A True Dragon in GOT


(Talrit POV)

As I spent a few months among the Dothraki in Vaes Dothrak, they have come to ignore my presence. Especially the Khals of larger Khalasar would not associate with me, the others would speak with me. I also learned their language after a few days living here, plus Zathori helped with that. Most of my time would be spent with her following me around or watching the rituals she would perform for the Dothraki. 

Zathori may be a very hyperactive brass dragon, but she is still fun to be around. Plus I find it funny how her personality does a one-eighty when she is around the Dothraki, versus when she is alone with me. I also told her about my people and what I have experienced in my time here. We became quick friends as she was the only other metallic dragon I have met in my time here, plus she reminds me a bit of Oberyn. 

After learning everything I could, I prepared to leave and fly back south to Sothoryos. As that was the last known land I have yet to explore. I told Zathori she was welcome anytime to visit my people or me. As she told me the same, that I am welcome back here anytime. Once the sun broke the horizon, I teleported into the air casting invisibility on myself and turning to my true form, flying south to Sothoryos.

On my way south, I passed by Onthren’s ruined city of a liar and the Gnoll's main living area. Deciding to drop down and just surprise him, I land in front of the city with Onthren waiting for me. As he remembered my magical signature and I could tell he was nervous at my arrival. I stared at the fear-filled Gnolls and Onthren who all kept quiet waiting for me to speak. 

“You lied to me Onthren… I just met the Brass Dragon north of you and the leader of the Dothraki, who the Gnolls fight regularly,” I say to him and the fear inside him increases. 

“Elder Talrit… I thought you knew of–” Onthren begins to say to me. 

“Quiet fool!... But do not worry, I am not here to kill you. You seem to forget that we metallic dragons are not like you chromatic ones. We do not kill over the smallest of slights, just know, you no longer have even the slightest trust from me. I will be keeping a close eye on you from now on, to ensure you do not bring great harm to others,” I say to Onthren who relaxes hearing my statement, but then glares hearing my subtle threat at the end. 

“I understand, Elder Talrit,” Onthren says to me and I just grunt at this prideful and arrogant fool of a dragon. 

“Then do not make me come back here again,” I say taking off and resuming my journey south to Sothoryos.

Just Northwest a few miles from the main coast of Sothoryos, there is a set of Islands called ‘The Basilisk Isles’. Which was a once-populated land back during the Valyrian Empire with the main city/prison called ‘Gogossos’. Though now all remain in ruins as a plague swept through it killing most of the population with the rest escaping to the mainland of Sothoryos. 

There they formed three known cities which are now in ruins too, ‘Zameitar’ the main trading hub city, and just like Slaver’s Bay, a main slave-trading city. One inner city is called ‘Yeen’ and another coastal city is called ‘Gorosh’. All were destroyed by the supposed creatures that now roam the lands. Like most unexplored places, rumors, and legends surround it saying great creatures roam the lands. 

As I approached the Basilisk Isles I saw the jungle that was covering the islands. There were many creatures one would expect from the jungle. Though as I suspected there were no actual Basilisks roaming the islands. After walking around the ruined city in my human form, I turned back to my true form and flew to the mainland of Sothoryos. 

Just like the islands past its coast, the land was a huge jungle with trees covering every inch of the land. There was a large clearing near the river that swept through the land, but other than that the land was mostly jungle. As I traveled, I noticed saber tooth cats roaming the jungle below and some dinosaurs like the ones found on my land. 

This land reminded me a lot of my clan’s lands. I might inform them to begin colonizing this land next. Though what I saw next made me decide against it. As I saw a creature that was extremely rare in my old world. One that even ancient dragons avoided if possible, a ‘Tarrasque’. The beast was a full 50ft (15m) tall and 70ft (21m) long quadruped with a long tail, reflective carapace, and two large horns on its head. The tarrasque was impossible to frighten or charm and had resistance to every kind of damage imaginable.

Seeing me the creature let out a roar showing its complete lack of fear to me and charged me. I stood my ground and for the first time in an extremely long time, I released my fire breath. Which came out as a very dark blue color, showing just how hot my fire became. This fire instantly melted the ground to magma, the trees to ash and the Tarrasque screeched as it burned. 

The beast lasted longer than any other creature would have in my fire breath. Maybe a few seconds as others would instantly turn to ash. Finishing my fire breath I saw the amount of destruction that it caused, which unfortunately I am sure killed hundreds if not thousands of other creatures. As the line of melted earth stretched on for a few miles from my position and was just as wide too. This land now had a scar that was placed on it for centuries to come.

