A True Dragon in GOT


(Talrit POV)

A year came and went, with my writing down about my adventures and drawing a very detailed map of the world, along with smaller maps detailing certain places of interest I visited. I also found the dragon turtles that came here at my invitation all that time ago. They live near the rocky cliffs a few miles south of our city. Once in a while they would come and visit my people just to keep in touch with their now fellow clan members.

Elia Martell and her children became very well aquatinted with the Royal family here on the island. She has grown close with Queen Emrir and seems to be considering having her family live their days out here. As Elia is not sure she even wants her kids to return to Westeros, as it would certainly spark another war for the 'Iron Throne'.

As for Oberyn and his now wife in all but name Ellaria Sand, they stayed here, and once they had their fill with seeing everything they could. I am even sure the two have fornicated with some of my people. Oberyn saw his sister with her kids and had heard rumors before he returned to Westeros about the bastards he sired in Essos. With now wanting to find his bastards he left with his lover to go find some of his bastards to give them a better life.

Once he found the ones he could and convinced them to come with him, he would return here with his bastard children. He left a few weeks before I finished mapping everything and writing everything I experienced. Then after I finished my project, I decided to see the Dothraki people and then explore Sothoryos like I originally planned before Oberyn called for my help.

"Are you really leaving?" Elia asked me as I was the last person here that she knew and was close to before forming friendships with some of my people.

"Yes, I have not seen everything this world has to offer still. I want to ensure I see everything I can and record it for my people. They may view me as a 'god' but I know I am not one and I even have a day when I die. I can feel I have a decent amount of time left, but anything can happen. I want to ensure my people can be prepared for anything that may come their way, especially when I am no longer there to help them," I say to Elia explaining that my curiosity about the world is not my only motivation.

"You make a great King. As you truly care about your people and do everything you can to ensure they live good lives," Elia says and I just smile at her while giving her one last hug goodbye along with her kids who have begun calling me Uncle Talrit.

"I will return, though maybe not before your brother. If that is the case make sure he doesn't fuck anything up before I return," I say to her and she laughs nodding her head.

I then teleport into the sky and turn to my real form flying Northeast, in the direction of Vaes Dothrak. Which is the only city that the Dothraki people have, as they are very war-driven people and nomadic. It lies in the shadow of a single, vast peak known by the Dothraki as the 'Mother of Mountains'. The entrance to Vaes Dothrak is marked by two large statues depicting a pair of stallions.

I read and heard that Vaes Dothrak is a place of peace where the Dothraki khalasari may gather and meet to trade, but not to fight. Therefore it is forbidden to draw a sword while in the city, under penalty of death. However, the restriction is specifically on drawing a bladed weapon or shedding blood. But should the need arise, it is permissible to kill someone in the city using other lethal means, like strangulation or burning. Even so, due to the respect the Dothraki has for the city, violence within it is rare.

As I flew over Essos once again I passed by Slaver's Bay and 'The Dothraki Sea' which is a vast plain with extremely rare trees between the sea of grass fields. Among the vast plains were herds of wild horses and few villages. I even saw some of the gnolls raiding some villages or fighting a Dothraki khalasari. Both parties fought extremely well and violently, though most of the Dothraki khalasari outnumbered the gnolls, making the battle in their favor.

I slowly closed in on the large city called Vaes Dothrak, which like the stories say is just under a very large mountain in the middle of this field. I remained above the city very high and invisible, but at the same time, I noticed another draconic presence in the city. One I was naturally familiar with as it was another metallic dragon, the first I will have met in this new world. My excitement to meet another metallic dragon as very high as I dove to the mountain where I assume it resided.

As I landed on the mountain, I saw a large cave where some of the Dothraki people would do certain rituals from the decorations inside and surrounding it. I shifted to my human form and dropped my invisibility as an extremely beautiful woman with raven-colored hair, and amber eyes, came out of the cave. She was covered in war paint, feathers, and other natural animal parts.

I could tell she was the dragon that I sensed here and after I dropped my invisibility spell. We stared at one another for a few seconds before she broke out with a huge smile. And ran over to me giving me a hug which I was too stunned to return at first. Though I returned the hug with a confused face as even most metallic dragons are not his friends, except for Brass Dragons, which I now believe she is.

"I am so glad I met you! You are the first dragon I met outside the blue jerk south of my people," the woman says with a happy and peppy voice while referring to Onthren who did not inform me about her. Which annoyed me, but not enough to go there and 'discipline' him.

"What brings you here? Are there others like us? What kind are you? Are you a gold dragon? You look and smell like one," the woman says to me bombarding me with questions while looking at me inspecting my human form, and sniffing me. Her attitude is something I am not used to as she seems very high-spirited and energetic.

"Yes I am a gold dragon, I am Talrit. Nice to–" I say introducing myself.

