A Transmigrator’s Story in the Hyuga’s Main Branch

42. Recruiting Hinome for The Future Plans

"In the future, once I've gained sufficient strength and political influence within the clan, I plan to implement some reforms. To be brief, these reforms would allow talented individuals like you to be freed from your Cursed Seal without necessarily becoming full Main Branch members, with all of our rights, something the other Elders might not agree to even then.",

"Instead, you would represent a 'new class' within the clan. This wouldn't place you squarely in either the Main or Side Branches, but you'd be free of the Cursed Mark that's limiting your Byakugan's potential. And that is also important for our plans regarding the research stuff by the way. And most importantly, it would also grant you freedom...", Hikari explained hastily. 

Meanwhile, inwardly Hikari considered that even if Hinome and her useful Byakugan hadn't been part of the equation, he would still have pursued his plan to reform the Hyuga clan.

His goal was to enhance the clan's overall strength, recognizing that the stronger the clan became, the more solid his own position in the village and the world in general and support in terms of resources and everything else would be. Hikari understood the crucial importance of having a powerful backing. He felt firsthand just how important it was the last few years.

His rationale for the reforms was clear: by allowing the talents within the Side Branch to fully develop and flourish, the Hyuga clan as a whole would grow stronger. For too long, the potential of Side Branch members had been stifled, their motivation dampened by the oppressive reality of being branded as 'slaves'.

By proposing a way to eliminate the Cursed Seal without eroding the power of the Main Branch, Hikari aimed to inspire these talented individuals, giving them goals to aspire to and the freedom to pursue those goals with vigor, making them way stronger than they would've been otherwise and giving the clan new 'elites'.

This innovative "new class" within the clan was also designed to be a compromise that would appease Main Branch members by not diminishing their status or authority.

Hikari believed that this approach would not cause significant upheaval within the clan. After all, it would likely affect only a few exceptionally talented individuals in each generation, without drastically altering the established boundaries and traditions of the Hyuga clan.

By carefully balancing the needs and aspirations of both branches, Hikari's plan sought to foster unity and drive within the clan, promoting a culture where talent and effort were recognized and rewarded.

This, he believed, was the key to ensuring the Hyuga clan's continued dominance and success in the shinobi world.

Regarding the idea of completely "freeing" all Side Branch members from the Cursed Seal, Hikari found it laughable.

He thought that he couldn't possibly be a 'Jesus-like', 'saint-type' figure even bigger than Naruto, since even he, despite the promise in the original series and how he was portrayed, after becoming Hokage, in that sequel, still didn't abolish the practice for some reason.

Hikari also knew that removing the Cursed Seal entirely could jeopardize the resources, status, and power structure that supported his training and his position within the clan.

More so, Hikari pondered the unintended consequences of such an action. With the Cursed Seal gone, there was no telling whether some Side Branch members, liberated after centuries of subjugation, might seek retribution against the Main Branch members, including Hikari himself.

The practice of the Cursed Seal, deeply ingrained in the clan's history, had created a long-standing divide. Removing it abruptly could lead to unrest and vendettas, destabilizing the clan from within.

Hikari's approach was more calculated. He aimed for a reform that would empower talented Side Branch members without completely upending the existing clan structure.

By introducing a "new class," he sought to minimize the potential for chaos while still addressing some of the 'inefficiencies' present in the current system.

This strategy was about finding a balance—improving the clan's overall strength and cohesion without igniting internal conflict that could tear it apart. 

Meanwhile, realizing her misunderstanding about Hikari's intentions, Hinome felt a rush of mixed emotions.

The initial shock and embarrassment that came from misinterpreting his hint about the Cursed Seal gave way to a sense of relief but also a bit of awkwardness.

The thought that she had jumped to conclusions about marriage, of all things, made her cheeks warm with a blush that refused to fade.

Once Hikari clarified his actual plan—introducing reforms to create a new class within the clan without the need for marriage—Hinome couldn't help but feel slightly foolish for her assumption.

Yet, there was also a growing respect for Hikari's foresight and his careful consideration of the clan's future and her role in it. 

Hinome's embarrassment at her mistake quickly became overshadowed by her intrigue in Hikari's proposal. 

It was a moment she saw in Hikari not just a clan member with ambitious plans but as a natural-born 'visionary leader' and 'genius' who could steer the Hyuga toward a more inclusive and dynamic future.

Hikari's proposal ignited a profound desire within her, unlocking thoughts and aspirations that she had previously deemed untouchable.

The idea of a life beyond the confines of the Cursed Seal—which some in the Side Branch somberly referred to as "the birdcage seal"—suddenly seemed within reach.

This Cursed Seal, a symbol of suppression and control, had long cast a shadow over the lives of Side Branch members, dictating their position within the clan and limiting their potential.

The thought of being freed from this "birdcage" represented one of the deepest, most fervent wishes of those born into the Side Branch, a wish so profound and sensitive that it was barely acknowledged even in private thoughts.

Hikari's promise, or even the mere suggestion, of finding a path to such freedom was revolutionary for Hinome. It transformed her understanding of what was possible.

The sudden personal ambition and rush of desires Hinome experienced became even more poignant in light of the day's events.

The activation of the Cursed Seal and the pain it inflicted upon her for the first time, all because of a minor medical mistake made by a Main Branch member, intensified her longing for freedom.

In this moment of vulnerability and revelation, Hikari now emerged in Hinome's eyes not just as a visionary with a bold plan but as a savior, a source of hope in a world that had seemed determined to limit her.

