A True Dragon in GOT


(Talrit POV)

We flew across the ocean and it took us several weeks to reach the mainland that Gerion spoke of. I flew high enough in the air that anything seeing me would mistake me for a bird. Gerion then pointed out the capital of the human lands, 'King's Landing' where the 'Red Keep' was, where the Targaryens resided currently. I was tempted to land and greet my once old friends, to also see if they would remember me as was told to me. Instead, I kept my promise to Gerion as he wanted to return home.

Then once I help him return home I will learn what I can from his family about the human lands and history of their people. Then once I felt I learned enough I will leave and explore the lands myself, but first stop at the Red Keep to speak with the Targaryens. Another day of flying, as I did not need to rest since I just took a very long nap, and as a Great Wyrm I have much more stamina. As the day broke and Gerion looked out from my back he exclaimed in excitement and joy at the sight of his family's home.

"I never thought I'd see my home again. Not after everything that happened," Gerion says with some tears escaping his eyes.

I then cast invisibility on myself and Gerion landing a few miles from the keep. Once I landed, I took Gerion off my back and shifted to my human form. I knew that humans would not take kindly to my real form. Plus being in my human form for now will allow me to see things from their perspective. After I shifted to my human form and saw no one nearby, I dropped our invisibility spell so it looked like we traveled by foot.

"When we get there let me do the talking, please," Gerion says to me and I just chuckle nodding my head.

"I've lived among humans before, I understand how you all work for the most part. Plus I doubt your prides have changed since I last spent time with you all. Though I will let you do the talking," I say to him and he just nods his head to me.

"You are not wrong. We, humans, are very prideful, especially us nobles. Hell, my family might be the most prideful of them all… well next to the Targaryens," Gerion says with a laugh while we begin walking toward 'Casterly Rock', his family's ancestral home.

The next few hours we walked to Casterly Rock as Gerion just talked about his family and everything he couldn't wait to do once we arrived. I just listened to him talk happily as he was beyond excited to have returned home.

"You know I once thought myself a great adventurer, but after everything… I think I'm fine with settling down and just raising my daughter," Gerion says to me with a happy look on his face at the thought.

"I hope that dream of yours comes true. Just remember to keep my clan a secret for now," I say as we approach the outskirts of the keep that overlooks the harbor city below called 'Lannisport' and he nods his head seriously.

"Halt! Who approaches the Keep?" A guard says to us as we walk toward the entrance. I can see many guards that are all wearing uniformed armor of red and black plate, with some gold trimmings.

"Gerion of House Lannister and his friend, Lord Talrit of House Valtaris! Tell my family I have returned!" Gerion says to the guards announcing his return with a prideful face, but happiness and excitement are very present in his eyes.

"Lord Gerion?!... Open the gates!" the guard says very surprised at his statement of who he is and then immediately tells the others to open the gates.

After the gates open we walk inside with the leader of the guards asking forgiveness to Gerion. Who just tells him it's not a problem, that after his disappearance it would be suspected he was thought missing or dead. It has been over a year since he left. The guards then escort us to the main part of the keep, where one ran off to inform the rest of Gerion's family.

(AN: Current date is 274AC, with Robert's rebellion happening in 281AC)

We then approached the main part of the keep where a large courtyard was with a fountain and garden inside it. Arriving inside I see, several humans and what appears to be a dwarf or halfling, quickly coming outside. One of the female humans breaks into a run seeing Gerion and practically tackles him to the ground in a hug. With tears streaming from her eyes, Gerion is now crying slightly too in the hug from happiness.

'Dwarves reside here?! Maybe a halfling?' I think to myself as I'm curious about the small person in the group as Gerion is hugging his family.

"Joy! I'm back!" Gerion says in the hug with a heavy emotional voice as his daughter that he told me about, the young woman hugging him is crying in the hug in happiness too.

"We thought you dead!... I am just glad that it is not true!" Joy his daughter says while hugging Gerion refusing to let go of him. As he hugs her back rubbing her back lovingly.

"Uncle Gery!" the dwarf or halfling says running over and joining the hug between father and daughter.

'Guess it is neither… unless they adopted him…,' I think seeing this as the other humans now walk over, but much more reserved and greet Gerion at his return.

From the introductions of the other humans, it appears two are Gerion's brother and sister. While the others are his niece and nephews. After the very heartwarming reunion of the family, they all turned to me with a curious looks in their eyes.

