A True Dragon in GOT


(Talrit POV)

As I was flying over the 'Jade Sea' toward Sothoryos the only other separate continent in the known world. I received a message from Oberyn after all these years, he asked me to come back to his homeland to save his sister in King's Landing. From his speech, he seemed panicked and worried. As one of my closest friends and since I will do everything I can to protect those I consider friends, I immediately begin to teleport my way there.

In my true form, I can teleport several miles at once and use the spell almost indefinitely. Since I was several hundred thousand miles away from King's Landing, I began teleporting almost nonstop. Even with magic, it took me almost a month to reach King's Landing. As I arrived above the city I cast invisibility on myself as I saw the city in the midst of war.

Turning to my human form I dropped down to the Red Keep. Once outside the keep, I followed the magical signature from the ring I gave Oberyn. As I teleported to the signature I appeared in front of Oberyn as a very large human almost killed him. I was able to stop the human and kill him as his body slammed into the wall from my strike.

Once I got everyone out of the Red Keep, I teleported us near the closest horse farm I saw near the city. As I said I showed them the way to the horse farm and after a few hours of walking, we arrived at the farm. I was able to buy the horses from the farmer for a few 'gold dragons' the currency that the Targaryens made. Ironic to me, but either way we now had horses and some supplies to last us for a few days.

"I will help escort you back home," I say to Oberyn and his sister who give me thankful nods.

Then the ride to Dorne and Sunspear was very quiet as Elia was trying to overcome her experience and comfort her children. Oberyn held his niece in front of him, as Elia held her son in front of her. After a few hours, the children fell asleep from the physical and mental exhaustion they have recently experienced.

"Can I ask what exactly happened while I was gone?" I ask after the children fell asleep.

"The kingdom just went through a civil war. Which with what happened today, means the Targaryens lost. Though the last of them are on Dragonstone, so who knows maybe they will escape to fight another day," Oberyn says to me and I nod my head thinking.

'Why did Rhaegar not call for me? Unless he gave my trinket to someone else…' I think to myself.

"Did Rhaegar survive?" I ask and Elia winces at the question while Oberyn makes an angered face.

"No, luckily the foolish fucker died in the battle of the Trident," Oberyn says with heavy anger in his voice, while Elia has a complex look on her face.

"Care to explain why you are angry with him?" I say to them.

"He kidnapped another woman and raped her. That made her family come down to demand her back and for Rhaegar to be punished, only for the mad king to burn them alive," Oberyn says with hate. Elia looks saddened by the reminder of what happened.

"I see…" I say while thinking about how far the Targaryen family has fallen.

"According to what I know about the customs of your people, wouldn't that make Elia's son the rightful heir to the Throne?" I ask them.

"Yes, even though Aerys's other son lives as far as the world knows. So technically Aegon is the 'rightful' King of the seven Kingdoms. Though if he dies, then Viserys would be the heir to the throne," Oberyn says to me explaining the complex line of succession that humans have for some reason.

"Which means we can not stay in the seven Kingdoms. As me and my children will never be safe here. Plus it would make Dorne have to go to war with the rest of the Westeros," Elia says to us and Oberyn gives her a look of annoyance and worry.

"Doesn't matter! You are our sister! We will ensure you and your kids are safe! Dorne will not let anything happen to you all!" Oberyn says practically screaming in annoyance and almost waking the kids up from his sister's truthful statement.

"Relax the two of you. You will wake the kids and for now, we must get back to Dorne. Then once there you all can discuss what to do next," I say and they both nod, but I can see the argument on this subject has just begun.

For the next two months, we slowly make our way to Dorne, as we avoid the common path and use the wilderness. That is the reason it took so long but would have been longer if not for me and the magic that I used to make food and drink for us. At first Elia and her kids were just as fascinated by the magic I showed, but did not ask me to many questions out of respect for me.

However, Oberyn knowing the few spells I taught him showed off to his niece and nephew making them ask him even more questions. Though his 'magic show' as the kids call it took their minds off their current dilemma. As the end of the second month arrived, we finally made it to Dorne.

As we arrived at the fort created at the front of 'The Prince's Pass' the only real way into Dorne from land Oberyn and Elia exposed who they were. The men stationed at the fort brought us in and gave the Prince, Princess, and myself the best rooms, food, and baths. The two kids would be staying with their mother as she did not want to be separated from them right now, and neither did her kids want to be separated from her.

