A True Dragon in GOT


After striking the deal with Lord Vimyx, his son and Hier entered the room. The boy was only twelve name days and held some potential in him to learn magic. More than Aenela, but less than Relaesys. His name was Aelyx Noheneos, and he was polite for a Noble. Though still had the same dismissive behavior towards the slaves of the house.

The boy grew to enjoy my teachings and I grew to enjoy his company just as much as I did the young Targaryen girls. The next three years flew by as most of my time was dedicated to teaching Aelyx and learning the art of smithing. I was able to master smithing in one year and in the next two years I mastered the art of smithing the rare metal used to make those magical swords and armor that the Nobles use.

As I finished teaching Aelyx the last of what he could learn, I said my farewells to the Noheneos Noble House. Just as the Targaryens said, the Noheneos also stated I was welcomed anytime and would forever be remembered by their family. With all the knowledge I found from these humans, I returned back to my Clan of Kobolds. I selected the ones I thought best be able to learn how to smith.

Over the next ten years I taught the kobolds everything about smithing I learned. Over the next five years after being taught what I learned the kobolds began crafting weapons and armor out of this metal to better equip themselves. The volcano we were in almost had an infinite supply of this rare metal, which made the kobolds use this metal for even basic tools. Once the tool was made from metal it would never need to be repaired.

After spending over a decade with the humans and another decade with the kobolds. I grew tired of social interaction and decided to return to my lair to spend some time alone. From there I would sleep for ten years and wake up, to see how my clan was doing, then venture into the city of humans to see what changed. Even after my time gone the humans would recognize me and welcome me back into their homes.

Like that several centuries pass by with me becoming known as the Master Mage of Valyria. The nobles would seek me out every decade when I returned to the city for advice and ask me guidance in the art of magic, as more people have begun to learn it from the Houses that used this to further their influence. Noheneos House rose to become the most influential in this time and the Targaryen House grew to become the second most influential house.

One day when I returned to a city I heard a few ships carrying slaves, mutined and took control of the ships. They disappeared and no one knows what happened to these slaves, though I have a feeling they made a place of their own. A few centuries later the Targaryen House took over a place in the new land they discovered called Dragonstone. The Targaryens used this place to trade with this new land where kingdoms resided. As I visited the Targaryen House one year I met with the current House head called Aenar Targaryen.

The weird thing was when I visited this time, the whole family, even the ones that were sub houses were packing up everything they owned. Like the whole Targaryen House was planning on leaving everything behind. When I entered Aenar saw me and ran over to me with a worried look.

"Master Talrit! I'm glad you came before we left! You should come with us!" Aenar says to me as the slaves and guards of the house finish packing everything up.

"What is going on?" I say confused at the sudden leaving of the second most powerful house in Valyria because of my teachings. I'm glad the family has not forgotten, always being very welcoming of me and genuinely kind to me.

"I… I have been getting visions of a great calamity coming to Valyria! At first, I thought it was just bad dreams, but the longer I ignored these visions the worse they got. Like the gods themselves are warning me! I could no longer just stand by as these visions kept coming to me," Aenar says to me with a very scared and nervous look. Now I can see the sleep depravity in his eyes.

'Maybe the gods really are warning him. Though I can not leave my clan behind. Plus moving them all would take too long… I need to start making preparations to protect them,' I think to myself before looking back at Aenar.

"I appreciate the warning Aenar, but I must stay behind and make sure others survive this," I say while thinking of my clan and perhaps helping the humans if I can.

"...I… I understand. Though Master Talrit, I do not believe they will listen, even to you. As I tried telling the others, but they call me insane or crazed. I can not stay here and try to make those old fools listen, now I must ensure my family survives this," Aenar says to me while patting my shoulder.

"M'Lord, everything has been taken. We are ready to depart," one of the guards says coming over to us and bowing his head to us. Aenar nods his head and then turns back to me.

"Master Talrit, if this is the last time we see each other. I would like to offer my thanks to you one last time for everything you did for my family. I will ensure no one forgets you as long as my family lives. Though I must leave now, farewell," Aenar says to me heading toward the docks with the remaining house guards and servants. I just nod my head to him waving goodbye.

I then teleport back to my clan, telling them to begin stockpiling food and supplies that should last the clan at least ten years. The clan immediately starts rushing into overdrive to ensure my orders are followed. As my clan of Kobolds prepare for the possible destruction of Valyria, I teleport back to the city of humans. I want to see if I can convince them to either leave or prepare themselves in any way to help ensure their survival.