"Gerion, who is your… friend?" the man who is Gerion's brother, but not the one in charge of the family, I believe Gerion called him Kevan.

"Oh, this is Lord Talrit of House Valtaris, from Essos. He found me stranded at sea after I somehow escaped Old Valyria. I owe him my life and he wanted to see Westeros, so I brought him with me since I owe him more than I can repay," Gerion says introducing me and I nod my head to them in greeting.

"Nice to meet you all. Gerion spoke highly of each of you and how much he missed you on our journey here," I say to them and they all nod their heads greeting me in return.

"Well as acting Lord of Casterly Rock, I welcome you as our guest and offer you a place here as long as you want. As my brother said he owes you his life and since you helped return him, we will make sure you are taken care of as long as you remain in our lands," Gerion's brother, Kevan, says to me with a happy smile at his brother's return.

"I appreciate the hospitality. Though I do not plan on staying long. I just want to learn more about the lands and its people, before I head out and see it all for myself. Though I'm very interested in seeing King's Landing as I hear that is a sight to see," I say to Kevan and he nods his head in understanding.

"Well take as much time as you need here and when you want to go to King's Landing I will have some of my house guards escort you there," Kevan says to me.

"Come you both must be hungry and we should celebrate my brother's safe return!" Kevan says ushering us inside the keep and telling the servants to prepare a feast.

We all walked into the dining hall where servants brought out wine and finger food as the humans call it, while they prepare a feast. There his family bombards Gerion with questions about his journey and what happened. I just listen to Gerion telling his tale of his journey and how he survived the island. Though he left out meeting my clan and seeing the things my clan showed him. He just said he was able to make a raft and paddle from the island, where I found him at sea and brought him to my home. There we journey across the sea back here.

"Oh before I forget! I found these metal ores in the ruined city of Old Valyria! I believe this is the metal used to make Valyrian Steel!" Gerion says showing the special metal and placing it on the table. As the whole family rushes over to look at this very rare metal that the humans apparently lack.

"Amazing! You actually found some of this metal!... Though I'm not sure there are any smiths capable of making the metal from its raw form anymore. They only know how to reforge old swords," Kevan says while inspecting the ores.

"I can forge the metal. It's something my family has passed down," I say as I shrug my shoulders, more favor with the family is never a bad thing.

"What?! Are you serious?!" Kevan says to me and I nod my head.

"Then we'd be in even more debt to you than ever!" Kevan says to me.

"All I ask is you keep the fact I know this to yourselves," I say to him and he nods agree immediately. As this knowledge to them is priceless, plus they would seek me out for any future needs, while heavily guarding this fact from others.

"Just give me the design you are looking for and I can make it. Though from the amount here I can only make one longsword or two short swords. Nothing else more than those," I say to Kevan and he nods his head happy at the idea.

"I will send word to my brother in King's Landing immediately. He can decide what to do from there," Kevan says referring to the head of the family who is also the advisor to the King, known as the 'Hand of the King'.

Once the conversation ends the servants bring out all assortments of food. I have a taste of it all since even some of the food here is not something I've had the pleasure of eating yet. The whole meal Gerion spoke of his adventures in my lands leaving out the clan, but giving details of his moments alone. While his daughter, nephews, and siblings listened closely to the tails. Especially the halfling-looking one, he was very intrigued by the stories, while also looking at me from time to time.

Seems my appearance is still very attractive to the females as Gerion's sister and niece kept looking at me with lust. Stealing glances thinking I did not notice them, though I just ignored the looks from everyone focusing on the fantastic food in front of me. Then breaking me from my food-focused atmosphere, I hear the halfling as me a question.

"You look like the mage in the book I've read a lot about Old Valyria. Can you do magic?" the halfling says to me while looking at me with curious eyes.

"Don't be ridiculous! Magic is not real! Do not ask such stupid questions!" the niece of Gerion says to the halfling with hatred in her voice. The halfling looks down in embarrassment and sadness from the berating of the young woman.

"Cersei! Calm down and do not make a scene in front of our guest!" Kevan says to the young woman upon hearing her outburst. Cersei just scoffs and turns away from her Uncle's correction of her.

"I apologize Lord Talrit, they kids do not get along as well as I wish they would," Kevan says to me and I just shake my head.

"No need to apologize and no offense taken, kids will be kids. Though to answer your question young one. Some say I'm a magician, but I like to think I'm much more than that," I say to him with a teasing smile on my face and the hidden meaning behind my words. Though hearing me Gerion chokes on his drink understanding my meaning.

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