A True Dragon in GOT


(Talrit POV)

The following week, Doran had a ship prepared to take us to my homeland. Oberyn, Elia, her kids, and apparently the woman Oberyn came to possibly love, Ellaria Sand.  Ellaria Sand was the bastard of House Uller, the Lord that Oberyn dueled and embarrassed. Though apparently with Oberyn taking her with us and being 'banished' the Lord of House Uller was appeased to a certain degree.

Doran shared a heartfelt goodbye with his siblings who he may never see again. Though I did tell him he could visit anytime, to just send me a message with the ring I gave him similar to Oberyn's ring. I made one for each sibling so they could keep in contact with each other and me. Once we all boarded the ship we made our way to 'Naath'.

The island is located south of my people's land. There the ship would leave us and my people would send a ship to pick us up. My people were informed beforehand to send a ship there to pick us up. They would show up a day after we are dropped off.

The ship ride to Naath was long and boring as there was not much to do. Though Oberyn and his new lover kept each other occupied for most of the time. While Elia and her kids would play games all day. As I brought a few books with me to keep me occupied.

As we arrived in Naath, and like the stories it has a beautiful tropical climate, filled with palm trees, and is famed for its butterflies. The natural nature here was amazing filled with beauty better than any other land I've seen, except for my people's land. Though that may be a biased opinion.

Either way, we spent the day and night there, Oberyn and his lover disappeared to enjoy the locals as they put it. While Elia and her kids stayed with me enjoying the beach and ocean. We slept in the one Inn they had on the island for the rare travelers they received.

Once the next day came right after sunrise I saw my people's ship in the distance pulling close to the side of the island that holds few people. I brought Elia and her kids then after we found Oberyn and his lover entangled with a handful of locals, we headed to the north side of the island.

"I should warn you all. That my people may look frightening to you at first, but they are all very kind and will not harm you as they follow my orders without question," I say to them since I haven't mentioned that my people are not human. Though Oberyn has more experience in that regard.

"Listen we trust you and wouldn't have come this far if we didn't trust you with our lives. So lead the way, brother," Oberyn says to me as his sister, her kids, and even his lover smile at me showing how much they trust me.

I nod my head and lead them to the very north of the island. There I see my people have sent a dinghy to ferry us back to the main ship. My people all kneeled to me at my appearance as Oberyn and his family stare at the dragonborn with wide eyes.

"My god we are here as requested. Are these the honored guests?" the leader of the group asks me in draconic while looking at the Martells.

"Yes these are the ones I consider good friends and will be treated as such while they remain in our care," I say back to him and he nods his head.

"Everyone this is the captain of the ship we are going to sail on. As you can tell they are not humans and are known as dragonborn," I say to the Martells who are still staring at my people, though Oberyn snaps out of it quicker.

"Well shit, here I thought I saw it all," Oberyn says with a chuckle while walking toward the dinghy. The rest quickly follow, but are slightly nervous around the very large dragonborn. Especially the kids, but the friendly atmosphere my people are giving off eases them.

"So… Uh… What exactly are you to them?" Oberyn asks me as we board the ship.

"I am… I helped lead them and made sure they prospered as best they could. Until recently I felt I needed to be there for them to ensure their safety, their King has led them very well. There fore I could leave them and not feel their safety was an issue," I say to Oberyn and his family.

"Oh!... Are there other humans that live among you all?" Elia asks while looking at the captain of the ship who has given the order to return to the Golden City now that everyone is on board.

"Yes, our god has found and brought humans to our city. Since then they have been integrated into our culture, taking to it very easily. They have even begun to mate and increase the human population among our people," the Captain says as the ship begins to move.

"Follow my lieutenant, she will show you to your courters on the ship. It will take us a day or two to reach our city," the Captain says to the Martells while I stay outside to speak with the Captain.

"Tell me how everything is since I last appeared," I say to the Captain who nods his head and begins telling me to the best of his abilities about the few changes that happened since I've been gone.

Since the trip was in our favor, we arrived in the city the next day in the late afternoon. The Martells came out and Oberyn realized we entered the lands the humans called Old Valyira. The nervousness and fear were immediate since he has heard many stories and rumors that circle the lands here.

"Valtaris, this is–" Oberyn begins to say with the nervousness evident in his voice making the rest of his family look around confused.

