A True Dragon in GOT


(Talrit POV)

The first few weeks I spent with the Lannisters, were mostly spent in the Library reading about the history of this land. While Gerion told me about the customs of this place, from everything I learned not much is different from the customs of the old humans I knew. Though thankfully they do not have slavery here, though sometimes it feels as if the servants are not treated better than slaves.

With Gerion following me around and helping me learn more, I came to enjoy his company and even without realizing it I became good friends with him. I know I told myself to never become friends with lesser beings, but Gerion grew onto me. His personality and the way he lives his life are something I came to respect. That may be the reason I let him ride my back, as he is one of the few humans I met that I view as almost an equal.

Other than Gerion who I now consider a good friend, his nephew the 'imp' as some call him, has been following me around too. Like me, he spends most of his free time in the family library and enjoys reading. The few weeks he just watched me from afar, but then grew the courage to approach me today it seems.

"Lord Valtaris… uhm… do you like reading?" Tyrion asks me as I'm in the library reading the book they have about the north of this country and how vastly different it is from here.

"I do. As knowledge is power, as with knowledge one can become wiser in the decisions one makes," I say to Tyrion with a smile, who is a small human, which I learned from Gerion is the case here as he is affected by a disease or curse. Though I ruled out both as I inspected his body subtly with magic, seems this might be just something he was born with.

"I like reading too! My father always said the same thing, that the more someone knows the better they can make decisions. At least that is what he told my brother since he is the heir. I just like reading since it's the only thing that I can really do," Tyrion says to me climbing into the seat next to me at the small table I was sitting at in the library.

"Well, I agree with your father. I enjoy learning new things as it increases my stores of knowledge about how this world works. Then I can pass down this knowledge to those I deem worthy of it, plus enjoy advising others if I feel they need the help or deserve it," I say to Tyrion who nods his head smiling at me.

"So can you do magic?" Tyrion whispers to me while looking around to see if anyone was listening to us.

"Hm… Can you keep a secret?" I ask Tyrion as Gerion told me how little magic is used by humans now. It is a rare secret and very feared by the more religious types along with the Order of Maesters who claimed it was lost knowledge.

"Of course!" Tyrion says to me excitedly and I chuckle at his inquisitive nature. I can see why Gerion like this boy and I understand the pity he feels as most of his family looks at him like a blight on the family.

"Good," I say while casting Prestidigitation making a shower of small sparks appear around us. He laughs in excitement seeing the small magic show, as I smile at his innocence.

"That was amazing!! Can I learn to do that?" Tyrion says to me after seeing the magic.

"I would teach you as I taught others in the past. But it appears you are not that capable of using magic, I apologize but you would be unable to learn even the spell I just used," I say to Tyrion who looks dejected, but then turns his sadness around quickly smiling at me.

"That's fine! I'm just glad you showed me! I promise I won't tell anyone!" Tyrion says to me though I can still see the sadness in his eyes.

As another week passes, I read many of the books in the family library. Gerion told me their brother's response arrived about what they told him. That Gerion returned alive and brought back some of the Valyrian Steel ore, not only that but the person who saved him is capable of smithing something with it. Seems the brother wants a longsword made from the metal and if I can also make a very fancy golden lion hilt for it. I agreed to the design and began working on the sword, as long as no one disturbed me and I would work on it alone, which they quickly agreed to.

For the next few days, I forged the sword from the ore my clan gifted Gerion. The sword I made was a design the oldest brother wanted that looked like the old family heirloom sword. A longsword blade with a blood grove down the middle. Leading to a hilt made of steel and fine gold weaving through it. With fine-tanned leather strips for the handle, leading to the golden lion head as the pommel. Once I was finished with the sword I brought it to Kevan the current leader of the house in his brother's absence.

"This… this is beautiful! You did amazing work! This looks just like the family sword that was lost several generations ago," Kevan says while he looks at the sword I made and Gerion is impressed by it too, even though he has seen all the work my clan has made.

"Our family owes you more than ever for this now too. You and your decedents will always have a place to stay at our home for as long as both our families exist. Should you ever need our help for anything we will answer your call. That I sware as the current acting head of House Lannister," Kevan says to me offering me a handshake that I accept, even though I doubt I will need them. Though I expect it either way.