"Master Talrit?! Where you the one to call this meeting?" one of the Noble Lords of a smaller house asks as the rest of the 'dragon' lords enter the council room.

"Yes, I just spoke with Aenar Targaryen and found out about his visions. Seems you all are not taking him seriously and act as if he is crazy," I say to the council a few scoff hearing me talk about Aenar Targaryen.

"That man has gone insane! In the last few years, all he has talked about is this great calamity that is coming! Saying that the gods are showing him a dream of a great firestorm and ash," one of the lords says with contempt in his voice speaking about Aenar. Many of the other lords nod their heads in agreement with him.

"You all are willing to bet your lives that he is wrong? What if he is right? Then all of you will die and your families disappear from history?" I say to them confused about how these humans can be so stubborn.

"It is more than that! This is our capital! This is our ancestral home! We can not leave this behind! Our people have thrived for thousands of years and will continue to thrive, regardless of the ravings of a madman!" the new head of house Noheneos says making the rest of the lords agree with him. Since they want to curry favor with the strongest house.

"Very well. Then for the sake of your Houses and the people of this city. I hope you all are correct," I say teleporting back to my clan leaving the prideful and stubborn humans to their possible doom.

For the next ten years, I watch over the Clan in my true form and ensure they are prepared for this possible doom. Every day I help by casting 'Create Food and Water' to help ensure there are enough supplies to outlast whatever might be coming. Then one day I can sense the ground beginning to shake. I sense this before any other creature due to my size as the faint shaking is slowly increasing. With my knowledge, I know this can lead to volcanic eruptions.

I then summon the kobolds by my lair to call every clan member back immediately. Then once they are all back I use the spell 'Move Earth' to close off all entrances outside of the clan. But ensuring there are airways for them to not suffocate while hiding inside. By the time I finished ensuring they are safe from a volcanic eruption, the kobold mages inside were ready at a moment's notice to cast all sorts of spells to ensure the survival of the clan. The earthquake has reached huge proportions shaking the ground so violently that cracks appear across the land.

Then just as fast as the ground shook creating mayhem across the land it stopped, I could see the human city in the distance crumbling slightly from the shaking. As I stood at the mouth of the volcano which is my lair in my true form. At first, I thought that was it, but the thought disappeared as the volcano below me and the ones across the island exploded all at once. I grunted at the impact from the sudden explosion, but it didn't really hurt me more just surprised me.

I flew above the now black clouds from the exploding volcano to see fire and death rain from the sky covering the land in molten rock and poisonous gases. These volcanic eruptions lasted days, and even the land broke apart diving Valyria from the mainland. After the volcanos stopped erupting, the black clouds remained in the sky for a few more hours raining ash, I landed back down at the mouth of my volcano. Looking down I can see the lava settling back down and it returning to normal.

The first thing I did was check on my clan to ensure they survived with minimal causalities. After I reopened the caves to the kobolds I called out to the clan, and they sent a dozen members to meet me. They informed me the clan was well and only a few members died from some collapsing caves, with some injured. But the clan mostly stayed in tack, and they were able to save more than half the wyverns the clan has been breeding for several thousand years now.

With a relieved sigh, I nod my head telling the members to return to the clan and no one can leave until I deemed it safe enough for them to venture out. They bow to me before running back to the clan, then I fly to the human cities to see how they fair. As I suspected none survived, as most of the cities were covered in now-cooled lava and ash. The remaining part of cities crumbled from the shaking or rocks sent flying from the volcanic eruptions.

Even if some humans survived the lava or crushing rocks, the gases and heat from the ash would kill them very shortly afterward. Seeing the death all around me, I felt saddened at not being able to save any humans, but I tried to warn them. Seeing that my Volcano was torn away from the rest of the lands, I returned to it with the intention to return life to it to ensure my clan can still prosper.

After landing back at the base of my volcano, I poured almost all of my magic into my body to breathe life back into the island. It took me a few hours, but the strain of bringing life back into the land even on my body made me feel extremely exhausted. I stumbled a few steps feeling the tiredness hit me heavily before I forced myself to fly back into my lair inside the volcano.

After I returned I informed the clan to wait a few days for my magic to take effect. I told them after using that much magic I would rest for a few centuries at least. But if absolutely necessary to wake me, one of the things I told them was. If they find humans to not kill them but bring them to me, as I wanted to ensure the humans did not die after somehow surviving the blast. With that my eyes closed as the exhaustion took over, bringing me into a very long nap.

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