A Trial of Time- India/US Transference.

Chapter 4: Cognizance V2


Chapter 4: Cognizance V2


10 AM EST, 26th March 2025,

Washington D.C.

Situation Room, The White House.


In the Situation Room, President Potts is now in another meeting regarding the new war that the United States might get involved in.

And now, the situation has become even more complicated. The Indians.

While they are close allies with the British, issues have emerged because of the time difference. Because this is not the past version of the British, the seventy-year “Special Relationship” that was developed during the Cold War basically has been reset. The fact that the British Empire is still around, ‘the’ British Empire, obviously while they are American allies, they are obviously going to have issues with the British Territories, bringing back terrible memories.

President Emily Potts sat at the head of the table in the Situation Room, pondering the situation, while everyone assembled for the session.

"So, we have literal Nazis subjugating Europe under their evil empire, and you are telling me we cannot get involved?" Potts asked, surprised.

"Why can't we do it? They are busy killing innocent people and now you do not want to live up to the role of our country? We are the Bastion of Democracy. We have to get ourselves involved and free the people from the evil empires.!" Homeland Security Chief Jason Scorch said angrily.

"Again, calm down Scorch. We have a situation in our hands. We just found out that Guam is in this world as well, our Guam. But Hawaii is gone, as well as the rest of our bases." Chairman of Joint Chiefs Mark Monarch spoke up.


“With at least Three Hundred thousand Personnel are gone, with one hundred and fifty thousand troops just from Hawaii. Even though we had pulled out major deployments from the Middle East, this is a major blow.”

“We have experienced soldiers in the Continent, but we would have to bring some back to utilise their experience. We can also bring in National Guard Units to reinforce units,” Mark stated. “We might have to bring back the Daft to replace those numbers.”

Laffey Lee, the Naval Secretary was given the opportunity to speak now, as he opened his Manila folder and showed a powerpoint of the numbers in the Navy.

“Our combat fleet faced its heaviest one day loss, with nearly sixty-five of our combat fleet just gone from the Light. That is about one-third of the fleet, mostly from Asia and Europe.” Lee said as he put his folder down.

“However, the remaining navy ships are sufficient to take on the Germans if the historical records can be used as reference and contain the Japanese Navy. Even if we fast track the construction of more ships to replenish the losses, it would still take years.” Lee finished stating his report as he waited for more questions.

Listening to the casualty numbers left an unsettled feeling in Potts' gut. On paper, under her administration, the largest military defeat has happened. 

However, that has become some freak of nature or whatever that Light was. Replacing those losses is going to be hard. Right now she wishes she could bring back the Iowas if it was not for the fact they were decommissioned twenty-years ago and converted into museum ships.



“I understand Lee, then what about the Mothball fleet, we do have some carriers and other ships in it.” President Potts asked in response.The Mothball fleet was a nickname for the US Navy’s Inactive fleet, with ships being stationed to be used in any future conflicts. While they need to be refurbished, they still can be used.

“Well, Madam President, only the logistic support ships are worth the trouble. The Perry Class destroyers are in no condition for combat, the Ticonderoga class cruisers are more likely to be cannibalised for the existing ships.” Lee responded. “And you know once a carrier reaches its lifespan we have to tear it apart to remove its nuclear reactor so there are none in reserve.”

The Defense Secretary, Petra Rodriguez then spoke up.

“We also have to deal with India’s issues as well. They have gotten it worse, seeing their own people from the past being persecuted by the British and a potential conflict with the British as well as the Japanese.”

“I am pretty sure it is emotions running high rather than anything, we must ensure we have communications with India continuously, lest they try something rash.” Potts commented.

With the details regarding foreign policy and military plans complete, it was time for the details about the American economy. The sudden teleportation of America to this world completely disconnected it from the globalized modern economy.. A product made in America does not necessarily be made in the continent. Microchips and semiconductors from Taiwan, Semiconductors from Germany, Metal from India, Rubber from Thailand. They were also dependent on the internet to allow the economy to further grow. This gave another problem, where a self-sufficient economy being the least effective, was now the best choice which was currently impossible to switch to.

And this is where the Secretary of Commerce, Jason Roy came, he came prepared to give solutions but had to give some bad news as well.

