A True Dragon in GOT


As time went on Aenela finished learning everything I could teach her, with her wedding approaching. While Relaesys still had some things left to learn from me. As the day of the wedding approached, many Noble came from each house on the island. Normally they would ignore a 'lesser' house's wedding, but since the most influential house is involved many Nobles have shown up to try to win some favor. With this wedding the Targaryen House will win more influence, I also suspected that was only thanks to me.

As word got out that I was teaching the Targaryen girls magic, so many Nobles today came up to speak with me. They all asked for my services after I finished teaching the Targaryens. I told each I would consider it, though in reality, I had no intention of teaching more people, as I wanted to explore the rest of the island without being held down. Plus I needed to find a way to learn about the smithing process of this special metal.

The wedding ended just as fast as it started with many different foods and drinks. Though it was a very interesting experience to see how humans form a mate bond. After the wedding ended and Aenela moved into her new home, I was left just teaching Relaesys and reading the last of the books in the library. Eventually, I taught Relaesys everything I could teach her. The last spell I taught her was 'Fireball' a favorite of mine, the only issue was she was not fireproof, no mortal was. Though I had a plan to fix that.

"Talrit, you said you had a gift for me?" Relaesys says to me now a young woman according to human standards. She looked excited to get a gift from me.

"Yes, these two things are the last gifts I will give you. Then I will go back to exploring," I say to her and she nods her head slightly saddened to hear I'm leaving tomorrow.

"First is this medallion I made, it does several things. One of them is it will protect the user from death just once, but it will also allow the user to summon me to their side should they ever need me," I say to her handing over a medallion with a pure gold dragon on a piece of obsidian. Relaesys takes the medallion and inspects it with eyes that show how much she likes it.

"The last gift is optional, as it is to give you immunity to fire. So in a way, you will have some dragon blood in you. This process will be extremely painful for you, so you do not have to go through it," I say to her as she looks up at me after I place the medallion on her neck.

"...I want to do it," Relaesys says to me, and stare at her, before nodding my head seeing her conviction.

"Very well," I say snapping my fingers and casting a dome of silence around us so no noise escapes from her screams that are sure to come. Then I cast an illusion to cover up what is about to happen to her in case someone sees us.

"Bite down on this leather then I will begin," I say handing her a piece of leather, that I read is important for humans to use when about to experience immense pain.

Relaesys nods her head placing the piece in her mouth. The trust she has in me is absolute, which I appreciate and is why I gave her the medallion. Then I manipulate the magic in her body using my vast experience in the magical arts to change her body on a cellular level. This change will take me an hour and will feel like her body is on fire the whole time, though in the end if I do not make a mistake she will become immune to fire just as I am. This changes her to have the actual blood of a dragon in her to a very small degree. She may even be able to pass this down to her descendants.

Relaesys screams in pain falling to the ground and passing out from the pain after fifteen minutes which was longer than I thought she would last. The rest of the process goes smoothly and once I'm finished I feel exhausted as my human body can not handle even a fraction of what I can do in my real form. Though I hold her hand over a flame I created in mine to see if I succeeded. Seems my ritual was a success and she is now immune to fire same as me. Though I cast a healing spell on her to rejuvenate her body, now I need some food and rest before I can cast any more spells.

As I wait for her to wake up, I lay on the ground next to her thinking about why Relaesys was chosen to be Balaevar's wife. Then it hits me that that is because she is stronger in the magical arts than her sister Aenela, which the family would want to keep inside itself. Though they used their other daughter to gather favor with the strongest house, maybe even lying saying she is the better magic user. Seems my Mother was right about just how crafty humans can be. After another ten minutes, Relaesys wakes up blinking her eyes, and then relaxes seeing me.

"My body feels so sore," Relaesys says sitting up, stretching her arms and legs.

"Well, that is because your body has been remade in a way. Like I said you are now immune to fire and any descendants you have could possess this ability too," I say to her and she nods her head while bringing out some of her magical fire and testing herself as I did.

"This is amazing!" Relaesys says seeing her immunity work. I just chuckle standing up and going back inside to rest.