His proposal offered a way out, a chance to escape the "birdcage" that had defined her existence and to pursue a life of her choosing, free from the constraints imposed by her birthright.

Observing the unmistakable glint of aspiration in Hinome's eyes and the subtle cues in her expressions and movements, Hikari couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction.

To him, it appeared that his ability to influence and guide others was proving exceptionally effective.

From their very first conversation, he had managed to secure a talented and dedicated follower, carefully crafting his words to ensure Hinome would come to see him as an indispensable ally and leader.

Each statement Hikari made was meticulously planned, aiming to foster a sense of reliance on him. 

Hikari's decision to delve into the Hyuga clan's more taboo subjects during this initial meeting with Hinome was also strategic.

He understood that the humiliation Hinome had faced just now created a unique opportunity for influence, so he changed some plans regarding her and acted on that opportunity, way earlier than previously planned, and, hence, accelerated his entire strategy regarding her.

In the aftermath of such a distressing experience, where her vulnerabilities were laid bare, Hinome was more open to a reassessment of her beliefs and, consequently, more receptive to Hikari's ideas.

Yet, despite the calculated nature of his approach, Hikari's promises were genuine. He intended to deliver on his promises, but his support was conditional, and extended to those who could contribute to his objectives.

In the harsh reality of their world, where interests often dictated everything, Hikari saw no room for naive sentiments.

His experiences had taught him that tangible benefits and the fulfillment of desires were far bigger motivators than abstract notions of loyalty or duty.

With this in mind, Hikari resolved to leverage 'desires' as a key strategy in attracting and securing the allegiance of future followers.

This pragmatic, albeit manipulative, approach reflected Hikari's understanding of human nature and the dynamics of power.

By aligning others' ambitions with his own, he aimed to build a coalition of individuals driven by mutual benefit and shared goals.

However, Hikari genuinely believed in the principles he shared with Hinome, viewing himself not just as manipulating her but as enlightening her to the world's harsh realities.

He saw his actions as opening her eyes, helping her understand and navigate the complexities of their society. To Hikari, this was more than strategy; it was mentorship.

He shared his vision with Hinome, aiming to empower her, showing her a path beyond the limitations of the Cursed Seal and the Side Branch's constraints and moral constraints.

In doing so, Hikari felt he was guiding Hinome toward realizing her potential in a world where power and knowledge could set her free.

"Since you've agreed to join my plans when the time comes, aside from your studies here, I'm going to assign you another task. You'll be practicing some special methods I've developed to enhance your Byakugan's capabilities, aiming for an even more refined microscopic vision.", 

"This is crucial for the research we'll undertake. Interestingly, part of our future research will also focus on advancing our clan's dojutsu, pushing our bloodline to evolve beyond its current limits once we've maximized the potential of those exercises.",

"It's about transcending the inherent limitations our bodies are born with, in a way, evolving our bloodline...", Hikari detailed his plans with a clear sense of direction. As Hinome listened, her demeanor reflected intense curiosity and keen intelligence.

Hikari, aware of her sharp mind from the information he had gathered, knew that the prospect of contributing to such groundbreaking research would captivate her.

The idea of not only improving her own abilities but also potentially playing a role in advancing the Hyuga bloodline itself was a powerful motivator.

Her eyes sparkled with interest as Hikari continued to introduce to her various concepts and some scientific hypotheses he had of his own.

She wasn't just a passive listener; Hinome began to contribute her own thoughts and questions, turning their discussion into a vibrant exchange of ideas.

Their conversation flowed naturally, with Hikari introducing a concept and Hinome responding with her thoughts, leading to further discussion and occasionally to spirited debate.

This dynamic interaction highlighted their mutual respect intellect and their shared passion for discovery and innovation.

As they discussed Hikari's ideas about evolving the Hyuga bloodline and transcending its current limitations, Hinome felt a surge of excitement at the prospect of being part of such groundbreaking work. 

Hinome was intrigued by Hikari's unconventional approaches and the breadth of his vision. His ideas sparked new lines of thought for her, broadening her understanding of what might be possible in their field of research.

After their engaging conversation, Hikari proceeded to share the specific Byakugan exercise protocols he had developed. He handed Hinome some of his notes, which detailed the exercises and their intended effects on enhancing the Byakugan's capabilities.

Furthermore, Hikari introduced Hinome to the concept of Yin Release, explaining its subtle connection to Byakugan's output.

He demonstrated how to generate Yin Release chakra and incorporate it into their exercises, supplementing the demonstration with additional notes for her to study.

Recognizing the importance of consistent practice and mastery, they agreed to meet daily right after their first class on the institute's terrace.

This arrangement would allow Hikari to guide Hinome through the exercises, ensuring she understood and performed them correctly.

The goal was for Hinome to become proficient enough to continue the exercises on her own at home, furthering her development independently.

As they concluded their meeting, there was a sense of purpose and anticipation between them.

They had laid the groundwork for a collaborative journey that promised to unlock new potentials within Hinome and, by extension, contribute to Hikari's broader ambitions.

With plans in place, they parted ways, each absorbed in thoughts about the possibilities that lay ahead.

Hinome left with a mix of excitement and determination, her mind buzzing with the new knowledge and the challenge of mastering the exercises Hikari had shared. Meanwhile, Hikari felt a sense of satisfaction in having found a willing and capable partner in Hinome.

Their daily meetings on the terrace would not only be a time for training but also an opportunity to deepen their mutual understanding and further their shared goals.


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