwhile, Hikari, inwardly quite pleased with Hinome's response, felt relieved. He had anticipated that convincing her to adopt some of his perspectives and perhaps "darken" her outlook on life would be a challenging task.

He had thought that even getting her to accept his support might be difficult. From his past observations of her, Hikari had pegged Hinome as the quintessential introvert, and in his experience, introverts were often the most resistant to stepping outside their comfort zones.

What Hikari hadn't considered, however, was the significant role his parents' legacy played in shaping Hinome's initial impression of him.

Unbeknownst to him, the positive image Hinome held of Hikari was deeply influenced by the actions of his parents, who had once saved her own.

This prior connection laid a foundation of trust and goodwill that made Hinome more open to Hikari's proposal than he had anticipated.

However, suddenly deciding to provide Hinome with even more incentive, Hikari leaned in closer, capitalizing on primal human desires like 'greed' and 'envy' and better standing within their social hierarchy.

As their faces drew near, Hinome felt a jolt of surprise. Then, in a voice barely above a whisper and tinged with the weight of a taboo subject, Hikari addressed the topic,

"In fact, it is not without the realm of possibility for us to get rid of this for you...", He hinted, his eyes briefly darting to the forehead seal hidden beneath her bangs,

"A decade from now... I feel like I might be able to help you do something about that if you remain eager in your studies and cooperate with me well until then...",

Hikari concluded, his words laden with the promise of freedom from the clan's oppressive mark.

He knew that the mere mention of potentially removing the Cursed Seal spoke directly to a hidden desire for equality and autonomy that lived within every Side Branch member. By introducing this prospect, Hikari not only heightened Hinome's motivation to align with him but also subtly underscored the depth of the connection that he sought to make with her. 

However, after retreating back to his original position following his whispered proposition, Hikari was taken aback to see Hinome blushing. It took him a moment to understand why, leading to a surprising realization,

'It seems that this girl thought about... That way to get rid of the Cursed Seal inside the clan...', The thought crossed Hikari's mind that Hinome might be considering the traditional and only known method within the Hyuga clan for a Side Branch member to be freed from the Cursed Seal—marriage into the Main Branch... With him in this case...

Following such a union, if the Patriarch allowed it in the first place, then he would also set up a top-secret ritual to remove the Cursed Mark for the member of the Main Branch family.

Hikari had, in the past, attributed the practice of Main Branch members marrying into the Side Branch as a means to circumvent the consequences of inbreeding, a matter of practical and genetic importance to the Hyuga clan.

The rationale behind this practice was clear: by selecting Side Branch members with the most desirable kekkei genkai genetics and the highest Byakugan "purity," the Main Branch could mitigate the risks of genetic defects that might arise from too close interbreeding.

This strategic pairing not only safeguarded the clan's health but also ensured the continuation of its most powerful traits keeping the Main Branch's genetics ahead of the Side Branch forever.

With the Hyuga clan encompassing roughly a thousand members across both branches, the selection process for these unions was vast, providing a wider genetic pool from which to choose than only from inside the Main Branch. 

There were only about 100 Main Branch members at any given time—approximately 10 from each lineage—to engage in such unions. This limitation was also strictly enforced to maintain the delicate balance between the Main and Side Branches and to preserve the clan's hierarchical structure.

Therefore, those personal unions with the Side Branch were the only logical choice. It was a ten times bigger genetic pool to choose from, therefore the risk of genetic defects was quite lowered by that point. 

Furthermore, to diversify the gene pool and minimize inbreeding problems even more, the Side Branch itself was occasionally allowed to marry talented civilians, thereby integrating new blood into the clan.

This process required the explicit approval of the Patriarch, who was actively involved in such matters. Far from being a mere formality, the Patriarch played a proactive role, constantly on the lookout for civilians with potential talents that could benefit the clan. The focus was on individuals who had no affiliations with other clans and who had 'clear' backgrounds.

These civilians, once brought into the fold through marriage, did not become full Side Branch members, with Cursed Seals, but their offspring did. This fact, however, did not dissuade many from pursuing this path. The allure of the benefits provided by the clan, coupled with the increased chances of survival and prosperity under the Hyuga name, was a compelling incentive.

Such practices were not unique to the Hyuga clan. Other major shinobi clans, including the Uchiha, engaged in similar strategies to ensure the vitality and strength of their lineages. These measures were essential to prevent genetic defects and maintain the health and capabilities of the clan members. 

While Hikari pondered how to clarify the misunderstanding without causing further embarrassment, Hinome's bangs slid further down, concealing her eyes as she slumped slightly on the bench.

The blush of embarrassment didn't fade from her face, instead, it seemed to deepen as she grappled with her own thoughts, 'A decade later... that's around the age people consider for marriage, isn't it? Oh no... Does Hikari-sama think... is he suggesting something like that to me?',

Her mind raced, tying together Hikari's words with the traditional way the Cursed Seal could be removed, leading to her misinterpretation that Hikari might be hinting at a future marriage proposal.

This thought sent waves of shock and confusion through her, as she tried to make sense of the situation while dealing with the embarrassment of her assumption.

After a moment of contemplation, Hikari let out a sigh and once more leaned in closer to Hinome, mindful of the sensitivity of the information he was about to share.

His proximity caused Hinome's blush to intensify, yet the need for discretion made it necessary, "Ahem... What I meant was not... that traditional method... There is another way...", He clarified.


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