A True Dragon in GOT


(Unknown POV)

Our king sent us out to hunt down and bring back the humans that survived their journey into our lands. We are to keep them alive, as he is curious to learn more about these humans as none of us met a living one. Other than the corrupted ones that are inside the ruins of their old city. Plus our god wants to see these humans himself, we are hoping that could be what awakens him again. As it has been centuries since his prolonged sleep.

Our magic users told us a breach was made near the old ruined city, that a none infected being crossed the magic border. As if the being was infected the barrier would burn them to ash. Knowing that it could possibly be one of the humans on the ship that entered our lands, my King sent me to find them myself. I was the second Dragonborn born to the clan. My King made me his top general, named me his best warrior/hunter, and greatest friend and advisor.

"Lord Crelduud, I believe we are in the correct area. These tracks appear to be somewhat fresh and small, like a human," one of my hunters that I brought with me states as we neared the ruined city. We landed our wyverns outside the city to search for clues of surviving humans.

"Good, then we shall follow them and see if we can find these humans," I said motioning for him to lead us while taking three others with us. The other two will stay with our wyverns until we return.

We followed the tracks for a few hours and came across some carnosaurs hunting in the area. At our appearance, they stood up from their current food and roared at us. Though I cast 'control beast' to make the two carnosaurs leave us alone. They run off in the opposite direction as we continue to follow the track hoping at least one human survived.

"Lord Crelduud, these tracks are very fresh and I smell burnt wood. I believe we are close to where the humans made camp," our tracker says as we all nod and walk towards the place we suspect the human or humans reside.


(Gerion Lannister POV)

As I hid inside my cave with my makeshift spear at the ready, these giant lizard/dragon mix standing on two legs came out from the jungle to my clearing. There were five of them, all very large, the smallest among them being just over 7ft (213cm) and the largest who I assume is their leader is maybe 8ft (244cm). They all looked to be wearing scale mail made from valyrian steel, with weapons made from the same steel also.

The leader was the biggest but also seemed to be a veteran fighter as his face had several scars with his right eye having a large deep scar over it. Making his one eye milky white from the damage he received. He also appeared to be wielding a greatsword with a bone for the handle. The language they spoke I did not understand but knew to be High Valyrian, which surprised me greatly.

Then before I could react the smallest of the group pointed in my direction as the others all looked over. It seems my cover was blown, my fear and nervousness skyrocketed as they all saw me. I slowly back up hitting the back of the cave I was in as I held my makeshift spear in front of me readying myself for a fight I knew I was going to die in.

I calmed my breath as I took a stance readying for the last fight of my life the leader walked over and spoke to me but I did not understand him. After a few moments of awkward silence, he took out his great sword and my heart raced even higher. He then cut away the roots blocking my cave and stepped inside. Without waiting I gave a battle cry and rushed him trying to stab his neck the only unprotected place on his body.

'I'm sorry Joy… I tried to make it back to you,' I think to myself as I charge the giant lizardman.

As I reached him he grabbed my hands and stick with his one hand, lifting me up face to face with him. I closed my eyes with a sad smile on my face as I waited for death to come and thought about how I failed my daughter and family. Though after a few seconds no pain came and I hesitantly opened my eyes to see the lizardman staring at me. His face is almost impossible to read, but in his eyes, I can see the respect he holds for me for some reason.

"Can you understand me now?" the lizardman says to me making me go wide-eyed.

"....Uh…Yeah," I say as the lizardman drops me back down, which I wasn't expecting making me land on my ass which hurt a lot.

"Seems humans forgot how to speak Draconic. He appears to only speak common," the lizardman says to his party as they all nod their heads in understanding.

"From the grey ones I knew humans were small, but I figured they would be… more than this," one of the other lizardmen says while motioning to me with some disappointment in his eyes at seeing me.

"Hey! I'll have you know, I'm a great adventurer and fighter!" I say without thinking since I felt looked down on. They all laugh making me more annoyed, but I don't say anything as I realize that they could easily kill me without any effort on their part.

"Come human, we must bring you to our King. He wants to meet you," the leader says while gesturing for me to follow them as they all start to walk back into the jungle.

I hesitate for a few seconds but follow after them anyway. I probably don't have a choice either way, plus even if they left me or I escaped. I doubt I'd survive much longer in this insane jungle. As I jog to catch up to them, silence takes over as we walk and then I realize we are heading back in the direction of the ruined city where the stone men reside.