“Madam President, one thing is for sure, no matter what we will do, the economy…. will unfortunately collapse, no matter what we do, as the scale of damage is extremely high and impossible to contain.”

“I can immediately state seven points of what we must immediately do to provide relief to the situation.”

“One, we must free all of the assistance we provide, as well as freeze prices to prevent a sudden price hike on a massive scale, as the people do not need their money to go worthless.”

“Two, we have to lower taxes and deregulate the market enmasse We have to reduce the costs for starting and running a business, this is the only way employees can be hired and keep their livelihood and earn more money. Basically the opposite of what FDR did.”

Potts nodded. She directed her staff to resource the Great Depression to see what lessons that could have been learned. WHile they did not know it at the time it is common knowledge now that his policies extended the degression between six-eight years, depending on the source. While his centralized programs made great projects that the country benefits today there never was a follow up for any of the works because all the private businesses were taxed and regulated to the point they could barely function. 

“Three, we must make effective and efficient investments in key sectors. We must restart many sectors like expanding the energy sector, mining, manufacturing, shipbuilding and more. We would have to drop supporting Colleges and start supporting trade schools as they are more important.”

“Four, further expand the military. More production lines for military equipment, weapons and more. We must recruit more to ensure employment and order as well. All of this is necessary as we must switch to a war economy.”

“Five, everything belonging to foreign nations, be it ships, equipment, factories, companies, all have to be nationalized, aka letting them become American companies and allow them to get American citizenship.”

“Six, we must release reserve resources to flood the economy. This is needed to prevent shortages, however rationing of certain essential goods.”

“Seven and the last point, we have to quickly work on trade agreements with other countries, be it Mexico, Canada, Brazil, any one, for both imports and exports, really important to allow investments into the economy.”

“Speaking of other countries, we need to recall our current ambassadors in these countries,” (person) said. “We don’t want them to represent our interests without our feedback. However, I see a use with them to help our diplomats assist ours.”

“Agreed.” Potts pressed her head, the crisis her nation and her administration was facing led her to go through sleepless nights, even though it is nine days since the 'Incident' which happened, she had to attend more meetings and give more speeches earlier. “I’ll sign the approval. Anything to alleviate the troubles for the people and our economy.”

"Now, do we have any birds in the sky?” Potts asked. “We need to know more about what is happening in Europe and Asia."

"We are still repositioning our satellites but so far the news is not great..Based on the Canadian newspapers we know this timeline is having a similar World War Two against the Axis however the technology is different. Our current intelligence states that the current world is where we were in the early 1950s." CIA Director Bravo Timmingson spoke.

“From satellite images, we can say that the British are either using Vampire or Venom jet fighters as their main aircraft. The newspapers talk about V-8 missiles striking Longdon and jet bombers raining havoc on England.”

“This is the same for the Soviets, one satellite was able to capture what seems to be a MiG-17, also known as a Fresco. What we cannot say for sure are the German ones, as they have developed something which we have no reference for, other than a few random aircraft here and there.”

“Strategic sites are more fortified as well, with some German areas even having what seems to be SAM systems.” Timmingson continued.

“What can be safe to say is that Germany is leagues away from all its competition. We would only know the true extent of the war after we established contact with the British.”

"Will it be an issue?" Potts asked

"No, Madam President, we are still at least six to seven decades more advanced than their technological level, but that forces us to not rush anything, first thing would be to establish contact with London, so calling the British Ambassador to first make contact would be a good idea but the decision is yours, Madam President" He replied.

"Get him to contact London. Now regarding the teleportation event, it is obvious that it was done by someone with intelligence. Nature does not recognize nations," Potts said.

"Yes Madam President, but so far, we do not know who is responsible for it, nor do we have any explanation for it." Head Of NASA Jackie Montroy.

"Madam President-" one of the Secretaries was speaking before being interrupted by a Staff officer, who saluted and then spoke out."Madam President, we have re-established contact with Hawaii, they are in this world, but approximately one thousand and one hundred Kilometers north of its original position even the satellites have confirmed it."

"That's good. We have our Pacific Command back. Establish contact as soon as possible and conduct a check if there are any other American bases around the world. We cannot let them be stranded without any backup or contact"

“What is the condition of the navy then?”