"Nice to meet you too Talrit!! I am Zathori! Though my people call me 'The Wise Woman of the Moutain' or just 'The Wise Woman'. I've been here for a millennia or two now and they think I am the voice of their god. Though really I've just been helping them live and watching over them. They are so interesting and this city is always getting new people!" Zathori says to me with her happy face, as my brain short circuits a bit trying to process this Brass Dragon's crazy attitude.

"Can you take a minute to calm down?" I say putting my hand up and rubbing my forehead as she kept talking about everything and anything.

"Oh sorry! I just haven't had someone to talk to that knows about the real me! Everyone here just is too scared to speak to me or only comes to me for advice," Zathori says and I just stare at her.

"Ok… To answer your other questions. Yes, there are several other dragons throughout the world, though you are the first metallic dragon I met in my travels.  I came here to see this city and learn more about the Dothraki," I say to her while holding my hand up to keep her from interrupting as her face looks like it is about to explode from wanting to talk nonstop to me about anything and everything.

"Great! Then I can take you around the city and show you around!! No one will bother you if they see you with me! Plus I will just tell them you are a good friend of mine, I mean you are my friend right?" Zathori says to me grabbing my hand and pulling me down toward the city below us.

"Uh, yeah we are friends," I say while following after her and contemplating how I got to this point.

Once we reach the bottom of the mountain and walk into the city below. Many people stop and look at Zathori bowing their heads to her as she passes. While they eye me with curious looks but say nothing. I also noticed Zathori's attitude did a one-eighty when we entered the city, she went from a bubbly talkative woman to a cold demeanor and an icy look in her eyes.

'Does she not know she is doing that? Maybe that is why no one here wants to approach her outside a necessary reason?' I think to myself as I follow after Zathori as she walks me around the city.

The city is not what I expected it to be considering the rumors and stories surrounding the Dothraki people. It was actually a nice place with many traders selling their goods all across Essos. With the Dothraki people are seemingly calm and looking like any other human. Though in the center of this city was the largest building, a place that appears to hold the widows of previous Khals, which are the 'Kings' or Horse Lords in charge of their group of warriors known as a 'khalasari'. These widows are called ' Dosh Khaleen' and are the rulers of this city, more like the elders of the city.

"The Dosh Khaleen serve as seers foretelling the future and interpreting omens for the Dothraki. Even powerful Khali and fierce male Dothraki warriors fear disobeying the will of the Dosh Khaleen," Zathori says to me as we approach the middle building.

"I am their leader and all major decisions are made by me. Or enforced by me," Zathori says as we stand outside the large building where many rituals and other religious practices are held as Zathori explains to me.

As we are standing outside the temple/home or whatever they consider it, a few older women come outside. They speak to Zathori while eyeing me with some suspicion in their eyes. Zathori speaks back to them with a commanding tone to them, they nod before turning around and walking back inside. I look at Zathori curiously and she just gives the older women one last look of annoyance before turning to me.

"They were questioning why I was walking around with an 'outsider' and who you are," Zathori says to me.

"I basically told them to stop questioning me and that you are a friend of our people. They will spread the word that you are not to be touched outside the city also," Zathori says to me and I just nod my head.

"Now let me show you the rest!" Zathori says to me with some of her original excitement reentering her voice. As I just sigh as she drags me along to see the rest of the city.


AN: The Average Gold Dragon Personality according to DND:

It was common for gold dragons to appoint themselves with quests to promote good. Those that earned a gold dragon's fury found a relentless enemy who would not rest until the utter and complete subjugation of the evildoers. Either by slaying or by bringing villains to justice, a gold dragon's only acceptable outcome was a complete victory over evil.

When looking for a lair, gold dragons usually sought secluded and remote locations. They had a preference for idyllic or picturesque locations, such as rivers or the bottom of lakes, cave complexes, ancient ruins, deep gorges, high plateaus, or mist-covered islands. They also had a preference for rolling hills, open plains, and in some rare cases even within humanoid communities which they have chosen to protect. They were very private creatures, mostly keeping to themselves and their families and rarely fraternizing with other dragons.

Older gold dragons were capable of shapeshifting into humanoid or beast forms. They usually spent most of the time in this form, even within their lairs. When traveling, it was common for a gold dragon to assume a particularly non-threatening form in order to put adventurers at ease, as well as to observe local communities and catch up on gossip and news of the outside world. In many cases, the dragon would use its disguise to provide help, company, and comfort to those in need, or to set up traps for evildoers by using itself as bait.

Strong believers in the greater good and in the rule of order, gold dragons were sometimes viewed as arrogant and dismissive. They tended to avoid philosophical or ethical discussions with beings they deemed inferior, although they enjoyed arguing in favor of the law. Due to their vast superiority with respect to the average humanoid, they often had difficulty in understanding the everyday troubles and needs of communities and in some rare instances might even end up becoming tyrants.

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