A True Dragon in GOT


(Talrit POV)

Once I was fully awake and excited to see what changed since I was asleep, I flew out of the volcano. As soon as I broke through the top of the volcano, I let out a roar that shook the entire land below me. Letting every creature in my territory that the King has awoken and is here to stay for a while. I heard the creatures answer my call back with the wyverns roaring back to me in excitement at my return.

Looking below I can the city that the Clan has built below the volcano, it was extremely well made. Even better than the human city that is in ruins now, the clan even is utilizing magic to better make the city. As I land near the city I dwarf it standing over it, even the tallest pyramid is not much larger than me. Though I can see the creatures from my old world are now in this one roaming the city alongside the clan members.

All the clan members came out to see me as they all kneeled before me while praying collectively to me. I smile down seeing how well my clan is doing and how well of a leader Rokgar is. I turn into my human form and teleport inside the pyramid waiting for Rokgar and the human to return. In the meantime, I talked with Rokgar's mate and his offspring. They told me most of what changed while I was asleep, then Rokgar came in while we were talking, with the human behind him.

"Rokgar, I was just talking with your mate and offspring. They told me all the things you did for the clan to help it prosper as much it has," I say to him while drinking the wine the clan makes using all sorts of different fruits that now grow on the island.

Apparently, my magic has changed the way the islands work and even allowed other species from our old world to be introduced to this one. I was excited to explore the lands that are under my clan's control and see what has changed. Plus I wanted to see how this city was run, though at the same time, I really wanted to learn what this human has to tell me.

"You honor me, my god. I only did what I thought you would approve of," Rokgar says to me bowing to me respectfully. I can see the absolute adoration and loyalty from him in his eyes, just as all the clan members I saw so far.

"Gerion, I want to explore this city. Come with me and tell me about where you come from. Anyone else want to join us as we explore the city?" I say to the human who is staring at me confused, but in awe seeing that apparently I'm the dragon he talked with earlier but now looking like a human.

"I can walk you around my god and my family can join us if that is alright," Rokgar says to me with a bowed head still.

"Sure, would be good having someone who can give us the tour. Gerion, so tell me about this place you come from," I say standing up as we all start to walk outside to the city below, with the human stuttering in the beginning as he is still processing everything.

For the next several hours I walk with Rokgar, his family, and Gerion around the city. Rokgar tells me about the city as we walk, with Gerion telling me about the place the humans are currently residing in between Rokgar's explanations. The next few days I spend learning about the city and everything that has changed since I was asleep. Each time Rokgar and his family would show me around the city as it was too large to explore in one day. Gerion came with us to see it too while he finished telling me everything he could about the humans.

Once I was done exploring the city, I could tell Gerion wanted to return to his family but too afraid to voice that. I will help him return, once I finish exploring my clan's lands. As I will want to come with him to see the human lands and the Targaryens. In the morning I told Rokgar, his family, and Gerion that I will be back after I fly around our lands to see them.

"Gerion, before you become completely saddened. I will help you reach your home once I return after exploring my lands," I say to him and he perks up smiling at me.

"Thank you! I am forever in your debt and your people's debts. As my family says the Lannisters always pay their debts and I owe you all my life and more," Gerion says to me and genuinely means what he says as I nod my head to him.

"My god, before you leave. The mages have finished making you your ring," Rokgar says to me handing me a ring that most if not all clan members have.

The ring is a ring of storage much like the bags of holding the adventures used from my old world. This ring is the best one the clan has ever made so far as it has a space of 150ft (46m) square room. Though like any bag holding nothing living can be placed inside, once placed inside anything will be kept exactly as it was placed inside. So a hot meal will remain hot and fresh as long as it remains in the ring.

"As you requested my god your sword and armor were placed inside that the mages made. Plus the ring will adjust to your true form when you change forms," Rokgar says to me. While I nod my head to him.

With a simple thought, my armor appears on my body, and with the sword at my waist. The sword and armor were both made from the magical steel, that the humans have begun calling 'valyrian steel'. Though the sword had a golden hilt with a very detailed design of a golden dragon swirling around the hilt leading to the sword. While the armor was even more amazing as the design was very detailed. Made from the same metal it was silver, but looked mostly gold as it was covered in golden accents. The design was very draconic in a sense with golden dragons across the armor and the helmet having horns that match mine in my true form.