“Madam President, we have managed to contact them. The Seventh fleet was within Hawaiian waters as they were in the last leg of their exercise, however some Japanese Marine Self Defense warships have been brought into this world. They report eight vessels, one helicopter carrier, six destroyers and one submarine.”

“The crew was unlucky then. Have our navy follow protocol and have them anchor in Hawaii, and keep a watch on the sub. I do not want a rogue ship heading for Imperial Japan. I authorise permission to sink those ships if they try to not follow orders and attempt to aid America’s enemies.”

"And our Air Force and Army?" The Vice President asked.

"Several thousand aircraft are available, as are the ICBMs and Several squadrons of B-52s, B-1s and B-2s are also available. For the Army, nearly sixteen Regular Army Divisions with experience are ready, and with the activation of the reserves, another fourteen Divisions would be ready in the next two months, the regular divisions." Chairman of the JCS Mark Monarch said

"I am going to first have a meeting with Churchill first, then we can officially move a declaration of war to congress to get passed." Potts said before ending the meeting.


32.3078° N, 64.7505° W,

Somewhere in the Atlantic, Onboard the USS George Washington.

With the open night, the bright moon light bounced off the morning sea, guiding the American ships during their patrol on the Atlantic. On the bridge of the USS George Washington is Rear Admiral Tin Barker.

Taking a drink from his coffee, Barker gazed at the moonlight reflection, thinking about the recent events. While a religious man, he is struggling to decide what is known as the “Light” means. Could it be an act of god for some greater purpose, a punishment, or something more gray. 


Looking over to Lieutenant Junior Grade Ashley Coral, his personal assistant. While standing at attention, being the professional sailor that she is, he can see the fear in her eyes. Not the fear of war, or the coming of battle but from recent events. “Come here Lieutenant and look out.”

Coral approached and stood by Barker's side. “The moon reflection looks beautiful sir.”

Remaining quiet for a moment, Barker just looked out into the cold ocean. “Our ancestors used to cross these waters on wooden ships. People going through the unknown, not knowing what they will see or face. Life is facing the unknown Lieutenant, just like our ancestors. Be thankful you still have a home, a family, and a roof to go back to. That's all that matters.”

“I understand sir,” Coral replied.

“I hope you do,” Barker stated. 

“This Light, whatever it is, is only the first stage of our new lives. As I said about our ancestors, we will have to sail these waters, navigate this world. Every generation has its own crisis they must overcome, some greater than others. Coral, this will be your generation challenge. You must find the strength to overcome this new era.” 

After a short moment, he continued, 

“Now, what is today's update?”

Coral took out the tablet that was in her arm. “The LCS ship USS Charleston finished communicating with another Tench-class, USS Torsk. This makes the seventh ship and boat sense the operation begun sir. They are being ordered to Norfolk Naval Shipyard like the others.”

With a nod, Barker reflects on Operation Ally Bridge by the US Navy. After the German submarine attack last week the navy was deployed to protect the coastline. However, the planners of the operation overlooked the fact that there are the ‘other’ US fleet operating in the region, escorting ships that are crossing the Atlantic and hunting German U-boats. 

A Barracuda-class nearly sunked the Famous-class cutter USCGC Thetis. The only reason the ship was not attacked was because the submarine noticed the Coast Guard marking and made contact. Another situation where a short naval battle was committed between the USS Montana Battleship escort group engaged the USS Mahan, Arleigh Burke-class. 

The Montana and its three Allen M. Sumner-class destroyers and one V-class British destroyer fired naval artillery; however the Mahan avoided direct hits, thanks to picking the taskforce on radar in time. They fired a Harpoon missile at the Montana-class but the missile failed to cause enough damage, the armor being stronger than modern ships - especially of a mighty battleship like that. Modern ships sacrifice armor for speed and armonents, unlike ships of the past. Luckily, the commander of the Mahan enjoyed naval history and recognized the artillery came from American ships, not German. 

Barker wondered what was going on in those sailors' minds after a dozen 16-inch barely missing their ship. It will be a sight they will have to get used to. What bothered him is that the Montana-class was never constructed during his Earth World War Two, making him wonder what other changes there are.

