A Trial of Time- India/US Transference.

Chapter 3: Fog of War V2

Author note: I would like to welcome Scorcha-san (@Ying-yang-ding-dang) to the team. We are now 3 guys writing this story. Please feel free to vote(Star) this chapter and comment.

Co authors note: Thanks Danny, Heyo I'm Scorcha or ying yang ding dang I'm the author of Titanfall War of the gate expect some Titanfall references anyway I'm the only American working with these dudes and I'm the only one coming up with names anywho let's get on with the story.

2 PM EST, 29th March 2025,

Washington D.C.

Situation Room, The White House.

It has been four days since the "Wall of Light'' incident occurred. The Federal Government of the United States understood that this was an unnatural event, which cannot be classified as a weather abnormality, as country borders are man made and it affected the United States and the Republic of India.

The reports of flying men from the intercept had also spooked the government. With countries around them completely different, similar to what existed during the mid-Twentieth century. This was oddly similar to what it was in the 1950s.

The government decided to release the knowledge they had in attempts to keep the public calm. The situation got more complex when the Mayor of Buffalo walked through the International Border, attracting much press from his discovery. Bringing back a newspaper from the 50s from the other side, showing a strange, different world from what the Americans knew..

This spread like wildfire, and now the citizens now knew they were transported back to 1942, and were in the middle of the Second World War. They observed panic buying all around the country, with National Guard units able to prevent looting, with many arrested in the first hour. However, the historical and engineering experts quickly noted that much of the technology was in the 1950s.

With the Media having a field day, President Potts called another meeting with her cabinet, being the fifth sense this crisis began - there been so many some of the White House rooms been turned into housing units for the staff.,

"Give me a situation report, gentlemen. How is the nation holding up after the incident?"

"The news of us being 'teleported' back in time, and especially in the middle of the Second World War, caused another panic. Fortunately, the precautions and preemptive action undertaken by you, Madam President have prevented a full blown national unrest. Most people are obeying Marshall Law." Vice President Frank Dason Rose reports.

That being the best news Potts heard all day however she knows that will end soon. Only reason the people are putting up with it is because it is a sign of strength and control in a completely chaotic situation - where basic Human nature kicks him for stability. Sooner or later everyone will want the lockdowns to be lifted and extending them will only add more chaos.

Potts nods and then looks towards the Naval secretary, named Laffey Lee.

"Right now the media has noticed the hostile submarine attack on our harbor, with videos on social media and National news. Thankfully, there is too much going on so this must have gone under the radar for now," Lee said. "The Fleet is still investigating the situation and figuring out who shot at us."

"We are making sure something like this will not happen again. USS Ronald Reagan and her battle group are now out on the sea. The Coast Guard and our LCSs have also doubled their patrols in the entire East Coast, while Technicians are working on the SOSUS systems and trying to reestablish contact with the Sonar buoys." Naval secretary Laffey Lee continued.

"Casualties and ships lost?" Potts inquired

"4 Dead and 25 Wounded, with two ships sunk from the attacks on the civilian freighters, Madam President. We've also engaged six Unknown submerged submarines in our waters. The acoustic profile also doesn't match anything on existing records. Four of the subs are four bladed single propeller, and two of them are 3 bladed double propeller. All of them have been sunk without retaliation by ASW aircraft, nearly six hostile submarines were sunk with all hands." He continued,

Potts sighed. The US already was having a civilian freight crisis, not having enough hulls to support its needs. Losing two ships is a massive blow.

"Do we have any idea who those submarines belonged to?"

This time the Chairman of Joint Chiefs spoke up, named Mark Monarch.

" While we have dispatched teams with ROV's to survey the wrecks and come to a definite conclusion, we believe they belonged to the Kriegsmarine Madam President. The Naval arm of Nazi Germany. That Major brought back the current news and it stated that Germany is winning the Battle of the Atlantic and that Kriegsmarine strikes on the East Coast has become the norm.

The room then became silent.

"And that is not just it Madam President, we have detected a peculiar incursion from the Canadian Border a couple of hours ago."

Chairman of Joint Chiefs motions towards the TV Screen in the situation room, with it being switched on.

It showed the Aerial footage taken from the F-35A, clearly showing WW2 style military gear and some unknown instruments along with bolt action rifles in hands, flying in the sky.

He walked near the TV and began to explain.

"These are the 'flying men' that crossed into our airspace. As you all can see they are in the air flying like a bird, without the need for parachutes or in science fiction terms, jet packs."

"The newspaper the Mayor of Buffalo was able to get also provided hints about this flying ability, implying that it is normal in this world. There was a recruitment ad in the paper that asked for magic sensitive citizens to enlist. That means magic of some form is an ability on this Earth."

