A True Dragon in GOT


(Gerion Lannister POV)

As thousands of thoughts and questions filled my head, Crelduud and the other lizardmen took flight with their dragons. Once we breached the treetops, I could see the vast jungle below and the ruined city behind us. From this height the scenery below, it was one of the most beautiful sights I've ever seen. I felt at peace for once, after all I've been through, feeling the wind hit me from this height and the fact that I'm riding a dragon.

The next few days we fly across the jungle stopping at these designated camp sights, which I saw other lizardmen use. Though it appears not all have dragons, which I would guess only their higher or Nobles have. Though the ones who don't have dragons ride these very large, almost twice the size of a horse… creatures. I learned they call these beasts 'Cold Ones' as they are large beasts that the lizardmen have bred to ride. They look a lot like those large horned beasts that I saw hunting the deer a while ago, but much smaller.

We eventually arrived at the capital Crelduud has been telling me about. The place was nothing like I'd ever seen before, if it wasn't for everything I have experienced the past several weeks I wouldn't believe it was real. There were these huge pyramids made from beautiful white stone. Beasts roam the city alongside millions of lizardmen of all sizes. The city was covered in more gold than I believe the iron bank even has, on top of the largest pyramid in the center of the city was a huge statue of a Golden Dragon.

Flying in the sky were these beasts much smaller than dragons, but still just as frightening, with smaller lizardmen riding them. There were even more dragons and riders flying in the sky. I could see that Valyrian steel to them was not a rare metal as they even used it for basic items to decorate. Though the biggest surprise was the floating building placed throughout the city. Apparently, that is where the mages of the clan reside to do magical research.

Overall everything I saw showed me how much more advanced these lizardmen are than us. That if they really wanted to they could invade the world of man and easily subjugate us. The confusion on why they haven't already confused me, but at the same time I'm happy they do not invade. We then landed outside the main pyramid which up close was much larger than I originally thought. It appeared to be over 2000ft (610m) tall and the base seemed to be 5000ft (1500m) square.

Dismounting the dragons, I followed Crelduud inside the entrance of the pyramid. Inside the place was even more beautiful as it was mostly made from white stone with gold and Valyrian steel accents. They even used these glowing crystals and gems to light the place up. There were these heavily armored and armed lizardmen walking around with full suits of Valyrian steel armor and halberds. Walking through the halls we reached what I believe was the throne room. Inside I can see two even larger than Crelduud silver lizardmen. The King and Queen of these people if I had to guess, plus two other silver lizardmen standing to the side of the thrones.

I kneeled before the King and Queen as did the lizardmen I accompanied to this place. I felt very nervous as the silence took over the room. Then I heard them speak to the Crelduud in High Valyrian, or Draconic as Crelduud said it was. After that, the King spoke to me in my language which they call common.

"Human, you are the first one to survive the journey to reach our shores and land. Most die before reaching it or dump the grey ones nearby which somehow reach our lands. As the King of my people, I welcome you! We have much to discuss," the King says with a laugh at the end while walking down toward me.

"First I believe you will want to bathe, eat and rest. Then tomorrow we will discuss things more. Crelduud, show our guest to his quarters, then show him to the baths and have food brought to him," the King says and Crelduud nods his head gesturing for me to follow him.

I followed Crelduud to a room that was much larger than the one I had at Casterly Rock. Then he brought me to a chamber where other lizardmen bathed, I awkwardly undressed and bathed with Crelduud. We then had some small talk about the anatomy of his people and his questions on human anatomy. Afterward, he brought me back to my room where I saw a small full-course meal waiting for me. I ate and drank my fill before passing out on the very comfortable bed that was in my room.


(Rokgar Belgrax POV)

After I sent Crelduud and his chosen band of hunters to retrieve the survivors of the humans. I learned from them that he was the only one to survive and appears to be from the place where Targaryens left too. I was excited, very excited, as not only did a human finally make it to our lands but he comes from where the Targaryens live. Tomorrow I will take him to our god and awaken him, then we can finally follow his next command.

'Hopefully he is happy with how I lead the clan in his extended sleep,' I think to myself as I excitedly wait to go visit our god.

With the next day's arrival, the human was brought to the throne room. He looked to be in much better shape than the day before. Bathed, well dressed, and fed, I then took him to the chamber where my family keeps our wyverns. Calling Vaak, he wakes up and walks over to me happy to receive my pats and attention. The human who I learned is called Gerion Lannister is staring in awe at Vaak.