'No way we are going back there…right?' I think to myself as I follow behind the leader in the center of the Lizardmen party.

"Are we headed to the ruins?" I ask after a few more minutes and hope to the gods that this is not the case.

"Yes," the leader says with a neutral voice.

"WHAT! We can not! There are stone men there!!" I say frantically as I would rather take my chances in the jungle.

"Relax human, the gray men will leave us alone. They have learned that only death meets them should they come to us. They may be more like beasts now, but even beasts have survival instincts. They want to live to spread the disease, so will avoid us if we are not alone or with wyverns. Which we do not lack currently," the leader says to me making me relax slightly, but my nervousness is still very prevalent.

'What the fuck is a wyvern?' I think to myself though as we continue to walk. With the silence taking back over.

"Can I ask your name?" I say after a few more minutes of silence and I calmed down feeling somewhat safe with these lizardmen.

"I am Crelduud Domash, the second Dragonborn born to the Clan of the Golden Sons," Crelduud says to me without looking back as the other hunters introduce themselves also.

"What is your name human?" Crelduud says to me after the others introduce themselves.

"I am Gerion of House Lannister," I to them as they all nod.

"From what we have learned of the humans, there was never a House called Lannister. Where is it you hail from?" Crelduud says to me after some thought and I nod my head. Why would a race of giant lizardmen know about us, I doubt anyone knows about them. Except for maybe the Targaryens, but they never mention much about Old Valyria.

"I come from the land of Westeros and my House resides in Westerlands. My brother is the current head of the house and warden of the West. While he also has been named the hand of the king for the last several years," I say giving them basic information about my family and they all nod.

"I see, well we have never heard of a place called Westeros. Though I believe that is where one of the Houses we used to know left to," Crelduud says as we start to get nearer to the ruins.

"Would that house be the Targaryens?" I ask them and for the first time since we started walking Crelduud stops and looks back at me with wide eyes.

"Yes it is. They still live?" Crelduud says to me and I nod my head.

"Not only do they live, but their family has been the Kings and Queens of the seven kingdoms for the last several hundred years," I say after nodding my head.

"Hmm… Our King will be very happy to hear this, especially–" Crelduud starts to say as several roars ahead of us interrupt the conversation. The lizardmen all look at one another before Crelduud grabs me like a sack of potatoes and we all rush forward.

"What the hell is happening?!" I say as Crelduud is running with his greatsword in one hand and me on his other shoulder as we run toward to roars for some fucking reason.

Without saying anything tosses me toward a dragon that I now notice is here. My only thought was, 'Holy Shit! Is this how I die?!' as the dragon instead of burning or eating me, grabs me in its claws. Then lifts me and tosses me on its back as I look down to see the lizardmen charging toward a giant monster. Bigger than even those other beasts I saw a week ago and bigger than some of the dragons here.

This creature was more frightening than even the monster I saw in the ocean. As this monster was 50ft (15m) tall and had dozens of dead bodies stuffed inside it. It appeared to be a plant that had hundreds of vines holding the dead bodies in place, some even appeared to be the Stone Men. It also had a dozen flowers at the top of its vines body that appeared to have mouths with hundreds of sharp teeth. A green viscous liquid dropped from its mouth that would sizzle as it hit the ground.

(AN: This is another DND creature, who can guess it first this time?)

The creature lets out a screech that makes me cover my ears as fear grips me hearing the screech. The lizardmen seem to shrug off this screech while charging the beast with no signs of fear. Some of these lizardmen, like Crelduud seem to be using magic casting spells at the creature. As the creature thrashes around with its vines trying to grab the lizardmen who are dodging the vines or cutting them down.

The three dragons including the one I'm on are helping the lizardmen attack this creature as they wait for openings to breathe their fire on the monster. After watching the coordination and skill of the lizardmen, I was in awe at this battle. That someone how dragons still exist and that the Targaryens are not the only ones with them. The battle ended just as fast as it began, with the monster falling to the ground unmoving. The lizardmen seemed indifferent toward the monster and none were injured heavily.

The few injuries they did have they used magic to heal making me stare at them in awe even more. Then a realization hit me, that if these lizardmen leave this island they could easily take over the world. Though at the same time, they seem to know about us humans and the Targaryens.

'Why the hell haven't they taken over the world then yet?' I ask myself as Crelduud walks over to me and the dragon jumps on its back. He appears to be the rider of this dragon.

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