Some of the cabinet members chuckle at this statement.

"They instantly withdrew to their side of the border as soon as our pilots tried to open radio contact. Currently, we have closed the airspace and are keeping our fighters in the air all the time along the border."

Vice President Frank Dason Rose spoke up once again."Madam President, considering that we are in 1942 or 1950s, would Russia...now the Soviet Union would be a problem to the country?"

"As much as I hate communism, the Soviet Union will not be a problem...for now, but there are actual possibilities that they can get a hold of our technology."

"Then what about the axis powers? What will we do about them? Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo? They all are currently subjugating the people of many countries" Defense secretary Petra Rodriguez said.

"Forget about them," The Secretary of the Treasury boldly stated.

"We have our own problems right now and we don't know the situation. We cannot rush into a global war with our economy on the verge of collapse. For all we know the NAZI's are the good guys and the Allies are the bad guys."

"I highly doubt this is just some role reversal game Petra," He continued.

"We need more information but the facts are clear, the world is at war against the Axis and from the recent attack there is a good chance we won't get along with them."

"I would rather annihilate them! Those men are too dangerous to be kept alive!" Homeland security chief Jason Scorch said very angrily, slamming his fists on the table. The last thing we want is to sit back and be surrounded on all sides."

"Calm yourself Scorch, we can deal with Axis, just not now," The CIA director Bravo Timmingson said calming him down

"And what about Cuba, China and the future of North Korea? "

"Cuba only became communist in the cold war, so we do not need to worry about them for now, however North Korea and China can be dealt with immediately," Scorch continued.

"We'll go deal with communism another day, also they are not communist and North Korea does not even exist. Now, we reassure the people that they are safe and everything is practically normal." Potts interjected.She then turned to face a guest who was present in the Situation Room, addressing him.

"Now Indian ambassador Nalin Rao you may speak"

"Thank you Madam President, as we know both of our nations have been affected by the transfer. Our situation is much more dire here. India has just transferred herself and we believe has replaced the Modern Indian parts of British Raj entirely, leaving still occupied Modern day Bangladesh and Pakistan."

"We are seeing a possibility of an armed conflict with the British Empire. Our troops have already been engaged in skirmishes with British Troops at several locations on our Pakistan, Myanmar and Bangladesh border."

"India and my government, is also poised to liberate the territories that are still under British Control and undo the mistakes and misery the Partition had brought to the subcontinent in 1947."

"Can't we do something? I don't like the sound of these skirmishes" Petra said

"Let's just hope they don't do anything stupid"


9:30 PM IST, 29th March 2025,

National Security Council

New Delhi, India

Meanwhile, in India, at the National Security Council Secretariat, New Delhi, a similar meeting is going on.

Prime Minister Tharoor, is seated with the rest of the National Security Council, and is briefed by the Chief of Defense staff on the present situation on the borders.

"Mr. Prime Minister, our forces have now completely secured the borders in the West, and we will soon be in position to lock down the entire Bangladesh border after additional forces move in."

"Fortunately, the transition has not affected our border fences and infrastructure and we are able to keep most of the Bangladeshi civilians from crossing to our side."

"Not Bangladeshi General Agarwal, but Indians." Tharoor corrected him. "We were still an undivided nation back in the 1940s and I would like to keep it like that for the foreseeable future."

He receives positive nods from some of the Council members.

Chief of Staff General Yogesh Agarwal also nods and clears his throat.

"My apologies, Mr. Prime Minister. On the matters of the British Colonial Authorities and Military, we are keeping them contained by the force of our arms. After initial skirmishes they have withdrawn from all sectors except Myanmar. The British are desperate over there."

"That would be understandable, Yogesh. If what history says is accurate, then they are getting beaten black and blue in that sector."

"Yes Mr. Prime Minister, and for now, the 23rd Infantry Division is currently moving to reinforce the Assam Rifles and state armed forces to deter any more incursions from British Forces from Myanmar." The Army Chief of Staff General Yogesh added.

"The Eastern Command has also been authorized to prepare the IV Corps, currently stationed in Assam, for deployment on the Eastern Border."

Tharoor then turned towards the Air Chief, moving his hand to indicate that it's his turn.

"The Airforce is also vigilant on our borders Mr. Prime Minister, we have driven back any Aerial Incursions from British Planes trying to get closer to our airspace on both the fronts." The Chief of Air staff, Air Chief Marshal Arihant Sreekhant said.

"The Navy is out in the sea and is patrolling our territorial waters along with the support of our American Allies. We are taking all possible measures not to have our own Submarine incident." Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Zahid Khan continued.

Tharoor nods.