Sense then, the brass ordered all naval ships to make contact with other allied ships and direct them to the nearest shipyard. While smart on paper, it has proven unbearable to determine who is an allied ship and who is an Axis ship.

“Good,” Barker replied. “Last thing we want to do is sink one of ours. How is our fleet holding up? Is there an update on how many more ships that got left behind?”

“Actually sir, the number went up,” Coral said. “You know about the Reagan Carrier strike group to our south, plus the USS Carl Vinson strike group on the west coast. The USS John C. Stennis is still re-refueling.”

“Get to the point Lieutenant.”

“Sorry sir. The White House made contact with Hawaii. They are still confirming that situation but that means the USS Stennis Carrier strike group has teleported with us. Plus, the Ford-class strike group has been confirmed to be in India. That means two more carrier groups came with us, we are only missing three carriers now and their fleets.”

Taking a breath of relief, that has been the best news Barker heard since this teleportation happened. If Hawaii is confirmed that brings the fleet back to two-thirds. Far better than the expected fifty-percent casualties. However, it seems that the Sixth and Seventh fleets seem to be a total loss. He wonders if they are dead or left behind, is there even an Earth that was left behind or are they all dead too? So many questions but he knows he must keep his mind to the current task.

Behind them the phone began to ring. Coral walked to it and answered. After a short conversation she looked towards him. “Admiral, CIC is getting a unknown distress calls, frequency is strange"

"Play it"

"This is SS Beaverford, we're been attacked by some bloody Jerry's U boat, we need assistance as soon as possible. They are demanding us to either abandon ship or allow a boarding party! Our location is Thirty Nine Degrees North and One hundred and twenty five degrees east!"

"This is HMS Javelin, we received your distress call. Enroute to your location, ETA twenty minutes, may god help you till then."

“Bloody Hell!” Which then led the radio transmission to go quiet.

The message came from outside of the Operation Ally Bridge operation zone. Until the Pentagon has a better understanding of the current situation they want to keep the Navy closer to home then usual. 

“Orders Commander?” Coral asked. “The USS Savannah requested orders to assist.”

“What the hell is a ship way out there?” Barker couldn’t help but ask out loud.“What assets do we have in the air in that sector?” He wonders if the ship was trying to bypass the German wolfpack fleet but still found it strange.

Coral asked the question over the phone and then said, “we have two Seahawks in the sector providing us with ASW cover. Two Super Hornets on patrol and a Triton providing surveillance.”

“Good, order one to eliminate the hostile submarine. Tell Savannah to assist at best speed however watch out for subs. All they need is one lucky hit.”


Onboard the SS Beaverford,

The Battle of the Atlantic, in a few more months the Allied coney fleet will be broken, ending in a Axis victory. Before the war started the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht or High Command knew they could win the war on the continent. The projection came true with the fall of Poland and France. The real threat came from the American and British naval superiority, which allowed them to pull troops and supplies globally, which made the Atlantic the key to winning the war.

That is what makes these raids so dangerous but key to winning the high seas, which is why Captain Emil Priess was chosen to lead these raids. For three years he has led his wolf pack against the mighty Allied fleet and successfully broke their backs. 

Unable to fight against the massive fleet of Aircraft Carriers the Americans love, High Command decided unrestricted submarine warfare is the key. Advances in submarine technology such as air-independent propulsion and long range rocket systems allowed them to strike anywhere and deeper. Even the mightiest of battleships, the Montana’s and the King George classes.Still, with this leap in technology does not mean the enemy has not developed counters and that is why raids like this are required.

Priess took out the cigarette, his dozen men armed with submachine guns aiming at the merchant crew. Getting on the ship was easy, the other sub in his wolfpack took out the engines in a surprise attack as his boat boarded. By the time the crew knew what was happening, they took the ship, only needing to kill four of them. 

Out of the Two German submarines, one of them goes underwater and eventually moves away, on a look out for any hostile ship. While they were able to quickly stop the ship captain from sending a long SOS, Priess believes a message could have been sent out, regardless if this ship was this far from the main caravan route.

To prevent the crew from getting any ideas, Priess ordered his men to execute all the  undesirables as an example. While not saying a word the message was clear, everyone else is next.