"Thanks Talrit!" Relaesys says running up and hugging me from behind as I walk inside.

"No problem," I say giving her a quick hug back before going to my room to rest.

As the next day starts, I break my fast with the family before saying my goodbyes and leaving. They say I will always have a place to stay with their family and will make sure to write a book about my help to them. They give me the last of the gold they owe me, though with this gold I just teleport it back to the room where the kobolds keep the treasury. As the kobolds have begun mining for the ore since I teleported back home to inform them to start. They have already been mining for gold as they use it to make effigies dedicated to me in their homes. While they mined a mountain of gold as an offering to me, which is where I sent the gold the Targaryens gave me too.

'I have more than I know what to do with this gold,' I think to myself tossing the last of it into the huge mountain for gold the kobolds have mined and the money the Targaryens gave me.

Then I left the home of the Targaryens and went to find a smith who specializes in making this metal. After a lot of asking around, I heard of a dozen different smiths who make weapons out of this metal. Though each smith, except for one is contracted by a Noble house. I went to find this free Smith and see what it would take to learn from him. Eventually, I came across the workshop that the Smith worked at, entering the shop I see an armed man inside and a young man at the counter. They both look at me as I enter the shop and the young man speaks up.

"Can I help ya, M'Lord?" the young man says to me while looking me over and suspecting me to be a Lord.

"I was wondering if I could speak to the Master Smith about something," I say while looking at the young man unsure if that is him.

"Me Father? Sure thing, M'Lord. Let me go get'em" the young man says walking to the back leading outside to the smithing area. After a few minutes, a middle-aged man walks inside while whipping his hands clean and gives me a look over.

"Can I help you with something? Did you need something commissioned?" the Master Smith says to me with a curious look, not using any honorifics which I do not care about.

"I was wondering if you could teach me the art of smithing, especially the kind involving the rare metal," I say to him making his eyes go wide and giving me an even harder scrutinizing gaze.

"I'm sorry, but I won't as this trade is rare and I want to keep it in the family," the Smith says while patting his son on the shoulder.

"I see… is there nothing I can give you to change your mind?" I say to him trying to persuade him.

"Sorry but unlike you Nobles we only have this to our name," the Smith says not budging, as I sigh and nod my head.

"Then would you know of anywhere I can learn this?" I ask him and the smith goes silent thinking for a bit.

"A Noble like you could try talking with the Nobles of House Noheneos. They are the ones who originally came up with smithing this metal," the Smith says to me as I sigh to myself hoping that to not be the case. As the only thing they will want from me is to train one of theirs at least in the art of magic.

"Ok, thanks for the information," I say turning around to talk with the house and see what they want to train me in the art of smithing.

I walked to the Castle where the House Noheneos resided and approached the gates to the grounds. The guards stopped me as suspected, then I told them the Master Mage is here to speak with their Lord. After half an hour they got word to let me inside the grounds to meet the Lord of the House. Walking inside the grounds this place is much larger than the Targaryen's castle and much of that rare metal is used all around here. This is the second most influential house in Valyria and it is shown in the gaudy atmosphere of this place.

"Lord Valtaris! I'm glad you came! Come, let us speak in my study," the Lord of the House, Vimyx Noheneos says to me with a fake smile most Nobles use when doing business. Once we enter his office he pours me and himself a glass of wine before sitting at his desk waiting for me to speak.

"I was wondering if your family could teach me the art of smithing the special metal used in weapon and armor crafting," I say to him cutting right to the reason I'm here.

"We certainly could… though since that art is very important and few can master it. We would require an equal exchange. Would you teach my hier some magic in return for this?" Lord Vimyx says to me with a small smile on his face.

"Yes I could teach him, but depending on his natural ability to use magic he might not be able to learn or learn much," I say to him making him understand that his son might not be that capable in the arts of magic.

"Well, if he is unable to learn the art of magic. Then maybe you can teach another child of mine," Lord Vimyx says to me and I nod my head in agreement.

"Then I accept I will teach one of your House members in exchange for the art of smithing the rare metal," I say nodding my head and Lord Vimyx nods his head agreeing with me.

"We have a deal," Lord Vimyx says to me.

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