"Yes, I know. Though the things you heard are not all true. This land is the home to my people and we can ensure your safety as long as you remain here with us," I say to Oberyn and his family reassuring them.

"We trust you," Elia says to me with a nervous smile after seeing and hearing her brother's look and statement.

Once we came into view of my people's capital, 'The Golden City', the Martells all stood still in shock and awe at the sight. The majesty that is my people's capital is like nothing else in this world. As my people have grown and evolved with magic, which extremely advanced their culture. From the floating towers to the giant creatures, and the 'dragons' that fly around here commonly.

"HOLY SHIT!! DRAGONS!!" Oberyn says pointing to the several dragons which are flying around the city and going about their jobs here.

"Dragons? Those are not dragons! They are wyverns! There is only one true dragon here and that is our god!!" the Captain says with some anger in his voice at the confusion the Martells showed on the wyverns while gesturing to me.

They all stop and look at me confused. I just give an awkward smile as the Captain looks between us and falls to his knees at me.

"My god I apologize I did not know you were hiding your true self from them," the Captian says to me in draconic with disappointment and anger in his voice for his failure to me in his mind.

"Relax, I was going to tell them eventually. You did not fail me, though in the future try to hold back your anger from those who are ignorant of the real world," I say to the captain who bows his head even deeper happy at my forgiveness.

"I was going to tell you all eventually, but it is true. I am not human, but a true dragon. Here I will show you just remember it is me and I mean you no harm," I say to the Martells while teleporting away from the ship further into the ocean and changing to my true form.

I give a light roar to tell the island inhabitants that their 'god' has returned. The Martells like all humans and beings that have seen me for the first time stare in awe. As the rest of the island returns my call hearing my 'greeting' to them. With a chuckle, I look back toward the Martells who are still on the ship even though it docked.

"How does it feel to be considered a friend of a true dragon?" I ask Oberyn with a teasing voice snapping them out of their surprised looks.

"Like my life will never be the same," Oberyn says with a chuckle having quickly gotten over his shock, he has experienced much more of the world than any of his other family so he just shrugged off all these new experiences.

"Oberyn! How can you be so calm! The world is so much crazier than we knew!" Elia says looking at her brother's nonchalant attitude, while his lover also gives him a confused look.

"I am aware sister. Did you think the whole time on my journey I did not experience some crazy things? I mean this place makes it to the top and now that we know Valtaris–" Oberyn says.

"My real name is Talrit. Valtaris is just the fake name I use among humans and other mortals," I say to them, and they all just nod. Then I shift back to my human form and teleport back to the ship.

"Come, I will show you the city and then the palace where the King stays," I say while motioning for them to follow me.

As we walk through the city they all just take in the sights and even see the humans I brought back from the ruins of Valyria. Then as we slowly make our way through the city for a few hours and night begins to fall. The lights around the city begin to light as the magic crystals enchanted with the 'light' spell take effect. Making sure the city has enough light for the people still going about their business.

Eventually, we arrive at the palace in the center of the city. There we Rokgar and his family waiting for us at the bottom having gotten word of our arrival and approach. His family all kneeled to me along with the other dragonborn in the area. Though like usual I told them to rise after they greeted me respectfully.

"Everyone, this is King Rokgar Belgrax, his mate Queen Emrir Belgrax, their son Prince Lilther Belgrax and their daughter Princess Irdis Belgrax," I say to the Martells introducing them to the royal family of the dragonborn.

"These are my good friends the Martells. This is Oberyn Martell, his mate Ellaria Sand, his sister  Elia Martell, and her children Rhaenys and Aegon Targaryen," I say to the royal family as the Martells bow their heads in respect.

"I appreciate the hospitality and help you are showing my family. As the friends of Val– Talrit, you are friends of us Martells," Oberyn says to them with his proper noble etiquette showing.

"That is no problem. Any friend of our god is a friend of our people," Rokgar says returning the gesture.

"Come, we have prepared a welcome feast for you all," Rokgar says while motioning for them to follow inside the great pyramid that is the palace.

The feast had many types of dishes, from common ones I have seen my people make to ones that are of human origin. Seems Rokgar had the cooks make some human dishes which I am sure they asked the humans in the city about. Rokgar and his family spoke a lot with the Martells learning more about them. As the Martells asked many questions about pretty much everything. Overall the night was long and entertaining seeing how much the Martells are excitedly learning about my people.

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