A True Dragon in GOT


(Unknown POV)

I was born a few months after the huge calamity took place on the land my clan has lived on last few thousand years. Though I was born much different than your average Kobold. I was born three times as large, growing to become 9ft (2.7m) tall weighing almost five times as much as your normal kobold. Not only was I extremely larger than your average kobold, but I was born with silver scales. The clan was extremely excited at my birth, wanting to awaken our Golden God of the volcano, but held off since he needed rest. They named me Rokgar, after the Great Leader our clan has had, Rok, the one kobold who had the adoration of our god.

Though it appears I was not the only kobold to be born much larger than your average. Seems the magic our god poured into the land affected us, making our people much larger and stronger. Though I was still the largest amongst my people and the only one with the silver scales. From the knowledge passed down to our people, I would live five times as long as your normal kobold too. Normally we live 130 to 140 years old, but I'm suspected to live 650 to 700 years. We have stopped calling ourselves Kobolds, but now Dragonborn, as we have been created by the magic of our Golden God.

However since I'm much larger than normal and so too are the new generation of kobolds, the clan is not sure what our lifespans are exactly anymore. I became the King of my clan once I matured into adulthood. I was not only a great warrior mastering the greatsword our smiths forged me with the metal the Golden God taught us, but I was a master in magic as well. I also tamed the largest wyvern our clan has ever bred, it was a white-scaled one with dark red eyes. A very large male wyvern reaching 125ft (38m) long and with a wing span of 300ft (91m).

Seem the magic put out by our god also affected all living things on the island, even the wyverns our clan breeds. The animals on the island have become much larger and more deadly too, everything on the island seemed to have evolved to become much stronger and more deadly. Today I was taking out my group of elite riders I personally trained to the old human city to see if we can learn to live like them. As with our new size, living in the caves has become much harder. There should be no humans left since it has been two decades since the great calamity.

"Are the riders ready for the excursion?" I ask one of the older generation kobolds who is one of my advisors.

"Yes my King," the kobold says to me and I nod my head.

"Good, then we will head out immediately," I say walking over to Vaak, the white wyvern I tamed since his hatching. I'm betting like us these wyverns are going to live longer than the last generation of wyverns.

I flew with my fifteen other riders toward the human city on the other side of the island. We could see the giant animals below walking through the lush forest that took over, even the plants have become much larger with some even attacking and eating animals. After a few days of flight, we reached the human city, normally this would take a month on foot to reach. But having something to fly makes traveling much faster, as we entered the city we could see plants have begun to take over the city.

After a week of scouring the city and taking everything we believed to be of value, we returned to the clan. Then we decided to move out from the caves and to the base of the volcano. There we started to build a city made from stones like the humans, but much larger to accommodate our new size. We also tried to persevere plant life since the Golden God values all forms of life. Our mages and other intelligent clan members learned everything they could from the texts we brought back from the old human city.

After a few decades, we built a huge city that could hold tens of millions of our clan members. This was also possible with the magic we used so far after the calamity our clan numbers dropped to reach just under a million and due to our size it seems breeding new members is harder. As our females only have shorter periods for mating and lay fewer eggs. Our numbers are still growing, but just not as fast as they used to.

As the King of my Clan, we thrived in the new city we built using the knowledge left behind by the humans. We also learned to build stone boats that are much stronger than the wooden ones humans made. Though it takes almost five years to build one since it requires a lot of magic to get the boat to float on water. With these boats, we took over the other islands surrounding ours. Though since our numbers do not increase that quickly anymore it would take a long time before we take over all the islands that were once part of the great land.

I eventually found a mate in the clan a few years after the city began being built, as another member was born silver. After a few centuries of entering the 'new age', as my clan has begun calling it that since we left the caves and became much more than what was once were, my mate laid our first egg. Our son hatched later and was born silver just as we were, it seems the royal line might just have become silver Dragonborn. The future was looking bright and I was trying to think of other ways for helping my clan prosper while thinking about what our Golden God would do.


(Different Unknown POV)

It was another day but this time it was my youngest Nephew's birthday. His name is Tyrion and he is mistreated by most of our family since my brother Tywin blamed him for his late wife's death. Even his daughter, my niece, Cersei blamed the poor boy for her mother's death. Outside myself, my daughter, and my other nephew Jaime, no one treated the boy with kindness.