“Captain,” one of Priess sailors said, holding a large box. “I have found the allied communicator.”

“Good,” Priess said. Before he gave the order to abandon ship another one of his crew called out for him. “Finish planning the explosives.”

Rushing to the outside railing, Priess saw one of his men pointing towards the skyline. To his confusion he saw a strange looking helicopter. He has seen some used by the German Army but so far they have only been used to evacuate the wounded and transport supplies. He has never seen one this far or this type. Far larger and more metal.

Walking back onto the bridge, Priess executed the ship captain. “Kill them all, no witnesses and back on the boat.” 

Hearing the slaughter of the crew, everyone then rushed back to the submarine. Once the crew got off the bridge and gained distance from the Beaverford before it blew, Priess looked back to the helicopter. Not seeing any national markings made him wonder which country the helicopter hailed from.

Noticing a torpedo under the helicopter, Priess realized the coming threat. “Get us out of here now!”

As the helicopter got into position to drop the torpedo, the Beaverford exploded. The ship began to sink, distracting the crew in the helicopter, waving off.

“Fire on the aircraft!” Priess ordered.

The 8.8 cannon on the submarine opened fire on the helicopter, and hit it with the proxy shell.


Aboard Dolphin-Three,

Samuel Jackson, pilot of Dolphin-Three, was guiding his bird as they approached the suspected location of the distress call in order to begin submarine hunting.

“This is Dolphin-Three, two contacts detected by Surface Radar.” The Radar operator notified the carrier fleet

“Acknowledged Dolphin-Three, proceed to Waypoint five.”

The Helicopter adjusted its path towards the contact, they were still beyond Visual Range and had to get closer in order to launch their torpedoes.

“Jackie, bet we are going to get our first kill in the war, we have been training for this for a long time.”

“Bet, but I am having a bad feeling about this ell-tee.”

“Don’t worry about it! We got this”

The helicopter soon reached the area where the distressed ship was located, and it started to hover as the dipping sonar was being lowered down while the co-pilot started to report back to Command.

“Command, we are in visual range of the ship, we see one submarine as well…...They have hostages lined up and-” She was interrupted when the ship exploded and began to sink.

“Holy shit they sunk th-” She tried to relay what was going on but this time she was cut off forever. The supposed German proxy shell fired from the enemy submarine naval gun exploded right next to Dolphin-Three, sending it into a spin.

“We are hit! We are hit!” Jackson shouted as he fought against the helicopter, as shrapnel severed the Hydronic lines.

“Ell-tee! We have no power in the tail-” Jackson looked towards his Lieutenant, who was limp and was leaning face first on the control panel”

“No, no…,” Jackson could only cry out as he realised the wetness he felt was her blood and the cockpit was sprayed with blood and flesh.

“Mayday Mayday! This is Dolphin-Three, we are hit and going down,” Jackson could only report that as he managed to fight the torque of the main propeller.

“Chief! What's your status! Chief-” He looked back only to see the Crew Chief’s body lifeless and missing an arm as well as the Sonar operator holding on for dear life.

“Fuck! Brace for impact!” He shouted.

The extremely damaged Seahawk hit the water hard, and it immediately began to submerge with water entering the holes and entrance of the helicopter.

“No, no!”

Jackson felt his heart stop as his belt didn’t release and water started to go above his waist. He took a long breath as his head went underwater as he struggled against it. He was giving up and giving in to his water death, but the sonar operator slashed his belts off and pulled him out of the wreck and towards the surface.

“Pilot! What the hell happened!” The operator shouted as tinnitus set in, making it difficult to hear.

Jackson was completely disoriented, as he saw the hostages on the submarine being shot and the submarine crew entering their submarine and disappearing away like they did not exist.The sonar operator held onto him, not wanting him to drown as he seemed to struggle to swim against the water.

A Rigid-Hulled Inflatable Boat or RHIB deployed from the USS Savannah, a Constellation-class Frigate, picked them up from the water as the survivors were being picked up from the water.

Upon boarding the guided missile destroyer, they were quickly shuffled into another Seahawk and flown back to the Carrier. The crew saw a shell-shocked Jackson being taken away on a stretcher.

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