"I appreciate that. Though I feel my time here is reaching an end. I've read almost everything in your library and from what I see what else is in there are things I already know. I will be heading out in the morning, I would like to first see the capital before deciding to head somewhere else," I say to him and they both nod their heads.

"Then we will throw a farewell feast tonight and tomorrow I have some of our house guards escort you to King's Landing. I will send a message to my brother you are heading there, so he can receive you and offer you a place to stay for as long as you remain in the capital," Kevan says to me as I nod my head and leave the room to go finish the last few books I want to read.

That night the Lannisters threw me a feast that was just like the one when Gerion and I first arrived. Though this time the family was not weary of me, but much more friendly with me. Plus Tyrion was saddened to see me leave as he grew close to me since I was one of the few that was genuinely kind to him. While his siblings tried to look indifferent to me leaving, his sister I could see was attracted to me and slightly upset at my departure. While his brother seemed conflicted at my departure for some reason, as he appeared both happy and sad at it.

That morning after breaking my fast with the family one last time. I left with a small group of around twenty men that would escort me to King's Landing. The trip took almost two months since the distance was long. Even on horseback, the trip took some time. We came across several commoners and other people making a journey to the capital. Though nothing interesting or fun happened during the journey, I did enjoy the nature while we made the trip.

We then eventually arrived at the capital which was not what I was expecting it to be. The place was very large almost as large as the capital city of the Valyrian Empire. Though it was nowhere near as nice, as the place smelled of human excrement even from a few hour's ride away I could smell it. Inside the city, the number of people was more than I excepted, though I guess many lived on the streets. Poverty was a huge issue here it seemed, plus the amount of sick and dying was extremely large.

Overall I was very disappointed in this place, as I was expecting something similar to Valyria or even Casterly Rock. The men I came with seemed to be not as affected by the sight since they most likely have been here before. We traveled through the city to the Red Keep where the Targaryens resided and Tywin Lannister is working as the Hand of the King. Even in the 'nicer' part of the city, it was not much better than the 'lower' section.

A guard stopped us as we reached the gates to the Red Keep, but the captain of the men I was with announced our arrival. Shortly after they allowed us inside where we walked to where Tywin was located. As normally we'd go see the King first but he was busy, with whatever as the guards of the keep did not give more information.

I walked through the Red Keep with a few of the castle guards escorting me this time as the Lannister men, went to where the other Lannister men stayed in the Keep. The guards lead me to the tower of the Hand. The place where every Hand of the King lives during his stay as the King's advisor. We then reached the office where I saw the man I assumed was Tywin Lannister due to his blonde, but graying hair and the lion insignia on his clothes.

"Nice to finally meet you Lord Valtaris. My family has told me all the things you have done for us. I'm sure you heard the saying 'A Lannister always pays his debts', which is very true. While you remain in the Red Keep you will be under my protection and should you need anything just ask me," Tywin says to me standing up to greet me as I enter the room and offers me a seat across from him at his desk. The servant in the room pours me a glass of wine which I take while nodding my head to the servant in thanks.

"I appreciate the courtesy Lord Tywin and I do not believe I will remain long in the capital… it was not what I was expecting," I say to him and I no longer want to be here more than necessary as this place's filth fills my nose making me nauseous. Almost to the point, I was tempted to burn it down in a fire to clean it.

"I understand. Many speak of the capital in high regard, then make the journey here to become disappointed at its real appearance," Tywin says to me with a smirk having heard my statement.

"That's an understatement," I say while drinking the wine to rid my nose of the horrid smell of the city.

"I heard the King was busy with… something. Though I'm sure he will want to meet the man my family sent here soon, as he is very… interested in all comings and goings of the people in the keep. The journey here was long I'm sure, I will have someone show you to your courters while you stay here. I will also assign two of my house guards to remain with you and go with you to where ever it is you wish to visit. Though I do recommend you avoid 'Flea Bottom' as that place is the most unsavory," Tywin says to me and I nod my head.

As I'm shown my room that I will be staying in while I remain here, I think about what I wish to do in this capital. So far I've seen nothing that catches my interest. I guess I will meet the Targaryens and see if they remember me. Then from there maybe stay to catch up with them or leave and see the rest of this country.

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