I was never married, but I do have a daughter her name is Joy Hill. I named her that because she is the biggest joy in my life. Though after today I would be heading to Old Valyria in search of any Valyrian steel or anything else of great value. I craved adventure and hoped that I could find something to help the family. My brother Tywin and Lord of Casterly Rock signed off on this trip after much convincing.

"Uncle Gery!" I hear a small child's voice say from behind me as I was walking the halls of Casterly Rock.

"If it isn't my favorite nephew!" I say turning to the small boy with a laugh and picking him up in a loving hug.

"Do you know what today is?!" Tyrion says to me with an excited look in his eyes. Normally he hates this day as his family curses him for the death of his mother, but I try to make this day not a bad memory for him.

"Hmm….." I say with a thoughtful look as the boy begins to grow upset thinking I forgot.

"Of course, I remember! It's your eighth name-day! I was just about to find you to give you a book!" I say to the boy as he laughs in delight and holds excitement in his eyes hearing about my present for him.

I took him to my room and place him down to retrieve the book. As he practically bounced up and down from excitement. I grabbed the book I have read more than five times to prepare myself for this adventure to Old Valyria. The book was about everything the Targaryens wrote about the place. It was a very fascinating book about magic, these small dragon-like creatures, and a great mage who helped them. I handed the book to Tyrion as his eyes sparkled in excitement.

"Tales of Old Valyria and the Targaryen's Rise to Power," Tyrion says reading the title of the book that I paid several dozen golden dragons for since I needed a Maester to write me a copy.

"It is a fascinating book about one of the Targaryen's ancestors who claimed to have met a great mage. Writing everything she experienced when she was younger in a journal which the family later used to write the stories down in. I've read it at least five times now, since you know I'm heading to Old Valyria tomorrow morning," I say to Tyrion who nods his head absentmindedly while looking at the first few pages.

"Wait! You are really going to leave me and Joy?!" Tyrion says after processing what I just said.

"I am. I want to see this place especially after reading this book and hearing the stories growing up. Plus I might just find our family some of that Valyrian steel to make a new family sword," I say while patting his head and walking out of my room to find my daughter. Tyrion quickly follows behind me and begins to berate me with question after question.

Later that evening, the family gathered for supper. We all sat at the table and a small feast was held, at first, I thought Tywin was throwing name day feast for his son for once. Though I quickly realized it was a farewell feast for me as I was leaving tomorrow. After a nice feast and drinking, Tyrion spoke up causing himself some embarrassment.

"Uncle Gery, can you get me a dragon for me?!" Tyrion asked me with hopeful eyes as Cersei laughed at her brother making him look down in embarrassment and sadness.

"Dragons haven't lived for over a hundred years! If they did, the Targaryen would have tamed it by now!" Cersei says mocking her brother who glares at her. While Tywin snorts at Tyrion's question and nods his head with his daughter's statement.

The next morning I headed to the dock with the crew and house guards I was bringing with me on this journey. Though before I could leave my daughter and both nephews saw me off.

"Bye Dad… Please make sure to come back soon," Joy says to me with a very worried look since I'm her only remaining parent.

"I promise I will," I say to my daughter giving her a loving hug and kiss on her forehead.

"Uncle Gery, like Joy said... Come back soon!" Tyrion says to me running over and hugging my legs as I crouch down and hug him back with a happy smile.

"I will and I'll see if I can find you a dragon too," I say to him with a smirk and he nods his head excited at the idea. Jaime as his father taught him, as he is the heir, just shook my hand in farewell.

I waved my final goodbyes from the quarterdeck of the ship, as my daughter was crying a bit at my departure with Tyrion comforting her. Once I lost eyesight of the kids, I turned to look over the sea in the direction of Old Valyria with a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

'If all goes well, I'll be the first person to have successfully reached Old Valyria and lived to tell the tale,' I think to myself as we sail toward our destination.

"Captain, how long to reach our destination if all things work out, and how long worst-case scenario?" I ask the captain, knowing either way it is going to be a long time at sea.

"If all goes well… maybe a few months. Worst case… more than half a year. Though no one is really sure as no one has made the journey and lived," the captain tells me after some thought. These men all agreed to come due to the pay promised, as the saying goes gold can move mountains.

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