"This dragon has to be bigger than even Balerion the Black Dread!" Gerion says in awe at seeing Vaak who has reached his final size of 250ft (76m) long with a 750ft (229m) wingspan. Though annoyance does rise inside me at his mistake of calling wyverns Dragons.

"This is no dragon, Gerion. My people are called Dragonborn because we were reborn from our god's magic. This is not our god, this is a wyvern," I say while giving Gerion a annoyed look as he stares at me nervously nodding his head.

"Come we are going to meet His Highest Magisty the Golden God," I say jumping on the back of Vaak and grabbing Gerion to bring him with me.

"Wait…What?!" Gerion says as Vaak jumps from the chamber's edge leading outside and takes flight toward the volcano where our god resides.


(Gerion Lannister POV)

Last night was the best sleep I've gotten since I first started this journey to Old Valyria. Plus I felt like new with the very nice silk robes they gave me, the bath, and the very well-cooked food. Some of the food was weird looking as I had never seen some of the fruits or vegetables they gave me, but I did not care as I was hungry. Then I left with their King who brought me to a chamber where four dragons resided. The largest one was white as snow with deep red eyes, the others were much smaller.

From the looks of it, the one female was the mate of this large dragon with the other two being the offspring of these two giant dragons. King Rokgar called his dragon Vaak, seeing these dragons and his one which had to be even larger than the biggest one the Targaryen's bred. I exclaimed that out loud, though that seemed to upset King Rokgar and he corrected me telling me these are not dragons but wyverns.

I did not want to argue with him, nor do I believe I was right. As who else would know better other than an extremely advanced civilization that survived the doom, unlike the others who lived here with them. Though what surprised me most was when he said we are going to meet his god, which seemed crazy but hey maybe gods are real. At this point, I'd believe anything they say.

As the dra– wyvern jumped from the pyramid, it flew us in the direction of the giant volcano on the island. As we approached the volcano, Vaak dived down inside the volcano making me let out an involuntary scream. While King Rokgar laughed at me and cast a spell on me making the heat of the volcano disappear as quickly as it came. As we landed inside the volcano near a large platform that was made from Dragonglass, King Rokgar jumped down onto the platform. Following his direction, I hesitantly jumped down on the platform behind him.

King Rokgar then walked over to the lava placing his hand just above it before muttering something under his breath. Before I could ask what he is doing the entire volcano shook making me yelp in fear thinking we are going to die in this explosion. Though King Rokgar kneeled and bowed his head toward the lava confusing me further.

At the same time, something broke the surface of the lava, something that will forever stay in a memory of mine until the day I die. A Dragon that was bigger than anything I thought possible, a beast that looked like it could step on my family's home and crush it under its one clawed palm. A single scale of this beast looked to be the size of the boat I came across on. The color was extremely beautiful as well like pure gold that glistened from the light of the lava, with hints of silver mixed in. Then I almost passed from the surprise out as I heard the Dragon speak in High Valyrian to King Rokgar.

'Fuck… Maybe gods are real!' I think while I stare at this dragon in awe.


(Talrit POV)

I woke up to a magic caster calling me from my sleep. This sleep has almost come to an end on its own either way, as my magic has almost fully returned from my rest. As I broke out of the lava I was sleeping in I noticed a silver kobold or dragonborn from the looks of it. Though I can tell it is a clan member due to the magic signature in its body.

"...Are you the new head of the clan?... Oh! A human as well! Some survived!" I say to the silver dragonborn and then notice the human staring at me in awe next to the white wyvern which is bowing down to me as well. The wyverns know me to be a true dragon and like any sub-dragon species will bow down to a true dragon.

"Yes, my god. I'm the King of the Clan now. As for the human, none have survived the great calamity. Though the Targaryens are known to have survived after they left according to this human, he lives where they currently rule. This human is the first to have survived the journey to our lands since the great calamity," the silver dragon born says to me. Though I guess I became the god of the clan.

"I see…" I say while thinking about what to do.

"First, what is your name? Then we will let us leave this place, as I want to see how the clan is doing. Then I will speak with this human, as I have many questions for him…  Though why does he not speak? Is he… dull?" I say to the silver dragonborn who chuckles while looking at the human who is staring at us with a confused face.

"My name is Rokgar Belgrax, named after the greatest leader of our clan. As for the human, he is Gerion Lannister and only speaks common it appears," Rokgar says to me and I nod my head in understanding now.

"Oh! Much has changed then since I was last awake. How long has it been?" I ask Rokgar while standing at my full height preparing to leave my lair.

"Much has changed my god, it has been almost 400 years since you took your rest," Rokgar says to me.

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