"Rokgar… this armor and sword exceeds my expectations and is very beautiful. Plus the enchantments on it are a great touch. I assume you all have been working on this since I was asleep. Either way, you all did an amazing job," I say to him and he smiles extremely happy at my praise.

"We knew one day you would awaken. We wanted to ensure you had armor and a sword to be proud of since you like to fight like a human at times," Rokgar says to me with a happy smile and a bow.

"I'm very proud of this clan and all you have accomplished in my absence. Though now it is time for me to explore my lands," I say to him giving him one last praise before I walk to the outdoors. Then teleporting into the air far above the city before changing to my true form and flying across the island where the Golden City resides.

As I fly low across the land I can see all sorts of creatures that have grown to giant sizes as my clan has said. Even creatures from my old world roam the lands below me. I then landed outside the old human capital city where they say crazed and infected humans reside. After I land I can the hundreds of humans that are covered in grey skin walking aimlessly inside the city. At my sight, they all run off to avoid me, though before they can escape I cast 'mass hold person' on all of them freezing them in place.

Then I cast 'mass Greater Restoration' on them all to see if that will heal them. Which it does as the grey scaly skin disappears on them all. Once it disappears, they all pass out from the healing process and are physically exhausted from being here until they die. I then scoop them all up in my one hand before flying back to my clan's capital city. Once there I tell my clan to ensure they are integrated into the city as they are now fellow clan members. My clan will ensure they find work and learn what it means to join our people.

After that, I fly back over my lands and head to the foggy sea in the direction of the nearest island where my clan has started to expand their people. Outside the Golden City, the clan has started to reside on other two islands with other cities on them. As I fly over the ocean, I decide to dive inside it since it has been far too long since I swam in the water.

Inside it, I can see sea creatures that once resided in my old world which all scurry away from me in fear. Though the ocean was not that deep in this area as my head breached the surface and I could walk through the water. I decided to float lazily to the next island, after a couple of hours floating in the water. I saw a few stone ships that my clan uses to cross the foggy sea, even in the fog I can see through it like it was not there.

I greet the ships that all stop and greet me respectfully. While they bow their heads as I float by, after floating for another hour I decided to fly to this next island. Jumping out of the ocean with huge waves forming from my movement, I fly to the next city. There I land outside it and greet the leader of this city and notice it looks much like the Golden City just nowhere near as large. Though I can tell it is expanding slowly as the population grows.

Over the next few months, I got to learn everything that my clan did in my absence and how they are slowly expanding into the islands near the capital. After learning everything I could about my clan, I told Rokgar to keep up his good work. While I told Gerion to prepare to leave for his homeland. The next morning after I broke my fast with Rokgar, his family, and Gerion we walked outside to where I would shift to my true form and fly us back to the human lands.

"My god I will ensure we continue to prosper while you are gone. If you need us for anything just call us and we will come to your aid immediately," Rokgar says to me bowing his head with his family doing the same.

"Of course, though the same can be said for you all. Should anything issues that you all cannot handle call me immediately and I will come," I say to him and he nods his head.

"Before you leave my god, I have a gift for Gerion Lannister. As he came here to find some of the metal we use for his family. This should be enough for a sword," Rokgar says handing some of the rare metal ore to Gerion who stares at him in surprise.

"Thank you King Rokgar! You did not have to do this, I already owe you all so much!" Gerion says in thanks while smiling at Rokgar who just shakes his head.

"Think nothing of it, you are a good person and came here for a simple mission. Plus our god is going with you, all I ask is you ensure he is well taken care of," Rokgar says to him and Gerion nods his head.

"Of course, it is the least I can do for everything you all did for me!" Gerion says.

"Well then let us be on our way, which direction again?" I say to everyone and turn to Gerion.

"Northwest–" Gerion says and wants to say something else, but I teleport us into the air as he screams in the sudden shift. I then turn to my true form and let him land on my back as I laugh at his high-pitched scream.

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