‘I apologize to those killed by proxy of my attack,’ I say while bowing my head slightly to the dead creatures I accidentally killed in my breath attack. As I instinctually released it when the Tarrasque charged me. 

The longer I explored these lands I came to realize that the Tarrasque I found earlier was not alone. As there were other Tarrasques roaming the lands and instead of blasting them with my fire, I would just fly away avoiding them. This place appears to be a death sentence to any creatures outside myself and other dragons of the wyrm stage or older. 

I could see the continent continued even further south, so I spent as much time here as I could to see what else is there. Though outside the many deadly creatures that would wreak havoc on the world, if they got loose, nothing else was here. I then began my journey home, as I was gone for over two years now. 

(AN: Making it 285 AC, three years after Robert Baratheon was named King.)

The journey back home took a few months, as I traveled very far south to the point where the jungle turned into another icy wasteland. Though weirdly enough there were no living beings around there. Once I caught sight of my people’s main city and my volcano I let out a roar informing them of my arrival. As always I was greeted with welcomed roars and my people cheering for my return. 

Landing in the ocean near the port of the city, I shifted to my human form and teleported to the port. Where I greeted my clan and made my way to the main pyramid. Outside I was greeted by Rokgar, his family, and the Martells. Though this time there were two young girls one slightly older than the other and a baby in the arms of Ellaria. The bastard daughters of Oberyn who he found and brought back with him, plus I am assuming his newest with his lover Ellaria. 

They each bowed to me respectfully, having taken after the customs of my people. Then before I could chide them for not having to do that, Oberyn and the others gave me a group hug. 

“We missed you brother!” Oberyn says while they all hug me with the two young girls standing to the side nervously looking at me. 

“Brother, these are my two daughters. Obara and Nymeria, plus the newest addition Tyene,” Oberyn says to me introducing me to the two young girls and the baby in the arms of Ellaria. 

“Hello young ones,” I say with a kind smile and they nod their heads shyly to me. 

“I’m working on getting them to be more sociable. You should have seen their faces when I brought them here,” Oberyn whispers to me while giving his daughters a loving smile. 

“I’m sure it matched you and your family’s when you all came here,” I say with a chuckle while we all walk inside the pyramid, as Rokgar ordered a feast to be prepared for my return. 

As the feast was prepared, I caught up with everyone and what happened while I was gone. I then told them about my journeys and that Sothoryos should be avoided at all costs for now. The next few days flew by as I got to know Oberyn’s daughters better and everyone else talked with me. 

Then time went by with a decade coming and going. During this time, Zathori came to visit my clan and the others living here. Oberyn trained his daughters in the way he fights, along with his daughters learning some magic from my clan. Elia’s children joined them in learning how to fight from Oberyn and magic from my clan. Doran even came to visit and like the others was surprised at what he saw. 

Though I trusted him to not share what he learned here with anyone else. During this time my clan now fully took over the lands surrounding our capital. Oberyn convinced my people to call their nation something, as it was only a matter of time before the world knew what really existed in Old Valyria. The agreed name was ‘Draconica’ the land of dragons. 

During my free time during these years, I finished mapping the world I saw and writing down my experiences. Once I finished that I began to experiment with my mage seeing if I could learn new or more spells. I came up with a spell called ‘Ravenous Void’ which would create a black sphere 20ft (6m) in diameter. This sphere would change the gravity in a 100ft (30.5m) area crushing everything under its intense gravity. Every few seconds the sphere would pulse and draw anything within the 100ft (30.5m) radius closer to it, crushing it even more as it came closer to the sphere. 

I also made a spell that cancels all other magic around me and makes it impossible to cast magic near me. The spell is called ‘Antimagic Field’ making a 100ft (30.5m) diameter circle centered on me. Another spell I learned was one to cause an earthquake, which would become more powerful and have a larger effect with the more magic I poured into the spell. 

The last spell I made I called ‘Sunburst’ which became the most powerful spell I now have. I can cast this spell within 1000ft (305m) meters of myself, as it creates a spark of fire that implodes in on itself, creating an explosion in a 500ft (152m) radius destroying everything in the area in a firestorm of death. Though I can only use this spell in my human form as it requires the hands of a human to properly be used. 

Spending my time here with my people and the Martells was extremely enjoyable. As they would keep me wondering what would happen every day. Plus it was nice having people around that did not treat me like a god. Oberyn would also keep me updated with what was happening in Westeros as his brother would send messages informing them of the current ongoings. 


(AN: Sunburst is different in DND, but I put my own spin on it. Making it more like a magical nuke. Also, I updated the spell list adding these and their descriptions).

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