"And what do the Americans say about this ?"

"They have asked us to show restraint, but they leave the response to us if we are attacked." The Indian Foreign secretary replied.

"We will. Unnecessary loss of life is not acceptable, but inform the Americans that when push comes to shove, we will do whatever is necessary to protect our Nation and our people."


5PM BST ,25th March 1942

War Cabinet Rooms, under the Treasury Building,

Westminster, London.

Churchill had called an emergency session of the War Council. With this developing situation he invited the American Ambassador Joe Kennedy and General Dwight Eisenhower, along with the Soviet Ambassador.

"Gentlemen, you might be wondering why I have summoned you all, I have grave news." Churchill informed him as he puffed on his cigar,

"We have lost contact with the Jewel of The British Crown, India, and our ally, the continental United States. There have been no reports of natural disasters, and the only thing we know are reports from Canada, about the appearance of huge buildings, Strange people, as well as strange planes and even auto-rotors."

There were collective gasps in the room, as both the Americans and the British were in shock. Something drastic has gone wrong on the homefront and wonder if it was another NAZI wonder weapon.

"Calm down gentlemen, as we speak a Royal Naval Task Force is steaming towards Washington, and we will find out what is going on as well, and at the same time, one is steaming towards Bombay as well, so we will find out what is going on.I have also gotten in contact with Pearl Harbor, and the US Navy has also sent a taskforce to investigate as well."

Air Marshal Dowding got up and stood next to the center of the table, holding a manilla folder in his hand as he looked towards the council.

"Gentlemen, I have the reports from Canada. The Canadians sent a mage battalion to the US northern border to investigate. Yes, it was the worst option they could have done, but they report something fascinating."

"As you can expect they were intercepted by jet aircraft from the 'US Air Force'. You would expect the aircraft to be the standard F-86 Sabers however they were not. The mage battalion intercepted what seems to be more advanced aircraft.."

Churchill hearing this, he turned towards Eishenhower but the man was unable to give any explanation.

"Now Gentlemen, I would like to be briefed on the status of all allied fronts in the war against Hitler and his fascist Cronies."

Bernard Law Montgomery, hearing this point, stood up as his assistant displayed multiple maps and brought out files, placing one manila file near Churchill for his reading.

"Gentlemen, the situation is grave. Everyday, London is being bombed as we are unable to counter such bombings, however to thank the mostash man's big ego, none of our major industries outside London have been affected." he informed the council walking around, displacing pictures of untouched regions.

"The Africa Front is in a desperate situation, the Germans and Italians are pushing towards Cario, in a dash for the Suez, however the Western Desert Force are currently defending the River Nile, mainly due to the support from the commonwealth armies, especially the British Raj and Australia. Turkish forces are covering the northern flank and holding for now." Montgomery continued, pointing towards the map depicting the frontlines and the placements of units.

"The allies, the soviets are in no better shape, as the German Army continues their push to Moscow, while the scorched earth policy is definitely affecting the Germans, their technology allows them to negate those effects."

"And the Battle of Kursk is underway, the German E-50 tanks are superior, able to see during the night and have better fire control, however mass produced T-44s have been negating those advantages of theirs, and it's the same situation in the air."

He completed his report about Africa and Europe, and took a manila folder with details about the Asian Front.

"But the situation in the far east is at its most desperate, the americans, have unfortunately faced the complete destruction of all their mage battalions due to attacks and attrition, and their units in Philippines, with a lack of their mage cover in the far east, have taken a heavy beating."

"This is also not helped by the fact that the naval assets of the American-British-Dutch-Austrailan Command, and the loss of Singapore. Even the Raj cannot help as they are involved with holding the Japanese in Burma."

"May god help us win this war..." Churchill muttered.


In Berlin, Hitler holds a meeting with his military advisors. Canaris advises him, "Something" has happened regarding the United States and the British Raj. German agents in the UK report that the British have been going bananas all day trying to figure out what is going on. German intelligence also reports that all US radio stations that they could monitor have gone off the air. The Japanese, who were fighting in Burma and preparing an Invasion of Ceylon, were informed of this, and were requested to investigate as well.

Hearing this, Hitler is genuinely confused. He grows even more when Grand Admiral Raedar advises him that a strong British Naval Task Force has been ordered off convoy duty from Halifax to "Investigate" the US Northeast. Hitler, hearing all this, demanded the Schutzstaffel and the Gestapo to intensify the search for the 28-year-old General der Magier Tanya von Degurechaff and her wife Oberstleutnant Viktoriya Ivanovna Degurechaff and the elite 203rd Aerial Mage Battalion.

They had gone missing after Herr Himmler had purged the filthy jews in her unit.

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