Once we arrived in Dorne, our journey to Sunspear was much faster as we were all escorted back to their home. After another month on the road, we arrived at Sunspear where Oberyn and Elia's eldest brother awaited for them at the entrance with worry and excitement on his face. After a very harm warming reunion with Doran who was in a special chair as he seemed to be injured turned to me with a face showing how much he appreciated what I did for his family.

"Lord Valtaris, I can not express or thank you enough for what you did for my family! If there is anything, anything you want or need just ask and we shall ensure you get it," Doran says to me and struggles to stand up, but he stands and bows deeply to me as do the rest of his family and all the guards present.

"As I told Oberyn, he is one of the few true friends I have and I help those I consider friends no matter the situation. Though I see you are injured I can possibly help with that," I say while inspecting his body with magic and everyone looks at me with even more thankfulness.

"Lord Valtaris, I can not ask you for that, not after every–" Doran begins to say as I cast Greater Restoration since I am unfamiliar with the disease affecting him, so cast the more powerful version of the spell. The spell works as I see the affected foot heal to normal.

"By the gods! My foot! I feel back to my old self!" Doran says feeling the spell take effect and laughs, before anyone says anything he hugs me in happiness.

"Everyone here is a witness to this statement! Lord Valtaris is a friend of Dorne until the end of time and we will always stand beside him and his family should they ever need us regardless of what they ask us!" Doran says and his family smiles agreeing with his statement.

"I appreciate the gesture, though as I said–" I begin to say that it is unnecessary, but Oberyn interrupts me.

"Yes, yes we know. Though the same can be said for us! You are now family Valtaris, like it or not and we Martells stand by our family until the day we die," Oberyn says to me while putting his arm around my shoulder and giving me a smile.

That day the whole city held a feast and celebration for the return of their Prince, Princess, and her children. There were many things going on and everyone got drunk. I noticed Oberyn speaking with a woman who was the daughter of another noble. Seems the noble was not happy with the situation but said nothing.

Later that night I noticed Oberyn disappeared and the woman he was talking with earlier too. The father of the woman was asking around for her, while I walked away to not get involved with a fight that was sure to break out. As my time with Oberyn taught me just how often that would happen.

I found myself in the family library once again walking around to see if there are any new books or ones that I missed the last time I was there. As I was walking around the room I heard someone enter the library, at first, I assumed it was the maester. Though the female voice told me otherwise as they called my name seeing me. I turned to see Oberyn and Doran's sister Elia in the room. 

"Princess Elia," I say greeting her and she just smiles at me.

"Oh stop with the honorifics! I owe you more than I could ever repay, plus as my brothers' said you are family," Elia says to me and I just smile nodding my head.

"What can I do for you Elia?" I say to her.

"I just wanted to thank you and talk with you. As I only know you from the stories of others and not well personally. I hoped we could just speak and learn more about you personally," Elia says to me.

"Sure," I say and gesture to a chair and table nearby. We both take seats and talk most of the night away as I tell her more about myself. Then as the night goes on she leaves to go to bed and I spend the rest of the night there.

The next day as I am reading a book that caught my attention. I hear a commotion outside, curious I place the book down and go outside. There I see Oberyn has been challenged to a duel by the same father of the woman Oberyn was speaking with last night. The man seemed angered that Oberyn slept with his daughter and had no intention of marrying her after.

As most of the other nobles in the city and people gathered to witness this duel. Doran and Elia gave Oberyn a look of annoyance at his antics. As they only arrived yesterday and Oberyn already started a commotion. The duel began and the man stood no chance against Oberyn who toyed with him. Eventually, Oberyn won the duel, but greatly embarrassed the noble even now slighting the family twice.

"Fuck. Now we must figure out even faster where to send you and the kids. Plus Oberyn will have to be punished, he went too far this time," Doran says worrying that now the noble will sell out his sister's location and possibly try to start a civil war in Dorne.

"I can take your sister back to my homeland. I will ensure she and her children are well taken care of," I say to them after I considered the idea last night.

"Lord Valtaris, you already did so much for us. We cannot ask you to put your neck on the line for us any more than you already have," Doran says and Elia nods her head agreeing with her brother.

"I insist, plus Oberyn can come too. He will need to leave Dorne for a while now I imagine. He always wanted to see my homeland too," I say to them and Doran sighs but nods his head agreeing with me.

"Then I once again thank you for everything you have done for my family," Doran says while looking at Oberyn who is still gloating over his victory.

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